Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 16, 1950 Mr urn) Mm. (rl WriKhl and'tho wpck-rnd with her parents. 1 CATTLE GRUB TIME dauKhtor. Lynn nr. J Nancy. 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Happold and v.erp m,., from Jlrrmision f..r!his mm her. Mm Ava U'rioht WE NOW OFFER New Low Liability Rates for Farmers' Private Passenger Cars. See us for particulars TURNER mm Mumbo Jumbo 3-Act Mystery Farce (by Lexington P-TA Players) Sponsored by Heppner P. T. A. 8:00 p. m. February 22 Heppner High School Gym. Admission: 75c : 50c : 25c It is not too late to spray for cattle grubs, reminds N. C. An derson, county agent, even though a recommendation to make the first application on January 25 was made in a curcular letter sent to all livestockmen on Jan uary 19. Cold weather has slowed up the emergance of grubs but they are now emerging rapidly. Control recommendations are the same as in past seasons with Ro tonone being the only insecti cide recommended. It may be applied as a dust, a wash, or a spray, using a pressure of about 400 pounds. The spray method is the most popular in Morrow county with the hand methods, dust or wash, being used for dairy animals or small beef herds. The spraying should be done some time early in the day so that the cattle can dry before nightfall. The need for cattle grub control is substantiated by the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, that show the grubs cause a loss of from 50 to 100 million dollars annually. This loss repre sents wasted meats trimmed from grubby carcasses and the loss in damaged hides. Not all ranchers are aware that they are being penalized when selling their grubby ani mals. We have first-hand infor mation, states the county agent, showing that grubby cattle nor mally suffer a price concession of about 50 cents per hundred weight. There have been many instances when grubby cattle do not received a bid until late in the day and are often penalized as much as $1.00 per hundred. This loss to the cattle industry can be avoided by grub treat ment which will probably cost you between five and six cents per head, per treatment for materials. CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH. Episcopal Holy Communnion Church school 9:45 Morning Prayer and sermon 11 Study class 7:30 p. m. Week day services: SEE our bargain counter, we have some excellent buys in Sweaters, Jackets, Shoes, bro ken sizes. Wilson's Men's Wear. bu, HEPPNER MKT. Save These Special Soop Values Friday and Saturday Only GIANT SIZE V E L LARGE SIZE FAB .GfC 67c HERE THEY ARE FRESH DATES OQ 1 pound package OU Brazillian Belle Coffee 1 lb. 69c Siviftning Buy Now and Save 3 lb. 69c PRODUCE CANNED FOODS lhe ?est n Jllat ca" be Purchased at these New Green - Crisp - Tasty () . Low Prices QTPivr'nr ivc 19C Swift's Premium LETTUCE Ari- 4 Qc STRING BEANS FRYERS f .29 zona's best. 2 Hds. 1 V Gardcn Fresh Strictly fresh, ea. 1 SPARE RIBS A He TUBE TOMS Offc Standby 04c Nice and lean " Direct from Calif. "D TOM. JUICE OJ" B f Chuck Roast Cfi Grade A Steer, lb. 00 10-lb. Dcs. Spuds JQc Log Cabin Syrup -1.19 Banner Sliced OQc Now for only Lge Tin 56 oz. A BACON Lb. STAR jm REPORTER j; ftfentialoo price. eiteraoon and trenta-, snlraa jpe- School Student. 13 yean and oreri Ert. Prloe 40 EE eincaUf adnrtueA to be otherwise! Children! EL PeL T" -10- ToU1 600 ; ' E'- Price .Mo, Fed! ZZZ , . . Tax .10, Total 60c Every child oeeoDTlna- a eeat oe -IT, Ta .03, Total KM; 0ni, and High mast hare a ticket. oocnpytnf aeal Sunday ahom oootluuoai from 1 p. in. All erenlnj- ehowi Mart at 7:30 p. onleM otherwise advertised Friday-Saturday. February 17-18 BRIMSTONE Walter Brennan. Bod Cameron, Adrian Booth, Forrest Tucker, Jack Holt "Brimstone" is full of movement, fast and furious chases, gun dunls, fisticuffs and a touch of romance, photographed in color. Lady of The Chorus Adfle Jrrceni Hand Brooks in a good little musical drama. February 19-26. American Brotherhood Wek TALK . SPEAK LIVE the Spirit of American Brotherhood. Sunday-Monday, February 19 20 The Red Danube Walter Pidgsxm, Ethel Barrymore, Peter Larwford, Janet Leigh, Louise Calhera, Angela Lansbury, Francis L. Sullivan, Jcmine Perreau ills orders could move a battalion . . . but her f ail h was able to make a miracle. Walter Pidgeon as Colonel Nicobar and Ethel Barrymore as Mother Auxilia in the film version r,f Bruce Marshall's "Vespers in Vienna." Tuesday-Wednesday, February 21-22 Sword In The Desert Dana Andrews, Marta Toren, Stephen Mc Nolly, Phillip Friend An achievement in Impressive and excit ing action drama . . . played against the background of Palestine, one of the world's hottest danger zones! A story of heroic patriots, appropriate for showing on the birthday of the great American patriot, George Washington. Holy Communion at lOWednes-! day and 7:30 a. m. Friday. j Girls choir: 4 Wednesday and adult choir at 8 Thursday. ; Boy Scouts 7:30 to 9 Wedncs-. day evening. I e HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9:45 a. m. Bible school, C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship and communion service. Sermon topic, 'The Cross: In the Center of Hos tility." Nursery service is main tained during this hour. 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Ser mon theme, "To Hell and Back." Tuesday. 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Bible school workers' conference meet. ing and potluck dinner, j Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Choir : practice. I . LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church ' Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister Following the line of least re sistance makes rivers and men Don't Thow It Away ! If you want it to work bring it in to your MARSHALL WELLS STORE. We serv ice all makes of Ranges, Oil Burners, Wash ing Machines, Home Electrical Appliances and Bicycles. WE REPAIR ANYTHING 24-hour service on Oil Burners. After 6 p. m. phone 2724. Marshall-Wells Store crooked, but mother' apron string isn't a bad anchor for a youthful life. Church school 10 a. m. Worship and preaching 11 a. m. Singing and preaching 7:30 p. m. see METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Special music by the choir, Paul McCoy, director. Ser mon topic, "Is the Church Holy?" Church school at 9:45 a. m. Oli ver Creswick. sUDerlntemlenr. A class for every age you are wel come, xouth fellowship class at this same hour; also adult Bible class. Thursday, choir practice at 7:30 p. m. Woman's Society of Christian Servlcp meets first Wednesday of each month. Suzanna Wesley cir. cle meets third Wednesday oi each month. The Cross of Christ Is the Key to Life. You cannot make foot prints on the sands of time by sitting down. e e e ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Pastor Shelby Graves 9:45 a .m. Sunday school. Les son 'The Light of the World" 11 a. m. worship service. 7 p. m. Youth for Christ, 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. Tuesday 7 to 8 p. m. Youth Bible club. Thursday 7:45 p. m. Bible study and prayer meeting. Friday 7:45 p. m. Bible study In lone. Members of the eighth grade held a Valentine dance in the music room of the school Tues day evening. Patrons and patron esses included Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wightman, Mrs. Joe Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn and Mrs. Alena Anderson. Refresh ments were served. YOU CAN BUY Ladles Levi's, waist size 23 to 33 at Wilson's Men's Wear. Berako Now is the time to spray your cattle for Grubs and Lice Order your supply of Berako Now! Morrow County Grain Growers Inc. , ' . -eH . - V I " N't- Ti I The Oregon Shorthorn Breeders' Association announces ITS FOURTH ANNUAL OREGON SHORTHORN simw &n sils MARCH 1-2, 1950 : PRINEVILLE, OREGON Grading and Judging 10:30 a. m. MARCH 1 Auction : : : : 12:30 p. m. March 2 Refreshment hour and banquet on evening of March 1 6 Friday - Saturday February 17-18 COURT STREET MARKET is the place to BUY and SAVE EVERY DAY l VELVETA CHEESE 2-pound Loaf BABY FOOD Heinz or Gerber 3 for 25 1 for 1fie sensafional new I950 fRlGlDAlRH flecTric Rane ! See if soon af"... Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service SHURFINE FANCY CORN No. 2 Tin, Whole Kernel or Cream SUNSHINE KRISPIE CRACKERS Large 2 pound box SUNSHINE CHOCOLATE DROPS 1 pound cellophane bag SALAD DRESSING TANG Quart BARTLETT PEARS Yamhill 21aTin 4for 3 for 49c 49c 34c 55c $1.00 I MARGARINE All Regular Pkgs Lb. Via mmnmmmn ; i kO i iSfZ'J III W ; f, Y&S&HJM: 1 III TOILET TISSUE Finer G for 12 for 75c 27cl I 1 1 QQI I Hudson House PUMPKIN O 2ia Tin O for MILK 2 for 25c Case Price .....5.75 1 J Now is the time to get your Hunting and Fishing Supplies and Licenses at Aiken's Sport Center. There will be crow and magpie hunts and big buck contest. Help get the rabbits. Hunting them is sport. Aiken's There Are No Bargains in QUALITY MEATS Now .... Dressed Meats Are Going Up ... . But Here Are Some GOOD BUYS: PURE LARD 4-pound Package t t 59c SLICED BACON Oriole 1-pound Pkg. 49c FRESH FRYERS All cut up, pan ready SWIFT'S PREMIUM BOSTON BUTTS 100 PERCENT PURE PORK SAUSAGE Country Style Pound Pound Pound .69c 49c 49c There IS a difference in Produce CARROTS rtfijp TOMATOES OA 2 bunches AOX Tube CELERY -iAp CABBAGE HXn Pound Pound ' U. S. NO. 1 POTATOES 10-pound Bog 49c Heppner Oregon