Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 23, 1950 Page 5 MORE PEOPLE are test driving the new 1950 Ford and more people get their eyes opened every uay FOR SALE Dry cedar posts, 20c. Guy C. Parsons, Hotel Heppner. 40tfc. WANTED 25 cars every day to wash with our Washmoblle. Rose- wan Motor company SPRINKLER SYSTEMS pay div idends. The cost is usually re- turned in the first year or two in increases in crop or stock gains, ll you want a little area or a big one we can fit the sys tem made to measure. Inves tigate Stout Tractor Pull for a job made easy. We are Eastern Oregon representatives for Stout. DE WILDE & TEMPLE, Box 144, Pendleton, Ore. 47tfc 1938 FORD coupe. This is the thrifty 60 model. Pay down $75.00. Rosewall Motor Co. DE WILDE & TEMPLE have ev erything In the book in the line of farm equipment. It's all se cond hand and every piece of merchandise U a bargain. What ever you need we can do better by you. Box 144, Pendleton, Oregon. 47tfc LET US Porcelainize your new car for lasting beauty. Rosewall Motor company, FOR SALE Two late model John Deere 4 bottom tractor plows, $300 each; one No. 36 John Deere combine, 20-ft. header, all rubber mounted .stiff trac' tor tongue, Felberg 150 bu. trai ler bulker on regular 65 bu. John Deere bulker. At Irby's ranch, Olex, Ore. Phone 3540 o wrlte 709 W. 10th, The Dalles. 45tfc. WE MAKE front end corrections and balance your wheels to in crease tire mileage and make driving a pleasure. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Lincoln 300 amp! gasoline driven welder. Onan 2000-watt 110 V AC automatic light plant. C. K. Peck, Lex ington, Ore. 44tfc 1942 PONTIAC club coupe. Pay down $225.00. Rosewall Motor Company. Farmers Air Service Ammonium Sulphate-Nitragin Fertilizers Applied by Airplanes Make arrangements now for 2-4-D Air Application Contact Morrow County Grain Growers Lexington Heppner lone Chevrolet alone in the low-price field gives you all that's beautiful. . all that's thrilling ... all that's thrifty ! FIRST.,. and Finest... at Lowest Cost Yes, you can expect the new standard of powerful, dependable low-cost performance from the 1950 Chevrolet . . . just as you can look to it for the new standard of beauty, driving and riding ease, and all-round safety. It'i the only low-priced car HODGE CHEVROLET CO THE BEST one man business in this area can be yours without capital Investment. If you are over 21 and under 55, have car, and enjoy good credit rating, wrile J. R. Watkins Co., 1.37 Dexter Ave., Seattle, Wash. 45-50c WE HAVE FORD motors to fit Ford trucks and cars made for the last 22 years. Rosewall Mo. tor Company. PHOTOSTAT copies made of your impotant papers. Lyons Stu dio. Phone 2772. 45-49c ROSY SAYS: We have set our selves an unusually high quota of new and used cars sales for February. It will pay you to get our deal while we are in a trading mood. EXTRA EARNINGS! Show Every day greeting cards. 15-card $1 assortment sells on sight, pays you up to 50c! Metallics, plas tics, many more. Free imprint samples assortments on appro, val. STYLART, 1310 Santee, Dept. S3, Los Angeles 55, Calif. 1941 CHEVROLET truck, long wheel base, dual tires, ready to go to work. Pay down $165.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE OR TRADE We are offering a keen set-up on Hgy 99 in southwestern Oregon. Will trade for Central or Eastern Or egon property. Let us have your trades. SHELLEY REAL ESTATE THE DIRT MERCHANT 48-50c REDMOND, OREGON TEST DRIVE the new 1950 Ford It will open your eyes. YOU CAN BUY Ladies' Levi's, waist size 23 to 33. at Wilson's Men's Wear. 1910 FORD TUDOR. Recondition ed motor. This thrifty car can be bought for $.65.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. SEE our bargain counter. We have some excellent buys in Sweaters, Jackets, Shoes, bro hens. Ca II 18F21. 49p 1949 FORD convertible club cou pe, equipped with radio, heater and two sport lights. See and drive this sporty car. Pay down $595.00. Rosewall Motor Co. offering you a choice of the finest standard or automatic drive and the finest performance with econ omy from two great Valve-in-Head engines . . plus all the other features listed here. Come in. See Chevrolet for 1950 first and finest at lowest cost! AMERICA'S BEST SELLER Used Cor Prices Are DOWN! 1947 FORD V-8 Super DeLuxe. Radio, heater, overdrive a bargain. 1940 DESOTO TUDOR Motoi thoroughly reconditioned. 1936 PONTIAC SEDAN Excellent condition. 1936 DODGE SEDAN This U a clean car. Don't gamble Buy with a guarantee! HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 FOR SALE 20-foot Royal trailer nouse. Joe and Merle Cornell sen, Heppner, on Pete Prophet property. 49-50p COLD SPOT Refrigerator, large capacity win oeep ireeze com partment. We can save you money on this one. Rosewall Motor Company. Rom where That Miss Gilbert, our grammar school principal, spoke the other night at the regular Pirent-TeacherV meet ' Ing, on getting children to do their homework when they want to liaten to the radio. "We musnt give them a flat 'no'," Mis Gilbert said. "If we adults really believe in tolerance and moderation, we should instill these qualities in our children. Listening to the radio is fine in moderation as long as homework gets done, too.' From where I sit, the lady was dead-right This radio vs. home CoDrritht, Dm StyMh D U lv,VP.SJl!l-l.w:v I Iclllrlomr ------ Cfcewolef mmi Chevrolet atone erlngi you all Itm advan. laaot ot Iowm! mil NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHES . . . NEW TWO-TON! fISHEl INTEilOIS . . . CENTER-POINT STEERING AND UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE . . . CURVED WINDSHIELD WITH PANORAMIC VISIBILITY . . . BIGGEST Of ALL LOW-PRICED CARS . . . PROVED CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC RAKES . . . IXTRA-KONOMICAL TO OWN, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN. powers 1ESXSS Combination of Powerglide Transmission and WS-h.p. Engine optional on Dt Luxe models at extra cost. AMERICA'S BEST BUY I A USED CAR is no better than the dealer that sells and services it. Rosewall Motor Company. MARRIED man desires year round work on ranch but will take anything. Write Box 173, lone, Oregon. Dan Aarstad. 48-49p 1939 FORD pickup. Here is a good pickup with nice appearance that can be bought for $100.00 down. Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED 2,000 yards of dirt to remove daily. Crum Bros., lone, Oregon. 48tfc WE REPAIR all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Portable typewriter; Minlt Maid pressure cooker. Josephine Mahoney. 48-49p WE WILL WASH your car with our Wash mobile for $1.50. Rose. wall Motor Company. FOR SALE Turkey torn and hnes. Call 18F24. 49p 1947 CHEVROLET club coupe. Pay down $365.00. Rosewall Motor Company. MANAGER WANTED Responsible man or woman to manage and service a genuine tiersney uanay, wngley Gum and Life Saver vending busi ness in this area. No sellinir. No age limit. Reliability more important than past experience. $950 investment required. No speculators wanted. Can net $50 to $70 weekly profit. State if can start at once. Write briefly. A & B Distributors, 1537 N. 9. Union Ave., Portland 12, Oregon. 49p WE HANDLE Myers Water Sys- it?ms ana r 100a rumps ana can give service on all makes on the market. Myers Pumps are one of the few pump companies that still make parts for their first models. DeWilde & Tem ple Co., 49tfc HAS YOUR CAR had its RPM lub rication this month? Drive in for quick service. Rosewall Mo tor Company. FOR SALE New Westinghouse automatic washing machine and Frigidaire refrigerator. Phone 2744. 49p I sit ... Joe Marsh How to Get Homework Done work problem is a wonderful waj to see to it that our youngsters ac quire the sensible moderate habits they'll need later on. I've never believed in hard and fast rules except where abso lutely necessary. Let the other fel low do as he likes, as long as he's temperate and tolerant Guess that's why I've never felt we should quarrel with the fellow who is par tial to a glass of beer the "Bever age of Moderation." 1950. United Slates Brewers Foundatior 4-Door Sedan I UI CARPENTER work of all kinds. Lewis Wetzel, Heppner Ore - gon. 48-49p fiwroufin ,ZZ Tl 7ZT- 't terns lree engineering and es- any charge. Contact DeWilde & Temple Co., Box 144, Phone 3075, Pendleon, Ore. Direct Re presentatives for Stout Irriga tion, Inc., for Eastern Oregon. 49tfc ARMY SURPLUS QUONSET HUTS Brand new all metal: 16x24 $352.00 16x36 8 484.00 16x48 635.00 20x24 424.00 20x36 . 600.00 20x48 825.00 Additional 12-ft. sections can be obtained to lengthen build ing out as long as you want. Above prices K.O.B. Portland. There are only about 20 of each size left and when these are gone the deal Is off. If interest, ed. contact DeWilde & Temple Co. Box 144, or Phone 3075, Pen dleton, Ore. 49c WAYNE AIR COMPRESSORS uas or electric to fit your Job. DeWilde & Temple, Pendleton, Ore. 49tfc LARGEST used Farm Equipment imi in tastern Oregon. DeWilde & Temple, Pendleton, Ore. 49tfc WANTED: Used gas fired ranges, rerngerators and water heaters. Liberal trade in allowance on electric appliances or furniture. L. A. Moore Furniture Store, Hermiston, Oregon. Phone 2121 49-52c FOR SALE one Model A Ford truck, reconditioned; one boat and boat trailer; one used Thor washing machine, motor over hauled, used lawn mower, as is; new barbecue and two sacks of charcoal. Phone 732. FOR SALE Upright piano in ex cellent condition. H. D. Car ter, phone 455. 49p FOR SALE 30-gollon Universal hot water heater; Everhot au tomatic roaster. Chas. O'Con nor, lone. 49-52p LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ... Notice is hereby given that Erbie Hayes, Administrator of the estate of JOSEPH M. HAYES, De. ceased, has filed his final account of his administration of the es tate of said deceased with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and that said Court has fixed Mondav, the 6th day of March, 1950, at the hour of 10 o'clock, in the fore noon of said day, at the County Court room, at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said tinal account and the set tlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file such objections on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this -ind day ot hebruary, 19o0. ERBIE HAYES, Administrator. Jos. J. Nys, Attorney for Administrator. 46-50 SUMMONS Equity No. 3871 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. HARRY DINGES and BERTHA DINGES, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, -vs- N. C. BROCK and JANE DOE BROCK, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, CINNIE A. NUNAN and JOHN DOE NUNAN, her husband whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, MINERVA WHITE Trustee, BERTON WHITE and MARY DOE WHITE, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs. MYRTLE WHITE and JOHN DOE WHITE, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, and EFFIE WHITE and JOHN DOE WHITE, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, and the unknown heirs of N. C. BROCK, if de ceased, the unknown heirs of CINNIE A. NUNAN, if deceas ed, the unknown heirs of BER. TON WHITE, if deceased, the unknown heirs of MYRTLE WHITE, if deceased, and the unknown heirs of EFFIE WHITE, if deceased. ALSO all other persons or parties un known, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. TO: The above defendants and each and all of vou: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer plaintiffs' com plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause. A'ithin four U'nnL-c frnrn tho Hntn of the first publication of this Himmons upon you, and u you ail to so appear or answer'for .vant thereof, plaintiffs will apply o the above entitled Court for ;he relief prayed for in their com. plaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting title lo he following described real pio. uerty, situate In Morrow County, itate of Oregon, to-wit: All of Block 5 In the Town ol Lexington; ALSO, all that part of Block 23,- Penland's Addi tion lo the Town of Lexington, in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, lying North and East of the right of way and levee of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company and North and East of the middle of the center of Willow Creek as said creek may flow through said Block 23, SAVE and EX CEPT that" portion of Lot 1. said Block 23. described as fol. lows: Beginning at the South east corner of Lot 1, running thence Westerly to a point oil the North line of said lot thence Easterly along the Nor therly line of said Lot 1, a dis tance of 90 feet, more or less, to the line of West Street, thence Southeasterly to the place of beginning; .ALSO SAVE and EXCEPT Lot 5 oi said Block 23 in said Penland's Addition to the Town of Lex ington, and that it be adjudged and de- ereed that the plaintiffs are the 1 owners in fee simple of said real j property and that whatever in- jterest or title you my claim to "aye in said real property is null lof vou an1 aH n(,Tvnr.t nr narti,..-,; you, be forever barred and re strained of and from all claim, right, title and interest in and to said real property and every part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitabl.'. This Summons is published by order of the Hon. Garnet Bjrratt, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow Coun ty, made and entered on Iha 31st day of January, 1950, directing publication of this summonj once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Morrow County, Or. egon, and of general circulation therein and Hie date of the first publication of this summons is Fcbiuary 1. 1950. JOS. J. NYS Attorney for Plaintiffs Address: Heppner, Oregon. 4-H CLUB NEWS The Junior Stockmen's 4H meeting was held at Jean Marie Graham's Sunday, February 12 at 2 o'clock. Pictures were shown before the meeting by C. A. Rug gles and N. C. Anderson. Mr. Ruggles showed slides taken of I ly county lair. VUC,!U" tu lwu 'uv- ing pictures Mouy, ine moo Cow and Woody the Woodpecker and the Screwdriver. The meeting was called to or der by the president, James Wightman; Mr. Munkers intro duced a new member, Vern No lan of Lexington; roll was taken and the minutes were read and approved. We adjourned to the barn where Jean Marie and Peggy Wightman gave a demonstration on dairy judging and the groom ing of a dairy cow. We then re turned to the house and Mr. Munkers checked out record books. The meeting adjourned and refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at Skip Ruhl's, March 12. CHURCHES ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Shelby E. Graves 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Les son topic, "Jesus, the Good Shep. herd. 11 a. m. Worship service. 7 p. m. Youth for Christ. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. We are looking for Jesus to ap pear soon in the clouds for those who are watching for Him. Are you ready St. John 10. Tuesday. 7 to 8. Bible club. 7:15 p. m. Bible study and prayer- meeting. Friday, February 24 is set aside as a World Day of Prayer pray ing for a great worldwide revival. If you are sick, discouraged. in trouble in any way, we believe God answers prayer. Write Box 92. LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Chcrch Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister The great essentials of happi ness are something to do. some thing to love, and something to nope ior. But be sure wnat vou do js right, then fear no man. Church school 10 a. m. WorshiD and preaching 11 a. m. Singing and preaching 7:30 p. m. At the morning services the book of Galatians is our discus sion and will be followed by the book of Hebrews. We are discus sing the book of Revelations at the evening service. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister February 26, Laymen's Sunday. Special service in charge of the laymen of the church at 11 a. m. F. C. Tolleson. lay leader of the church, chairman. Special music by the choir, Paul McCoy, direc tor, also otner special numbers. Sunday church school at 9:45, Oliver Creswick, superintendent Continued on page six GRAPEFRUIT New Potatoes LETTUCE Two A AC Crisp Calif. Heads MU APKICADE 46 Oz S and W 39' t.AKDEN fl AAC V P Corn M for LO Mayfl'r Armour CMC OLEO 1 Lb. 4 BUY NOW AND SAVE HEPPNER MARKET Here from Boardman for the Annual were Mr and Mrs. Ken Garbage Rates Notice is hereby given that the garb age hauling charges in the residential section of Heppner will be raised to $1.50 per month from the old price of $1.00, effective March 1, 1950. RAYMOND McDONALD WE NOW OFFER New Low Liability Rates for Farmers' Private Passenger Cars. See us for particulars TURNER. VI MARTER I CO. Don't Thow It Away ! If you want it to work bring it in to your MARSHALL WELLS STORE. We serv ice all makes of Ranges, Oil Burners, Wash ing Machines, Home Electrical Appliances and Bicycles. WE REPAIR ANYTHING 24-hour service on Oil Burners. After 6 p. m. phone 2724. Marshall-Wells Store Berako Now is the time to spray your cattle for Grubs and Lice Order your supply of Berako Now! Morrow County Grain Growers Inc. Medium Arizona Red California FISH SPECIALS For Your Lenten Meals CRAB OYSTERS SMELT HALIBUT and SALMON Phone 92 neth Akers and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes. 4,-29' White 3 pounds AQC for UXJ 1 - MAIN at MAY HEPPNER, OREGON