Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 9, 1950 lone Council And Citizens Lay Plans For City Building The railroad water tank caught on fire about 7 o'clock Friday eve-( ning, due to an overheated stove used to keep the water from freez ing. Utile damage was done, ex cept charred timbers. The fire hose was brought out and soon extinguished the fire. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow and Mrs. Lloyd Rice were Pendle ton visitors Saturday. The St. Williams Altar Society of the Catholic church had a pot luck dinner at the church Sun day and a business meeting after ward. Mr. and Mrs, Charles O'Connor and daughter Marjorie were din ner guests at the Roy Lindstrom home Friday evening. The Franklin Lindstroms are having their house remodelled. Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lun. dell and daughter were guests at the Oscar Lundell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Berg strom of Portland are the par ents of a daughter, Beverly Jo ann, born Jan. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Bergstrom are the grand parents and Eric Bergstrom is the great grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan of Estacada are the parents of a daughter. Jean Ann, born Feb. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan are the grandparents. Mrs. Vera Port is cut her right hand one day last week on a bro ken pitcher at the Victory cafe. Seven stitches were required to close the wound. Mrs. Ernest McCabe and Mrs. Robert DeSpain entertained at a birthday dinner "Saturday even ing in honor of their husbands. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon. Fred Painter left Sunday to join the U. S. navy. He intends to make it his life's work. He was accompanied to Pendleton by his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain. Dates to remember: Feb. 10, study meeting of Topic club. Feb. 10, Eastern Star card party 8 p. m, at Masonic hall. Feb. 11 Le gion dance. Feb. 14, Square dance CARD OF THANKS I want to express my thanks to my friends and neighbors for re membering me here in the hos pital. It is a great comfort to know that one is not "out of sight out of mind," when misfortune strikes. Mrs Susie Hughes St. Anthony's Hospital Pendleton, Oregon demonstration at the grange hall. Feb. 13, Ameca club at the Masonic hall. Feb. 17, HEC of Willows grange at Oscar Lundell home with potluok dinner al noon. Feb. IS, regular meeting of Willows grange. A planning committee for the proposed city hall met at the Garland Swanson home Monday evening. Those on the committee from the council were Mayor Swanson, Roy Lindstrom, Omar Rietmatm and John Bryson; and from the library board, Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mrs. Noel Dobyns and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Plans were discussed for a new city hall, which would include a li brary, office, council chamber, rest room and lire equipment room. The cost of the building and material to be used, and the location. After the meeting Mrs. Swanson served refreshments. Others present were Mrs. John Bryson, Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, Har lan McCurdy and Noel Dobyns. Word was received of the mar riage of Miss Earlene Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of Portland, to Maurice Willams of Couquille, at Albany Jan. 2". The bride is a sister of Lloyd Morgan and Mrs. John Eu- hanks. The lone Garden club' will meet Feb. 14. Roy Lindstrom, Noel Dobyns and George Grittiih went rabbit hunting down the creek Monday and killed around 200 rabbits. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Jr. and daughters Diane and Karen of L'kiah spent the past week at the H. D. McCurdy home. Dianne is convalescing after a recent ap pendectomy. The snow is melting fast in part of the county. Mrs. Creston Black underwent a major operation in a Portland hospital last week. lone high school defeated Lex ington there in both basketball games last week. The grade beat Heppner here in a game. Mrs. Walter Roberts, lone post master, reports the March of from boxholder cards and S17.ll from the collection boxes, making a total of $144.36. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of express ing to our friends our apprecia tion for the many acts of kind ness during the long illness of our husband and father and for the expressions ti sympathy at his passing. Mrs. George Mead and family. at Penney New Brentwoods - Finds at Just $2.79 JUST IMAGINE ! ! ! Crisp, handsome new Wash Frocks in the most wanted fabrics for Spring At this low price. Waffle Pique Broadcloth Seersucker 80 square Percales Nothing skimpy about FL LL-CUT DRESSES, either, nothing old-hat about FRESH NEW STYLES! Take a look at that white ; cented PLAIN PASTELS Notice the slimming way those candy stripes are handled ; see those Floral Prints, sizes 12 to 52. those ff III m mi p. II I'i ff Boy Scout Week February 6-12 "We Salute You Scouts" CHURCHES CARD OF THANKS I want to express my gratitude to my friends for the flowers, cards and letters received while I was in the hospital. Mrs. Corda Saling. WORD OF APPRECIATION We want to convey our appre ciation of the members of the Heppner fire department for their prompt response in answering the alarm from our home. Thanks to the prompt response very little damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown. u onunued Irom Page two) church regularly, won't you please visit our services and let us help you spiritually? ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy Communion 8 Church school 9:45 Morning Prayer and sermon 11 Study class 7:30 p.m. Week Day Services Holy Communion Wednesday 10; Friday 7:30 a. m. Girls choir Wednesday 4, adult choir Thursday at 8 p. m. Boy Scouts Wednesday 7:30 to 9 p. m. - LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church There is not enough darkness in the whole world to put out the light of a single candle, but I must govern my life and my thoughts, as if the whole world is to see the one, and read the other. Church school 10 a. m. Worship and preaching 11 a. m. Singing and preaching 7:30 p m. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9.45 a. m. Bible school, C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship and communion service. Special mu sic by the choir, Mrs. Charles Flint, director. Sermon theme "Attitudes Toward the Second Coming of Christ" 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Ser mon theme 'The Fear of God." Mr. Lewis Wetzel will be preach ing. Tuesday, 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. Wednesday, Women's Mission ary society meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. choir practice. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorllen, Minister Morning worship and sermon at 11. Sermon topic: "A Nation's Destiny." Special music by the choir, Paul McCoy, director. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m., Oliver Creswick, superin tendent. Youth Fellowship class meets at this hour, also Adult Bible class. We have a class for every age. You are welcome. Thursday: Choir practice at 7:30 p. m. The Woman Socley of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. Suzanna Wes ley Circle of the WSCS meets the third Wednesday of each month, Faith In God Is never out of season. We become what we do. I STAR EE2 REPORTER Admission prioas afternoon aad avsnlnf, tutloafl spo dflotllr adwtlaaa to bo otkanrlaai ChUdrai Bat rtoa JT, rL lu .at, Total toe; Orada and Klfb School Student If yaan ul orari Eat. Prleo .40, Fad. Tlx .10, Xotet 60e; Adulti ! Ert. Frio .500, Fed. (u .10, Total KM. twj child occupying a Mat ut nan a ticket. Sunday ahoin oontlnnoiu from 1 p. i adwtlaod I naalnf ahowa atari at 7:30 p. unleai otharwin E5 Thurs.-Fridry-Sert, February 9-10-11 Prince of The Plains Monte Hale portrays Bat Masterson, fa- e mous western peace officer, in this battle egainst the enemies of law and order. Tuna Clipper 5 Roddy McDowall with Roland Winters as 5 "Charlie Chan" in a daredevil adventure EE amid flying salt spray. EEr. Sunday-Monday, February 12-13 H Sands of Iwo Jima jS5 John Wayne, John Agar, Adele Mara, For jEs rt Tucker, the three survivors ol the flag raising on ML Suribachi, John H. 55 Bradley, Iia Hayes and Rene Cagnon. jps and a cast oi thousands. E5 We celebrate the birthday of one of our EE most valiant statesmen, Abraham Lin- EE coin, by bringing to our screen the filming of the most valiant chapter in the annals of America's fighting Marines! TAKE YOUR VALENTINE TO THE MOVIES Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., February 14-15-16 Rope of Sand Burt Lancaster, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains, Peter Lorre, Conine Calvet Hard-boiled, Intriguing story ... far off the beaten track. r::r. ... Notice iSST1 The annual meeting of the Lexington Oil Co-op will be held in connection with the Lexington Blow Control meeting at the Lexington Grange hall on Tuesday, Febru ary 21st. Meeting will begin at 10:30 A. M. Free dinner will be served at noon. Rerremher the date and come. Buy-Save- Heppner Miff Specials g OLEO Mavflour One Lb. 24c C-H SUGAR 25 Lbs 2.39 Brazilian COFFEE one lb. 69c WAFFLE SYRUP 2V2 Lb. tin 39c STANDBY C.S. CORN OQn No. 2 Tin 2 for &V RITZ CRACKERS Larae size 31c FLOWERS SAY The winter in this clime Tells us now is the time To buy flowers for your Valentine! Tulips : : Mixed Pots Primroses : Azaleas : Hyacinth Plants Cut Flowers of All Kinds Mary Van's Flower Shop VP St Valentine's Day GARDEN PEAS-303 9l 2 for CASE PRICE 2.29 MEATS SEA FOODS POULTRY Finest Quality Obtainable Phone 92 PRODUCE SPECIALS DRY ONIONS LEMONS 3. pounds for 19c 9c Pounds ORANGES LaTqeuicers-Ppu nd ROME BEAUTY APPLES Qs SQUASH Pound Pound CABBAGE Plenty Vitamin C - Lb. 9c 9c Norah's Shop , 0 New INVISIBLE PLAYTEX LIVING GIRDLE! erases bulges at hip and thigh that men don't like! $3.95 Mad of tr-grown liquid latex which alone combines tremendous power with comfort, "Invisible figure control" with complete freedom of action I Dynamic all-way action stretch slims you, trim you, by Inches, holds its shape and yours oll-waysl Light, resilient, comfortable, washabl as your own skinl 10 seconds to wash dainty, 10 seconds to pat dry I "hwfaibla tlfn control tlouom Pink. Haavonly Ihia, Gar danla Whlto. Siiaii axtra-wiaH, small nwdhim and largo. PLAYTEX PANTY GIRDLE with garters . . $1.95 PLAYTEX PANTY GIRDLE $1.50 Extra-largo Ploytax Living Girdla with gartars , . $.5 f fig pi im in i silvery tubes Mail and Phon Ordft FilM STORE NAME, ADDRESS, and DEPTS. and TELEPHONE NUMBER Playttl PloylM Ployti living GlrdlM "Panly" Olrdltl "Panty" Oirdlei 3.50 Ducrlpllo. (wilh gartars) 3.M (with garltri) 3.95 Pink Whil rt"k "" Wh''1' P'"1' Long E.rra Small Woi.t 13" to 7S" Hlpi 32" to 36" Small Woiit 26" to if Hipl 33" to 39" . M.diam Wolit39"to31" Hips 33" to 42" torgo Wolit 32" to 34" Mips 41" to 45" ' Ploytoi Ulng OirdUi (with garton) Eitra larga slit, 4.95.- Woitt 36" to 40" Hips 44" to 48" Color- NAME ADDRESS. CITY.. Plea sb faint to iniukb promptness ZONE. STATE- II ...... n charm 3-Cl , -r-- DCO.D Pkytex Pink Ice Girdles 3.95 4.95 In Slim Shimmering Pink Tubes 10 Seconds to suds it fresh and dainty 10 Seconds to pat it dry NORAH'S SHOP Saager's Pharmacy Mi