Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 26, 1950 CHURCHES ASSEMBLY OF COD CHURCH Pator Shelby E. Graves 9.45 a .m. Sunday school. Los mm topic, 'The Gn at Physician." 11 a. m. Worship service. 7 p. m. Youth for Christ 7 45 p. m. Evangelistic service. Tuesday, 7 p. m. Youth Bible rluh. Thursday, 7:45 p. m. Bible stu dy on II Timothy and prayer meeting. Friday Bible study and prayer meeting In lone. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning worship and sermon at 11 a. m. with special music by the choir. Paul McCoy director. Sermon topic, "The Missing Hand." Sunday church school 9:45 a. m. Oliver Creswick, superinten dent This is Missions Sunday in the church school, Mrs. Lucille Owens will read letters and give a talk on Japan. Wednesday: Mid-week prayer service at 7:30 p. m. Thursday: 7:30 p. m. choir practice. Woman's Society of Christian service meets the first Wednes day of each month. Suzanna Wesley Circle of W. S. C. S. moots the third Wednesday of each month. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST CLENN WARNER. Minister 9:45 a. m. Bible school with classes for all ages from the ba bies to grandparents. C. W. Bar low, superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship and eommunnion service. Nursery for infants and small children. Spec ial music by the choir, Mrs. C. H. Flint, director. Sermon theme, "Attitudes Toward the Christian Life." Card Party Heppner Triple Link Club Feb. 7-1. O. O. F, Hall 8 p. m. Bridge Pinochle Refreshments -Public Invited- ARVIN Car Heaters $19.95 Don Walker, Owner Heppner, Oregon 7:30 p. m. Evening fellowship and evangelistic service. Sermon llteme, " Paul, the Possessor of All Tilings." Tuesday, 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Choir practice. AL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon 11. Study class 7:30 p. m. Week Day Services: Holy Communion Wednesday 10, Friday 7:30 a. m. Choir practices: Girls Wednes day at 4. Adult choir Thursday evening at 8. Boy Scouts meet Wednesday evening 7:30 to 9 p. m. chial asthma and had to be mov ed to the lower altitude. Mr. and Mrs. Owen H. Leath ers Jr. returned to Kinzua Friday evening from El Centra, Calif. where they have been the past several months. Owen received his discharge from the navy at San Diego Jan. 14. The Leathers experienced some winter weath er before getiing to Oregon hav ing been on one of the trains that were snow bound in northern California. They plan to make their home here. Delvin McDaniel is suffering with an infected eye the past few days. He consulted a doctor at Fossil. DANCE! Kinzua Rail Service Restored After Two Weeks Lay Off By MRS. ELSA LEATHERS The Kinzua train and mail are again back on schedule after two weeks of extremely bad weath er. The snow was estimated to be 20 inches deep at one time. But with the Chinook that hit in the mountains in the middle of the week only the largest drifts and ; the snow on the north slopes was left. More snow fell Monday. Due to bad roads between Ar lington and Fossil the town team basketball game on Saturday was called off. Mrs. R. M. Wright ,TB seals chairman announced to date she has collected $307.25 with more coming in. Twenty five dollars of this sum came from Camp Five. The basketball boys motored to Dayville Saturday where they played two games. The A string won while the B string got beat. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hoover took the school bus to take the players. The game with Spray on Tues day night was cancelled due to the storm. While all the prepa rations had been made to enter tain the Spray people at the new gym the town team played and the refreshments were enjoyed. Elmer Nestlerood Is confined to his home with the mumps. Roy Ball Jr. got his hand cut on a saw Tuesday night. He was rushed to Condon by ambulance ; where it was necessary to have ;12 stitches to close the wound. ' He returned to work the first of ! the week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rector took their small son to Hermiston to stay with friends for the next few weeks. The small child has bron- Willows Grange IONE, OREGON Saturday Night JANUARY - - - MUSIC CECIL ORCHESTRA Admission, $1.00 including Tax Refreshments Served illlllllllllllllHIIIItlBllllllllllllllU 1 STAR OS REPORTER I Tmanelefani!" But even the whole thun dering herd won't faze "a nelefant's" mother who has the famous "MANITEX" Floor Covering on her floors. Its enamel surface can take tough treatment, because it's made sturdier, stronger by a special enamel-baking process. Beautiful colors. Popular patterns. Wide range of room 7. 95 sizes. Real y quality. Low- ' er-priced. Size Choose yours other sizes from big stock similarly here. low-priced CASE FURNITURE CO. M r and Mrs. R. M. Wright and Mr and Mrs. M. W. Hines went atlended to business for Kinzua to Monument Sunday where they Pine Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Litchen bere are spending a few days at Condon where Mrs. Litchenberg is nursing her sister's infant dau ghter who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham motored to The Dalles Saturday where Mrs. raham visited her coctor for a check-up. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens of Fossil visited at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gra ham Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Mitchell was able to leave the hospital at The Dal les the first of th eweek and will be at the home of friends there for a time before returning to Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Orwick isited in Condon over the week end. Mrs. OrwTck remained to vi sit a sister. Valoris and Valoric Ferry visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Kennedy. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cook of Camp 6 (near the French place) are the parents of a baby born this week at Condon. Mrs. Cook will be remembered as Virginia Nickelson of Fossil. CARDS OF THANKS Please accept my heartfelt thanks to all who braved the storm to attend services In mem ory of our beloved Herbert. We especially thank the American Legion, the pallbearers and all those friends who made floral offerings. Mrs. Mabel Davidson and family. I take thisway to thank every one for their beautiful flowers and all kindness and sympathy shown to me In the loss of my beloved son Wendell. Mrs. Clara Aldrich ATTENTION FARMERS! Trade Your Light Plants and Electrolux Refrigerators in on General Electric Appliances Philco Appliances Maytag, Bendlx Washers Monarch Ranges Hoover Cleaners Ironrite Ironers Fermutit Water Softeners New Home Sewing Mach's. Fowler Water Heaters Oliver Farm Machinery Calkins Farm Machinery Montag Oil Furnaces Spark Oil Heaters De Laval Separators Drills & Shop Tools Air Compressors Wiring Supplies Lincoln Welders Moon Equipment Company WASCO, OREGON PHONE 322 COME AND SEE Leonard and George in Mumbo Jumbo w P-TA Sponsored Play LEXINGTON SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Wednesday Evening, February 8 The Lexington Oddfellows Lodge will give a dance at the I. O. O .F. hall immediately following the play. Admission pzicci afternoon and tranlnf , tuUvaa sp dftoally a4vrtld to b othtnrlMt Children: Eft Mm XI, red. Tax M, Total SOc; Orad and Hlfli School Student! IS yean and orer: Ert. Prloe .40, Fed. Tan .10, Total Mo; Adolta: EiL Prloe .60c, Fed. Tu .10, Total SOo. Srery child oocupylnf a lent mart have a ticket. Sunday ahowa oontlnnooi from 1 p. m. All evening shows start at 7:30 p. unless otherwise adrertised Friday-Saturday, Jan. 27-28 STAMPEDE Rod Cameron, Gale Storm, Johnny Mack Brown, Don Castle L'pper register western filmed in sepia tone against majestic scenic backgrounds. PLUS DUMBO Wall Disney's fantasy of the baby ele phant "Dumbo" born with the outsize ears; it has charming music, rich color, delightful story. Sunday-Monday, Jan. 29-30 GREAT LOVER Bob Hope, Rhonda Fleming, Roland Young, Roland Culver, Gary Gray, Richard Lyon Lover Boy Hope In another funny one! Women at his feet, men at his heels, and laughs all around! Also, an outstanding group of short sub jects: FOOTBALL HEADLINERS OF 1949; Technicolor tour of OLD AMSTERDAM; BUGS BUNNY; our NEWSREEL is hot off the griddle with world events; KINGS OF THE ROCKIES, Arabian horses at the fa mous VV ranch in Colorado, in Techni color. Tues.-Wed.-Thurs Jan. 31-Feb. 1-2 The Great Gatsby Alan Ladd, Betty Field, Macdonald Carey, Ruth Hussey, Barry Sullivan, Howard de Silva, Shelley Winters F. Scott Fitzgerald's widely read novel of the Jazz-mad '20's is lightning paced and engrossing. PLUS The Singing Dude Technicolor short western, the story of a rodeo, with Dennis Morgan, Luclle Fair banks and Fuzzy Knight. TIME TO THINK ABOUT Spring Remodeling With Our Time Payment Plan NEW GARAGE - $1 5-$20 per Mo. INSULATION - $4-$8 per Mo. KITCHEN CABTS.-l 0-20 per Mo. NEW BEDROOM-$20-40 per Mo. Come in and ASK US Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. ii k a i e Thrifty Heppner Market , Save in Fifty "' "' ' w BEEF ROAST VEAL PATTIES Pound 55c 3 for AU MOCK CHICKEN LEGS FRESH FRYERS )Q Eachl.5 Makes Sunday Dinner a Real Treat Easy to Prepare They're Delicious! They're Different! Try 'em! Like 'em! PRODUCE - Garden Fresh ORANGES Large, Sweet, Juicy Lb. No. 2 POTATOES 4 AQ 50 Lbs. X.Ut CAKHAGE Crisp 9c 09 Pound 7c SWIFT'S PREMIUM -f TAMALES, 16-oz., ea. JLtJC STANDBY CS CORN No. 2 tin 2 WAFFLE SYRUP oa. 2 for UiJVs OO. 21- Pound OOV, LETTUCE Head Weather Dad f 19c RINSO 27c -1 Large Size Give us a ring on 92 and we will deliver your order to you Penney's J ANUARY FOUR STAR ii r :2fin m til ;a SAVINGS FOR YOU! Outstanding bargains in good every-day merchandise -Reduced for a quick CLEAN-UP - not all sizes i nail lots - some ODDS AND ENDS - Repriced for Clearance! 15 only STREET DRESSES-Not all sizes . . . 2.50 12 only Women's Cotton Frocks - Not all sizes . . 1.00 6 only Misses Corduroy Suits -Red, Gray, Green . . 6.00 3 only Women's Winter Coats- Out they GO . . 12.00 9 only Hard Finish Rayon Shirts-Smart styles . . . 3.00 9 only Girls Cotton Frocks -3 to 6x ..... 1.00 Lace Trim Rayon Jersey Slips - White, Pastels .. . . 1.98 Washable Rayon Panels - Ivory, Pastels 88 Knit Type Dish Cloths . . . 3 for .19 Terry Wash Cloths . ' 3 for .25 Tots Corduroy Helmet Type Caps . . . . 50c Women's Flannel Gowns - Not all sizes . . . 1.00 Children's Flannel Pajamas 1.00 Women's Tuckstitch Panties and Vests . . 4forl.00 12 only Girls Winter Coats ' 8.00 BARGAINS FOR THE MEN! Men's All Wool Gabardine Topcoats . . . . 30.00 Men's All Wool Plaid Chopper Jackets . . . 5.00 21 only All Wool Sweaters -Slipovers . . 3.50 Topflight Broadcloth Shirts - Plain colors . . 1.98 1 1 only Boys' Wool Cossack Jackets .... 3.00 3 only Junior Boys' Wool Cossack Jackets . . . 2.00