Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, March 9, 1 950 Page 3 lone Grade School Basketball Team Mrs. Ethel Stewart is visiting relatives in Condon. Mrs. Ray Barnett was hostess to a Stanley brush party at her l home Wednesday evening of last ween. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Lewis Ball Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 28 in honor of Mrs. Wm. Seehafer and Mrs. E. M. Baker. Games were played and refreshments served by Mrs Ball and Mrs. Donald Ball. The hon orees received lovely gifts. Mrs. Ida Coleman won the door prize. place and received a trophy They The Pacific university players will attend the tournament at I)reson,ed the play, "Once Upon Hill Mllttui.., A 4 i . I a Melnrlra ma" tit thn cohrvil nit. land this week. Those going were dilorlum Tut'sdav evening of last Duane Baker, Lee Palmer Jerry week' They were sponsored by Bristow, Sammy Barnett Herbert ,ne Amprican Legion. The auxil l'eterson, Dick Ekstrom' Denny iary st'rved tl,e BrouP dinner at Swanson and Tommy White ,n Legion hall before the play. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith re- Robt'rl J"Psen was with the group, turned recently from a trio to Ar- ! Mrs Klna Yarnell of Portland liuna wnere inev SDent the w n. " ""is Several from here attended the grade school basketball tourna ment at Umatilla Friday and Sat. urday. The lone grades won first ter. They spent most of the time in Phoenix and Tucson. They also stopped in San Diego and Port land. They enjoyed warm weath er all winter. t Ihp hnmp fif hur daughter, Mrs. Charles O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Creslon Black and E. S. Stultz were Portland visit ors over the week-end. Officers and teachers of the Co. Mr. and Mr wu, r,h ' operative Sunday school met with left Saiurrlau fnr rWhln "eir superintendent. Frederick Mr and Mrs Ernest McCnhe 1 M,artin' Wpd"psdy evening and and I daughter Pam,.l r u planned work for the season, in BHstow 6a 'S Tommy spent V' EusR'r- " Friday of las, weVaTrKes! ft" to hold ,hese "' edXLadiesinreTeh?.rerh,ain-! MrnWri. Omar Rie.mann Thursday of lasfwoL ' home d son Larry visited her mother, i"i!.7.Z,.. Mrs- InPZ freeland, in Pendleton, """"""iiHiii iMiiHiiiHiiimiMHiiiimmii tiMtiimiti sunuay. 1 he Womans Missionary socle. ty of the Valby church met at the home of Oscar Peterson. Sunday. Officers re-elected were presi dent, Mrs. Leonard Carlson; sec retary. Mrs. Carl Bergstrom; trea surer, Mrs. Hilma Anderson. In eluded from lone were Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. Otto Lind- strom, and Mrs. G. Hermann. A potluck dinner was served after the business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lundell of Portland spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mrs Lana Pad berg entertain. ed at dinner Feb. 21 in honor of .he 81st birthday of John Hughes. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray. Otto Rietmann, Louis Pad berg, LeAnn Padberg, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker. Mr. Cutsforth showed several rolls of film Mrs. C. E. Brenner spent the week-end in Portland with her mother. The Social club of the Eastern Star was entertained at a lunch eon Wednesday, March 1. Canas. rta was played. Winning prizes were Mrs. Jred Mankin and Mrs. E. R. Lundell Mr and Mrs. Phil Griffin were Pendleton visitors last week Mrs. Fannie Griffith and Mrs. Noel Dobyns were visitors in The Dalles, Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Nichols of Ordnance were lone visitors one day last week. Sam Esteb built a concrete walk In front of his property. Those having trees cut down this week are E. R. Lundell, Hen ry Clark, M. E. Cotter and Ernest Heliker. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Heliker do nated the following books in me. mory of Tench Aldrich, who lost his life In World War II: One-act plays. "King's Row," "Liberty Street," 'The Border Lord," "In Bed We Cry," "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep," "Rebecca," "Ho tel Berlin," "Prairie Mother," "Prairie Wife." 'The Sun Is My Undoing," and "A Modern Com edy." Charles McElligott is in a hos pital in Portland. Ed Buschke reports that his sister, Mrs. Lena Twitchell of Los Angeles, is ill in a hospital there. Dates to remember: Mar. 10, Study meeting of Topic club at Mrs. Roy Lindstrom's. Legion dance. Mar. 13, Motion pictures at shool gym, 7:30. Mar. 14, Gar- lllfHIimUIHHIHIIIIIHMIIHIIIHIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMI den club at Omar Rietmann home. Mar. 15. Ameca club. Mar. 16, Ex. tension unit meeting at Ernest Heliker home, 9 a. m. Rebekah lodge and birthday party, 7:30 p. m. Mar. 17. HEC of Willows grange at hall for cleanup. Mar. 18, grange meeting. Mar. 19, pot luck dinner at Congregational church. Right To Cut In On Thru Traffic Backed By State Statute Have you ever wondered at the audacity of the driver, who after waiting for some time at a side street while trying to enter a through highway, finally bulls his way into the traffic stream, perhaps escaping a collision by inches? That driver may be taking a chance, but at least the law is on his side. And according to the state traffic safety division, it is a law that few drivers know and fewer still obey. Many who are familiar with the law have ac quired their knowledge through a damage suit or traffic fine, the division said. This is the way the law works. A vehicle stopping as required I , IIIIIIIIMIMMIIIIIIMHI I MIIHHI II !" HIH"" IMIIIIIII at the entrance to an anenai hiuhwav must vield to all vehi cles within the intersection or approaching so closely as to oe an immediate hazard. After hav ing yielded to these vehicles, he may then enter the highway, and all vehicles approaching on the through highway must yield to him. Confusion arises over the fact that vehicles often continue to approach rapidly on the through highway and may constitute a the right of way. The problem is ,r.ilnuniia hazard. According to! one which could best be solved the law, however, only those close enough to be a hazard at the time the other vehicle have through common courtesy be hind the wheel, safety officials pointed out. 1 S MR. MERCHANT ft The EYES of THE $1 i"rn witNiTV TAinn S y BE ON YOUR AD- f IF IT HAD BEEN Cgi iuSuw. IN THIS ISSUE rT I Don't Thow It Away ! If you want it to work bring it in to your MARSHALL WELLS STORE. We serv ice all makes of Ranges, Oil Burners, Wash ing Machines, Home Electrical Appliances and Bicycles. WE REPAIR ANYTHING 24-hour service on Oil Burners. After 6 p. m. phone 2724. Marshall-Wells Store SAVE THIS PAGE BRING IT TO THE SHOW WITH YOU IT MAY WIN A PRIZE FOR YOU Your tickets may be reserved at Gonty's Store any time after 12 noon March 8 no extra charge LAP ft DIRECTED BY EVELYN McLAREN SPONSORED BY JAYCEES AND JAY-CEE-ETTES TH BENEFIT OF E KINDERGARTEN A MIRTH QUAKE OF MUSIC and COMEDY Variety Show See news story for balance of names of local talent par ticipating in this big show Hodge Chevrolet PENDLETON-HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery Under New Ownership OTTO NOOY MAURICE KENNEDY MAIN CAST MR. JOHN Q. PUBLIC Edwin Dick MRS. JOHN Q. PUBLIC Bea Keeling JANE Karen Lee Pate JUNIOR . Gail Cox COUSIN KATY Lueella Sorlien GENE AUTREY Bill Barratt JUDY CANOVA Inez Meador ROCHESTER Bob Runnion PAPPY CHISELFINGER Henry Tetz CALLER Bunny Steers INQUIRING REPORTER Bill Seott HEDDA HOPPER Pearl Carter WALTER WINCHELL Al Huit DOROTHY DIX Kemp Dick POPEYE Ted Hart ORPHAN ANNIE Don Bennett BLONDIE Don Walker JIGGS' MAGGIE Everett Keith ley DAISY MAE Donald DuBois BABY SPARKLE Jack Van Winnie- INTERLOCUTOR C. J. I). Bauman RUFUS Hank Rauch Rastus JIM ERICKSON SAMBO Harry O'Donnell, Jr. HAMBONE Jack Est berg Farley Pontiac Co. Sales and Service Farley Motor Co. Willys Dealer Gase furniture Company COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS Heppner, Oregon Heppner Hardware and Electric Company GENERAL ELECTRIC and MAYTAG APPLIANCES WILLIAMS AUTOMATIC and G. E. OIL BURNERS Phone 2482 Central Meat Market WE SPECIALIZE IN AA MEAT Quarters of beef for lockers : All kinds of cured meal : Halibut . Salmon Smelt - Fillet of TrueCod Salt Cod -Oysters Phone 143 NORAH'S SHOP Clothing for LADIES - CHILDREN - INFANTS - NORAH RASMUS Phone 2G2 Meet Your Friends at ELKHORN CAFE for CHICKEN FRIED STEAKS HEPPNER LUMBER CO. KEEP OREGON GREEN Heppner Appliance Co. Frigidaire . Zenith Duotherm Phone 1423 C. E. McQUARRIE BAKERY AGENT FRESH BAKED GOODS DELIVERED DAILY Tested and Approved CHILDREN'S HEALTH NEEDS Humphreys Drug Co. The Rexall Drug Store Heppner Market and Lockers Fresh and Cured Meats Fancy and Staple Groceries DAILY DELIVERY Phone 92 Anderson's Builders Supply Full line of Building Spls. When Better Homes Are Built We Build Them Thone 232 L. E. DICK Standard Oil Products OIL STOVES ELECTRIC and FLAMO APPLIANCES Phone 2902 Congratulations Junior Chamber of Commerce and Jay-cee-ettes Upon wonderful service rendered to Heppner Community with Kindergarten Project HEPPNER MOTORS North Main Street Heppner, Oregon Heppner Red & White WE FEATURE FRESH FRUITS and PRODUCE STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES FROZEN FOODS Phone 1292 ENJOY LIFE MORE Eat Out Oftener at EASTER'S GRILL Drink a Bottle of Milk Daily Call For PRIDE of OREGON Ice Cream GONTY'S SHOES FOR ALL Westinghouse Appliances For the Home Trade in that old tub Phone 2352 Turner, Van Marter & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Phone 152 Western Auto Supply Appliance, Hardware Auto Supplies and Furniture Phone 182 WE LIKE TO HELP FOLKS BUILD Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Phone 912 GILLIAM & BISBEE has a full line of Kelvinator Appliances COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER Mouse and Rat Traps Phone 333 Marshall-Wells Store ZENITH APPLIANCES HARDWARE - TOOLS HOUSEWARES ROLLING PINS Phone 503 HEPPNER GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Phone 213 Mary Van's Flower Shop FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Wire Orders Sent Anywhere Phone 2502 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS C. A. RUGGLES "After We Sell We Senre" Phone 723 SHELL OIL PRODUCTS JOHN A. PFEIFFER Phone 2942 IT PAYS TO SHOP AT PENNY'S Buy a New Nightgown RICHFIELD SERVICE George Davidson. Prop. Guaranteed Pacilie Tires SERVICE FOR CARS and TRUCKS Free Distilled Water Phone 2S22 Saager's Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ' EXPERTLY Phone 62 OMAR RIETMANN Harris Combines - Oliver Implements - Case Implements Calkins Weeders, Treaters Hardware . TEST DRIVE THE '50 FORD It Will Open Your Eyes Rosewall Motor Company Friday and Saturday March 10 and 11 HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM CURTAIN TIME 8:13 flMIIMIHMIMMMtlllMIMMIItlMIMMIIIIMIIIMMI IIIIIIMIMtMllllMMIIIIIMMIMIMIIIMMMIIMMtlllllllllillMlltMIIIHMIIMIi IIMIHmilHIHIHMIHHMHMIMMIHinMIIIIIHHHMIIIHMIIHMMm HltmiMMtMllllt tHIIItMHIItttlHIMIIIIIMHHIMMIIIIIMIIMItltlMIMMtlMMttHHHMHHIHIIIIH