Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 30, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Lexington Notes
Charles Hoffman who has
been visiting his cousin Albert
Harlow left Saturday for his
home in Yakima, Washington.
Mrs. ('. C. Jones is spending
lite week in Pendleton where
she is attending the school for
census enumerators.
Miss Edith Edwards of Spo
kane was a week end guesl at
the home of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Edwards. They also
hail as a guest Lot E. Johnson
of Portland who is a brother of
Mrs. Edwards.
Orald Baker took a carload
of hoys to McMinnvillo Saturday
to uttend a science riomomitia
tion at Linfield college. Boys
making the trip were Ronald
Ku hi, Denny McMillan, Earl
Miller, David Buchanan, Honald
Peck and Max Breeding.
Are You
Wardrobe -Ready
for Spring?
IS'ow's the
time to let
us refresh
your spring
and summer
wear! 15e an
early-bird . .
your clothes to us now
lor the careful, expert
treatment that spells
gootl-s room ins! Call us
today and he ready to
greet spring with a
wardrobe that really
Are You Ready?
EE Your cheapest and surest messengers arc-
H Blotters, Folders, Circular Letters, Business Cards, Letter-
H heads, Envelopes,-Yes, we print Checks, Vouchers,
H Labels, in fact anything where the use of modern type and
good paper are required. '
Turn those surp!us articles, around the home, into cash
through our Classified ads-ihey speak loudly.
Heppner Gazette
s PHONE 882
Eugene Sawyer who has been and Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch of
staying at the Dan Way home i Heppner were Saturday evening
has moved and is now staying at I dinner guests at the A M. Ed
Ihe Papineau home for the re-1 wards home,
mainder of the school year. Superintendent J. S. Feathers
The girls of the Lexington high i took the junior and senior classes
school attended a play day in of the high school to lone Mon
fone Saturday. I day morning to hear the talk
Jack Miller of Portland spent10'1 eovernment by Giles French,
ihe spring vacation from college a"d representatives of local gov
visitiiiB friends here. He Wiis ernmenls. Others attending from
taken to Arlington Sunday by
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hunt.
Donald Hunt, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt, who has
had pneumonia, is reported much
improved and on the road to
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Padberg
held o)K-n house Saturday after
noon and evening and many
friends came to see their new
home which is one of the finer
homes in Lexington. Among out
of town guests were Mrs. Elisha
Sperry, mother of Mrs. Padberg
and Venus Ahalt of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Osmin (Char,
lolle Sperry) of Lewlston, fdaho
and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bissinger
of Pendleton.
Mrs. Carl Whillock of Hepp
ner visited friends and relatives
here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Edwards
W ;
. send V S, ?i S
Phone 2592 fQM
Have You Checked Your
Printing Supplies?
the New People Coming in know
what you Have to Offer?
here were Adolf Maieske, Mrs.
C. C. Carmichael and Mrs. A. M.
Mrs Oscar Breeding entertained
the 4-H cooking club al her home
Monday honoring the birthdays
of Betty Lou Messenger, Donna
Kobinson and Beverly Nolan.
Those present were Shirley Hunt,
Clara Griffith, Betty Lou Mes
senger, Phylis Nolan, Donna Rob
inson, Joan Breeding, Beverly No
lan and Patty McMillan.
Mrs. Z. F. Cantrell is in the
hospital in Pendleton where she
will undergo surgery iriuay.
Kinzua Teachers
Hosts to Wheeler
County OSTA Unit
Kinzua's teachers were hosis
Monday evening to the Wheeler
county unit of the Oregon Stale
Teachers association. A business
meeting at which there was an
election of officers was held, fol
lowed by a buffet supper at the
Jeffmore hall kitchen. Mrs. John
Curl of Mitchell was elected pres
ident and W. W. Cook of Fossil,
vice president. Mrs. Stanley Rob
inson is the outgoing president.
A large number of people at
tended open house at Fossil Fri
day marking dedication of the
new high school. The band play
ed and there was a fine pro
gram. The management had a ban
quet for the safety committee
Friday evening at the hotel. Two
representatives from the state
were present to speak. All bosses
and foremen were present.
Carl Man:,ky drove the ambit-
Waiting For a Sail
The Modern Merchant
Doesn't wait for SALES
Times j
Heppner Gazette Times,
lance to The Dalles Sunday eve
mg, taking Walter Schawver to
the hospital. He has been suffer
ing with the llu the past week
and took a turn for the worse.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waters and
Dean Smith of frossil were in
Kinzua Monday on business. The
Waters may put in a switch
board here in Kinzua. They are
owners and operators of the Fos
sil exchange.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clark
moved Mr. Hughes ("Old Scotty"
as he was known to his many
friends) to Bend Wednesday to
his new home recently built by
Mike and Nick Matthews, who
formerly lived here. Scotiy was
one of Kinzua's oldest residents,
and was living in the house on
Main street where he cobbled
shoes for many years.
Work was begun this week
changing the channel of the
creek above town in preparing
the right of way for the highway
between here and Camp 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wright were
in Heppner Saturday on business.
The Wrights sold their theater
here this week to Lee Koy Steg
nor, Fossil theater owner who
took immediate possession. It is
understood there will be three
shows a week after April 1.
X.larK bampies is about on
crutches due to an old injury
to his hip several years ago at
Camp 5.
Mrs. Ed Wham, chairman of
the March of Dimes, reports she
and her committee have collect
ed SiW for this worthy cause.
A large number of people at
tended the amateur hour at Con
don Thursday evening. Shirley
Adams won second in her divi
sion, singing. Don brock and
Sonny Matteson accompanied
Mrs. Mike Coleman returned to
her home here with her infant
son, bieven isathtaiL. who was
writ at The Dalles hospital. Mrs.
Thomas McCormick of Florence
has come to be with her sister
for a few days.
Mrs. Harlan Adams and daugh
ter, Joanne and Mrs. Kels Col- j
Ims were in Condon luesday
seeing a dentist.
Those off work with the fill
his week, were Ruth Connor,
Forrest Graham, Fin La Clair,
Walt Shawver and Mrs. Ray
Mrs. Jim Kennedy of Condon
and Mrs. Kenneth Orwick were in
Kinzua Saturday. Mrs. Orwick
was going to Heppner to be with
her husband who underwent an
appendectomy at St. Anthony's
hospital in Pendleton the first
of the week and was to be re
moved to the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orwick in
J. Lee Williams of Modesto,
Calif., was here Wednesday visit
ing his sisters, Dixie Don Bris
bnis and Wikla Adams. He went
to Spray from here to visit his
;ia rents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Freddie F.eard returned to Kin
zua Saturday after completing a
diese'l course" at the Adco.x school
in Portland. Mrs. Beard and son
remained here at the home of
ner brother, Fred Shell.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brogdon, Mr.
and Mrs. Wade Hyatt and W. C.
Freeman were attending to tus-
mess m Pendleton saiuraay
Mrs. Jake Thompson returned
Saturday from Eakalaka, Mont,
where she has been the past
several weeks visiting her sick
Lillian Schott spent several
davs here from Eugene with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott.
She returned to Eugene Sunday
where she is a student at the
University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harrison
:ind son Roland visited over the
week end at Hermiston and Uma
tilla with M. Harrison's mother
nr.d a sister, Mrs. Jim Omahon
dra. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham
went to The Dalles Monday after
noon to consult a doctor for Mr.
Graham who has been sick with
the flu for the past week.
Slip Wright and Marvin Hines
were attending to company bus
iness in Monument and Spray
'3lay you live
Siapp'dif ever
May th days to com
bring vtr-lncrtailnf
Whthr your wddlng
U imall and lntimat of
larg and formal youll
want your frltnds to
know all about it .
whn . , . and whara , . .
and abort all YOUR
So, lt ui help you with
our Announcmnti
uptrlatWo workman
hip on xquUit Strath
Bon paper.
W think lh flnut Uno
la tht stat. Quick do
Urrli and raionably
FREE niik out
copy of tht SriJt'l
Bookln which li
pi aim tht miny
puttlint itliili ol
Wtiili Hi
qurlll, It nmtti
for you II out
Thursday, March 30, 1950
Muroan Ra::
' -Ji OAIE I
LIMIT 15 '?VsM
' ' Iravtlft ScrfVy Senrk
lone School Music
Department Giving
Concert March 31
lone Public schools will pre
sent a combined spring concert,
Friday evening, March 31, at 3
p.m. The beginners band, girls
glee club and high school band
will perform.
rroceeds of the concert will be
for the benefit of purchasing
choir lobes for the girls glee
club and sending t lie high school
band and glee club to the dis
trict music contest at La Grande
on April 21-22.
The program, under the direc
tion of Alan G. Robertson, will
he as follows: Beginners band
My Bonnie; Amaryllis; Yankee
Doodle; Pollywolly Doodle; Play
time Waltz; Eastport March.
Girls glee club Lullaby, by
Noble Cain; Velvet Shoes by
Louise Evans; Tea for Two by
Vincent Youmans; The Green
athedral by Carl Hahn.
High school band Sabo
March by Harold Bennett; Chal
lenger Overture by E. DeLam
ater; High School Cadets March
by John Philip Sousa; (featuring
Joan Reiniiiger. Darlene Madden
ind Wilda Dalzelli; Chapel
Shrine Reveille by Chester Leor.i;
Coronation Marcn by G. Meyer
bct: The Cardinal March by
Pat Lee.
Church Officers
Study Duties and
Plan Year's Work
Elders of the Church of Christ
and their families enjoyed a
special dinner after the Sunday
morning worship service. Preced
ing the meeting, the elders and
the pastor. Glenn Warner, met
in a short meeting discussing
responsibilities of the elders and
the business of the church.
Those present for the dinner and
neetine were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. O.
M. Yeager, Mr and Mrs. Frank
S. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Walker and son Bill. Mrs. Ealor
Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Warner and two children.
The Sunday before the deacons
of the church met in a similar
meeting which followed the din
ner for them and their families.
Attending at that Sunday dinner
:uic! meeting were Mr. and Mrs.
C. N. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
E Parker, Mr and Mrs. Paul
Jones. Garv, Sandra and Ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Jones. Ron
nie and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Warner, Sharon and David.
Monday evening, a large group
of members and friends of the
Church of Christ enjoyed several
leels of movies taken at the
young people's conferences and
buys' camps last summer. Joe
Jewell, former minister here, and
now at Baker, Oregon, showed
the pictures and presented the
needs and plans for this sum
r . i i -iH-'v
lor iki fun in tht lun. y
For information and reservations, call or write:
Local Agent
I? Dill C I I
( PJlASRAPH 6, LINE -h 1 " M
mer's conference program. Mr.
j Warner is spending two weeks.
except tor week ends, at Baker,
assisting Mr. Jewett in a pre
Easter meeting.
Ladd Canyon-North
Powder Section of
"Trail" Contracted
Union County drew a $460,
296.50 highway job at the March
20 meeting of the Commission,
when a contract was let to M.L.
& C.R. O'Neil to build the Ladd
Canyon-North Powder Section of
the Old Oregon Trail highway,
reports Ralph Watson, public
relations consultant for the high
way commission. It is a Federal
project calling for 13.58 miles of
grading and roadbed ballast. The
new road when completed will
shorten the driving distance be
tween La Grande and North
Powder by approximately 7 miles
and iron out some sharp curves
in the present highway.
Incidentally, Ladd Canyon is
the route ot the uregon Iran
over which the pioneers of Ore
gon journeyed in the great trek
oy covered wagon more than a
century ago.
Two contracts let by the High
way Commission Monday will,
when completed, bring the Ocho-
co highway up to high standard
all the way trom mnevilie to
Mitchell, with the exception of
the last 10 miles on the Mitchell
end. which will receive a tem
porary oil treatment, and the 18
mile section in the forest, for
which the contract for surfacing
will be let in a short time by the
Bureau of Public Roads.
Plaguing Snows of
Wirer Prove Boon
To State's Wheat
Snow which plagued Oregon
during much of January and
February has turned into a bles
sing tor many Uregon tarmers.
Ushering in the first day ot
spring this week, county exten
sion agents throughout the state
reported general crop prospects
as excellent for this reason. A
minimum of winter kill took
place in fall seeded crops, they
said, due largely to the unduly
leavy snow cover.
Possible exception, however, is
some tree and trailing cane
fruits which stuck up above the
snow during the sub-zero cold
snap. Peaches and boysenberries
are reported hit by cold weather
in some areas of the state.
In the Columbia basin counties,
winter wheat looks good. Sub
soil moisture is short, however.
due largely to the shortage of
rainfall during 1949. Irrigation
prospects throughout the state
appear favorable. Water supplies
in Lake county, however, appear
on the short side and sheep and
cattlemen are learlul that stock
water will be lacking during the
early spring grazing period east
and north of Lakeview.
Going East? Go union pacific
The county line area between
Harney and Lake counties which
lies just above Nevada promises
to be the nation's grasshopper
hot spot again this year. Eggs,
Entomologist R. W. Every at
O.S.C. declares, are virtually un
affected by cold weather. The
hoppers will commence hatching
beginning in April.
Livestock came through the
winter with only normal losses
being reported. Spotted hay
shortages have been made up
by trucking In out-of-county
supplies and by substituting pro
tein supplements.
As high as 90 percent of the
Easter lily bulbs in some fields
in Curry county were damaged.
Steam pull was the problem re
sulting from the soil crust freez
ing and raising, separating bulbs
me. " "" : perlntendent.
million daffodil blossoms grown, r .
in tho ennntv hrniipht arrainHL llursday. Choir
Zrmet "
depressed market.
mmm irmllkTO
HI IK ft tlr
Bm ky
Glenn Warner, Minister
9:45 a.m. Bible School, C. W.
Barlow, superintendent. W e
have a class for you and every,
one in your family.
11:00 a.m. Morning worship and
communion service. The choir
will sing 'The Palms.
Pastor's sermon will be
perlencing Christ's Triumphal
Entry. Friday, meditation on tne seven
7:30 p.m. Evening service. Mr. 'Words from the Cross, 12 noon
Lewis Wetzel will be bringing jto 3 o'clock; Easter even, from
the message. All welcome. 14 to 5, baptisms (by appoint-
Tuesday 4:00 p.m. Jr. Christian praetices: Girls choir
Endeavor. .Wednesday at 4; adult choir
Thursday 7:30 p.m. Choir prac- Thursday at 8.
'ice- ' Boy Scouts on Wednesday eve-
Friday 7:30 p.m. Good Friday I njrig, 7:30 to 9: archery classes,
service in charge of the Crusader, Saturday morning Boy Scouts
(Young Adult) Class. This will be
an inspirational and worship
service to remind all who come
of the significance of this holy
day. ''j
Saturday 2:30 p.m. Easter pro
gram and tea for mothers and
interested friends of the Bible
School children.
Red Cross goal over $100 on
Saturday March 25th. Some of
the towns and a few solicitors
yet to report. There will be a
final report next week.
Pastor Shelby E. Graves
Sunday 9:45 p.m. Sunday
School. Lesson topic "Jesus, the
Dying Savior."
11:00 a.m. Worship service, a
time of edifacation, exhortation,
and comfort.
7:00 p.m. Youth for Christ.
7:45 p.m. Evangelistic service.
An inspiring song service. Testi
monies that will encourage and
a message from God's word to
prepare you for eternity.
Tuesday 7 to 8 p.m. Youth Bible
Thursday 7:45 p.m. Bible Study
and prayer meeting. I
Friday 7:45 p.m. Bible study 1
in lone.
Our services are happy, hope- J
ful and helpful. Come! J
The Union Easter Sunrise ber
vice will be held in the Assembly
of God Church at 6-a.m. Rev.
Glen Warner, pastor of the
Church of Christ will be bringing
the message. Rev. Palmer' Sorlien,
pastor of the Methodist Church
will be in charge of the song
Your Community Church
Franklin Cantrell, Minister
Not all people with "brass"
are polished and it is the height
of folly to have a good time at
the expense of a guilty or seared
conscience. 1 Tim. 4:2. Hebrews
Buy your
2,4 D Amine
and Ester
at your own store
and save.
Phone 2211
quickly, pleasantly, comfortably
STREAMLINER 'City ot Portland'... earliest
arrival Chicago, fast schedule, no extra fare.
-PORTLAND ROSE" To Denver, Kansas City,
Omaha, Chicago . . . direct connections for St.
Louis, Texas, Southwest and East.
"IDAHOAN" Connecting with "City of St.
Louis" Streamliner to Denver, Kansas City and
St. Louis.
You'll find real travel pleasure when you go Union Pacific. Fares
are low. Accommodations include Pullman berths, roomettes,
bedrooms, compartments, drawing rooms... rest-easy coach scats
...delicious meals... spacious lounges
fr Depearfafcle Tramperleflaa
Page 3
Church school 10 a m. and
preaching 11 a.m. Hebrews fourth
Singing and preaching 7:.T0
p.m. Revelation 9:1.1 to 10:11.
J. Palmer Sorlien. Minister
Palm Sunday, April 2.
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a.m., also at this service
we will have Administration of
the Sacrament of Baptism. Spe
cial music by choir. Paul McCoy,
Sunday Church school at 9:4.1
a.m. A class for every age. Youth
Fellowship class and Adult Bible
class meets at this same hour.
If you do not attend another
Church school you are welcome
with us, we have a class for
'every ag'e 0iver creswick, su-
practice at
W"s Society of Christian
j Service meets the first Wednes
day of each month.
Suzanna Wesley Circle of the
W.S.C.S. meets the third Wed-
nesday of each month at 2 p.m.
j Good Friday April 7, Holy Com-
.munion at 7:30 p.m.
j ' '
I .ft.i - nr.muiui.
CHURCH Episcopal.
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:15 a.m.
Holy communion and sermon,
11 a.m.
Study class. 7:30 p m.
Week day services for Holy
The Week: Wednesday, Holy commu-"Ex-
'nion. 10 a.m.: Maundv Thursday,
iHoly communion 7:30 a.m.; Good
at 9; Girl Scouts at 10; Cub
Scouts at 11.
FOR SALE 194o 4-ton pickup,
stock rack. Earl Marll at corner
house K and Main streets. 2p
All logging or similar opera
tions, within the forest areas of
the State of Oregon where timber
is harvested for commercial pur
poses, are required to obtain a
permit for such operation from
the State Forester, according to
C. F. Y'oumans, forest inspector.
Mr. Youmans states that ap
parently many operators are de
linquent in this respect and calls
attention to the fact that closure
of the operation for non-compliance
may result from failure
to secure such a permit.
Application for this permit
may be obtained from William
Wren, from the Forest Protection
office in Kinzua. Oregon, or by
writing the State Forester in
Salem, Oregon.
For Wood, Cement j
I and Concrete
I Cleans easily retains
1 a
A tough, fast drying finish for
floors and steps of wood,
cement or metal. Easy to
I apply, cleans readily, retains I
its original gloss. Nine popular
j colors, Black and White.
Heppner Hardware
and Electric Co.
jSE J ill