Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 02, 1950, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 2, 1 950
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Volume 66, Number 46
o i-. c 5 o :i iustorica:
PUBLIC A 'J D I T 0 F. I U '
"Unloaded" Gun
Cause of Shooting
Accident Saturday
Kenneth Klinger
In Hospital With
Abdominal Wound
Kenneth Klinger, pastime ope
rator of Lexington, Is in the St.
Anthony's hospital in Pendleton
as a result of a shooting accident
in Heppner Saturday evening.
Latest report from there was to
the effect that he has a good
chance for recovery.
Klinger, who is a collector of
guns, had a revolver on him
when he went into O'Donnell's
cafe to see his friend Russell
O'Donnell. The young men were
together for some time and in
the course of their visit, Klinger
handed the gun over to O'Don
nell, who, after examining it, re
moved the cartridges. A short
while after that they went on an
errand for the cafe and when
they returned there was more
discussion about the gun. Kling
er, according to the story given
to officials, pointed the gun at
O'Donnell and the latter, in mock
resentment, took it away .from
him. With full confidence that
there was no ammunition in the
gun, O'Donnell pressed the trig
ger and there was a report Klng
er receved the charge in the
Sheriff Bauman and a physici
an were called and the victim
was made ready to be taken to
Pendleton. He remained conscio
us throughout and told the offi
cer that no blame was to be
placed on O'Donnell, that it was
purely an accident
Since there is no emergency,
and since the coal supply at the
Masonic building has all but dis
appeared, the Masonic building ,
committee this week decided to1 able temperature for the occu
curtail use of the lodge rooms pants of the street floor.
Rainbow-DeMolay Installation Ceremony
Popular Function of Sunday Afternoon
Installation of officers for the
Order of DeMolay and Order of
Rainbow was held at joint cere
monies Sunday afternoon at the
Masonic hallr Elective officers in
stalled for the Rainbow Girls in
cluded Patricia Drake, worthy
adviser; Eunice Keithley, worthy
associate adviser; Joan Reininger,
Charity; Constance Ruggles,
Hope; Betty Wells, Faith; Nancy
Ferguson, recorder; Wanda Hodge
treasurer; and several appointive
officers were Installed at this
time. Mrs. Frank Wilkinson was
chosen Mother Adviser. Installing
officers ncluded Worthy Adviser,
Mrs. E. O. Ferguson; Marshall,
Mrs. Dean Hunt; recorder, Lorene
Mitchell, and musician, Mrs: C. C.
Carmichael of Lexington. Mrs.
Clyde Dunham was soloist
Officers of the DeMolay lnclud
ed Marion Green, master coun
selor; Gerald Bergstrom, senior
counselor; Jim Smith,' Junior
counselor; Melvln Piper, senior
deacon; Larry Lovgren, Junior
deacon; Gary Connor, senior
steward; Vern Bell, Junior stew
ard; orator, Wendell Connor; sen.
tincl, Keith Connor; chaplain,
George Wickes; marshall, Loren
Piper; standard bearer, Allen
Hughes; almoner, Phillip Smith;
and seven preceptors, Fritz Cuts
forth, Carl Smith of Condon, Lynn
Rill, Gay Harshman, Arthur Har
die of Condon, Elwayne Berg
strom and Charles Stout Jr. C A.
Ruggles Is adviser to the group.
Following the installation, Ma.
rion Green, master counselor of
DeMolay, crowned Patricia Drake
as worthy adviser of Rainow.
A luncheon at 12:30 p. m. pre
ceded the afternoon ceremonies.
Miss Jean Hanna, bride-elect of
Donald L. Bennett, whose wed
ding is planned for Wednesday,
February 8 at the Methodist
church, was complimented Mon
day evening at a miscellaneous
shower for which Mesdames Dean
Hunt, John Ledbetter and Claud
lne Carver were hostesses. Others
present were Mrs. John Hanna,
Mrs. William Barratt, Mrs. Roger
Connor, Mrs. Howard Pettyjohn
Mrs. John Hanna Jr., Mrs. Donald
DuBols, and Miss Patricia Plerson
High score for games was recelv
ed by Patricia Plerson and Mrs,
Barratt received the door prize
Refreshments were served
On Wednesday evening, Mes
dames Frank Wilkinson, George
Rugg, Harley Anderson and Roy
Quackenbush entertained with a
shower for Miss Hanna. Both par
ties were held In the parlors of
the Methodist church
Mrs. John Bergstrom was elect
ed president of the newly organ
Ized Triple Link club at Its first
mooting Friday evening in the I
O. O. F. hall. Other officers are
Mrs. Roy Thomas, vice president
and Mrs. Ted Plerson sccertary
Membership is composed of the
regular members of Sans Souci
Rchcknh lodge. The group plans
to sponsor several money making
projects throughout the remain-
Real Conservation
Required to Save
Productivity of Soil
The time has passed when
farm and ranch folk can move
into an area, take up a piece of
land, farm It to death and then
move on to a new territory. That
was what Glenn Parsons told the
luncheon group of the Heppner
chamber of commerce at the
Monday luncheon when speak
ing on his favorite subject.
' Parsons had prepared a graph
to show the stages our soil passes
through starting as rock and dis
integrating and catching grass
seed which eventually grows into
a soil covering. This soil cover
ing when properly handled will
last indefinitely, but when it is
over grazed the topsoil is ex
posed to the elements and with
out that covering eventually be
gins to wash off and blow away.
He pointed to the surrounding
hills as living examples of what
is taking place and the appar
ent disinterest of land owners in
helping to conserve this precious
topsoil without which there can
be no agricultural Industry. This
is not a problem for future gene
rations, the speaker contended,
but is the worry of this genera
Due to adverse weather condi
tions, the county court has de
cided to postpone the auction
sale advertised in another sec
tion of the Gazette Times; The
decision was not made until after
the page carrying the advertise
ment was printed.
Judge Garnet Barratt said the
sale will be held Friday, Febru
ary 17.
until the current weather de
sists. By shutting off the heat
in the upper part of the building
it is hoped the meager supply can
be stretched a little and at the
same time maintain a comfort
der of the winter and early
spring. First of these is the bene
fit card party which is scheduled
for the evening of February 7.
They also plan to hold a Mother
Daughter banquet early in May.
This will be open to the public.
Among those from out of town
Sunday to attend the funeral
services of the late Mrs. Orderie
Gentry were Mr.' and Mrs. Har
old Gentry of Bend, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gentry, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Wrex Langdon of Pendle
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc
Queen of Athena.
Dan Brock returned to Heppner
Tuesday after several months at
Moro where he has been employ,
ed at the C. S. Burres ranch. Mr.
Brock plans to remain here until
Mrs. Deb Bellenbrock is here
from Monument to be with her
mother, Mrs. Susie Hughes, who
recently broke her hip in a fall
at her home.
Mrs. Emma Evans departed
Sunday for Portland to spend
several weeks visiting relatives.
Crockett Sprouls went to Port
land Sunday to attend an appli
ance dealers school which was
held there the first of the week.
Mrs .Josephine Mahoney enter-
tertalned the group with selec
noon at her home on west Center
street. Present were Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers, Mrs. Mary Stevens.'Mrs.
Sara E. McNamer and Frank W.
Gerald Boohcr of Boise visited
in Heppner Monday with his mo
ther, Mrs. Maud Robinson and
friends. Mrs. Booher accompanied
him as far as Pendleton where
she remained with her mother,
Mrs. Corda Saling, who is rccu
pertaing in a hospital there.
Mrs. J. O. Turner entertained
the Bookworms club Tuesday
evening at her home on Church
street. Mrs. L. E. Dick reviewed
the book 'The Aspirin Age. . Af
ter the review, Mrs. Turner en
tertained the group yith selec
tions on the Hammond organ.
Eleven members were present.
Mrs. Lucy Peterson entertained
the Girl Scout troop No. 3 at a
party Monday afternoon at the
J. W. Farra residence compli
menting her daughter Ruth, on
the occasion of her birthday.
Present were Carol Ann Ander
son, Peggy Applegate, Joyce
Casebeer, Judy Collins, Helen
Graham, Carol Groshons, Margar.
et Hughes, Kay Keithley, Connie
Lee Massey, Maureen Palmer,
Phyllis Quackenbush, Karen Val
entlne, Janet Wightman, Joan
Moc, Mary Bohles, Janice Bcamer
and Martha Peterson. Troup lea
ders, Mrs. Marvin Wightman and
Mrs. J. W. Farra assisted Mrs
Peterson. Refreshments of birth
day cake and ice cream were
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns of
lone were business visitors in
Heppner Monday.
Also from lone came Lloyd
Morgan on Monday to attend to
matters of business in the county
Mustangs Strike
Stride, Step Into
Wheat League Lead
Condon, Boardman
" Play Here Friday,
Saturday Nights
Evidently Coach Vernon Boh
les has his system clicking In his
Mustang basketball squad, for
the local boys have taken the
lead in the Wheat League after
a more or less hectic start. Vic
tories were won at the expense
of Arlington Saturday evening,
and lone Tuesday evening. Three
wins in a row were sufficient to
put the team on the top rung.
A determined Honker squad
came from Arlington Saturday
evening to give the Mustangs
one of the hard fought contests
of the season. The Heppner boys
were equally determined and
started out by rolling up 10
points before the visitors could
score. The quarter ended with
Heppner 11, Arlington 5. In the
second quarter, Arlington out
scored the Mustangs by one
point, the half ending Heppner
15, Arlington 11. Arlington came
back after the half-time rest to
gain- -a-three - pein-4ead, 22-19.
With only seconds to go, Green
of Heppner sank a foul shot to
tie up the game, 30-all. In the
overtime, Arlington netted six
points and Heppner 10. Total
score, Heppner 40, Arlington 36.
Orwick, with a score of 13 was
high point man for Heppner.
Heppner traveled to lone Tues
day night to take on a team that
was not only .greatly improved
but was filled with a winning
spirit. The first quarter ended
with Heppner ahead 8-7. The sec
ond quarter saw lone make 11
points while Heppner made 14,
the period ending 22-18 in favor
of the Mustangs. During the
third quarter Heppner scored 14
points and lone scored 8, making
the score 36 26. From that time
on things really began to pop.
lone started clicking and soon
came within one point of Hepp
ner. When the final gun sounded,
the Mustangs led by four points
46-42. Piper and Manners tied
for scoring honors with 14 coun
ters each.
The Mustangs will have two
games on the local floor this
week-end. Condon Is coming Fri
day evening and Boardman Sat
urday evening: Both are plenty
tough and will bend every effort
to take the Heppner boys.
The O. E. S. Socal club party
scheduled for this Saturday eve
ning has been postponed until
March 4, announces Mrs. Harley
Anderson, worthy matron of Ruth
chapter No. 32, O. E. S.
Boardman Reports
22 Below Zero In
Current Cold Snap
The cold weather is still the
main topic of interest in the
Boardman community with tem
peratures going as low as 22 de
grees minus, Monday night.
Sunday, February 12 following
the regular church service at the
Boardman Community church
there will be a congregational
business meeting for the purpose
of changing the name of this
church. Your vote counts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gronqulst
are the parents of a baby dau
ghter born January 26 at the St.
Anthony hospital, Pendleton.
The little miss is Karen Ann, and
is the first daughter but the third
chuld for the Gronquists. Grand
parents are Mrs. Mary Healy,
Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. John
Gronqulst, Duluth, Minn.
Jeff Hayes spent the week-end
in Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wal
tor Hayes motored to Arlington
Sunday afternoon.
The 4 H clubbers had a benefit
show and lunch at the grange
hall Monday evening for the pur
pose of the new club building.
The show was "Under the 4-H
Flag". Despite the weather a
large crowd attended.
Mr. and Mrs. John Partlow mo.
tored to The Dalles Monday to
get their daughter Susan, who
had recently undergone an ap
pondectomy at the Mid-Columbia
The March of Dimes benefit
at 8 p. m. Saturday .March 4 at
the grange hall is for everybody,
It will be a box social and the
Indies are requested to bring well
filled baskets.
When Nelson Anderson sent In
his letter on the proposed union
high school last week he lnclud
ed Morrow County Agricultural
Agent with his signature. This
was inadvertently included when
the copy was set up for the pa
per. which was not Mr. Ander
son's intention. He was writing
as the father of five children and
not as the agricultural agent
Says Mr. O'Connor
Photographer Louis Lyons
caught this picture without any
posing on the part of the men in
the picture. Jack O'Connor had
Just finished his presentation
speech and clasped Nelson An
derson's hand when the flash was
taken. Anderson, chosen as Mor
row county's No. 1 citizen for
the year 1949, has a list of ac
tivities sufficient to make at
least two more people busy. It
was his zeal In taking care of
his numerous Jobs, and the con
stant drive of his energy that
pulled him right out of a list of
eligibles and placed him at the
'Secretary" Anderson would be
a more fitting title for the genial
county agent, as this record read.
ily proves:
Secretary . treasurer Morrow
county fair and rodeo; secretary
Morrow Grazing association; sec
retary Morrow County Livestock
Growers association; secretary
Veterans Agricultural Advisory
committee; secretary Heppner
There are 450,000,000 people
in China.
Vast areas are unproductive.
They can't raise enough food
for themselves.
They have to import food from
Burma and Siam.
Eighty percent of the people
cannot read nor write.
In Formosa, eighty percent of
the people can.
These primary basic facts came
from the man President Truman
selected to make a survey of
China in 1947, Lt Gen. Albert C.
Wedemeyer, 6th Army comman
der, who conferred with Governor
McKay and MaJ. Gen. Thomas E.
Rilea, Oregons adjutant general
at the capitol this week, while on
an inspection tour.
The three star general quipped
it was not his errand to discuss
China policies. He is sympathetic
with the Chinese people, believes
Chang Kai-shek is "sincere, hon
est and concerned for the welfare
of his people."
'The war against communism
is not going to be won militar
ily it is going to be won by
Americans becoming more fer
vent Americans and espousing at
home and to the world the phil
osophy of the free man," the
general said.
For many decades there has
been talk around the corridors of
the capitol about the writing of
a political history of Oregon and
much discussion on who could
and should write it. Only one
such history has been published.
It was written by J. Henry Brown
and was published in 1892.
During every session of the le
glslature deans of the lobby and
the press rocket Into a political
synthetic lonlsphere to give off
political saga principally about
past legislative sessions. When
ever they discuss the writing
chore they always stress three
names. All are those of former
governors of Oregon, Walter
Pierce, Jay Bowerman and Os
wald West.
Now comes the good news that
the venerable and so human Wal.
ter Pierce, nearlng ninety, has
Just about finished his memoirs.
His sixty years of political ac
tivities commenced Just before
those of J. Henry Brown ended.
Thus his memoirs will sustain a
continuity for an "I Was There"
political history of the state.
He was elected school superin-
To Mr. Anderson . .
and Boardman Soil Conservation
districts; secretary Agricultural
planning conference. And on top
of!a!l this he is now serving on
the board of directors of the Hep
pner chamber of commerce. With
all of this "extra-curricular" ac
tivity he carries on the work of
the county agricultural agent
and has been most effective in
guiding the agricultural units in
the 4-H clubs of the county.
Anderson is 31 years of age
and is the father of five children.
"It is obvious that this man's
value to a farming community
is inestimable and that his ac
complishments work toward the
welfare of the entire state," wrote
the committee in submitting An.
derson's name for consideration
in the state first citizen selection.
The committee, chosen by the Ju
nior chamber of commerce to
make the selection included
Frank W. Turner, chairman;
Elaine S. George and C. J. D.
Fires Are Needed
But Should Be
Confined to Stoves
Fire is a necessity in cold wea
ther controlled fire, that is
but when it is the type that
causes the fire siren to rear its
raucus voice, that constitutes a
nuisance. That's the opinion of
the lads whose Job it is to ac
company the fire truck in sub
zero weather. Two such calls have
come this week, one Tuesday
evening, the other this morning.
Firtex iised in refinishing an
apartment at the home of Mrs.
R. H. Zinter on north Gale street
was tacked too close to the flue,
with the result that it was on
the verge of breaking into a
blaze when Mrs. Zinter discover
ed it and phoned for the depart
ment. Only minor damage was
This morning a fire started in
the state highway shed at the
corner of Willow and Chase
streets, causing the truck to be
called out at about 6 'clock. The
potential blaze was quickly sub
dued and only minor damage
was done. Worst thing about it
was having to break in the door
to get inside to fight the fire.
Feb. 6 Designated
National Children s
Dental Health Day
February 6 has been set aside
as "National Children's Dental
Health" day. The American Den
tal assocition has sponsored this
day for the promotion of better
dental health for our nation's
children. The purpose is to edu
cate both parents and children
to the importance of care to both
the "first" or deciduous teeth,
and the permanent teeth. Pre
serving the first teeth is probab
ly as important as the perma
nent for upon this foundation is
built future dental health.
A few good rules are: proper
home hygiene, care in diet by
elimination of excessive sweets;
starting children's visits to den
tist by at least three years of
age; periodic visits to dentist, and
fluorine treatments as a preven
tative to decay.
Above all, parents are urged
to remember that upon them
rests the responsibility of their
children's dental health.
tendent of Umatilla county in
1SS6, then county clerk, served
eight years in the state senate,
was elected governor in 1922 and
culminated his political career by
becoming congressman in 1933, a
position he held representing the
2nd district until 1943.
In compiling his memoirs, he
has had the valuable assistance
of Mrs. Cornelia Marvin Pierce
state librarian for 24 years, who
was married to Mr, Pierce in 1928,
Heppner District
SCS Annual Dinner
Set For Tuesday
Merle Oveson to
Be Guest Speaker
At Rhea Creek
Merle Oveson, superintendent
of the Pendleton branch experi
ment station will be the featured
speaker at the annual meeting
of the Heppner Soil Conservation
district, Tuesday, February 7, at
the Rhea Creek grange hall. Mr.
Oveson will explain the soil con
servation research program in
progress in Umatilla county
sponsored by the Oregon Wheat
league in cooperation with vari
ous federal and state agencies.
Conservation practices and ac
tivities of soil conservation dis
tricts in the Columbia basin will
be discused by Tom Helseth, dis
trict conservationist, Soil Conser.
vation Service, from Pendleton.
The annual report of the Hep
pner Soil Conservation district
will be presented to Morrow coun.
ty farmers by N C. Anderson,
Morrow county agent and secre
tary for the district supervisory
board. Nomination and election
of one supervisor will be neces
sary to fill the vacancy created
by Onan Wright's expired term.
Procedure and petitions for add
ing the remaining portions of
Morrow county lying outside of
the present boundaries of the
Heppner Soil Conservation dis
trict will be presented to the
group by members of the state
soil conservation committee and
the county agent.
The program will begin at 11
o'clock with dinner served at
noon by the ladies of the Rhea
Creek grange. Conservation films
and slides will complete the po-
gram. The public is cordially in.
vited and urged to attend.
Shamrocks Add 2
More Contests to
Winning Column
Heppner's fighting Shamrocks,
their cap set for the AAU play
offs, continued their blistering
basketball pace Saturday and
Monday nights, as they conquer
ed the Condon Rover Boys 53 to
37 and downed the stubborn,
scrappy Pendleton Motor In In
dian team 68 to 60.
Both contests were strikingly
similar in that they each were
played for the benefit of the
March of Dimes, and in each
contest the Shambrocks pulled
the game out of the fire in the
second half.
At Arlington Saturday night
the Heppner gTeen dads and the
Condon Rover Boys battled on
even terms the first half with
the score 21 to 21 at half time.
The third quarter the Shamrocks
caught fire and ran up a 39 to
26 lead at the end of that period.
From then on they kept the game
on ice as Condon was never able
to close the margin to less than
10 points.
On the local floor Monday
night the Pendleton Motor In In
dians proved themselves to be a
fast, sharpshooting scrappy team
as they gave the Shamrocks a
real scare before the Heppner
boys finally came out the win
ners. After a shaky second quar
ter which at one time found the
Shamrocks with a 9 point defi
cit, the Heppnerites' victory
string was tottering on the brink
of disaster as the half ended with
Motor In leading 27 to 23.
Once again the Shamrocks rose
to the occasion in the thind per
iod as they quickly knotted the
count at 32 all. Then for five or
six minutes the game was a see
saw battle as the ewo teams
matched baskets with first one
ahead and then the other. The
last of the third quarter and first
of the fourth the Shamrocks gra
dually pulled ahead and at one
time were in the lead by 12
In both the Condon and Pen
dleton games Harold Whitbeck
and Junior Kemp were the siege
guns of the Heppner attack as
Whitbeck hit the hemp for 16
points against Condon and 26
against Motor In, while Kemp
burly Shamrock forward collect
ed 14 and 21 points in the two
respective contests.
Next Wednesday night the
Shamrocks will meet on the local
gym floor the Irrigon Indepen
dents, the only team to have
beaten the Shamrocks this year.
These two teams are now tied
for first place in the league.
An even dozen Heppner high
school students made the honor
roll in the third six weeks per
iod, announces Leonard Pate, su
perintendent. These include Wen
dell Connor, Roger Palmer, Mar
jorie Plerson, Jack Sumner, Nan
cy Adams, Joanne Bothwell, Ele
anor Rice, Jim Smith, Marion
Green, Gerald Bergstrom, Jim Or-
wick, and Rose Plerson,
North Jones Snow
Depth 38 Inches
Snow on North Jones prairie in
the Blue mountains south of Hep
pner was 38.16 inches in depth
when measured early this week,
according to Glenn Parsons, ran
ger of the Heppner district. The
water content of the snow, which
is a bit on the dry side, is 10.7
inches, Parsons said.
The measuring was done by
Marvin Bennett, Umatilla coun
ty water master and Harvey
Wright of the Heppner ranger
district. Twelve spots were mea
sured In the vicinity of Happy
Home springs about one-half
mile north of Jones prairie.
Mead Services Set
For Saturday P. M.
Funeral services for George R.
W. Mead. 91, will be held at 2
p. m. Saturday from the Heppner
Church of Christ, with Rev. E. D.
Greeley officiating and arrange
ments in charge of the Phelps
Funeral Home. Interment will be
in the Lexington cemetery.
Mr. Mead passed away Mon
day at the home of his daughter
Mrs. Sie Walker, on west Balti
more street. He has been an in
valid for several years, spending
most of his time in a wheel
(An obituary will be published
next week.)
Random Thoughts...
Despite our best efforts, the
Gazette Times Is later than usual
this week. The reason? Weather
Cold weather! Cold is an enemy
of machinery and printer's Ink.
Then, too, the question of "Juice"
enters into the picture. Power
lines are over--loaded these days
and the extremely cold weather
is not adding cheer to the sitia-
tion for the power company. Since
the operation of the newspaper
plant depends solely upon electric
power and their are periods in
the day when motors run slug
gishly, it is necessary to shut
down temporarily until the peak
loads pass. This slows production
and there is but one thing to do
and that is to keep on working
until the "old rag" Is made up
and ready to go to press. Well,
what can't be cured must be en
dured. Speaking about the weather:
The chamber of commerce and
the county court have been im
plored to do something abut it,
but neither group would make a
committing statement. Neither
would the Soroptimist club do
anything about it. If this 'spell"
hasn't broken up by Monday it
may be that the city council will
undertake to do something about
There have been many gags
about the fuel man rejoicing over
cold weather but. frankly, who
of us would like to relieve the oil
truck boys these crisp winter
days. The doctors, the firemen
and the electric repairmen have
their share of grief throughout
the year, but the oil truck opera,
tor can Just about claim the dub.
ious honors in such times as the
current cold snap, when the
phone rings and some unfortun
ate announces that the oil sup
ply has run out. The harrassed
trucker has nothing to do but
slip into his work clothes and go
forth into the night and fill his
customer's oil tank. It is a pleas
ant task in the "wee sma' hours"
with the mercury from 10 to 20
degrees below zero. Just ask any
oil service man.
Farm Bureaus To
Twenty-three County Farm Bu
reaus will review plans for re-apportionment
of the Oregon legis
lature. Representative Giles French,
Sherman County publisher
agreed to withdraw his federal
plan in view of overwhelming
odds against its success. French
stated, "If I am relieved of my
responsibility to the Oregon Farm
Bureau federation, the Wheat'.of rural voting powers that will
League and the County Judges
association, I will be glad to
throw the full weight of my sup
port behind the compromise pro
posal." French's statement was made
at a Portland meeting of the Le
gislative and Tax committee of
the Oregon Farm Bureau, Janu
ary 28. Senators Rand of Mult
nomah, Marsh of Yamhill, Pat
terson of Washington and Re
presentatives Carter of Umatilla,
Sells of Wasco and Sheppard of
Columbia presented their opin
ions on the compromise propo
sal at the meeting. Reported as
favoring the compromise were
Representatives Short of Deschu
tes, Geary, Seamon and Hitch
cock of Klamath. '
The Farm Bureau Legislative
and Tax committee report will be
made available to County Farm
Bureaus February 2. General op
inion of the committee is, (1) the
federal plan, allowing one sena
tor to every county, will draw op-
C B F. To Resume
Construction Work
Early Next Month
REA Allots Local
Concern $390,000
To Extend Lines
Assurance was given this week
that work of extending the lines
of the Clumbia Basin Electric co
operative into Gilliam and Mor
row counties will be resumed
early in March. This assurance
came in the form of a notice
from the Rural Electrification
Administration that the cooper
ative's application for additional
funds had been granted and that
an allotment of $390,000 had been
made in its favor.
Information released from the
headquarters of the CBE in Hepp.
ner is to the effect that this sum
will make it possible to build
187 miles of line in the two coun
ties, one half of which will be in
and around Blalock on the Co
lumbia river and on the John
Day river to aid with irrigation
projects. The remainder of the
fund will be used for conversion
purposes to increase the load on
present Installations.
According to a telegram receiv.
ed from ' Congressman Lowell
Stockman last Friday, the sum
was loaned to CBE "for improve
ment also for completion of pre.
viously approved construction
and for the extension of electric
service in Morrow, Gilliam and
Wheeler counties, the extension
being 192 miles of line to serve
160 additional rural consumers."
30-Year Record
Equalled as Cold
Snap Lingers On
Only twice before since official
recordings have been made has
the mercury dropped as low as It
has been this week last night
to be more specific. In 1919 there
was a general cold snap all over
the west and the mercury drop
ped to 18 minus in Heppner.
Again in 1933 the same point was
reached, and Wednesday evening
of this week, the thermometer at
the Gilliam residence said 18 be
low. This came upon the heels of
two previous nights, Monday and
Tuesday, which recorded 16 be
low. The stage appears to be set for
another cold night possibly the
coldest yet recorded, for there has
been no change in the atmosphe
ric conditions which havechtng
ed the region from a character
istically mild winter climate to
one not unlike the frozen step
pes of Russia or at least hereto,
fore considered less favored
spots in our own United States.
All is not unfavorable, accord
ing to Len Gilliam, Heppner wea.
ther observer, who reports that
precipitation for January show
ed 2.38 inches, mostly due to
Some importing of hay Is be
ing done by stockmen, although
to what extent has not been re
vealed. Unless there is a break
in the weather soon there may
be a marked shortage of stock
feeds, for the herds and flocks
must be well fed to withstand
the extreme temperatures..
Study Plans For
of Legislature
position from metropolitan areas
and insufficient support from
western Oregon counties and the
press to stand any chance of suc
cess. (2) The compromise plan,
representing both population and
area on a basis of one represen
tative to every county, the rest
of the house and senate appor
tioned according to population,
then most favorable protection
oe ponucaiiy practical.
The compromise plan some
times called the "Balanced Re
presentation" or the "Mark Hat
field" plan originated in the pol
icy committee of the Young Re
publicans and 'currently receives
the support and attention from
the Young Democrats as well as
large sections of the Oregon
Representative French was gi
ven credit by legislators and
Farm Bureau committee members
for fathering the Idea of a bal
anced representation in the Ore
gon legislature. Farm Bureuu
President Lowell Steen said that
without the "Federal'' plan pro
posed by French the compromise
plan could never have been de
veloped. The final stand of the power
ful Oregon Farm Bureuu Feder
ation will not be known until
the 23 affiliated county farm bu
reaus have reported their decision.