Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 16, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 16, 1950
Page 3
The minutes of the January,
1950 terms were read and ap
proved. The following Bangs' Disease
Claim wag allowed; Elsie Beach
The County Court granted
Dance Hall License to the Lex
ington Grange No. 726 of Lexing
ton. .
The County Court ordered the
ireasurer to cash 11-$1000.00-United
States War Savings Bonds
Series G., and after receiving the
proceeds of said bonds to place
the same In the Fair Fund of
Morrow County.
Warrants Issued on the General
Sadie Parrish, Deputy $ 147 23
Frances Mitchell, Deputy 197.14
Olive B. Hughes, Deputy liS.OO
Margaret Gillls,
Health Nurse 209.10
A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 184.09
Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
Physician 94 7"5
Susie W. Miller,
,M?,urt RePrer 49.50
William Garner,
Justice of Peace 74 25
J. O. Hager,
Justice of Peace
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.,
Court House
Russell K. Miller,
County Court 79.96
Ralph I. Thompson,
County Court 65.58
Garnet Barratt,
County Court 89.66
Kllham Stationery & Ptg. Co
Margaret Gillls. Nurses
mileage & Expense
Lulu M. Hager, County
Registrar .
Gerlinger Richards & Co.,
Heppner Laundry,
Court House
Heppner Hardware &
Electric Co., Court House
Gerlrude AppJegate, Sheriff
Dep. Sal 30.37
Pacifc Sationery & Ptg. Co.,
Tax Collection 33.50
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff
$30.31; Juvenile Court
$40.83 71.14
Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co.,
Current Expense 73.30
West Coast Ptg. & Binding
Co., Treas. 1.80; Election
Expense 614.10 15.90
Bradley D. Fancher.
District Attorney 31.00
First National Bank of
Portland, Withholding
Tax 194.10
State Industrial Accident
Commission, Sheriff $3.80;
Sher. Sal. 31c; Deputy Sal.
31c; Court House 90c;
Janitor 31c 5.63
C. W. Barlow, .
Current Expense 4.00
Pacific Power & Light Co.,
Court House 24.52
Heppner Gazette Times,
Sheriff $14.25; Official
Publication $65.70 79.95
Gilliam and Bisbee,
Court House 12.00
Garnet Barratt,
Court House 99.27
Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
Mentally 111 5.00
Elsie M. Beach, Bangs'
Disease Control 32.00
City of Heppner. Water
Dept 9.00
Anderson's Builders,
Sheriff 7.21
Warrants Issued on the General
George A. Stalcup $ 170.69
C. E. Stalcup 64.09
Robert Anson Eades 54.74
Harold C. Baker 53.41
Jack Slocum 304.10
Vernon L. Russell 53.41
Your House Of
Chemical Service
Weed Killers
Seed Treatmts.
DuPont - 2,4-D ESTER
Sodium Trich Luracitate
"It's the Formula That Counts"
Du Pont "MARLATE" - Non-Toxic DDT
For Resistant Flies and Dairy Cattle
Du Pont Dip 30 DDT &B.H.C. -for Beef Cattle
Du Pont "DEENATE" - Improved DDT
Will stay in suspension
Du Pont "LEXONE" Benzine Hexachloride
For hard-to-kill insects, Saroptic Mange on hogs and
Do a Better Job
lliam and Bisbee
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 333
Bugs and Weeds are Our Business
soon, )$M fly you mean yI $
I yOU'LL BE lWlm'M,, f-Nnr I I m
Hell On Earf
Robert Allen 237.01
H. G. Peck 32451
Austin Wilson 183.16
Wilbur Jackson 70.75
Carl Cropp .-. 259.04
fcd Kelly 271.42
H. Sherer : 335.74
William C. Heath 225.52
Walt Gilman 106.79
Darold Hams 196.72
Floyd Borman 155.95
Warrants Issued on the General
Road Fund
Fred Booker $ 102.63
W. Cunningham 225.53
Dean Uilman 235.37
Ralph Scott, Jr 77.84
Dick Borman 253.39
Shell Oil Company ... 70.76
The Texas Company 22.20
union uu company 846.06
Hodge Chevrolet Co 31.02
Arthur A. Allen 20.44
Padberg Tractor Repair .... 11.65
Guy Riddle 3.00
lone Chevron Station 325
State Industrial Accident
Commission 89.65
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 16.15
Heppner Hardware &
Electric Co. 18 1
First Nat'l Bank of
Portland 188.401
beenaugnty Mach. Co. .. 54.63
Heppner Lumber Co. 47.06
Contractors Equip. Corp 244.68
independent Garage 1.90
Columbia Equip. Co 2.6S
Heppner Motors 21.95
Pacific Power & Light Co .. 14.49
Lexington Implement
Co. 27.86
Braden Tractor & Equipment
Co 88.15
Jack Allen Supply Co 22.18
Your Diteardcd Furniture,
Piano, Radio, Bicycle, Toola,
let Box, can be (old with
, , rr . I '
What do need with a Safe Deposit Box, I said to myself when I saw the card in the bank.
But then I took a second look at the list of items people should keep in Safe Deposit
Boxes. Suddcntly I realized I had both keepsakes
and important papers not protected from fire or
theft. Losing them could be mighty inconvenient
and maybe costly. Then and there I rented a safe
deposit box at the First National. Now my impor
tant things are in a place that's safe and private . . .
costs me little more than a penny a day.
m mnotn ... .... U .,.. en
Protect Your Valuables (or little
Mori Than I Penny I Day at tin
Cwr'ilM l?30, firil Nsllenol lonk l rtnlM4
Member darl DMlt Imwm
Lewis Ball 184.72 Columbia Equip. Co 64.50
Gilliam and Bisbee 62.55
City of Heppner
Water Dept 1.50
Lexington Oil Coop 144.66
Rosewall Motor Co 44.73
Western Auto Supply Co. 6.95
Paul G. Pettyjohn 221.88
Boardman Supply Co 5.22
Farley Pontiac Agency 50
D. H. Jones & Son 4.00
Peck and Anderson 34.98
Clyde 9quipment Co 117.60
Everett Harshman 210.00
Poole, McGonigle and
Dick 2324.09
Warrants Issued on the Miscel
laneous Fund
Loren Matteson,
Coyote Bounty 6.00
Carl McDaniel, Trappers
Salary Kodent Fund .... 257.53
Warrant Issued on Hospital
Maintenance Fund:
Ralph Scott, Jr 32.40
Floyd Borman 24.30
Darold Hams 27.00
Walter Gilman 18.00
Fred Booker 16 20
William C. Heath 16.20
Dick Borman 16.20
rtobert Lowe, Janitor 113.09
First National Bank
of Portland 10.50
state Industrial Accident
Commission 72
rum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 681.45
Gilliam and Bisbee 5.22
warrant issued on the Hospital
equipment tuna:
Gilliam and Bisbee 12.30
Services For Inez
V. Freeland Held
At lone Tuesday
By Mrs. Lcho Palmateer
Funeral services tor Mrs. Inez
voruz Freeland were held at 2
p. m. Tuesday from the Coopera
te cnurcn in lone, with the
pastor, Kev. Alfred Shirley offi
ciating and arrangements in
charge of the Phelps Funeral
home. Mrs. W. G. Koberts and
Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, accom
panied by Mrs. Ueo Drake, sang
Asieep in jesus ana bweet Bye
ana bye." 1'allbearers were four
members ot the Kietmann fam
ily, Victor, Otto, David and
emer, A. C. Swansun and G. E.
let leys.
Mrs. Freeland was born in
liigiiianu. 111., of French parent
ce, oeing uie uaugnter ot Eloaie
acuzoiiai anu Louis voruz, ana
was one ot a lamny ot 12 chil-ujc-ii.
Alter tne utatn oi ner
mouiei, wnen sue was iwo iuais
uiu, sue Uvea with an uncie aim
au.n, ivev. anu Mrs. Louis Voui-JV.-1,
oi tne rugmanu vougiega
nunai cuuica. one receiveu ner
e uuciuun in tne H i g n 1 a n u
scnuuis ana Linura couege, waich
s iiuw tiieenvine college, bne
uitii uegun uer leacniag career
in iii.nuis anu Kansas ueiore
.uiniiig to Oregon in loily. Her
nisi tji-iiool in mis state was .m
tne Lena "uistrict ana sue iaier
laugm in heppner. Uu Deeemoer
zo, i;io she was muirieu to Lu
gene rieeiana oi Heppner. Mr.
1'ieeianu passeu away in x;)22. To
una union weie ooui live cmi
uitii, t.ugene anu r-ugenia. twins
no uiea in uuanvy; LUgene
uuum rieelaua 01 odii Uicgo,
wain., Mis. tuse King ot Aluii
inouln anu Mis. name Kieiinaim
ot lune.
Alter her marriage she resum
cu leaching in Heppner anu at
various piaces in Oregon ana
wasiiingiun. sue retneu ttom
eaciiing m lito-i alter w inch sue
nveu in i ortiaiiu until ner last
.micas in uecemuer vju. Since
men sue has ueen at tne home
oi ner uaugmer, Mrs. Unntr met
nuiini, m lone anu ai a convales
cent uunie in lenaleton where
one pued away March 11. sue
ia suivu'eu oy uer oroiiier, Ineo
oiuz ot Laai bt. Lotus, ill.; a
nail oi other, Hei'Oeu voruz ot
i fiiuieiou; a hail sister, Mane
i iocm'i' ot Highland, in.; her son
uiiu two aaugmeia; seven gianu
nuuien, two great giaiHlchtl
uien una a nunioet of nieces ami
nephews. She was a member ol
me vungicgalional church and a
memuei ox Kuth chapter No. 32,
oruer oi the Easter Star, Hepp
ner. Dates to remember: March 17
All day meeting of HEC at Wil
iows grange hall tor clean-up
uay. March 18 Regular grange
meeting, with movie. March 19
I'otiucK ulnner at Congregational
cnurcn. March 21 Legion and
auxiliary meeting, 8 p.m. March
18 St. Williams Altar Society i convalescing from a recent ma
silver tea. I jor operation. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Walter Corley gave a Dobyns are with him.
birthday party Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy
March 10 in honor of her son and children were Hermiston vis
Bucky's third birthday. Children ; itors last week. They took their
TJ?T Sheryi ndellt,r' 1 d8 "Tuffy," who was suffering
leta McCabe, Lee Padberg, Billy , ,?. . 1 , . .
and Wally Wentworth, Bobby Lee wlth a brtken le- t0 tne do
DeSpain, and Sherry Corley. and eat hospital
Jello and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell. I .
Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Miss
Mary Brackett attended Rebekah
lodge at Stanfield Saturday eve
ning. Frederick Martin SDent last
week in Bend attending a church
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Lundell
of Boise, Idaho are the parents
oi a son oorn March 8. Mr. and ;
Mrs. Oscar Lundell are thei
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer i
are the parents of a dauphter
Janet Eileen, born March 11 at
miaieton. Mr. and Mrs. John
Healy of Heppner and Mrs. Echo
i'aimateer are the erandriarents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor
are the parents of a daughter
born March 12 at The Dalles. Mrs
C. O'Connor and Mrs. Edna Yarn,
ell of Portland are the grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healv and
daughter of Heppner are spend
ing a lew aays in lone while
he is working at the Morrow
The Maranathas met at the
home of Mrs. Verner Troedson
Wednesday afternoon, March 8,
with Mrs. Noel Dobyns as co
hostess. The society decided to
cooperate with the church board
in making repairs on the par
sonage. The date set for the
mother and daughter banquet is
May 6. Refreshments were served
and Mrs. Earl McKinney re
ceived the door prize.
and Miss Joellen Beaurhamp
were Walla Walla visitors Mon
day. The volleyball girls won both
games from Heppner Monday
afternoon. The first string won
and the second string lost in
games with Hermiston one eve.
ning last week.
Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
Lexington, Oregon
Bids are invited for the purchase of our
warehouse (original State 109) approxi
mately 50'xl41' and office building approxi
mately 15' x 40' located at Lexington, Ore
gon. AI! bids to include dismantling of build
ings and removal from property of all ma
terials, such work to be completed on or
before June 1, 1950. Bids will be opened at
our Lexington, Oregon office at 2 :00 p. m.
on March 25, 1950.
The Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Lexington, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Collins invite you to call at
the Heppner Cleaners between the hours of 1 and 5
o'clock p. m. Saturday, March 18 and inspect the new
building and plant.
The proprietors and their employees will deem it a
favor to conduct you through the plant.
Best way to spruce up a telephont it with a toft, dry cloth... never with water, or any other liquid.
Suggestions to help protect your service
' ( J v r-yt
1. A twisted cord can lead to trouble. Although the
wires are especially designed for flexibility, too many
twists and kinks may eventually break them ind inter
fere with service until a repairman can call. Good
idea to get the curls out by letting the receiver dangle
and unwind by itself . . . then keep them out by
remembering, each time you call, not to put turns in
the cord as you handle the receiver.
3. Did you ever stop to think that your telephone
is one service or piece of equipment in your home
that's repaired and maintained for life at no extra cost
to you? This maintenance is one of the values in
cluded in the rates you pay for service . . . rates that
make it one of your really good buys today.
2. It's built to take it . . . but your telephone can
develop ailments if it's dropped. So nuke sure the
stand it sits on is solid and is in a spot where it won't
be accidentally bumped. Other ways to help protect
service: Avoid "gadget" attachments for your tele
phone . . . keep cords clear of doorways w here they
may be pinched . . . and always keep w ate r away from
wires and fittings.
Your telephone is one of
today's best bargains
The PaCifiC Telephone (fgj) and Telegraph Company
22 lone P-TA at 8 p.m. March