Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 09, 1950, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 9, 1 950
Home Talent Plays
Draw Large Crowd
At Monument
The home talent plays present
pd by the Rranpp and the Scotch
American dance Saturday nieht
drew one of the largest crowds
pver gathered in Monument. It
was enjoyed by people ftom Mor
row. Grant and Wheeler counties.
The M. M. M. club held its
regular meeting at the home of
iK'lsie Sweek wth Doris Capon
and Lois Hill as co-hostesses on
Thursday. After the business
meeting a guessing game, Flower
Basket, was played. Lydia Capon
won first prize and Daisy Simas
won second. Delicious refresh,
mcnls were served by the hos
tesses. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Ella Durst.
Those attending were Daisy Si
mas. Betty Jean Simas, Lydia
Capon. Grace Stirritt, Anna Les
ley, Fayre Sweek, Klla Durst,
Louisa" Fleming. Helen Brown.
Millie Wilson, Delsie Sweek and
i he hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and
son drove to Fossil last Monday
to try to locate some seed grain.
While in Fossil they visited Mrs.
Hill's aunt. Mrs. Ursula Couture.
I Mrs. Melvin Round, Mrs. Bob
j Lesley, and sons and Mrs. Ouida
Cork were attending to matters
I of business in John Day Thursday.
Ked Henderson of the Sisters
and Bus Moorehead of Salem
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chet
Brown at the guard station this
Marvin Saddler made a trip to
Ilardman after a load of grain
Wednesday. He also picked up a
'steer at the Walt Wright ranch
for Harold Cork. He was accom
panied by Wayne Jones.
Mr. and Bill Settle made a bus
iness trip to John Day Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Enright and
children and Daisy Simas were
attending to matters of business
in Heppner Wednesday. While
there they visited Mrs. Daisy Si
mas' daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Ned Sweek. Mrs. Simas
brought her small grandson, Mi
chael home with her.
Bill Gates took two loads of
cattle to the Hermiston sale
yards for Volney McHaley. He
rue ADC
mi 1 1 f ""V . 7 sm
f Every "SottkoipN
ls Pasteurized I
- is Laboratory listed V
' -is Grade A Qualify J
Et: . 1 .1
Here's the newest member of the
Mayflower family. You'll like its fresh
.appetizing sweet cream flavor fresh
butter at its very best.
When your tank is low and you're ready to start plowing you want
deliveries-not delays. When you buy lubricants you want performance
not promises. That's why we should get better acquainted. As local
business men, we know the importance of prompt and regular deliv
eries. And as representatives for Union Oil Company products, we
have on hand a complete line to fill your petroleum needs, regardless
of the toughness of your job.
Call today, or stop by at the bulk plant, and get acquainted with the
West's leading petroleum products.
Pirl L. Howell
Union Oil Company
Heppner, Oregon
was accompanied by Lee Fle
ming. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Streeker were
business visitors in John Day and
Canyon City Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Musgrave
and son, Johnnie were in John
Day Friday to consult an oculist
for Johnnie.
Mrs. LaVerda Cox and son Bob
drove to Hamilton to visit her
sister-in-law Mrs. Mabel Corley.
Her niece Verna of Pendleton re
turned with her for a few days.
Some who have been sick this
week are Flossie Gilman, Doris
Capon and Earl Sweek.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leathers
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ton Cupper and Mrs Ethel Scha
fer drove to Bend Monday to
consult a doctor. They returned
the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Massey of
Heppner, Mr and Mrs. Jack Cou
ture and children of Fossil and
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek and son
of Heppner visited at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rex Sweek last Sunday.Mr. and
Mrs. Ned Sweek also visited Mrs.
Sweek's mother, Mrs Daisy Simas.
Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Boyer
made a trip to The Dalles for re
pairs for their light plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe .Mellor re
turned the first of the week from
California where they spent sev
eral weeks visiting Mr. Mellor's
parents and other relatives.
Johnnie. Stuhblefield bought
Theron King's sheep this week.
He brought them home Tuesday
and is now busy lambing.
Mrs. Alta Wright of John Day
is spending some time visiting
her daughter and husband. Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Rounds.
Tommy Munroe and son of
Dayville were here Tuesday
night and taught a large group
of young people to dance some
of the Scotch dances. Evervone
enjoyed it immensely and are
looking forward to the Scotch.
American dance here Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Ctinner
and children were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore
Monady. The men had spent the
day installing microphones on
tne stage at the evmnasium so
that people would be able to hear
oetier auring the eranee nlavs
Saturday night.
Kno Bleakman of Tod went tn
the Wayne Leathers ranch Tues
day for cattle spray. He and Stan
ley wusgrave spent Wednesday
spraying their cattle.
school District No. 36 held a
meeting Wednesday to vote on
consolidation of the Monument
schools. It carried by a large ma
jority. At the same time a similar
meeting was he d in Distr et No
8. It carried unanimously there.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saling spent
Sunday visiting Mrs. Saling's
brother and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Kelly.
the grade school held a tour.
nament for volley and basket
ball in the gymnasum Thursday
evening. Those competing were
canyon i-uy, Long creek and
Monument. Long Creek won all
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Owens
were business visitors in Heppner
Friday. While there Mr. Owens
consulted his doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Zephyl Harrison
came from Portland Friday for
their household goods which had
been stored at Rho Bleakman's.
They have bought a home near
Lstacada. While here they were
guests or Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleak
man and Mrs. Ethel Schafer. The
Bleakmans entertained with a
party in their honor. The many
inenas ana neignoors presented
the Harrisons with a bedspread.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek were
dinner and theater guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Farrow in Long
Creek Sunday evening.
Orvil Wyland of Eagle Creek
was greeting friends in Monu.
ment Saturday. He brought his
truck and took the Harrisons'
household furnishings. He was
an overnight guest Saturday of
Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman and
of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jackson,
Sunday night.
Neil Owen and family have
moved into the Perry Wilson
house. Mr. Owens is a Drother of
Harry Owens of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kelly of Hep
pner were week-end guesls of
their son and family, Mr and Mrs.
Bob Kelly.
K &. r SrJfi TTrj SaUiM ' A Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross of
L . 'jwS w&
watituq wont maktxhc ptowq$
and so it is with family living. the problems of
managing the familv money, fou example or what
to spend amd what to save become infinitely
simpler when cheerfully approached, wishful
Thinking, translated into planning, brings results.
Gladys Van Winkle.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Buchanan
and son Bud spent the week-end
in Baker where they visited
Charles Buchunttn whois attend
ing business college.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smethurst
were eastern Oregon visitors last
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross of
Washtucna. Wash., were guests
this week of Mr. and Mrs. Newt
O'Harra. Mr. Iioss is owner of
several ranches in this county.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robinson of
Portland were renewing acquain
tances in Lexington Monday
Mrs. K. K. Marshall who under
went a major operation in Pen
dleton returned to her home
Sunday. x , .
The liebekah lodge entertained
with a pinochle parly Friday eve
ning in the dining room of the I.
J. J. r. llclll. nia " r.
I were won, high by Mr9. Maurice
Groves and c. c. i,armicimei, iu
by Cecil Jones and Audrey An
sted. High for canasta was Mrs.
Vernon Munkers and low by Mrs.
Thelma Anderson. Gerald Baker
won the door prize. Refreshments
of coffee, sandwiches and cake
were served later.
Lexington Graders
Made Good Record
In Umatilla Tourney
The Lexington grade school
basketball players motored to
Umatilla where they won second
place in the grade school tourna
ment. They won over Stanfield
wit ha score of 24-12, and Umatil-
a with a score of and were
beat by lone with a score of 32-8.
Word has been received in Lex
ington that J. L. McMillan, bro
ther of W. E. McMillan, has re
turned to his home in Elko Nev
ada following two weeks spent
at the Mayo clinic where he had
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar
quardt, Mrs. Trina Parker and
Miss Dona Barnett motored to
Walla Walla Monday where they
attended the funeral services for
Mrs. Cypert. The Barnett girls
were the only nieces of the de
ceased woman.
Mrs. Emma Peck and the Mil
lard Nolans had as their guests
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Boyd of Craigmont, Ida. and Mr.
Boyd's mother .of Nez Perce, Ida.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin John
ston of Westlake, Ida.
Mrs. Emma Peck returned to
her home last week after a visit
in Portland and Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and
family spent the week-end In
Portland and Clackamas.
The Amicitia club met at the
home of Mrs. C. C. Carmichael
Tuesday night. Winning high
was Mrs. Jack Forsythe and low,
Whatever your weed problem,
there is a Du Pont Weed Killer to
do the job . . . efficiently , . . eco
nomically. Du Pont 2,4-D Weed
Kilters are selective weed killing
materials and we can give you
full details on when and how to
use them for best results. Thd
"know-how" of weed killing is lm.
portant, ond we have the Du Ponf
weed control program best suited
to this area.
Spec3 Formulations for my Agricultural Use
Airplane Appliction
Practical - Technical Assistance
With Equipmemt and Problems
Your Authorized
Du Pont Dealer
3:1-""" John Ransier
lone, Oregon
Phone 33FII or 4513
'For Good Crops Use The Best"
ZMau uou live
3appiLf ever after!"
May the doyi to com
bring vr-lncrailnj
WhtKr your wtdding
U mall and Intimate o
large and formal youH
want four friends t
know all about it .
when . . . and whr , , .
and aboT all YOUR
So. let us help you with
eur Announcement!!
(uperlatlre workman
Up on exqulilte Strath
nsore paper.
We think the Suet line
hi the Male. Qulak de
BreriM and reojooablf
rut iik o
tomfllmmt t
ctff tht hrlUt
filial (i rnttf
fmnlinw irtdU if
Wtiiitt at
fueOf, It rtttrtii
lor you $l mr
Thii NiwtPArn
im r
QUIET 100 h.p. V-8. k'l Hie same kind of engine
now used In America's costliest cars . i yet Ford
offers you this engine for hundreds less than you'd
pay for most "jixes." And Ford's V-8 Is "huihed" to
deliver its 100 horsepower so smoothly you can
hardly hear It even at sixty.
HO) 7 - i " iCX
' ' NIW 'HUSID" IV rid h ' "in
3i,JJj ' Honed" silence for Ford's 13-way-stronger "llfe
j (JjWf f2SJ mmSif C I I guard" Body Is Insulated to keep noise out. You drive
F'terw s w&i I " 1uali,y'e"' luxury, too ... on sparkling new
XCy" tlllf upholstery fabrics over Ford's new non-sag front
$ W?fyi IOW-PRICE FIELD. Nowhere on earth can -raf(
FjLj " ' I WjW,-w. 10 ""'" Cfol'ly-car features for so
1. iTyWT fd' irff m B0Myl For only ,he '50 Ford in 1,1 "eld
Wy v. " syTySm. VtOH AV. offers you the comfort and safety of Ford's low, fYiJ4n''mm!mn
i (TV 'IH m level "Mid Ship" Ride cushioned by "Hydra. I I
iAJilK. ftl 1 Co"" and "f"'"-" Vlngs . . . 35 I TTS
. rTrSlLt 18Si J&J easler-acting King-Site Brakes i . . and , ,
- VlV Jm "Finger-Tip" Steering. Therei 8 tUCOTtt in your
ZzS&jsfmST DRIVE '50 FORD at your FORD DEALER'S fit MM..
$,"TS1 DRIVE".