Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 9, 1950 Neighbors On Water Street Give Mrs. Hugh Currin First Birthday Party ntly surprised Wednesday eve ning when a fjroup of her Water street neighbors gathered at her home for a party to honor her birthday. The beautifully decor- ted cake was made by Mrs. Al bert Sehunk. Chinese checkers was the diversion of the evening .u Currin ""Ports that this is the first time in her life that she has been so honored and was quite delighted over the entire evening. Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vons Storage Warehouse U. PandN. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Payne had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George N. Perry of Pen dleton and their houseguests, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheasley who have recently moved from Kent, Washington to Pendleton where Mr Sheasley is assistant superin. tendent of Smith Canning Co. Frank W, Baker motored to Portland Saturday. In Hillsboro, Mr. Baker will visit his mother and other relatives before return ing home to Heppner late in the week. Mrs. Margaret Phelps returned to Heppner Friday evening from North Dakota where she has lived for the past several months with her daughter. Mrs. Phelps was met in Pendleton by Mrs. Mabel Burkenbine whose house guest she will be for the present. The Rebekah degree was con ferred on six candidates, Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell, Mrs. Virginia Bohles, Mrs. Ramona Marshall. Ted Pierson and Jack Edmond son, at the meeting of Sans Souci Rebekah lodge Friday evening. The drill team, assisted by Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien as soloist, gave a beautiful demonstration of the ritualistic and floor work of the degree. Following lodge refresh ments were served by Mesdames Sara McNamer, Maude Hayden, Hilma Anderson and Lucy Rod gers. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currin and grandson, Tommy, motored to Pendleton Staurday to attend the grain growers convention and banquet. They expected to re. main over until Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Earl Gilliam mo tored to Hermiston Sunday to spend the day with their son and daughter-in-law. Rev. and Mrs. Jackson Gilliam and daughter, Ann Meridith. Mrs. Walter Becket entertained the members of the Women's So ciety of Christian Service at her home on Jones street the last of the week. Mrs. Lucille Owens led the devotionals with a discussion of their study book on Japan and read excerpts from a letter from ! her sister who teaches In Japan. Those present included Mrs. Alex I Green, Mrs. N. D Bailey, Mrs. I Kenneth Keeling, Mrs Carl Mc j Daniel, Miss Opal Briggs, Mrs. , Douglas Drake, Mrs. Chris Brown, i Mrs. Lincoln Nash. Mrs. Harry Van Horn, Mrs. Katie Slocum, ' Mrc Rnnnin Vinivinf frc Hurl Hudson and Miss Oraa Gilliam. Refreshments were served. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Davidson motored to Baker Friday after noon to visit with relatives and friends. New books at the Heppner pub lic library include Hathaway, "Little Locksmith;" Marier, "Haj ji Baba"; Smith, "Low Man on a Totem Pole;" White. 'The Pink House;" Shellabarger, "Kings Ca valier;" Guthrie, 'The Way West; Gouge. "Gentian Hill;" DuMaur ier, 'The Parasites;" Lundy, 'Tidewater Valley;" Green; "Lov ing;" Bromfield, "Colorado;" and for the juveniles, Krum,"Read With Me." 0usr Hearty Congratulations To Heppnesr (Cleaners on their new modern building Making another bright spot on Heppner's Main Street. Turn "A- Lum Lumber Co. Your House Of Chemical Service DuP Weed Killers Insprtiririps ONT seeA Treatmts- Fungicides DuPont - 2,4-D ESTER Sodium Trich Luracitate 2,4-D AMINE AMMATE "It's the Formula That Counts" Du Pont "MARLATE" - Non-Toxic DDT For Resistant Flies and Dairy Cattle Du Pont Dip 30 DDT &B.H.C. -for Beef Cattle Du Pont "DEENATE" - Improved DDT Will stay in suspension Du Pont "LEXONE" Benzine Hexachloride For hard-to-kill insects, Saroptic Mange on hogs and cattle COMPETITIVE IN PRICE - - - TOPS IN QUALITY DEPENDABLE FIELD SERVICE Makes Good Products Do a Better Job r- Gilliam and Bisbee Heppner, Oregon Phone 333 Bugs and Weeds are Our Business Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall made a business trip to Hermis ton Tuesday Mr and Mrs. W. O. Dix returned Sunday from The Dalles where Mr. Dix recently underwent sur gery. Mr. Dix returned to work Monday at his office in the court house. D. N. Dean of Arlington was a business visitor in Heppner Mon day. Mrs. Adelle Hannan and dau ghters. Roberta and Be tie, were over Sunday guests o. Mr and Mrs. Claud Huston at thir nome in the Eight Mile section. Mrs. Werner Rietmann of lone was looking after business in Heppner Monday. The Rietmanns are completing construction of a new home just east of lone. Don Rippee was over from Condon Monday visiting relatives and friends. Edwin Dick made a business trip to Monument Tuesday Dr. and Mrs. Jack Woodhall motored to Portland Monday to attend the state dental conven tion. They planned to be away most of the week. Saturday. Jim Lovgren receiv ed a badly cut knee and toe while falling telephone poles in the timber south of Heppner. Several stitches were taken to close the wound. Bruce Thomson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson Jr., received a gash on his forehead in a fall on Main street Saturday afternoon. Seven stitches were taken to close the cut. M.r and Mrs. Paul Webb and children of Walla Walla spent the week-end in Heppner with her mother, Mrs. Sophronia Thompson. The children remain, ed for a longer stay while the Webbs continued on to Spokane to attend a bull sale this week. The O. E. S. Social club met Saturday evening in the Masonic hall with Mesdames C C. Car michael of Lexington, Paul Jones, Harold Becket and Harley Ander son as hostesses. Bridge and pi- nichle were played with high in bridge being received by Mrs. Pearl Carter and in pinochle by Air.and Mrs. Charles Stout. Mar eel Jones received the door prize. Fetter tiring for a Fetter World . NATIONAL l it!;f.tV CLUB WEEK I Adventure and Achievement igy ; MARCH 4-12 A Youth Program of Activity, Adventure and Achievement Every Oregon youngster be tween the ages of 9 and 21 is eligible to belong to a 4 H club, and be a member of the world's largest volunteer youth organi zation, L. J. Allen, state 4-H club leader, states. Last year, more than 26.000 Oregon youngsters took part and carried out a total of 35,488 projects. Troject work" includes such things as canning, clothing, animal husbandry, woodworking altogether about 25 different subjects from which the young club member may choose. As always, 4-H club members strive to live up to their motto, "Make the Best Better." Waiting For a Sail -The Modern Merchant Doun't wait for SALES ( HK ADVERTISES1 Mrs Ruth Valentine has return ed home from St Anthony's hos pital. She was brought to Hepp ner the last of the week by Mrs. Kathryn Rice. Among those from out of town here Sunday for the funeral of the late Mrs. Sylvia Devin were Mr. and Mrs. George Hanel of Mt. Hood, Mrs Fred Tash and son Rodney of Hermiston, G. N. But ler and Wick Parrish of Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. C. L.' Lieuallen of Pendleton. . Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham have returned from Portland where Mrs. Graham recently un derwent a major operation at Portland Sanatorium. They were met in Arlington by John Wight man. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston and Mr. and Mrs Ben Anderson were in Walla Walla Monday to at tend burial services for the late Mrs Julia Cypert who died Thurs- day at the home of a daughter in Tacoma. Jack Davis who is employed at Scritsmier's mill underwent a minor operation Saturday at the office of a local physician. Ernie Rixie, insurance agent of La Grande, was a business visit or in Heppner Tuesday. Jack J. O'Connor and Donald Bennett drove to Seattle over the week-end taking the O'Connor's young son, Michael, there to re main for a time with his grand parents. Immunization for diphtheria and smallpox are to be given Morrow county school children the latter part of this month, ac cording to an announcement by Miss Margaret Gillis, county health nurse. March 21 is the dale set for immunizations in the Heppner school. In the Boardman and Irrigon areas, typhoid serum will also be given. Miss Alice E. Bloom of the Me. dieal School, crippled children di vision, Portland was in Heppner cenlly by the illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Julia Cypert. A son was born Sunday, March 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mona of Condon ut St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Grandpar ents are Mr and Mrs. James Far ley and Mr. and Mrs. John Mona ban of Heppner A daughter was born Monday, March 6. to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Dohcrty at St. Anthony's In Pendleton. A daughter was born Tuesday, March 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Tuesday to confer with Miss Mar garet Gillis and other health board members relative to the crippled children's clinic which is to be held May 5. Morrow coun ty children attending this clinic will be taken to Pendleton as there will be no separate clinic held in this county this year. William J. Doherty of Sand Hollow was shopping in Heppner the last of the week. Mrs. Mabel Burkenbine, her granddaughter, Carol Burkenbine and Mrs. Maicaret Phelos left Wednesday for Dorris, Calif, to LovRien at St. Anthony's hospital spend a week or 10 days visiting with Mrs. Paul Hayes. Mrs. Hayes will be remembered locally as Mrs. A. B. Grey who resided here several years ago Mis. Frank E Parker has re turned from Tacoma and Walla Walla where she was called re in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall motored to Walla Walla Tuesday. Need Envelopes? Or Letter Heads? Phone The Gazette Times OUR DEMOCRACY- by Mat Security to go Forward ft J VSv . " -. . '., v, vi-f 1 1 t fix ' YJ Congratulations and Best Wishes for the future, to the HEPPNER CLEANERS from HEPPNER HOTEL Ace Flying Service Guarantees Air Application for SPRAYING 2,4 D WEED CONTROL through The Interior Warehouse Heppner Lexington Implement Co.-Lexington Archer-Daniels Midland Co. lone BUY THROUGH YOUR LOCAL DEALER Meet All Competition Plus Discount. Northwest's Largest Air Applicators PENDLETON- HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and Ion MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Rietmann, lone The earlier, settlers in America were,of necessity primarily concerned with physical security, only as they established this security were they able to devote their energies fullv to the development of the rich resources of the new world. H I lUV- '! 7i--ri IP'S. ""W-i'W1 Today, the confidence and peace of mind we gain bv providing 5ecuritv for our. families through life insurance and savings is a vital element in enabling us to develop broader opportunities for, their well-being and advancement. She knows what your givin means I GLENN WARNER Heppner Fund Chairman for Morrow County District Chairmen Rhea Creek: Mrs. Harold Wright Eight Mile: Mrs. Ben Anderson Balm Fork, Mrs. Luke Blbby Hlnton Creek: Mrs. Don Creenup Gooseberry: Mrs. Burl Alters Lexington: Mrs. Cecil Jones Mrs. Vernon Munkers Mrs. Armin Wihlon lone: no chairman secured Cecil: Mrs. Ethel M. Rhoades Mrs. Herbert Hynd Morgan: Mrs. Martin Bauern- hind Helping turn on the light of hope In some disaster-stricken face . . . That's what your giving means. Helping to save a life so dear to someone, somewhere . . . That's what your giving means. Your help is always there through your Red Cross. Know in your heart you sent your share. Give now and give generously. All may help through RED CROSS GIVEN0W! Lena: Mrs. George Currin Pine City: Mrs. Jasper Myers Sand Hollow: Mrs. Sam Turner Blackhorse: Mrs. H. L. Duvall Hardman: Mrs. J. E. Hams Irrigon: Mrs Stella Phillips Boardman: Mrs. Flossie Coats HEPPNER J. J. O'Connor. Commercial Division Mrs. R. B. Rice, Residential Division Mrs. Floyd Adams Mrs. Edd Bennett Mrs. A. J. Chaffee Mrs. Rose Francis Mrs. Clive Huston Mrs. R. G. McMurtry Mrs. Fred Parrish Mrs. V. R Runnlon Mrs Sadie Sigsbee Mrs. Ted Smith Mrs. L. D. Tibbies Mrs. Mary Wright Mrs. Carl Whillock