Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 09, 1950, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 9, 1950
Page 5
Fossil-Kinzua Team
Ainr Cnl In
If 1113 I INI U jpUl III
District Tournament
lliph school students, paronts
unci others spent several days at
The Dalles attending the district
basketball tournament. The Fos
sil teams, which consist of Kin
zua hoys, won third place trophy
by their win over Heppner. Don
O'Strander of Kinzua was named
on the All-Stars, also Bob Hum
phreys of fossil.
Paul Victor, Fossil druggist,
entertained the boys at a steak
dinner Tuesday evening before
their departure for The Daller
Wednesday. Those from here
were Dale Harrison, Mark Jellick,
Pat Oens, Don O'Strander and
Jimmle Walker.
J. D. Coleman, Kinzua Pine
Mills' general manager, and
Maurice Brown, plant president,
left Friday evening for Forest -CJrove
where they were attend-1
ing to business. Mrs. Brown ac
companied them as far as The
Luther Schoolcraft was pain-1
fully injured Tuesday while at I
work in the fir here. It was be-
llevcd at first that his legs were:
broken, but x-rays at Fossil ie- I
vealed only severe multiple
Thelma Kennedy and Bill Col
lison went to Goldendale, Wash.
Thursday evening where they
were united in marriage. Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Williams accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Doerr and
Louis Itoot went to Prinevllle
Saturday to attend the distrcti
meeting of the A. F. of L. Both
men were delegates. Floyd Tho
mas, president of the district, al
so attended and went to Madias
on business.
Congressmen Discuss Wheat Problem With Growers
Girls and Children
Pair 1 9C
6 $1.00
Favorite Colors
iSr A Vv ft-.? ,
..i n iiwtffi ' "' " - -' --
I Both Oregon Senator The Rouse Oregon Delegation, and Rep Clitord Hope ol Kansas met with rep-
i resenlalives ol the proposed National Wheat Growers Attn, at luncheon in Washington, O. C., recently to
! discuss the problems facing the Wheat' Industry L-to-R: Hep M or bind, Republican, Ore.; .' B. Peterson.
j Sectg. to Sen Morse; Rep Harris Ellsworth, Republican, Ore.; Sen. (lug Cordon. Republican, Ore.; Rep.
I Lowell Stockman. Republican. Ore.; Llogd Case. Sectg Colorado drain Growers Assn.; Rep. Homer D. AngeU.
Republican. Ore ; R. B. Taylor, ol the Oregon Wheal Growers League; Sen. Wayne Morse, Republican, Ore.;
Ed Bell. Administrator, Oregon P'heat Commission; Rep Clifford R Hope. Republican. Koiu. and H. W.
t.lutter. Kansas Wheat farmer.
Cpl Lynn Rudd of Ft. Riley,
Kansas, on his return from deliv
ering a draft of men to Ft. Lewis,
Wash, stopped here for a few
days visit with her parents and
friends. He will take a similar
draft to Fort Ord. Calif, when he
reports at Base this week. Lynn
will be instructor of physical
Bill Preston returned to woik
Monday after a week off due to a
slight injury to his hip last week.
A. F. of L. held open meeting
Thursday evening where all in
terested could discuss group in
surance. The present contract is
with the National hospital. A re
presentative of the Prudential
Geeorge Smith, Ed O'Stander
attended the Royal Arch meeting
at Heppner Friday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Moore went
to Walla Walla Wash. Sunday
where Mrs. Moore will consult an
ear specialist. The past several
weeks Mrs. Moore has been suf
fering fro minfection in both
Mrs. O. L. Adams and Mrs.
Woodrow Webb were shopping in
Condon Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton
and boys spent the week-end at
Parkdale visiting Mrs. Denton's
parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Swanson. A
sister and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs Doyal Hubbell returned home
with the Demons and will visit
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rood visited
Mr. ond Mrs. Gus Williamson at
Stanfield Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Jackson
and children of Spray were visit
ing here Sunday evening at the
Lee Brisbois home.
Marvin Hines, Owen Leathers
Sr. and Slip Wright attended the
shoot at Condon Sunday.
Mrs. Warren Jobe was called
to The Dalles early Tuesday by
the serious illness of her father,
"Dad" Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brisbois
and children spent the week
end at Spray visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Art Williams and Mr and
Mrs. Pence Brisbois.
I Mr. and Mrs Jim Armstrong
I were seeing the dentst in Con
don baturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Britt vis
ited at the homes of Mr. and
Herb Wright and Mel and Ed
Wham Sunday from Heppner.
.Mrs. Jake Thompson left Satur
day for Ekloka. Mont, to care
for her mothtr, Mrs. Ollie Boggs.
who is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Zepple Harrison
of Monument were over night vi
sitors at the home of his brother,
Faz, here Thursday. The Harri
sons are moving from Grant
county to a farm near Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Coleman and
Carl Jr. returned to Kinzua Sat-
urday evening from Palm Springs
and SanDiego Calif, where they
spent the winter months.. Carl Jr.
joined his parents at Portland
Ion Tuesdya of last week and all
went on to Seaside to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Coleman.
I Mr. and Mrs Matt Jurick went
jto The Dalles Friday to watch the
j ball, games Friday and Saturday.
TI i r- i
inuy iriuineu aunuay.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham
and children went to The Dalles
Saturday morning where they at
tended to business and also saw
the games. Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Leathers Jr. accompanied them.
Mr and Mrs. Vernon Perry went
to Camp Five Saturday evening
and visited Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy
Hanna. Mrs. Hanna is manager
of the cook house at camp.
Mesdames Ethel Thompson,
Marie Photon and Airel Moore
were hestesses for a stork show
er honoring Mrs. Gene Hall at
Camp Five Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis are
staying at the Ralph Moore home
caring for the children while Mr.
md Mrs. Moore are at Walla
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worlin motor
ed to Condon Sunday taking over
their roller skates. Mr. Worlin
reported he didn't have near
enough skates for the crowd that
Mr .and Mrs. Ed Wham and
son Kenny spent the week-end
at Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
illllllllllHIIIMIIllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i ii i in., I,, .-.Trrrrr -
iiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIUIIINIIllillNlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Happy Days are Here
Again Be Prepared
Phone Us - - We do the rest
For the Business
Ruled Forms - Bookkeeping Forms - Checks - Vouchers
Requisitions - Letterheads - Envelopes - Billheads
Statements - Salesbooks - Business Cards
Tickets - Window Cards
Formal and Informal Personalized Stationery - Personal
Cards-Wedding Announcements and Invitations -Birth
We Can't Do All the Printing, so We Only Do the Best
Heppner Gazette Times
Phone 882 . . Heppner, Oregon
lllllllllim ' 1 ' """ "" ' luiiitiiiMiin ill mill , , , mmi,u, , ,
Lewis, Mrs. Wham's aunt.
Mr and Mrs Joe Schott spent
Tuesday evening in Condon at
tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Fatland. They were visiting Mrs.
A B Coleman who is in Condon
with her daughter Mrs Fatland
and her new grandson.
The state income tax represen
tative was in Kinzua Tuesday
evening filing out returns.
Tuesday was the last night for
the revival meetings conducted
here by Rev. Albert Albrtiton of
the Assembly of God church at
Fossil. He will levae Fossil this
week for his nave post.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Downey of
y ah 7
r may help
S through your
Potato Planting Is
Order of Day On
Boardman Project
John Partlow is the foremost
one to have planted the early
potatoes, having planted approxi.
mately eight acres. The Miller
Bros, are cutting spuds and many
others are well ready for the
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Warner
and family of Heppner were on
the project Thursday, Mr. Warner
Deing county Red Cross chair
man was getting helpers in the
north end ot the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Koaney Frazer
and daughter of Osten, Oregon
were week-end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood
and Mr. and Mrs Ronald Black
motored to Walla Walla Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell and
son of near Hood River are visit
ing Dale's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Seth Russell also with Mrs. Rus
sell's parents in Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillesme.
Mrs. Margaret Klitz, and Mrs.
Guy Ferguson motored to Pendle
ton Thursday
Mrs. tart Downey returned
home Saturday after spending a
week with friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Williams of Prosser. While
away Mrs. Downey also visited
her son and daughter-in-inlaw,
I Mrs. Bessie Rotty returned to
her home in Portland after a few
days with friends, Mrs. Chas, An
deregg and Mrs. Walter Wyss.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earwood
and family motored to Arlington
where they visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDani
els of Hardman spent the week
end at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Billings. Little Brenda Bil
lings returned home with her
grandparents for a week's stay in
Mrs. Frank Cole arrived home
Sunday from Portland and Olym
pia where she was with relatives
for two wks.
Jack Berlincourt of Pertland
was on the Project Saturday look
ing after property interests.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root and Mrs.
Olive Mefford motored to Athena
Sunday and were dinner guests
ol the Root s son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root.
Mr. and Mrs. fke Thorpe and
family of Prineville stopped Sun
day afternoon at the home of his '
brother, N. A. Thorpe. j
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger and family of Lexington were
Sunday afternoon guests at the
i home of Mr Messenger's father.
E. T. Messenger,
j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ma
'comber of Arlington were over-
j night guests Saturday at the
t home of their brother and sister-
in-law, Mr and Mrs. N. A. Mc
comber. Boardman Garden club met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Wyss Monday afternoon. May
4 was set for the slvier tea. Three
new members were also added to
the roll. Mrs. R. A. Fortner was
co-hostess with Mrs. Wyss.
Monday evening Charles An
deregg, hushand of the Garden
club president, furnished enter
tainment for community movies
and the Garden Club serving
L . A CrTncintruwt'n'.. '
Buy your
2,4 D Amine
and Ester
at your own store
and save.
Phone 2211
Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
Lexington, Oregon
Bids are invited for the purchase of our
warehouse (original State 109) approxi
mately 50'xl41' and office building approxi
mately 15' x 40' located at Lexington, Ore
gon. All bids to include dismantling of build
ings and removal from property of all ma
terials, such work to be completed on or
before June 1, 1950. Bids will be opened at
our Lexington, Oregon office at 2 :00 p. m.
on March 25, 1950.
The Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Lexington, Oregon
To Believe That With a 32inch Warm Air Duct-Syslem
You Con Gef So Much Afore Automatic Comfort
You Have To So How It Putt
'Wasted" Heat To Utel Only
a Coleman Automatic furnace,
with the sensational new
BLEND-AIR heat-distribution
system, gives you such vn
temperature from floor to ceiling
day and night It stops the hot
ceilings that waste heat and cold
floors that cause colds.
You Have To See How It
Gives Individual Heat-circulation
to each room. No more
"freezing" in the bedrooms! Now
each bedroom has its own warm
air Blender! Each room qufomoti
cally gets the right amount of
heat for greatest comfort.
You Have To See How It Cuts
Installation Costl BLEND-AIR
not only gives you more comfort,
and cuts heat-waste! Usually, it
costs less to install than an old
style heating system
Come In And See The New
What "Magic"
Takes Place
The Wall Between
These Two Grilles?
a mmi .u i"""1
ut Sln It litvlnfl See us, and let us show you wny
the new Coleman Automatic Furnace, with BLEND
AIR, is the talk of home-owners and home-builders
alike. Come in ask for demonstration, nowl
Automatic Furnace With
Case Furniture Co.