Keppger Gazette Times, Thursday, February 2, 1950 EDITORIAL V K?1 PUBllSHtRS ASSOCIATION NATION At EDITOIIAl No Other Frontiers In the course of a brief talk before the Chamber of Commerce Monday noon, Glenn Parsons, ranger of the Heppner district of the Umatilla National forest, made the rather startling statement that we are now living in the last frontier that there are no more open spaces beyond the mountains where new land may be taken up and homes carved out of the virgin land. He issued the warn ing that it is up to this generation and succeding generations to conserve what we have and work towards reestablishing the fertility of the soil if we are to be self sustaining beyond the foresee able future. Over-grazing the range lands, and over-cropping the wheat lands without due regard for the future has resulted in untold losses to this region's productive capacity. There has been a partial awakening but not enough, it is feared, to prevent serious loss through erosion In the years to come. The Soil Conservation Serv ice has made some pro gress here In Morrow county, but until the prac tices set up by the SCS are adopted In general the wasting of precious topsoil will continue. While the program followed by the SCS and the forest service requires some federal assistance, it is up to the individual land owner, or user, as the case may be, to adopt the program. Coopera tion is sought now. If the situation becomes generally more serious there may come a demand, or else. The local Masonic building is running short of coal and activities of the lodge groups using the building have been curtailed. The Lexington school is on the anxious seat and might have been compelled to close down but for the timely arrival of coal for the hospital, from which the county court loaned a couple of truck loads to the school to tide it over until a shipment of coal arrives at Lexington. Numerous users of coal are faced with a shortage right now and there is no indica tion that the current cold snap one of those re cord breakers we frequently hear about but sel dom experience will let up for some time. The same story is heard wherever coal is used. And yet we are told there is no emergency. Multiply the local situation by virtually thousands of other communities and you will get something of the picture. If that isn't an emergency, pray tell us what it takes to create one. Great care should be exercised in the handling of fires in a time like the present Over-heated stoves and congested flues are real hazards. Be sides it wouldn't be too pleasant to be routed out in the sub-zero atmosphere. If you don't be'ieve this, just ask Fire Chief Charles Euggles and his crew of smoke eaters. The Biffger The Lie, The Better Who invented the electric light? If you say- Edison, you're wrong it was a Russian named Yablochkov. Who devised the telegraph? If you say Morse, you're wrong again it was another Russian named Yakobi. The radio? No, it wasn't Marconi it was still another Russian named Popov. How about the first successful flying machine? If you answer "the Wright brothers" you'll have to go to the bottom of the class a Russian named Mozhaisky flew like a bird near St. Petersburg 20 years before the Wrights -"': o.'f at Kitty Hawk. These, and similar revelations, are disclosed by Edmund Stevens in the Christian Science Mon. itor. He found them in a Soviet magazine called the Literary Gazette. They show, he says, one of the ways the Soviet party "woos Russian national pride. The move corresponds to a vital need of Russians to vindicate their self-respect and de CJito . . . TO THE EDITOR: In view of the recent publicity relative to the establishment of a union high school with the pro posed site in the vicinity of Lex- incton, the directors of School District No. 1 feel that the people in the district should be aware of certain facts. The board is of the opinion that the erection of a union high school at Lexington would not solve the problems confronting District No. 1. During the school ye:.r 1947 18 the board nf cc'.uimUou oi district No. 1. ini t! e .luministator, real ut some provision had to tie made for the elementary school situation existing in the district. Keeping in mind the fact that the high school was stand ard while the elementary school was only conditionally so, this group, after considerable study and after taking into considera tion all local factors, decided up. on the purchase of certain prop erty and the erection of an ele- mwntnrv Cf-hfinl thPIWlTl For the stroy the residue of an old sense of inferiority. It J past (hree years the"voters of also increases the Russians' confidence in their district No. 1 have voted a special capacity to catch up with and outstrip the rest of I improvement fund to be used to Tf its Idi-MUnK a one iui a new cn-nicni- ( ary sinuui uuiiumg, una one ima been purchased, an architect em ploved, and preliminary plans for this building have been drawn. 30 If EARS A(3(Q Heppner Gazette Times February 5, 1920 One of the largest deals in town property which has taken place in lone for some time was con summated Wednesday when E. R. Lundell purchased from Coch ran Bros, the Independent garage. Mr. Lundell will continue to han dle Reo and Dort automobiles. A. Henriksen who recently bought the Hamilton ranch on upper Rhea creek announces th The city of Heppner now owns its own water plant. The transfer was made this week when City Recorder Hughes turned over to H. V. Gates, president of Heppner Light & Water Co., a check for $23,450. Henry Peterson, son of Mr. .mil Mrs. Aaron Peterson, was married in MrPherson, Kans::s recently to LIi:-3 Ada Anderson, a niece of iiels Johnson of Gooseberry. The young people will be at home in CHURCHES there will be a ,i.'v sawmill in Gooseberry where Mr. Peterson operation, there by summer.. Noel and Virginia Bar iow, high school juniors, were ab sent from school the past week on account of the influenza. . The county court has designat ed a market road to be built up Rhea creek for a distance of six miles. The city of lone is putting in new water mains at a cost of $8,000 to replace the old wooden pipe. the world technically at the present time." in other words, an example of the kind of morale building propoganda the government is now feed ing the Russian masses. Moreover, it Is an example of how the Soviet bosses will use any untruth or half-truth to serve their ends. A story has been going the rounds concerning a British Communist who went to a meeting cf Russian Communist strategists in Mos cow. He was perplexed as to how to argue some ideological point or other in England. The Rus sians gave him an answer, to which he objected that it wasn't true. The Russians looked at him with amazement and then burst into gales of laughter over such naivete. It is said that the incident was described to the top Russians, in cluding Stalin, and that they burst into laughter also. This story may pe apocryphal but it has a point Communist thinking holds that the end justifies the use of any means. If a lie will work, it is told. Words are twisted out of all semblance to what thev mean to other nations. That is touched on in General Walter Bedell Smith's reve lations of his experiences as Ambassador to Mos cow, which appeared serially in the Saturday Evening Post and are now out in book form. He, Secretary Marshall, and other Americans, he says, "Naively assumed that the word 'democracy' meant the same thing to the Politburo that it did to us." Events proved that nothing could have been more wrong. The Russians gave 'democracy a new meaning which suited them, and thus man. aged to give interpretations to international agree. ments which were the exact opposite of what the West had intended. This policy is one of the principal reasons for our failure to meet the Rus sians on common ground. TUIS WAS f ADVERTISING ONCE kA m K.J H AW I L ff i-J I I BUT NOW I THE I NEWSPAPER i , DOES IT lit BETTER Saager's Pharmacy has AN AH I ST New Cold Remedy Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 112 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St. Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" is farming his father's ranch. A marriage license was issued Thursday to John P. Schmidt and Wilhelmina Macy, both of Hepp ner. A 5'4 pound son was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Brown on upper Butter Creek, Wednesday, Februay 4. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hayes at their home in Pendleton January 31, a son weighing nine pounds. The oAmerican Way A consultant of the state depart ment of education is working with the board on this. The creation of a union high school would surely nullify all this. It would necessitate the re modeling of the present school building into an elementary school which would pass stand ardization requirements. Such i remodeling would be a tremend ous and costly enterprise and it would not then be a modern ele mentary building. The board of directors of dls trict No. 1 wishes to suggest that if an economy must be made it will perhaps be unnecessary to close all the present schools in this part of the county and erect a new plant costing between $300,000 and $400,000 to accom plish this. The present school at Heppner, with the elementary pupils removed into a building of their own would be fully ade quate to take care of many more pupils than attend at present. It might perhaps be a much simpler solution to transport 18 pupils a given distance than to transport 160 pupils the same distance. Again we wish to point out that we already have a fully standard high school. It is our elementary school that must be standardized. Board of Directors School District No. 1 Elaine George, Chairman HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18. 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor One of our most cherished free. doms is that of free speech. Just exactly what do we mean when we so glibly say 'free speech .' Does it mean simply the right to "pop-off" our individual opinions or does it go a bit deeper than that? Every right that we enjoy in volves a duty. If that duty is not performed, finally the right is lost. We now enjoy the right to free speech but that involves the duty of giving free hearing to the other fellow when he exercises his prerogative of free speech. There fore, free speech is linked irrevoc. ably to free hearing because it is nothing more nor less than the de termination of free peoples to hear both sides of any question pertinent to their welfare, so that they can make an intelligent ae cision regarding it. And there is still another phase. Free speech and free hearing have a senior and most important partner "free thinking. This senior partner is the most vital of the partnership. Without tree thinking, free speech and hearing are futile, as useless as bathing suits for Eskimos or fur coats foT residents of the Tropics. Free sp eech and hearing in themselves are of no value if minds are closed if nreconceived ideas preclude op en minds; if free thinking does not prevail. In its broader and real nifcance (something most ot us ae prone to over look), free speech not only implies the right to speak one's mind but to have ones speech fall onopen ears and minds willing to listen honestly, mien igently and unselfishly. Free thinking is hard work. All too often the emotions are allow ed to dictate our decisions. How many times do we permit our selves to be infuenced by tran sitory sympathy for an Individual PETERSON'S Jewelers MATCHING V-V-- V Salad 1 k and Spoon Jr. v"""" J f J J ' I ' Corhtm "Melro.e" Cold Meat Fork $11.00 A Valrnline of enduring remembrance value . , , and one shell be able to use and enjoy every dayl Her choice of exquisitely fashioned Corliam Sterling "match tnd add" pieces that she's always wanted to bave! You can select them from our showing of serving pieces and "extra" pieces now available in most Corliam pattern and appropriate for the most perfect table setting. Come in, let us help you select her favorite gift! to. -I fmi tm Peterson's Jewelers FREE SPEECH By George Peck what is best for the most people for the greatest length of time? The unfortunate peoples in die tator-ridden countries would give their very souls to regain the privilege of free speech. Too late they realize they have Deen tricked by glib orators making promises impossible of fulfill ment. They became so dazzled oy eloquence that they neglected to think things through, and tnere- by relinquished their freedom. We must not let that happen to us here in America. We listen to a speech an or ation which stirs us to the veryi core. Free speech gets free hear ing. But here's where free think ing must come into play. Emotion must not be permitted to banish reason. If on the following day we. can remember what the speech was about; if we can re call the salient points thereof it it was an excellent speech. If in retrospection we can go over the oration piece by piece, with the spell of the orator no longer upon ns, and can still see any logic in it, then it was a most excellent speech. If on the other hand, we can remember little of it, free thinking dmands that we put the speaker down as a shallow, super ficial "windbag" and entirely dis miss from our mind any effect which this speech temporarily may have had upon it. By all means we must resist every attempt to infringe on our right to free speech; we must fight to the last ditch every at tack on our free press, free radio, free churches and our free motion pictures. But trancending even that, we must maintain open ears and open minds, we must man ifest a willingness, yes even an eagerness to hear both sides of eery question. That ever has been "The American Way" pray God it will continue to be. LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church Z. Franklin Cai!;ell, minister Why not le; t;i u good lesson frnm 'J'e t. k Itsliead keeps it i r;c too lar. hut like para- c'::ua's, minds function only when unen. Church school, 10 a. m. Worship and preaching 11 a. m. Singing and preaching 7:30 p. m. . HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9:45 a. m. Bible schol. C. W. Barlow, superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship and communion service. Special mu sic by the choir, Mrs. Charles Flint director. Sermon theme, Attitudes Towards Those Wh(L Have Passed On." Nursery for the babies and small children. 7:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic hour. Inspirational song service and message. Monday, 7 p. m. District men's meeting at Athena. Tuesday, 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. 6 p. m. Church night fellowship basket dinner. 7:30 p. m. Business meeting. Im portant that every member of the church be there if possible. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Choir practice. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Holy communion at 8 a. m. Church school, '.): '" :t. ni. Holy Ciimmmi'j;! and serine. n, 11 u. m. Study class, 7:30 p. m. Week day services: Holy com munion Wednesday at 10; Friday at 7:30 a. m. Choir practices: Girls choir, 4 p. m. Wednesday; adult choir 8 p. m. Thursday. Boy Scouts, 7:30 to 9, Wednes day evening. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Shelby E. Graves 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Les son topic, "Jesus, the Bread of Life." Rev. E, D. Greeley, pastor of Puyallup, Wash., former pastor here, will be speaking at both 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. services. Thursday, 7:45 p. m Bible study and prayer meeting. Frday, 7:45 p. m. Bble study and prayer meeting in lone. Don't forget these services. We know you will be glad to again meet the Greeley family, METHODIST CHURCH . J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Thursday: Choir practice at 7:30 p. m. Womans Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. Sunday evening, potluck sup per at 6:30'p. m., sponsored by the Young Adults. All welcome. Don't Thow It Away ! If you want it to work bring it in to your MARSHALL WELLS STORE. Wc serv ice all makes of Ranges, Oil Burners, Wash ing Machines, Home Electrical Appliances and Bicycles. WE REPAIR ANYTHING 24-hour service on Oil Burners. After 6 p. m. phone 2721. Marshall-Wells Store PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY or group to the utter disregard of THE ANSWER IS BETTER MEN By Dr Alfred P. Haake cittinc in the nuiet of mv study iwhen what was needed was bread while twilight was falling on last Christmas Day, I wish I could have shared with you the ineff able peace and comfort which the Day had brought to me. From the room below me I could hear the muted strains of violin and cello on the beautiful program which my family was enjoying in their hour of meditation before dinner. Ours was truly a household of gratitude to the Father of us all for the blessings beyond measure which He has given and gives us. Unto us a Savior is born! For almost twenty centuries we have sung praises of the Savior Who lived His few brlel years, gave His life that men might live, and left us words mat migm oe the bread of life for mankind for ail time to come. But mankind has failed the gift that was given. We live in a world that is confused and seacrhlng frantically for its bearings.hun- gry for truth and yet unwilling to forego the easier ways which are laid out and which lead us away from the very goals we seek. I marvel, sometimes, that the message of the Master has been so poorly understood, that the singificance of what He taught has escaped so many or us. mat was the thought I had on Christ mas Day. I am passing it now a few weeks later, when the spell of Christmas has dissipated in many hearts and the cold hard facts of life are again perplexing us. Here is the simple and grand lesson we can learn from the life and teachings of Jesus. He was Son of God. In that ex alted capacity He could see far Into the future. He knew what men needed then and would need today. He would not offer a stone We can be sure that He would give what was best and truly needed. He would point the way men needed to the simplest terms that could be freighted with so important a message. This was the turning point of the world, and on the teachings He gave us we could build a certain ty. And what did He give us for our guidance and deliverance? Did Jesus carefully analyze the economic and political systems of His day and recommend specific changes to be made In them or new systems to be adopt, ed in their place? Did He advoc ate socialism or any of its many forms as the remedy for the ills of men? Did He raise His voice with insistence on government provided security? Did He point to releace from individual re. sponsibility as the way for man to joy, power and peace? No none of these! Jesus had no easy panaceas for shifting of re sponsldility from the individual citizen to his government. He did not rely on economic systems or political and social devices to do for men what they might fear that God was unable or unwill ing to do forthem. He taught men their Individual responsibilities, the way to Right eousness and to God. He sought to solve the problems of the world by encouraging men to build themselves into better men. lie saw security in character and In dustry and devotion to what is right and good. He made men responsible to God, rather than to government. Perhaps, after all, It were best for the world to listen once more Jto the gentle Nazarene. SEAMAN FRANCIS CONNOR AT KEY WEST, FLORIDA Francis F. Connor, seaman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Connor of Heppner, recently reported for duty with Development Squadron One at Boca Chlca Field, Naval Air Station, Key West, Fla., which is under the command of Capt. J. R. Lee, USN. Duty in Key West, the southern most city in the United States, gives Connor an opportunity to enjoy living in one of the nation's resort cities famous for outdoor sports the year round. JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner,. Oregon Call Settles Electric for all kinds of Electrical Work New and Repair Shop phone 2253 at Willow & Chase Streets. Res. Phone 25-12 J.O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon Carpentry and Cement Work By Day or Contract Bruce Bothwell Phone 845 P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW General Insurance Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Jack A. Woodhall Doctor of Dental Medicine Office First Floor Bank Bldg. Phone 2342 Heppner Veterans of Foreign Wars . . Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays at 8:00 p.m. in Legion Hall Dr; L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE A.D.McMurdo, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nmrse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office No. 4 Center St House Cals Made Home Phone 2583 Office 2572 Heppner City Cnunri Meet! Firnt Monday council Eloh Month Citleens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Phone 2572 C. A. RUGGLES Representing Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for appointment or call at shop. Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Ofllot In Potn Building Morrow County fAnrl Meeti rtrnt Wedneiday wuun of Each Month County Jiidirn Of flea Houril Monday, Wadnaiday, Friday 0 to 6 p.m. Tttaaday, Thnriday, Saturday Fora- non only RICHARD J. O'SHEA, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 2 Church Street Telephone 1152 DR. J. D. PALMER Dentist Rms. 11-12 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Ph.: Office 783, Home 932 Heppner: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday. Arlington: Wed. and Thurs,