Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 23, 1950 : lone Post American Legion presents Pacific University Players in the Three Act Play "Once Upon A Melodrama" with a Cast of 27 Players and a 15-piece Orchestra lone School Auditorium, 8 p. m. Tuesday, Feb. 28 oving Delayed Due to a death in the family of Mr. Eddie Paul, who has been retained to superintend the moving of our equip ment, we find it necessary to postpone moving until . . s. Thursday ) March Ll (One Week) Regular service will be maintained until that date The office in our present location will be kept open until March 4 to receive and deliver work done up to and in cluding March 1 . Heppner Cleaners for 1 sale Special clearance of Dresses SATURDAY and MONDAY A fine opportunity to refurbish your wardrobe at this tag end of a hard winter .... Buy two dresses for the price of one. CASUALS or BETTER DRESSES 10.95 to 25.00 FEBRUARY 25 and 27 No Free Alterations . Cash or Lay-Away Norah's Shop Correspondent lommuM irom page one Mr. and Mrs. M. L Case and other relatives. Mrs. Allen Case returned the last of the week from a business trip to Portland. John Krebs of Cecil was look ing after business matters In Heppner Tuesday. Lambing is in full swing in the Cecil district. L. E. Dick paid a visit to hjs sons, Edwin and Kemp and their families over the week-end Mrs. Lennie Louden and Mrs. ft. A Thompson motored to Pen dleton Wednesday to spend the day looking after business af fairs. Frank Baker returned Sunday from Pendleton where he has been a patient at St. Anthony's hospital following an operation earlier in the week. He was brought home by Mrs. Frances Cheek and Dallas Moon. Mrs. Cheek will be remembered as the former Frances White and now has a position as supervisor in the Pendleton telephone office. They were dinner guests of Jo sephine Mahoney before return ing to Pendleton. Week-end houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hart were her parents. Mr. and Msr. Herman Rose and son Lome and Joe Car roll of Baker A record crowd attended the Pancake luncheon at the Episco pal parish house Tuesday. This is an annual event of Shrove Tues day and is sponsored by the Wo men's Auxiliary. Among those from Pendleton here Saturday for the Elks an nual were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ken. ney, and Dr. and Mrs. James R. Broun. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark of Hermiston were in Heppner Saturday Week-end houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. Del Smith of Con don. Mr and Mrs. Harlan Devin of Condon were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Parker. WORD OF APPRECIATION I take this means of expressing my appreciation to my friends for their thoughtfulness during my recent hospitalization. The cards and flowers were a great mt ana Drougnt me much pleas ure. Mrs. John Bergstrom. CARD OF THANKS Please accept our sincere thanks for the many kindnesses extended and for the cards and flowers sent in memory of our mother. Elmer Byland Asa Byland Ralph Byland CHURCHES I (Continued from page 5) Special missionary program on Japan, talk by M. L. Case. Also interesting things from Japan. All are welcome. Thursday, 7:30 p. m choir practice. World Day of Prayer sponsored by the church women of Heppner at tne episcopal church Friday, Feb. 24, at 2:30 p. m. Everyone welcome. Woman's Society of Christian Service meets first Wednesday of each month. Suzanna Wesley cir. cle of WSCS meets third Wednes day of each month. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9:45 a. m. Bible school, C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship and communion service. Special mu sic, anthem by the choir, Mrs. Charles Flint, director, and solo by Mrs. Willard Warren. Sermon theme, 'The Cross in the Center of the Heart of God." 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Ser mon theme, "Four Fools in Hepp ner." Tuesday, 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Work ers conference basket dinner and work night. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. choir prac tice. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal El von L. Tull, Vicar Holy communion 8 a. m. Church school, 9:45 a. m. I holy communion at 10. Friday, llHodockmmUnin serm"'hly comuminon at 7:30 a. m. Study class, 7:30 p. m. Litany and instruction, 7:30 p. m. Week day services: Wednesday,' Choir practices: Girls choir Wednesday at 4; adult choir, Thursday at 8. Boy Scouts. Wednesday even ing, 7:30 to 9. Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. PandN. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorloa Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. STAR nn REPORTER s.4mlssion piloM sitrnoo& ui ve&ing, unless spo elflwUr dTsrtld to bo otharwiasl Children: lit PrlM JT, red. Tu M, Total 10c; Orad. and Hifb School Student! U yean and over! Bit. PrlM .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c s Adults: Est. Pries .600, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60s. Erery child occupylnf a seat mast have a ticket. ' it 'fil you seelta sensational new 1950 T1RIGIDAIRE 5ee em soon, n ... vtj' iynXc Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service n Fire's In the Mbuntoin Wind's a-Blowin' There's a DANCE IN CONDON "LET'S GET A-GOIN'" Saturday Nite, March 4th Featuring the Mystery Maniacs of Western Swing SQUARE : -POPULAR : WESTERN Refreshments by American Legion Auxiliary IIIIIKIIIHIIMIIIIIMIHIIIIHHHtlllllllttllllllllllllltllltlllllll COURT ST. MARKET Friday-Saturday Specials at your Favorite Food Store VELVEETA 2 Lb. QQC CHEESE Box OO WHITE STAR TUNA Grated y.,'a 33c Solid in's" 39c PEACHES, Hunt's Yellow Cling Halves TOMATO JUICE Hunt's Large SUNSHINE HI HO CRACKERS 2i. Tin 19c 46 Oz. 29c OQan, 1 Pound Package MUX SUNSHINE PARTY MIX CANDY M 2 Pound Bag FOILRAPP The Perfect Food Wrap 25 Foot Roll 40c TOMATOES 2'. tin Hunt Solid Pack 19' CATSUP Q AQaft Huntl4 0z.tfor it?t MEAT DEPARTMENT Smelt:, lb . 23c Oysters, pt. 67c Oriole Sliced Bacon, lb. . . . 49c 100 per cent Pure Pork Susage, lb 45c Fresh Fryers - Pan Ready, lb : 69c VEAL ROASTS EZ(in Boneless Pound VvV PURE LARD 4 Pound Package 59c Always Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Mrs. Larry Fletcher of Arling ton was a guest here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson attended the funeral of O L. Sparks in Pendleton' Thursday. Sunday shows oontlnnoos from 1 p. m. All rvcmtnf; shows start at 7:30 p-a4vrtl4 m., ttAlass othsrwlM Thurs.-Frtday Sat, February 23-24-25 I Shot Jesse James Preston Foster, Barbara Britton, John Ire land, Reed Hadley, J. Edward Bromberg The thrilling and colorful last days of America's most fabulous outlaw. Leave It To Henry Raymond Wolburn, Walter Catlett Gary Cray, Mary Stuart in iaugh-laden homwpun comedy. Sunday-Monday, February 2G-27 Always Leave Them Laughing Just HOAR at the show-world's No. 1 Fun. ny-Mun, Milton Berle, and the girl he pets funny with, Virginia Mayo! Also, Kuth Unman, Bert Lahr, Alan Hale, Grace Hvs. Jerome t'owan. You'll have to stop lunching long enough to listen to the 8 ming hits! WHITE HEAT Tues.-Wed.-Tb.urs. February 28-March 1-2 James Cagney, Virginia Mayo, Edmond O'Brien, Margaret Wycherly , 8 A picture of the Treasury Department and gangsters that moves with the speed of a bullet . . not since the days of "Scar face" has anything of such excellence In the crime category hit the screen. Cagney is outstanding In the type of role that first brought him screen fame. It's rug ged, realistic and adult. Dance lone Legion Hall Friday if March vfflb ooo 1 f7 1 WSL ' Eb J&Zir I 1 Ji ' r- A IS U'DMUNIU I II ( . - Drills to enter ofl5' 1 I -J 1 I 19 atV I IS II ""a-- 1 1-S a w i i ii 65 " SAW 2"culd.plh. U'A by W lilting tobl.. T 49" b.lws.a blod. end on malal estension tobl. : a j" latmi 15" iwlng. lot, loil " flloch hat floating for cup Sp.ds - 100 lo 3M0 IPM. 3S 11" OIK IANDER Groduot.d Mit.r gaug. with automalic spring slop. 143"by 17 lilting tobl.. HOIIIZONTAl DRIU No liH 10 Iwglh ot work. Miter and pr.vld. wr guld, 4". swW fes i SHOPSMITH with motor . , . 199.50 Woodworking project or home repair, SHOP SMITH does it with power ... accurately, easilyl 8'' law, 15" drill press, 12" disc lander, 33" lathe, and horizontal drill ... all in one compact unitl 5 big-capacity tooli'which perform hundreds of operations. Your rugged SHOPSMITH (il weighs 200 pounds) easily fits into a corner of your garage, basement, or utility room. One motor drives all tools. In less than a minute you can change from one tool to any of the others. If you want a complete power workshop for less lhan half the cost. In one-fifth the soace . . . , gel j SHOPSMfTMl See SHOPSMITH demoHlralion at Heppner Hardware & Electric Company Admission $1.50 per Irs j 1