Ji Poge4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 9, 1950 ward, Boardman, farmer. Nelson, Jean, Lexington, house wife: Nelson, Norman, Lexing ton, farmer; Nelson, Alford, Lex ington, farmer; Nelson, Alford Jr., Lexington, farmer; Niekerson, William, Boardman, farmer; Neill L. D., Heppner, retired. COUBT PROCEEDINGS rOI JANUARY 19S0 Ontiumiwl from rvi Thrca Leveque, Louts, Lexington, far mer; Lundell, A. W., Jone, farm er; Lundell, Raymond, lone, far mer; Lundell, Richard, lone, far mer; Lindsay, James, lone, far mer. Mackey, Hubert, Cecil, farmer; Malheny, L. G., Irrigon, mer chant; Majeske, A. F- Lexington, farmer; Martin, Hortense, Lex lngton, housewife; Martin, Ran dall. Lexington, farmer; Martin, Myles E., Lexington, farmer Mankln, Fred, lone, farmer; Man kin, Beulah, lone, housewife Marquardt, Chas. A., Lexington, farmer; Mason, Bert, lone, mcr chant; Munkers, Frank, Lexing ton, farmer; Messenger, Truman E., Lexington, state highway Miller, H. M., Heppner, farmer Moore, Clarence, Heppner, labor er; Moore, Ellen, Heppner, house wife; Moore, Rollo, Boardman, farmer; Moore, Russell, Echo, far mer; Moore, Mrs. Russell, Echo, housewife; Morgan, Lloyd, lone, farmer; Morgan, Milton, R., lone, farmer; Mulkey, Lyle, Irrigon, farmer; Mulligan, Jack, Board man, farmer; Myers, Jasper E., Heppner, farmer; Mollahan, P. A Heppner, farmer; McCabe, C. D., lone, farmer; McCabe, Earl, lone, laborer; McCabe, Ernest C, lone, farmer; McAJister, Chas. R., Lex ington, retired; McMillan, Sam, Lexington, farmer; McClintock, Tress, Heppner, blacksmith; Mo Curdy, H. D., lone, manager; Mc Curdy, Harlan Jr., Heppner, book keeper; McDaniel, Chas. H Hard man, laborer; McElligott, Chas. T. lone, farmer; McKinney, Earl, lone, farmer; McEntire, John Ed. housewife; Smith. Harvey, lone, farmer; Smith, Hugh, Heppner, warehouseman; Smith, irea, Boardman, merchant; bcharier, E. R., Heppner, farmer; Schunk, Albert, Heppner. carpenter; See-, hater, Wm. G.. lone, farmer; Shannon, Eldon, Boardman, truck Shattuck. Lowell G., O'Connor, C. C, lone, farmer; ,mllrl Tarmel.. Sherman, M. urwiCK, r ranees, neppner, nuusc wife. Padberg, Louis J., lone, farmer; Partlow, Roy, Boardman, farmer; Parson, Evelyn, Heppner, house wife; Payne, Jesse P., Heppner, engineer; Palmateer, Echo, lone, housewife; Palmateer, Ted, lone, farmer; Palmer, Elmer, Heppner, farmer Frank E. Parker, Heppner, farmer; Peck, Burton H Lexing ton, farmer; Peck, Harold K Lex ington, laborer; Peck, Kenneth, Lexington, farmer; Petersen, El mer R., Lexington, laborer; Peter son, J. O., Heppner, jeweler; Pe terson, Oscar, lone, farmer; Pet tyjohn, Fred, lone, farmer; Piper, Rufus, Lexington, farmer. Rasmus, J. O., Heppner, labor er Rands, Josephine, Boardman, housewife; Rands, Batie, Irrigon, farmer; Rosewall, W. C, Hepp ner, automobile dealer; Rosewall, Virginia, Heppner, housewife; Rauch, Fred, Lexington, farmer; Rietmann, David, lone, farmer; Rietmann, Juanita, lone, house wife; Rietman Omar, lone, mer chant; Rietmann, Werner, lone, farmer; Ring, Harvey, lone, far mer; Runnion, V. R., Heppner, salesman; Rutledge, H. D., Irri gon, farmer. Saager, John, druggist; Scrits mier, Harold, Heppner, mill own er; Slaughter, Paul, Irrigon, far mer; Smith, Evelyn, Boardman, H., Heppner, farmer; Sicard, Geo. V., Boardman, farmer; mouse, Kenneth ., lone, farmer; Snider, George L., lone, farmer; Swag gart, Gerald, Heppner, farmer; Snvder. J. B., Heppner, saddlery; Swanson, A. C, lone, merchant; Skoubo, Ralph, Boardman, farm er. Thompson, R. S., Heppner, far mer; Thompson, Sophrona, Hep oner, housewife; Thomson, Rod erick, Heppner, clerk; Thomson, Jas. G. Jr., Heppner, merchant; Tash, D. R., Heppner, creamery- man; Thome. Cecil H lone, lar- mer; Thorpe, Nathan, Boardman, farmer; Troedson. Carl W., lone, farmer; Turner, F. W., Heppner, merchant; Turner, Sam J., Hepp ner, farmer; Turner, Virginia, Heppner, housewife. Van Horn, Harry, Heppner, mer chant; Van Horn, Viola, Heppner, housewife; Valentine, James, Heppner, farmer. Warfield, Jess, lone, farmer; Wattenberger, Bernice, lone, housewife; Warren, Clarence, lone farmer; Wells, Dick, Heppner, barber; West, Dewey, Boardman, service station operator; Went worth, W. R., lone, blacksmith; Wells, Neva, Heppner, housewife; White, Gordon, lone, merchant; Wightman, Hattie, Heppner, housewife; Wilkinson, Dick, Hep. pner, farmer; Wilkinson, Frank, Everyone agrees that milk is at its best when it's extra fresh! That's why Mayflower is first in flavor wholesome, too, because of its Grade A quality and pasteurized purity. Serve a quart a day to everyone in your family for better nourishment, better health, better work. ! Try This Delicious Mayflower Special I 1 egg beaten I 1 tablespoon sugar or honey I dash salt I yA cup cold Mayflower Milk I J4 teaspoon vanilla I dash nutmeg Combine egg with sugar and salt ; add I milk, vanilla and mix well. Serve cold I in tall glasses; aprinkle with nutmeg. Serves one. Can be prepared in ad- vance. Children and grown-ups, too, will enjoy this nourishing drink. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR WHEAT FARMERS Now is the time to start planning for weed control. We hare a carload of Chipman 2,4D Ester arriving February 15. Prices are consid able reduced fiom last season. AIR APPLICATION SERVICE AVAILABLE Also Ammonia Sulfate in stock at a reduced price from last season. Ammonia Nitrate has been recommended for some areas. Can obtain prompt shipments. arrow County Grain Growers. Inc. I0NE LEXINGTON : HEPPNER Heppner, farmer; Wilson, Robt. S., Boardman, farmer; Wright, Silas D., Heppner, farmer. Zivney, Henry, Boardman, far mer. At this time the Court selected the following judges and clerka of election boards 1950-1951: Boardman Judges, Grace Ma comber, Mabel O. Peck; clerks, Daisy B. Gillespie, Flossie Coats, Evelyn Black. Eightmile Judges, Marjorle Worden, J. Henry Baker; clerks, Thomas C. Huston, C. F. Berg- strom, Hannah Anderson. Hardman Judges, Walter M. Wright, Eslie M. Walker; clerks, M. F. Cork, G. A. Farrens, Jess Coats. lone, First Board Judges, H. E. Clark, Mary Beckner; clerks, Geo. N. Ely, Elaine O. Rietmann, Ma bel Cotter. lone, Second Board E. R. Lun. dell, P. J. Linn; clerks, Helen Mc Cabe, Gladys Drake, Juanita Riet mann. Irrigon Judges, E. L. Ruckcr, A. C. Houghton; clerks, Sedalia Dexter, Marguerite Houghton, M. Orlena Suddarth. Lexington, First Board Judges, Viola F. Ruhl, B. H. Peck; clerks, Delpha Jones, Thelma Smethurst Mary Edwards. Lexington, Second Board Judg es, Bernice Lou, u a. raimer; clerks, Marie Steagall, Juanita Martin, Cora Warner. North Heppner, First Board Judges, Alta Brown, Eugenia Hus ton; clerks, Flora D. Nys, Elma Hyatt, Bertha Johnson. North Heppner, Second Board Judges, J. Palmer Sorlien, Ealor B. Huston; clerks, Roberta Dough erty, Mrs. James L. Hall, Florence Green. Pine City Judges, Mabel Vey, Jasper E. Myers; clerks, Bertha Ayers, Helen Currin, Faye Finch. South Heppner, First Board Judges, R. B. Rice, Gretchen Bar ratt; clerks, Vera Whillock, Oma J. Cox, Lola Bennett. South Heppner, Second Board Judges, Sadie Parrish, Mary Ele anor Gilman; clerks, Grace Nick erson, Sara MoNamer, Delia Dav idson. fined to her home this week with the flu. A conference of the Legion and auxiliary of district 11 was held in Ontario Sunday, Feb. 5. The president, Fayre Sweek, was un able to attend due to weather and road conditions. Mrs. Sweek stat es, however, that there will be a second district conference in the near future. Dates will be an nounced later. The school boards, grade 8 and union high school 1, held their monthly meeting Saturday eve ning. This was also the budget meeting. Each director on the high school board chose a man from the district he represented to serve on the budget committee. Those chosen were Walter Foree, Harold Cork, Lyle VanDusen, Bill Settle and Fred Shank. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cox from the Gilmore ranch came to town Sweek to consult his doctor and ed as supervisor. The annual re have some X-rays taken. I port was read by Mr. Farrell. The Soil Conservation district I This was followed by a general held its annual meeting Monday, discussion of range seeding and January 30. In spile of the cold practices as carried out by the weather and bad roads, there ; a- C. o. was a good crowd present. Wm. K. Farrell, county agent, showed three films, "Home on the Range" "Under Western Skies," and "For Years to Come." R. T. Savage, district conservationist of Baker, showed some very interesting slides on conservation in eastern Oregon. Others present beside the local board were A. C. L. Jetley, civil engineer. S.C.S. of Canyon I City, Harry Pierpont, assistant engineer, Canyon City; Andy Burgland, work unit conservation ist, Canyon City; assistant district fire warden, Chet Brown, Monu ment; Jack E. Cavendar, G-I in structor in Monument and several cforjnntr.. TT omui-mo, vtcuige nuiiwn OI ijOng j District Warden Red Hender son, Buss Morehead and assistant District Warden Chet Brown were called to John Day on January 21 and 25 to attend a forestry meet ing. They were accompanied by their wives. Coming home near Bales place Mr. and Mrs. Brown saw a large bob cat cross the road In front of their car. This was the first bob cat Mrs. Brown had ever seen. Sunday. They were dinner guests , Creek. Jack Legler of Hamilton of Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson. , ard Don Steinbeck, representa- Mrs. Rita King and son Earl tive of tne InIand Empire Ma Frank spent Saturday afternoon .chinery Co. of John Day. A pot Monument Schools Closed Few Days Due to Weather By MRS. MILLIE WILSON Due to sub-zero weather and bad roads, the schools were clos ed this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Settle spent Monday night in John Day. They returned to their home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Howell of Top were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson Monday night. On Tuesday they accomp anied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell to their home on Wall creek. Mrs. Josie Round had the mis fortune to fall and strike her arm against a hot stove. It has been very painful, but is better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilman of Top returned to their home Tuesday from Burns. Frank Elder is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. He is at the home of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Elder. Rev. Sidney E. Harris is still quite sick with an attack of the flu. Sunday school and church have had to be postponed for two Sundays on account of his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Musgrave and children were shopping and visiting in town Saturday. Willard Gilman and Carl Cox moved their cattle Friday from the Cox ranch to the Gilman ranch where they will be fed. Mrs. Ed Round has been con at the home of her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Earl Barnard. The committee chosen by Mon. ument grange to choose and as sign parts for a home talent play, to be produced in the near fu ture, has finished its work. It is now up to the play cast to start practicing on the play, The Lit tle Red School House. Mrs. Laura Simas and Mrs. Grace Stirritt entertained a group of their friends Saturday night with a home made ice cream and cake dessert aftecwhich the eve ning was spent in playing cards. Those present were Mrs. Henry Durst, Cris Hamilton, Mr. andMrs. Earl Barnard, Bud Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shank and daughter Laura Lee, Mr. and Mrs. John Simas, Mr. and Mrs. George Stirritt. Mr. and Mrs Ed Round were unable to be there Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wilson were attending to matters of business in John Day Friday. They were accompanied by Henry Durst and Clyde Cox. Mr. Durst remained in i John Day at the home of Delbert ' luck lunch was served at noon, after which a business meeting was held. H. A. Cupper was elect - Insure "Polio" research and treatment with your MARCH OF DIMES For all other Insurance Contact C. A. RuggleS, Agent Phone 723 Heppner PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and Ion. MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex Omar Rietmann, lone Fa rmers Inquire about our special blanket liability policy. Complete liability and medical coverage on all operations vehicles, equipment and livestock included. Turner, Van Marter and Company Phone 152 Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 263S 114 E. 2nd St. Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FORNITTJHE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" Notice of Public Auction of Morrow County Property NOTICE is hereby given that certain buildings, formerly occupied as livable apartments,' now in the ownership of Morrow County, will be sold at public auction, Friday, February 17, 1950, at 10 A. M., at the fair grounds in Heppner, Oregon. Descriptions and additional information may be obtained at the office of the County Judge in Heppner, Oregon. By Order of the Morrow County Court February 8, 1950 If W fM hhU JLi J 4 4,0 Vn J4u vvv.ia i uv(awa rjw- I ISvwi tvv( k WllAT sterling is to silver, the Fashion Academy of New m York is to tiie world of fashion the last wordl And H again for 1930, as for 1949, it has selected the Ford Car II to receive its distinguished cold medal award as "Fash. ion Car of the Year," There is, we believe, no greater proof of the beauty of the '50 Ford. And there's , no greater proof of its fine performance than a 10-minute "test drive." Your Ford Dealer will be glad to arrange it. Tlio one fine car in iho low-price ficl tor' ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY Heppner Oreo on