Poge4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 16, 1950 Monument Typists Accept Invitation To Baker Contest By Millie Wilnon Mr. and Mr. McLaughlin had the pIcHKure of a visit Irom Mrs MrLauKhlln's parents, Mr. and Mm. Klfnor from Portland. While here Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. KlRner toured the countryside and went rabbit hunting on the Lynn Forest ranch. The visitors departed for Portland on Monday morning, much refreshed and glad to have seen our beautiful country. The Monument high school typing class has received an in vitation from Baker high school to participate in a typing contest, to be held the laiter part of April. If Monument attends, it is planned to take three students. We know the locals will deport themselves favorably. Baseball has started at the high school and the bovs are hard at it. Not much is "known at this time what the prospects are for a winning season, due to the fact that onlv eight bovs arc available and that three of last year's championship team are gone. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Prescott ind son of LaGraiide were week, end guests of Mrs. Prescott 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Simas. Mr. and Mrs. Marith Merrill of The Dalles spent the weekend in Monument visiting friends. They attended the Scotch-American dance Saturday night. Mrs. Choicey VanDctti entertained with a dinner in their honor on Sunday. They left for their home in The Dalles Monday morning. Rho Bleakman and his mother, Mrs. Ida Bleakman. drove to Cecil on Tuesday to visit Mr. Bleak man's sister and Mrs. Bleakman's daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hynd and daughter Carol Sue. J. D. Boyer was attending to matters of business in John Dav on Monday. Lewis Batty took his truck to Heppner Monday to get a load of household goods for Carmel Broadfoot. He returned on Tues day. The Broadfoots have dispos. ed of their property in Heppner and will make their home in Monument. Tod Moore "and son from Mt. Vernon were attending to mat ters of business in Monument on Tuesday. Mrs. Lula Settle drove to John Day on Tuesday for her regular medical treatment. The Monument Grade School attended the vol lev and basket r- 1 jj I f -:J y Ujiiji i v L- 'ryjj . -J ij J J "T" I ball tournament at Mt. Vernon, Tuesday. Mrs. Lydia Capon and children and Mrs. Clara Strecker accom panied Sam Riechen to Portland will spend the week visiting and the fore part of the week. They attending to matters of business. Dolmar Settle accompanied by his mother, Lula Settle was at tending to matters of business in Pendleton, Wednesday. ednesday. Earl Sweek was a business vis itor in John Day and Canyon City, Mrs. Chance Wilson left Thurs day, by way of Trailways Bus, to spend an indefinite time in Arbuckle, California, visiting her Msier, no is in poor neaitn. Mrs. Ed Enright and Mrs. Earl Sweek. unit president and dis trict president of the American Legion auxiliary attended the regular meeting of tfie Long Creek unit Thursday afternoon. Bill Jones received a fractured leg when an aerial pole he was installing fell on him. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore and infantum spent several days in Dayton, Washington, visiting rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Flming and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gates were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Streker Saturday evening. Lyal Cork and Orville Cum mings of John Day were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek. Friday. Both men are pre paring to go to Alaska for con struction work. Mrs. Nora Boyer and son Stan ley were recent Heppner visitors. Grangers met at the grange hall one day last week and built new tables and pedestals for the hall. CHURCHES HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner. Minister 9:45 A.M. Bible School, C. W. Barlow. Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship and communion service. Special music by the choir, Mrs. Ma bel Flint, director. Sermon theme "The Cross in the Center of the Heart of God." 12:30 P. M. Dinner meeting for the deacons of the church and their families. 7:30 P. M. Evening service. In the question period we will answer the question based upon Cor. 15:29 "What is meant by being baptized for Brilliantly designed and distinctively styled in gleaming white, gold, chromium and ice-blue, this streamlined Frigidaire DeLuxe refrigerator is representative of an extensive new 1950 line of 20 models in three types. Featured are such innovations as adjustable and sliding aluminum shelves, twin extra deep porcelain Hydrators which can be stacked to make space for big items, a new full-width plastic chill drawer for bev erages, and a new plastic basket drawer for eggs. The new full-length door and ice-blue and gold interior trim make it particularly pleasing. Heppner Appliance Co. DcpendableRadio and 'Refrigeration Service Tn get better products Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. the dead?" Sermon theme "Impaired Vision." Monday, 7:30 P. M. Special ser vice with Joe Jewett, former min ister and now minister of the Baker Christian Church bring ing a message, movies and a report on the Cove grounds. Tuesday, 4 P. M. Junior Christian Endeavor. Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Choir prac tice. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Elvon L. Tu 11, Vicar Holy communion, 8 a. m. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. fatudy class, i :oO p. m. Week day services: Wednesday Holv communion, 10 a. m. Friday, Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Litany and instruction. 7:30 p. m. Choir practices: Girls choir, Wednesday at 4; adult choir Tuesday at 8. Boy Scouts, Wednesday eve ning, 7:30 to 9 a. m. Archery classes on Saturday: Boy Scouts at 9; Girl Scouts at 10; Cub Scouts at 11. LEXINGTON LUTHERAN CHURCH Services will be held at 3 o'clock p. m. Sunday, March 19, at the Lutheran church in Lex ington. The public is cordially invited. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Shelby E. Graves 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Lesson topic, "Jesus, the Servant King." 11:00 a. m. Worship service. Edu. cation, exhortation and com fort. 7 p. m. Youth for Christ. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. Inspiring song service and test imonies. Tuesday. 7 to 8 p.m. Bible study, Heb. 4, and prayer meet, ine. Friday, 7:45 p. m. Bible study in lone. Be sauare all week and come 'round on Sundav. We want to help you spiritually. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Mornine Worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Special music by the choir, Mr. Paul McCoy, director. Sunday church school at 9:40 a. m. Mr. unver ireswicK, su- oerintendent. Youth Fellowship class and Adult Bible class at this same hour also a class for every age. Thursday: cnoir practice at 7:30 p. m. The womans society oi i.nris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month. Suzanna Wesley circle ot tne W5.C.S. meets the third Wed nesday of each month at 2:30 p. m. Sunday evening ienowsnip at 6 p. m. Sunday. March 19. spon sored by the Young Adult Fel lowship. All are welcome. Pot Luck supper, Mr. Oliver Creswick, chairman. LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church Franklin Cantrell, Minister. He who stands high in his own estimation is still a long way from the top, but always tell the truth and you will never have to remember what you say. Church school 10 a. m. Worship and preaching, 11 a. m. Singing and preaching, 7:30 p. m. County Agent News . . JACKMAN ON WAY TO CHILE Veteran Extension Farm crops Specialist E. R. Jackman of Ore gon State College, and his wife have left on a four-month's trip to South America. Jackman has been erantprl sabbatical leave from his college duties tor the period, March 1st I to July 1st. And he will be tak-' iug nis urst extended leave from his duties since he loinpri tho uregon Mate College extension service in 1920. During the thirty. year span, however, he was not with the extension service in 1926, 27, and 28. Jackman and his wife expect to go by train to Miami, Florida. From there, they will travel by air to Chile. Their daughter Sally and her husband C. L. Wilson are enrolled at the Uni versity of Chile. The longtime Oregon farm crops specialist expects to get In a little study on the trip too. He says the ancient Incas of Chile practiced irrigation long before the white man set foot on North or South America. Jackman is in. forested in studying their forago program first-hand. N. C. Anderson, County Agent, attended a soils, fertilizer, and sprinkler irrigation conference in Pendleton held on Tuesday, Wed. nesday and Thursday of last week. The conference was led by specialists from Oregon State College. The Pendleton Grain Growers sponsored the conference which was held for cooperative managers, field men, and sales men servicing farmers In the area. Discussed were fertilizers for wheat farms, Irrigated farms and grass seed production. One dav was suent on the A.B.C's of irrigating by sprinklers, funda mentals of Irrigation equipment and designing sprinkler irriga tion layouts. One half day was spent on a farm working out a sprinkler irrigation problem. ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii IIHIMIIIIIIIIIMM Jobs are born Money spreads and people prosper TjkWl Three things happen when earnings go to work Farm ers Buy your 2,4 D Amine and Ester WEED KILLERS at your own store and save. LEXINGTON OIL CO-OP Phone 2211 L "Wanted- Parachute At Once" FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED TRY OUR WANT ADS PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and Ion MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Fadberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Rietmann, lone . ... , '4.6 ESTERXJVy lllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllimilllltHIMI MlllllttlimiMHIIIIMIIIMMIIIIIIHIIIlllimillHHIHItlllllHIIMillHIIIH ST. PATRICK'S DANCE and CARD PARTY . Bridge - Pinochle - Canasta MARCH 18 1950 FARROW'S ORCHESTRA Lunch Served Door Prize $1.00 Per Person American Legion Hall Heppner, Oregon Till JllltlllMIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIItllMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIMIttllMMIIIMI WEED KILLERS Ideal to kill tough weeds under difficult conditions. Here's why we recommend itl Powerful, concentrated, can be used in oil or water. ' Kills the toughest weeds and woody plants. Works even in very dry or wet weather. Ideal to clear growth in ditches, fencerows, non crop areas. let Us Help You Kill Weeds Now Airplane Appliction Practical - Technical Assistance With Equipmemt and Problems Your Authorized Du Pont Dealer Jj2:) John Ransier lone, Oregon Phone 33FII or 4513 "For Good Crops - Use The Best" .2 - "FIRST TIME If TEN YEARS!" There has been growing need in the West for wax . . . the kind used on milk cartons, bread wrappers and containers of other foods and drugs you buy. To fill this need, Standard of California recently completed a plant which refines excellent wax from petroleum. The plant cost $3,500,000; the money came out of earnings or profits and here's what it meant to you: Better protected and packaged products, of course. More jobs for construction work ers in building the plant; steady employ ment for the men who work in it today. More sales for small businesses because the money paid to the workers involved has culturally spread to the grocer, the depart ment store, the doctor and every other busi- This is one example a 3'2 million dollar example of how earnings are put to work and keep our economy running. There are many others, for Standard of California has spent more than $$00,000,000 just since the war for plants and facilities to serve you better. IK. tJ Jriaij you live 3fappiLj ever aflerl" Mar lha dors to com bring Yr-lncrailnj happliu. Whttlw your wadding Is small and Intlmat or large and formal you II want four trltndi la know all about H . . wnn . . . and wbara . . . and above all YOUR NEW NAMEI So, 1m u help Jan wttk eur Announcamantsl suparlatlv workman ship on txqulalt Strata, oorapapor. Ws think th Butt Una la th stat. Quick d Hvrls and reasonably priced. TUKuk eur nmfllmnli t tofyal lit BrUfl Bottltl mAu tf fltim I In mtf putMlk itttfli oj Wtiiitt Itl qutltt. It ttutttt lor fn II mil offltt. -9 Gtlffi) qffcQD GEEG? Cfffi) f T w m 'mT-a 'ma - All-Steel Basket GTiY) 7FiftfilfjlL xWyVAVM I s Cort 5 ' 1,1 " ' 1,1 7 Easy Rolling Metal Wheels ' uAtT "r V All-Steel . . . Warp-proof p BokeJ Enamel FmV Here's the bargain offer of the year! A sensa- - tional new Zenith washer ... famous all f i A J Now you can get this (omplete outfit and 7eTH WASHER (MODEL CC) 4 $ 44 (reg. $96.40 value) ere's the bargain offer of the year! A sensa tional new Zenith washer ... famous all metal op'n-top ironing board... and nationally known "Laundry Kar" and basket . . . all yours for $79.95 ... the regular cost of the washer alone! A total retail value of $96.40! There are years of easier wash days ahead for you with a new Zenith washer and this com plete laundry outfit! Come in today! Let us show you the value-features of these washday helpers. 79.95 V Big porcelain enameled tub 17 gallon capacity V Wringer with 2" rubber rolls with safety relsast V Lifetime lubricated quiet transmission V Rugged, heavy duty chassis Positive clutch control MARSHALL-WELLS STORE THIS HIWVAm Don Walker Owner Heppner, Oregon i asM proteaupo.