Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 9, 1950 CHURCHES (Continued from Page 7) Hokrnnon, regional director of the Columbia Conference, Port land. A cordial invitation Is ex tended the public to attend. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Hnly Communion H a. m. church school 9:45 n. m. Morning prayer and sermon. 11 o'clock. At this service, from 11:30 to 3145 the congregation will have the privilege of hearing a radio address by the Most Reverend Henry Knox Sherrill, D. D., STD. presiding bishop of the Episcopal church. Study class, 7:30 p. m. Week day services: Wednes day. Holy Communion, 10 a. m. Friday, Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Litany and meditation, 7:30 p. m. Choir practices: Girls choir, Wednesday at 4; adult choir. Thursday at 8. liny Scouts: Wednesday eve ning. 7.30 to 9. Archery classes Saturday morning: Boy Scouts at 9; Girl Scouts at 10; Cub Scouts at 11. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9.45 a. m. Bible school, C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11 a. m Worship service on theme. "One Great Hour of Shar ing." Climax of the observance of The Week of Compassion. Sermon theme, "Bearing One Another's Eurdens." 7:30 p. m. Evening worship and fellowship hour. Sermon theme. "Four Fools in Heppner." Monday, 7:30 p. m. Young Mo thers club meeting at home of Mrs. Willard Warren. Tuesday, 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. Wednesday. 2:30 p. m. Women's Missionary meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. choir prac tice. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Shelby E. Graves 9:45 a. m. Sundav school. Les son topi. Jesus and His Friends. 11 a. m Worship service a time of exhortation, edification and comfort. 7 p. m. Youth for Christ. 7:45 p. m. E angel Freddie Ver. solenko will be with us and will be bringing the gospel message iin word and song Just this one ieening, so don't miss it. Thursday. 7: 30 p. m. Bible study in Hebrews 3 and prayer meeting. Friday. 7:30 p. m. Bible study and praver meeting in lone. I ... ! METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Soilien, Mnister Morning worship and sermon at 11 a. m with special music tor. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. Oliver Creswick, superin tendent. A class for every age. The Youth Fellowship class and aduit Bible class at this same hour. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., choir practice. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets first Wednes- National 4-H Club Week Featured By Various Activities I Four H club members and j leaders are tolling their story of j club work at several community i programs this week March 4-12. Friday night, the Rhea Creek grange witnessed a program by club members. Tiano solo was given by Patricia Peck; demon- i LEGION TO OBSERVE day of each month; Suzanna ! Wesley circle meets third Wed nesday cf each month. This Sunday's service is during the "One Great Hour." recognized by many churches of America. Be in church Sunday from 11 a. m. to 12 noon, the "One Great Hour." You are welcome. FRIDAY - SATURDAY MARCH 10-11 EggS LrgeeSh. local DoZ. 3?C CORN, Hudson House Cream Style " SARDINES Beach Cliff, 's LIMA BEANS West Side SWIFT'S PREM SUNSHINE KRISPIE CRACKERS SUNSHINE CHOCOLATE DROPS No. 2 2 for 29C The Can 10c 300 Tin 3 for 29C 12-oz. Tin 39c 49c 2-pound package 1-pound bag 35c Londonderry Ice Cream Flavors 4 A A 3 Quarts J..UU TOILET TISSUE Finer Brand Limit 5 rolls Roll 5c There is no Substitute for Quality Meats THE BUY OF THE WEEK! I Steer Prime Rib Roastfir Boned and Tied pound FRYERS Ready for the Pan SWIFTS JOWL BACON Pound 69c Pound 29c PURE LARD tZQn 4-Pound Package BACON Home Cured By the Piece Pound 58c Fresh Produce in Season Court Street Market STAR os REPORTER Admission piteM slMnwoa ul rainy, ulna ips tfleallr adwttMt to ba otharwlai children! Est. School Stndtnta 12 years sad overt Bet. Prtoe .40, red. lu .10, Total 60c; Adolti: Est. Price .600, Fed. u .1(1 Total floe. Etn child ocetinvliitf a Beat Frto JT, Ird. Tax JO, Total tOc; Orade and Hifh Blast hare a ticket. Buaday shows ooatiasou Iron 1 p. a. ill ereninf thorn start at f :30 p. m, advertised unless otherwise Sunday-Monday, March 12-13 ROSEANNA McCOY Samuel Goldwyn' most exciting picture with Farley Granger, Charles Bickford, Raymond Massey, Richard Basehart Cigi Perreau, and introducing Joan Evans, The gripping story of the great American feud when the Hatfields meet the Mc Coys There's plenty of excitement. The action in framed against the mountain warfare that raged dpi ween the two clans. AIno DOWN THE NILE, a Technicolor lour along the Nile with stops at the soenic wonders of the ancient world; Pop ular Science and Disney Cartoon, also in color: and latest news of the world. HAITY BIRTHDAY. GIRL SCOUTS OF AMERICA! We pay tribute, on their 38th anniversary, to this splendid organization devoted to the finest ideals of American girlhood. Tuad ay Wednesday, March 14-IS JOHNNY STOOL PIGEON Howard Duff, Shelley Winters, Dan Dur yea. Lei! Erlckson, Anthony Curtis First rate action fare, with a factual background dealing with the U. S. fight against narcotics agents, leads the squad from San Francisco to Vancouver and back to an Arizona dude ranch. Also, THE CRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER, a western featurette with Chili Wills; Technicolor Travelogue and Popeye. Tburs.-Fri.-Sat., March 1617-18 GOLDEN STALLION Roy Rogers, Dale Evans. Estelita Rodri guez. Pat Brady, Douglas Evans, Trig ger, Foy Willing and the Riders of the Purple Sage A standout among the Rogers musical westerns, photographed in color PLUS SECOND FEATURE TO BE ANNOUNCED Watch local newspaper and theater screen A j to protect your Diesel in this way with STAfi&MD DIESEL FUEL v. A Product of Standard of California Standard Diesel Fuel is completely distilled to make sure it is 100 dirt-free. That's impor tant, for every drop of fuel burned In your Diesel must pass through tiny injector-nozzle holes. If they get dirt worn and enlarged, there's risk of costly re pairs. Save your Diesel , . . save money ... get Standard Diesel Fuel! DISTRIBUTORS L. E. DICK HEPPNER GORDON WHITE IONE stratum on fringing materials by Hi (lie and June Privett, and a movie shown, "Productivity, Key to Plenty." Monday, Heppner chamber of commerce members heard sum maries of club experiences by Reita Graves and Rodger Palmer after they opened the meeting with the club pledge and pledge to the American flag. A local leader, Klmer Palmer, told his hearers the leader's responsibil ity and opportunity in guiding young people through club work. N. C. Anderson gave compari son figures on the enrollment last year and so far this year. Club enrollment has increased and two new projects tractor maintenance and child care are being carried in the county. Mrs. Flint through use of a flannel graph, showed the needs of youth and the ways that the club program answered those needs through an organized pro gram for balanced youth through project and other activities of the 4-H clubs. Boardman school Is featuring a program on club work today. Business windows in Heppner are featuring three club exhibits. Pacific Power & Light holds the county club garden. Each club is represented by a flower growing in our county with the banner proclaiming "Watch Us Grow!" Mrs. N. C. Anderson's Willow Creek Chefs know a good break fast from an inadequate one. They placed an attractive dis play in the Red and White store window. The Beginners Club of Knitters, under Mrs. M. R. Wightman's dl 31ST ANNIVERSARY The American Legion auxiliary will entertain the Legion post in observance of its 31st anniversary at the hall on the evening of Monday, March 13. There will be a potluck dinner at 6:30 o'clock followed by cards. Contract bridge and pinochle will be played. All legionaires and their la dies and auxiliary members and escorts are invited to attend. On the evening of March 21 at the regular meeting of the Auxiliary. a class of 24 candidates will be initiated by a team of past presi dents. o NEW PHONE LINE INTO SANDHOLLOW UNDER WAY Construction of a new tele phone line nto the Sandhollow section is nearing completion following the recent dissolution of the former Blackhorse-Sand-hollow telephone association, ac. cording to Harry Duvall, presi dent. With the coming of electri city to the rural areas, telephone service has become practically nil. Present construction of tele phone lines takes away from the vicinity of the power line and provides for double line and new material throughout. Only eight members will be on each line. Construction is to begin soon on the Blackhorse line. COLLINS MARCH TO HAVE PREMIER OVER RADIO KOAC Thursday afternoon, March 16 at 4 o'clock, over station KOAC, a recording of 'The Mustang March" will be played for the first time on the air. The march was composed by Robert Collins rection. have used the Turner, ! band instructor of Heppner high Van Marter window for their school and was named for the miming siory. local scnool. Lexington Cooking clubs have This is one of three numbers vyorked together preparing the composed by Collins for his mas- exhibit stressing accurate meas- ter's degree and this particular march will be played by the Heppner school band at the spring music festival. 'o urements, thoughtful mixing and careful baking to obtain best re sults in baking. lone clubs have prepared an exhibit showing the profits made by their woodworking, livestock, cooking, clothing and canning clubs The theme this year is Better Living for a Better World Thru 4-H Club Work. Any boy or girl between the ages of 9-21 may en roll in a project of their choice by contacting the county exten sion office or any local club leader. o . "WILLOW CREEK CHEFS" ARRANGE WINDOW DISPLAY The "Willow Creek Chefs", Cooking I club, have arranged a window display honoring nati onal 4-H club week, March 412. in the window of the Red and White store. Members Peggy Wightman, Jean Marie Graham, Helen Gra ham and Joanne Wilson prepared baked products, while Carole An derson and Janet Wightman pre pared a nutritious breakfast for SHRINERS ATTENTION Don't forget the dinner the display. Pottery used in the ex men are giving for the Shrine hitait was furnished by Gilliam & and Auxiliary members, at 6:30 Bisbee, the flowers given by Mary next Saturday evening at the Ma sonic hall. Come and enjoy a good dinner together and help select the Shrine Rodeo princess. Van Stevens of the flower shop. CARPENTER work of all kinds. Lewis Wetzel, Heppner, Ore. 51-52p General Electric Clocks Kitchen Clocks : : $3.95 to $6.95 May be had in red, green, yellow, white and ivory Kitchen clocks with minute-minder $7.95 Alarm Clocks : : : : : $5.95 Occasional Clocks : : : : $17.95 Heppner Hardware and Electric Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES It was a pleasure to be of service to Heppner Cleaners in the erection of their new building We hope they enjoy many prosperous years in this community. Howard Keithley, Contractor FOR SALE 11 cu. ft. Frlgldaire deluxe refrigerator in excellent condition used a year; new Heatform for fireplace; baby buggy in good condition. Roy Llndstrom, Ph. 2111, lone. 51c FOR RENT 2-room apartment at 410 Elder St., north of school house. J. B. Adams. 51p FOR SALE Boys bike, $15.00; Ward's electric washer,, $35.00. Phone 1075. 51p NOW is the time to buy your garden seed and lawn seed. We have a fresh stock of all bulk garden seeds, onion sets, and Vigoro to make your garden grow. Gilliam & Bisbee. 51-52c Congratulations to the Heppnor Cleaners and Best Wishes for Continuing Success in your new location C. A. Ruggles Box 611 Phone 723 Heppner, Oregon I, . - ., T7- -"TT ' f n NOW. . . BUTCHER RAYONS designed to go into summer tagged at a low . . . &90 Everybody loves butcher-weave rayon . . . so we've a group of MISSES' SIZES ... in white, and pastel colors! A ONE TIME BUY THEY'RE SMART! THEY'RE NEW! COTTON CORD DRESSES In one or two-Styles 3.98 Don't delay on this bargain or your size may be gone, at PEHHEY'S