Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 23, 1950 KINZUA NEWS Oiilitiu4 lritn pfige on turning Thursday. Mm. Kmmelt lals and son Carrol and daughter Blanche ol Ume l!Kk visited at the home of her son Homer Saturday and the young people attended the dnnee. Miss Davis took part In the floor show. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Samples and Bud Kopta spent the week end at Kreewater visiting Mr. and Mm. John Kopta. The Samples were also in Walla Walla whore they had eye tests for glasses Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry went to Condon Monday where he consulted his doctor about a leg injury that has kept him off work the past 10 days. O. L. Adams and Lee Brishois attended the smoker at Spra Saturday night. Others going from here were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ruth and W. C, Freeman. Edgar Albert of Portland and Carl McDaniel of Heppner were visiting a short time at the Owen Leathers home Tups.. Al bert was on a business mission to cut down repair bills this way with A Product or Standard of California To keep repair bills down, keep the upper cylinder walla of your engine lubricated. In other words, use RPM Heavy Duty Motor Oil specially compound ed to cling to engine hot spots . . . reduce stuck rings, carbon and var nish trouble! DISTRIBUTORS L E. DICK HEFPNEB GORDON WHITE IONE to eastern Oregon. Mrs. Bud Shanafelt and Mrs. Ray Shanafelt of Hermiston were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Baker. Mr. and Mrs L. B Smith and Mrs. George Smith attended the funeral services for Leed Smith's sister, Mrs. A. M. Smith, at Her miston, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J D Coleman are the parents of a son born March 20 at The Dalles. He weighed S i pounds. , We are going to conduct a j charm school, together with our; I knitting club, and at the next! I meeting Kay Valentine is to de- Imonstrate what is meant by! (good grooming. , j At the close of the meeting re- I freshmems were served by Don- j I ru Lovgren and Judy Thompson j 1 Janice Bcamer, Reporter. ! o j CHURCHES KNIFTY KNITTERS KNIT ONE. PURL ONE, ETC The knitting club met the 17th at the home of Mrs. Vic Lovgren. Vice President Kay Valentine presided in the absence of Pres ident Clarice Hastings. Mary Ruth Green read the minutes. The leader, Mrs. M. R. Wight man, demonstrated the proper way to wash woolens. The bod socks are to be finish ed by next meeting and we are to wash a woolen article and bring it also. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Pastor. Morning Worship and Sermon at 11 a.m. Special music by the Choir, Mr. Paul McCoy, director. Sunriav Church School at 9: 15 a.m. Mr." Oliver Creswiek, super intendent. Youth Fellowship class and Adult Bible class at (this same hour also. A class for every age. A friendly Sunday school welcomes you. Thursday: Choir practice at 7:30 p.m. 3lQt3D WE NOW OFFER New Low Liability Rates for Formers' Private Passenger Cars. See us for particulars TURNER. VAN MARTER 8 CO. Bazaar at the church parlors Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 p m. Fancy work, aprons and afternoon tea. I LEXINGTON CHURCH i Tour Community Church j Surmounting difficulties makes j heroes, and if you will do your ! best today, you will be able to jdo even better tomorrow, but al , ways remember that today comes ' before tomorrow so don't try to I reverse God's process, James ! -1:13-15. Church School 10 a.m. Worship ano i reacmng ii a.m. iieu. ciuio. , 1. Singtng and preaching CM) p.m. Revelation chapters 9 and 10. 1 ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Holy communion, 8 am. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock. Study class. 7:30 p.m. Week day services Wednes day, Holy communion 10 a.m. Fridav. Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Litany and meditation, 7:30 p.m. Choir practices Girls choir at I p.m. Wednesday. Adult choir, 8 p.m. Thursday. Boy Scouts 7:30 to 9 Wednes day evening Archery classes on Saturday morning: Boy Scouts, 9; Girl Scouts, 10; Cub Scouts, 11. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9:45 a.m. Bible school. C. W. Barlow, Superintendent. Clas ses for every age, including the babies and grandparents. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship and communion service. Special music by the choir. This will be Northwest Christian Col lege Day with two students, Vern Hunt and Bob Kendall of Hermiston bringing special music and a short message on the school. Sermon by the min ister. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. Mr. Lewis Wetzel will be preach ing. Monday 7 p.m. District Ninety and Nine Mens meeting at Hermiston. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Choir practice. Friday b:du p.m. urusaaer ciass (young married people and college age) potluck dinner and social. ASSEMBLY OF COD Pastor Shelbv K. Craves Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. wesson topic -jesus the Great Teacher." Jesus Christ can bring the only true comfort to the soul. 11:00 a.m. Worship service. 7:00 p.m. Youth for Christ 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic service. good Investment is the time spent in God's House. Tues., 7 to 8 p.m. Youth Bible club. Thurs., 7:45 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting. Frl., 7:45 p.m. Bible study in lone. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thank ing our many friends for their i expressions of sympathy and acts PENDLETON IIEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner. Lexington and lone MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Rietmann, lone FREE SHOES Buy One Pair at Regular Price Get that Extra Pair FREE GONTY'S IV. THEHlti Quality-Counts in Compounds .... Quality is important in all things . . . but especially in drugs. That's why we stock only the best brands . . . brands that are backed by reliable manufacturers, have met the most rigid tests and inspections. You buy health safeguards and sickroom supplies with complete confidence here, knowing that we are proud to back the pre scription that we fill. Have you checked your First Aid Kit re cently. A First Aid Kit is a household "must" . . . every well run home should have one. We carry several well known brands of First Aid Kits. Saager's Pharmacy Farmers Air Service Ammonium Sulphate-Nitragin Fertilizers Applied by Airplanes Make arrangements now for 2-4-D Air Application Contact Morrow County Grain Growers Lexington Heppner lone I STAR nn REPORTER 1 AdmiMloa prioM aXternooe mn& trrmnlng, ulna p dflcftliy tlnrtlnl to b otlwrwlMl CbUdnal Et Prlo. .IT, Fed. (u M, ToU Me; Ond. lad Hlfh School Btndenta IS yain ud over: Et price .40. Fed, Tax .10, Total 60c; Adultil Eit. Price .600, Fed. Tu .10, Total 60c Znrj child occupying a aeat aut hare a ticket. Budaj ahowi oontlsnou from 1 p. m. All erenlnj ahowl itart at 7:30 p. m., unleai otherwise adrerUsed ES Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, Mar. 26-27-28 H BATTLEGROUND EE (Please note: BATTLEGROUND will be s ihown three days.) Es Van Johnson, John Hodiak. Ricardo Mon- EE talban. George Murphy, Marshal EE Thompson, Jerome Courtland, Don EE Taylor, Bruce Cowling, James Whit- EES more, Douglas Fowley, Leon Ames, EE Guy Anderson, Thomas E. Breen, EE Scotty Beckett. Denise Darcel EE lli'ie Is Uie big film of the war made since EES the firing ceased . . . it's bold, brash, baw- EE dy, frank, stacked with Incident and EE relieved by choice comedy a masterpiece. The Intimate story of a bunch of fellows from anybody's home town. (BATTLE O.liOUND is one of the five films nomin ated for the Academy Award as the best film of the year . . . James Whitmore is one of the five selected as Best Supporting Actor of Hie year for his work in the film , . . William Wellman has been nominated for Best KiriH-tion for BATTLKG ROUND. ) Heniember. This picture will be shown Ihrt-e days, Sunday Monday-Tuesday. Wednesday-Thursday, March 29-30 LUCKY STIFF Dorothy Lamour, Brian Donlevy, Claire Trevor, Robert Armstrong. Irene Her vey, Warner Anderson, Marjorie Ram beau A mixture of murder mystery and wacky comedy with amusing moments, wise cracking dialog, good production values and fine cast. Friday-Saturday, March 31- April 1 BOMBA, THE JUNGLE BOY Johnny Sheffield, Peggy Ann . Garner, Onslow Stevens This Jungle adventure film is family en tertainment in the full sense of the word ... a straight story about a white boy grown to adolescence in the Jungle and the things that happen to him. Outcasts of the Trail Monte Hale. Jeff Donnell, Paul Hurst an unusual amount of drama and an abundance of chase mark this western, also, WHY PLAY LEAPFROG? The story of wages and prices, filmed in a red, white and blue Technicolor cartoon. tYON-NYLON Mew Shipment! Tailored Blouses To Wear with Your Mew Spring Suits I'v Penneii-Priced, Too! of kindness in our recent bereave, ment; also for the beautiful floral tributes to the memory of our mother. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L, Freeland Mr. and Mrs. W. W. King Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann BAZAAR METHODIST CHURCH . 2-5 P.M. MARCH 25 Aprons, Fancy Work, Baked Goods Afternoon Tea Sponsored by Women's Society of Christian Service .7i WU FOR THE YOUNGER m EASTER PARADERS . . fa I 0. f " it Smooth-finish ., Hf rayon-nylon Vjr 998 Shadow Sheer rayon-nylon Cmartly California-styled, these tailored blouses have been so much in demand this season that we've ordered a big new stock to care for the Spring-into-Summer needs of almost every miss in town I Ideal to wear with suits, they're equally good for skirt-and-blouse combinations in warmer weather. White, pink, aqua, lime, maize, blue Sizes 32 to 38. AT Pi 3NNEYB Dressy Dresses in Organdy Batiste Dimity - Picolay 3-6x 7-10 Teen-age 10-14 Junior Miss 9-1 5 Coats, Wool Coverts in Red, Green, Navy 4-6x 7-14 Shorties Eyelet Embroidery Bonnets for little tots $2.50 - $2.95 CHILDREN'S HATS SLIPS AND PANTIES Munsingwear rayon panties Munsingwear rayon slips 4-10 4-14 fiORAH'S SHOP Fri-Sat. March 24-25 Pay Cash and Notice the Difference LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Pink Salmon, Blacktop, No. 1, tall 3J)C f Tuna White Star, Solid '.. QQp NowrV-- Tuna Sea Gift Flakes '2 Sardinettes Fillctts-8 oz. Tillamook Cheese, 2 lb. loaf 59c 33c yjj 28c ;nb.fli7r 139 CORN, Cream Style, Ida Dell PUMPKIN Hudson House PEAS Oregon Harvest BARTLETT PEARS-Yamhill SUNSHINE PEANUT CLUSTERS SUNSHINE HI-HO CRACKERS No. 303 Tin 3 35c No. Vi Tin 2fr25c No. 2 Tin 2 " 23c No.2V, Tin 25c 34c 8 oz. bag 1 lb. pkjj 29c 4 Toilet Tissue 6 for Finer Brand 35c SWIFTS PR EM 12 Oz. Tin 39c THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY MEATS STEER BEEF POT ROAST STEER BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK PORK ROAST LOIN CUT SWIFT PREMIUM, Franks (Cello Pkg.) FRYERS (Fresh Not Frozen) All Ready f BACON Our Home Cure By the Piece Pound 55c Pound 65c Pound 49c Pound 49c 1an 7Q Pound OV Pound 58c Fresh Produce TOMATOES Tube IKn NEW POTATO IXn (RUBY GEM) 2 POUNDS GREEN ONIONS 1Qf CARROTS ilo 2 BU. 2 FOR Oranges, In Reusable Cello Bag, dozen 49c Court Street Market iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In'