Poge4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 6, 1950 Queen's Dance Al Monument Social Event of Season By MILLIE WILSON The high school's queen dance on Saturday night was a huge sucoens horn Irom entertainment and financial standpoint. At midnight Patsy Forrest was crowned queen of the high Bchool by Clarence Holmes, with a very impressive ceremony. Laura Lee Shank was crown bearer. The queen and her at tendants. Darlene and Anita Moore, wore formals. The attend ants were escorted by Larry Holmes and Gary Gregg. After the coronation, Queen Patsy drew the names of the winners of the many prizes given away. The prizes were donated to the school by the business houses in town and over the county in general. Several were donated by individuals. Queen Patsy is a local girl and has spent her entire 14 years in Monument. Last year's queen. Caroline Asher, was lovely in a dark gray suit and corsage of white carna tions. She presented Queen Patsy with her wand. Queen Patsy will rule until next year's queen is chosen. Caroline also spoke over the Mike to announce the names of the people who so generousiy donated the prizes and very graciously thanked each one. Several cars of young people drove to Dayville Sunday eve ning to attend the snow. Shirley Mae Fleming is quite sick again with rheumatic lever Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fleming took her to the hospital in Prairie City on Saturday. Mrs. Mae Leverenz of Court rock spent the weekend in Mon ument. She attended Pomona grange Saturday. Mrs. Leverenz Nationally Advertised Oilburners Floor Samples low as 70 oo Marshall-Wells Store is the teacher in the Courtrock school. Lewis Battv took Mr. Howe to Maryshill the first of the week to attend the funeral of his grandson. Mr. Howe's son op erates the ferry at Maryshill. Bucky Flower, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Leo Flower has been sick :ind has had to drop out of school for the remainder of this year. Thev expect to go to Heppner where Bucky will be under a doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes arc Hrivinc a new Jeel). Mr. and Mrs. uwen .orK ui Portland spent several days visit ing in Monument. They wore guests at the home of Mr. Corks sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek. They attended the high school's queen dance Sat urday night. They left for their home in Portland Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cox of Newton, Kansas arrived Saturday at the home of his brother. Carl Cox. On' Sunday all his brothers and two sisters gathered at the old Cox home at Top to celebrate his home-coming. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Micky Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox, Mrs. Johnnie Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MahPll. Mike Corlev. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cox. This is Archie's first trip home since he joined me nrmv His manv Grant county friends are eiaa to Know ne i home again. Mrs Char es Koacn and aauyn ter Joan were callers at me Wilson home on Sunday. Jack Sweek of Mamatri tans is spending his Easter vacation at the home 01 nis parem, -u and Mrs Earl Sweek. Mr and Mrs. Oscar Stout, Mrs. Arthur Stout and Mrs. Anna Cart. er from VVeiser. Idaho surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty with a short visit. They came inuis day evening and returned Frl dav. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty took Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrow to Fox Sunday where they were forced to leave their car on Sat urday. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leathers, l.ee Leathers and Mrs. Bill Gates were business visitors in Heppner i.n Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and son Spike were in Pendleton on Tuesday. They report the roads ;:s being in bad condition from Monument to Long Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Dane Broadfoot ami Carmel Broadfoot arrived home Tuesday from Eminence, Mo. where they attended the fu neral services for their grand mother. The severe storms over the midwest delayed them on the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gassner took two of their black Angus bulls to Klamath Falls last week. Out of twenty nine entered theirs placed third, lliey soia Doin uuus before returning Tuesday Lynn Forrest accompanied by Chuck VanDetti drove to Ontario io get a load of baled hay for Mr. horrest. Steve Holmes returned this week irom a mrcc wccm San Francisco and otner un fomia cities. Lewis Batty. Master of the Mon ument grange is on tne sick iim n,ic uwk He was unable to at tend the Pomona grange meeting Saturday. There was not such a large crowd at romona tms yeur but it was a very enjoyable meet ing Mrs. and Mrs. Jack Morrow of Prairie ny nau me huoioi- tune to have their car Dreait down as thev were coming ihmiiPh Fox Valley. They called Boyer's store and toio 01 meir plight. Mr. Boyer went for them. They were overnight guests 01 Mr and Mrs. Lewis nauy. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sweek left this week for a few days visit with their daughter and husoanu, Mr and Mrs. Jack Couture in Fossil. From there they will go to Heppner to visit their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. rsed sween and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Massey. o Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson left Tuesday morning for Clack amas to spend the week and the Easter holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Putman and family. Mrs. Putman is their da ugh ter. LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church The way to burn the Devil out is for God's people to get up steam, so let the light of Chris tianily be seen, for lamps do not GRANGE TO SEE MOVIES Orville Cutsforth will show movies taken on the recent air and Mrs. Bob Lesley were' jaunt to Cuba at the regular attending to matters of business ; meeting of Lexington grange Sat in John Dav last Monday. Their ; urriav evening. The tour pictures two sons. Newt and Dean visited will be supplemented with films their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. )iP has developed around home Roy Cork while they were away, and other trips by air and car. -x EASTER STYLE PARADE Suits . . . Shorties . . . Hats . . .Blouses . . . Dressy- Dresses Accessories . . . Children's Hats . . . NORAH'S SHOP I0IIE STUDENT BODY presents The Mountain House Mystery A Three-act Play SCHOOL AUDITORIUM - lone 8:00 p.m. - April 12, 1950 Admission (including tax) Adults 50c Students 35c Reserved 65c tulk, they shine, and great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. C hurch school 10 a.m., worship and preaching 11 a.m. Singing and preaching p.m. Need Envelopes? Or Letter Heads? Phone I The Gazette Times Dance and Pie Social Tuesday Evening, April 1 1 CIVIC CENTER PAVILION Old Time Square Dancing Starts at 8 o'clock ADMISSION PRICK: One Home Baked Pie which will be auctioned coffee at the lunch hour. and served with Sponsored by Degree of Honor ....WWW.H.....M Wtf'ff.'ww wr'iq -.. .' ' X Fott& tin fat car Hmrfoncdv Hit tonka1 hWwM Fashion Acnhmy mobl in two consacufht yaa AU the world of Fashion loolti to New York'i famed Fashion Academy u an authority on ttyle. So it's no wonder Ford is proud to re ceive their medal as "Fashion Car of the Year" for the ttcond itraihl ytar. Never before was a car honored by two Fashion Academy Awards in l row! Here's proof that Ford has aucceeded in bringing style to the low-price Seld-style even far costlier cars can't match. "It's the mm n car in Hi leW" Namodsfhn Car of Hit fatr ucond ytar in a row And handsome is as handsome does. A 'Test Drive" will show you the quality that makes the '50 Furd the one fine car in its field. You'll feci the smooth, quiet getaway power of Ford's new V-8 engine (or advanced "Six" if you prefer). You'll feel the 35 easier acting King Size Brakes. You'll feel the "Mid Ship" comfort of Ford's 13-way stronger "Life guard" Body . , . now "sound-conditioned." Yes, here's quality you'll see, hear and feci when you "Test Drive" the '50 l ord. 'liaf S i ..' 1 : T 1 1 1 i - - f, :jr". ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. We of the CASE FURNITURE COMPANY are Proud to Announce The Opening of Our New PLUMI N OEPA RTME Under the Management of FRANK BAKER Featuring Kohler - Standard and Briggs Fixtures-Complete Repair Service, New or Old Work Evening 974 Phone 862 CASE FURNITURE COMPANY