Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 2, 1950 Funeral Services For Mrs. Josie Jones Held af Monument By MRS. MILLIE WILSON Funeral services were held in the gymnasium at Monument at 2 o'clock p. m. Wednesday for Mrs. Lee Jones. Rev. Cowan offi ciated and arraneements u-ero in charge of the Driskill Mortuary of John Day. Interment was in the family plot in the Monument cemetery. Mrs. Jones leaves to mourn her passing, her husband, Lee Jones and six children, Choi ccy Vandetti, Audra Smith, Wayne Jones, Willi Mae, Billie Jones, Dannie Jones and a host of friend. Mr. and Mrs. Bastein and Mr. and Mrs. Leopart were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Enright at their home at Top. Mrs. Joava Enright has been quite sick at her home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Enright are staying with her and helping care for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilman and John Walters left Saturday morning for Burns where they expect to get an army truck to use on their ranch at Top. Rev. Sidney E. Harris is sick at his home this week. Eppler Dickey came from John Day Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Josie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Lester McKinney are the proud parents of a baby boy born at the Blue Mountain j nosjmai January zo. Airs, juciwn. ney's sister, Charlotte Howell, is staying at the McKinney home caring lor me liuie gins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon were attending to business matters in Spray and Monument Thursday. On account of the deep snow they were forced to spend the rest of the week in town. Mr. Farrow of Long Creek came Thursday evening for Mrs. Far row but owing to the road condi tions he decided to wait over un. i til Friday evening before making j the return trip. While here he was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl iueeK. Eight inches of new snow Fri day morning failed to keep Bill Mundy of the L. S. ranch from coming into Monument for gro ceries and supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ramsey of Bend, Mrs. Molly Anna Jackson of PrineUIe and Mrs. Junior Jones attended the funeral of :heir aunt. Mrs. Lee Jones, Wed nesday. Lee Jones' two sisters, Mayday and Blanch of Powell Butte came :o be with him during the funeral services for his wife on Wednes day. Ten below zero in Monument Sunday morning, January 29. The high school play, "Oh, Pro mise me" was given Saturday night. It was one of the best plays ever put on by a high school group in Monument. Both the directors, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Laughlin, and the producers, the students, are to be commended. On account of the extreme cold and the bad roads, there was nnt the crowd that generally attends one of these home talent plays. There were a few from Long Creek and Spray who braved the weather and bad roads to attend. The Rim Rock Serenaders six piece band furnished the music tor the dance which folhved the show. Supper was served by the high school girls and Mrs. Mc Laughlin. Mrs. John Radall of Lone Rock came Friday to spend a few days visiting her mother, Mrs. Dillie Leathers and other relatives. She attended the play Saturday night. She plans to leave for her home Wednesday. Charles Roach was a business visitor in John Day Friday. He states there is not as much snow at John Day as at Monument. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Batty spent Thursday night in Hepp ner. They were accompanied home by Kenneth Batiy who came for his truck. He returned to Hard man the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyu Leathers and daughters of Long Creek oraved the bad roaas Saturday night to attend the play present ed by the high school. Dane Broadfoot spent several dys last week as a business vis itor in Heppner. On their way home frm the play and dance Saturday night, a car driven by Mr. Miller of Spray struck the rear end of the car uriven by Charles Roach. Charles was pushed off the road but no damage was done to his car. Miller was unable to drive his car home. Luckily no one was hurt. Card Party Heppner Triple Link Club Feb. 7- . O. O. F. Hall 8 p. m. Bridge -- Pinochle Refreshments -Public Invited- Boy Scout Week To Be Observed Week of Feb. 6-12 Boy Scout Week, marking the 40th annivesary of the Boy Scouts of America, will be observed from Monday, Feb. 6 through Sunday, Feb. 12. The anniversary will be celebrated in every city and town and most villages and hamlets throughout the nation and its territories by 2,300,000 boys and adult leaders. President Truman will greet twelve outstanding Boy Scouts in the White House during Boy Scout week. The Scouts will present to Mr. Truman the "Report to the Nation" telling of Scouting's ser vice to the community since he greeted a similar group of twelve outstanding Scouts a year ago. President Truman is Honorary President of the Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scout Week this year finds 1 n 3 IT'S FAMILY PARTY TIME at Our FREE Family Party A Show that is made to please young and old alike Worth Coming Miles to See and Hear' On the Stage in Person: HOWARD HARDIN Master of Ceremonies, Comedian and Impersonator M FAUST Comedy Juggler and Unicycle Rider VIC PALMER Does outstanding comedy, Record Pan tomime Act Top Talent in a New and Different Entertainment Program Clean, Lively Entertainment NO SALES TALK JUST ENTERTAINMENT Bring The Whole Family Thursday, February 9 Beginning at 8:00 p.m. Lexington Grange Hall Refreshmenti Lexington' Implement Company "Your International Harvester Dealer" Lexington, Oregon Ul 2 a a. I u. to the organization at the mid point I of its two-year Crusade to "Strengthen the Arm of Liberty", which seeks to bring more boys into its ranks, give them richer experioces in all phases of its pro grams unfler volunteer leaders of high character who take training courses so they can carry on ef fectively. The theme of the 40th birthday observance is "Strengthen Liber ty." In countless meetings across the nation, this theme will be portrayed in pageants, demon stations, public ceremonies and Parent's Night gatherings. The highlight of the second year of the Crusade will be the national jamoree at Valley Forge, Penn., at which 40,000 Scouts and leaders from every section of the nation and several hun dred Scouts of other lands will camp together rrom June 30 to July 6. In many communities and at state capitals, Scouts will be greeted by civic leaders and will take part in ceremonies related to the Crusade. In accordance with tradition, Scouts everywhere will rededicate themselves to the Scout Oath and Law on Seb. 8 at 8:15 p. m. in the respective time zones. During Boy Scout Week, parents of Scouts and friends will visit Troop meetings and see for them selves that the Scout Unit Is a demonstration of democracy at work. The Scouts and their guests will enjoy an evening of campfire songs, skits, games and stunts. This year, as part or their observ ance of the Crusade, many meet ings will feature a ceremony of lighting a special torch to em phasize its aims. Boy Scout Week is also the occasion when Scouts, their parents and the institutions sponsoring Scout Units, get to gether to honor the adult volun teer leaders whose contributions in unselfish service to youth makes the Scout organization possible. School authorities in countless communities have arranged for pupils who are Scouts to put on demonstrations in school assem blies. Many public and private schools act as sponsoring in stitutions for Scout Units. The latest National Council report to Congress shows that 16 percent of the 71,000 Scout Units in America are sponsored by educa tional institutions. During Boy Scout Week many store windows, theater lobbies and other public places contain dis plays of handcraft made by Scouts. Often the boys themselves take turns demonstrating some of the skills they acquie through the program. Thousands of new Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers, as the new Senior Program is termed, iwill be inducted through invest i iture ceremonies. I Sunday, Feb. 12 will be Boy I Scout Sunday. Scouts and leaders j will attend church services in un- iform. Those of Jewish faith will j hold their observance in synago- I gues and temples on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10 anl 11. Need Envelopes? Or Letter Heads? Phone The Gazette Times Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP WHEAT FARMERS Now is the time to start planning for weed control. We have a carload of Chipman 2,4 D Ester arriving February 15. Prices are consid able reduced from last season. AIR APPLICATION SERVICE AVAILABLE Also Ammonia Sulfate in stock at a reduced price from last season. Ammonia Nitrate has been recommended for some areas. Can obtain prompt shipments. Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc. Transferring Gr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Doiion Avenu Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Fa rmers Inquire about our special blanket liability policy. Complete liability and medical coverage on all operations veh teles, equipment and livestock included. Turner, Van Marter and Company Phone 152 The Very Common Co!d tfo AVOID COIP5...avoio PtOPlB WHO HAVF THfM EAT WEU.-0AlANiE0MEAI.4-T fUKTV Of EHEKCISS AtJP REST. B COMOH COW ATtfAST OHCtkVW fP WARM AND PftL WEARWMMOOTIiins whew rri cow ovmve- RUBBER OR oviKMOt WHEN fT5 WET 91 AT IN PtV- IWNH U7TS OF WRICK ANl rKUl! f I jotcES-EATiMift, G ALL THE V0CX0K., voomms huh. if fever; pain or RACKIN6 COU6H LASTS MORI THAN M HOUtt. Common Sense Still Best Defense Against the Common Cold As the nation settles down this week to its annual mid-winter bout with the common cold, many a chronic victim is wondering what, if anything, has been ac complished in the field ot medical research that promises relief from the discomfort and expense that follow in the wake of the cold germ. For those In search of a sure cure for colds, the news is bad. So far, no one has come up with a universally effective cure for the common cold. Nor has any one brought forth a fool-proof method of prevention. On the other hand, there have been sev eral promising developments. The most promising of these was the discovery that anti-his-taminic drugs, which have been used successfully against hay fe ver and other diseases of allergic origin, could also be employed with some success to combat cold symptoms. Preliminary studies indicate they are reasonably ef fective if taken according to di rections at the first sign of a cold. So far, the country's leading medical spokesmen have declined to give the anti-histamines their unqualified endorsement. They know the drugs cause certain "side-effects," such as drowsiness and disturbances in appetite, among allergy victims who take them on prescription. Much smaller doses are r:om mended by the manufacturers of anti-histamlnes now on sale in drug stores, but doctors realize a large proportion of the users will tend to overdose in an effort to break up their colds quickly and, as a result, may be subject to these side-effects. Aside from taking part in the present mass testing of these new drugs, the best thing the chronic victim can do to avoid the misery of a cold is to try to avoid the cold germ in the first place. That is much easier said than done, but there are several common-sense rules that may help. Those which have won general acceptance among medical authorities are: 1. Stay away from people who already have colds, particu larly if they are coughing or sneezing. 2. Keep bodily resistance high by eating proper foods and getting plenty of fresh air, exercise and sleep. 3. Avoid chilling by keeping out of drafts and dressing ac cording to the weather wearing warm clothes in cold weather and rubbers or overshoes when it rains or snows. For those who catch cold In spite of these precautions, the ad vice is equally simple. Stay in bed until the worst of the cold is over. Eat light meals, and drink plenty of liquids. If fever, pain or a rattling cough lasts more than 24 hours, call the doctor. OS Club News Twenty-five 4 H leaders attend ed the training meetings held last week by Oregon State college extension service. Miss Esther Taskerud and Burton Hutton, state 4-H club agents, were pres ent to assist Mrs. Flint and N. C. Anderson In training these volun teer leaders. It is our privilege as 4-H lead ers to fill a need in each boy and girl that is not being met any where else, in home, school, church or group activity. We can open up a new experience or lm. prove the attitude toward a fa miliar activity through the club program, said Miss Taskerud. Training for good citizenship is the most important part of the club program. Developing good working and thinking habits are as Important as learning the skill tn the individual project. What better place is there for boys and girls to see democratic proceed- ures at work than In our club business meetings where leader, parents and agents ask for the floor Just as a member would be expected to do? continued Miss Taskerud. We can help develop good future leadership, says she. 4-H club work is home center ed and therefore parents must understand the goals and meth ods used in 4H club program. Boys and girls do much of the project requirements at home and in order to do the best job, par ents are encouraged to take an active interest in the youngsters' projects. Specific requirements for the different projects were also dis cussed with leaders. Henry Tetz, county school su perintendent, and Merle Becket, manager of the bank, were inter ested non-leaders who attended the major portion of the meet ing in Heppner. South end lead ers were honored at a noon lun cheon Friday. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crawford, Henry Tetz, Merle Becket, J. R. Huffman. Leaders attending were Mr .and Mrs. W. E. Garner, Mrs. C. E. Staleup, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Veelle Boardman; Mrs. Lloyd Ber ger, Mrs Paul Slaughter ,Mrs. Jo hanna Ballard, Mrs. Louis Shade, Mrs. Violet Hill. Ruth Shade, Irri. ran: Mr. and Mrs. John Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wightman, Mrs. Theda Straiten, Mrs. N. C. Anderson, Mrs. Jack Loyd, Elmer Palmer, Heppner; Mrs. Lola Breeding, Lexington; Mrs. E. M. Baker, Ronald Baker and Mrs. L. A. McCabe, lone For further help In leading club bovs and Eirls the Morrow county leaders are preparing to attend the eastern urcgon 4-ti leaders conference at La Grande Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and 2. The Poor Cave Man Had No Newspaper To Advertise In. But You Have 1 ! , Insure "Polio" research and treatment with your MARCH. OF DIMES For all other Insurance Contact C. A. RuggleS, Agent Phone 723 Heppner the only car with a lifeguard'' Body and 'Mid Ship" Ride the only car with V8 in the low-price field Nfea-rt'P' w XL . . I Ml XK.. xL . . i mI - ino nnt rr AitH the only low-price car King-Size Brakes the ith 4-foot Luggage locker 'Hydra-Coil' Front Springs rCnBD' slt I7km's7 1 I in your &tor& H$ m f "TEST DRIVE" A '50 FORD - IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES ! ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY IONE LEXINGTON HEPPNER Heppner Oregon N