Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 26, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 26, 1 950
Page 3
Funeral Services
Held Monday For
Mrs. Fred J. Ely
Funeral services were held ;it
1 o'clock p m. Monday at the Co
operative church for Mrs. Fred J.
Ely. Rev. Alfred Shirley, pastor,
officiated and arrangements were
in charge of the Spencer & Lihby
Funeral Hume of The Dalles.
Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge of
lone conducted services in the
church. Mrs Walter Roberts and
Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn sang "ltoek
of Ages" and "God Will Take
Care of You." They were accom
panied by Mrs. Cleo Drake. Pall
bearers were Ed Buschke, Wate
Crawford, John Botts, Carl Linn,
Cecil Thome, and Ted Palmateer.
Interment was in the Morgan
Myrtle I. Dowty was born April
10, 18H1, in Kensington, Kansas,
to John W. and Ellen Dowty, and
died January 17, 1930 at The
Dalles. She came to Clackamas
county, Oregon with her parents
when a girl. In 1904 she was mar
ried to Fred J. Ely and lived in
Morrow county most" of her mar
ried life. She was a member of
Rebekah lodge No. 91, of the
American Legion auxiliary unit
95, and of Willows grange. She is
survived by her husband, Fred,
of Morgan; a son, David Ely of
Pendleton; a daughter, Mrs. El
len lloak of Bremerton, Wash.;
two sisters, Mrs. Emma Douglas
of Eagle Creek and Mrs. Lulu
Sparks of Portland and one bro
ther, Frank Dowty of Portland,
and three grandchildren.
Relatives attending the funeral
from a distance' were Mrs. Lester
(Ellen) Huak, Bremerton; Mr. and
and Mrs. David Ely and daughter
Enjoy your Fur Coat
Ladies, insure your fur coats for cover
age against all perils for just
per year
See us for particulars
11 I I
3 Jt I
j '
so. went down toWashincfon-
clZ had no axe to jfriud, M
And yet the equal of this chap W
Would be auire hard to find. M
He had no theory to expound.
His wants were briefly stated
He had a simple problem he
Desired complicated.
entertained at dinner at their
home Sunday. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Wyss, Chas. An-
deregg Sr., Ralph Wasmer, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Former, Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Nickerson and Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Zivney and son Roger.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and
daughter motored to lone Mon
day to attend the funeral of Mr.
Ely's aunt.
Hi-Ways To Health
Short on fresh salad ideas for
January? No need to be with
such foods as cheese, apples, pears
cabbage, celery and lettuce on the
plentful foods list this month.
Salads brighten up winter meals,
add crispness, color and needed
Lyitamins, so plan to serve at least
one every day.
Winter salads sometimes pre-
More truth than poetry
Union Pacific offers the restful, carefree
way East. Cheerful, spacious lounges . . .
delicious meals. Rest-easy coach seats...
choice of pullman accommodations berths
or rooms. Low fares.
StrCQITlliner Fast schedule. ..earliest arrival
cirr of fonrtANo" Chicago...
'PORTLAND ROSE Denver Kanas City St.
Louis Omaha Chicago... Texas and Southwest.
!DAHOAN Denver Kansas City St. Louis. ..con
necting with "City of St. Louis" Streamliner.
Let us help you pita your trip East
Bo Specific. .oy Union Pacific
of Pendleton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Elvin Ely of Boardman
Mrs. Larry Fletcher and chil
dren of Arlington were guests at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Ring, a few days last
Gay lord Salter, student at EO
CE won a decision in a boxing
match there recently.
Mrs. Anne Smouse of Heppner
was an lone visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann
donated the following books to
the Paul Rietmann memorial
shelf of the lone Public library:
"Day Without End" by Pragg;
"Little Lost Boy" by Laski, and
"The Way West" by Guthrie.
Dianne, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Jr. of Uki
ah, underwent an appendectomy
at the St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton Thursday of last week.
She is getting along satisfactorily.
She and her sister Karen have
been slaying with their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mc
Curdy Sr.
The smorgasbord scheduled for
January 28 has been postponed
until a later date.
Other activities were cancelled
Ia.st week an acount of the bad
lone high school defeated
Boardman in both basketball
games there Friday night of last
Delmer Crawford returned from
the Mid-Columbia hospital in The
Dalles Sunday. He was a patient
there for several days where he
took medical treatment. Mrs.
Crawford was in The Dalles with
The Ameca club met Wednes
day of last week at the Legion
hall. Mrs. Gordon White and Mrs.
Larry Fletcher were hostesses.
The hall was decorated in New
Notice of Public Auction of
Morrow County Property
NOTICE is hereby given that certain buildings,
formerly occupied as livable apartments, now in
the ownership of Morrow County, will be sold at
public auction, Friday, February 3, 1950, at 10:00
A. M., at the fair grounds in Heppner, Oregon.
Descriptions and additional information may be
obtained at the office of the County Judge in
Heppner, Oregon.
By Order of the
Morrow County Court
January 5, 1950
Year's theme. The following offi
cers were elected: President, Mrs.
Earl McCabe; vice president, Mrs.
Gordon White ,and secretary and
treasurer, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn.
Dinner guests at the Oscar Lun
dell home Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Lundell and Mrs Mary
The snow is gone in this com
munity. Most of it went into the
Mrs. Sam Esteb has been ill at
her home the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis return
ed to their home at Umatilla after
visiting at the Gordon White
Dates to remember: Jan. 27,
Three Links club at I. O. O. F.
hall; Jan. 29, church meeting of
the Cooperative church in the af.
ternoon at Congregational church
parlor with potluck dinner at
noon. Friends and members of
church urged to come. Feb. 1,
Eastern Star Social club. Feb. 10,
Eastern Star card party at the
Masonic hall.
Cold Weather And
Snow Hang On In
River Country
Cold weather and snow still
hang on in Boardman even
though there were warmer days
Sunday and Monday with a Chi
nook. Monday night the temper
ature dropped several degrees
and some new snow Tuesday.
Mrs. Jack Mulligan received
word her father, Thomas Thrush,
er of Jamesville, Wis. passed
away January 18. Mrs. Mulligan
was unable to go home due to
the weather conditions.
Ladies Aid missionary met at
the home of Mrs. N. A. Maconjber
Wednesday afternoon. Several
ladies were present even with
all the cold and snow. Entertain
ment and refreshments were
served by the No. 4 finance group
Those servinb geside Mrs. Ma-
comber were, Mrs. Russell Miller
and Mrs. I. Skoubo. Other mem
bers of the group were unable
to attend.
Boardman Yellow Jackets bas
ketball team were defeated on
the local floor Friday evening
by the lone Cardinals with a
score of 44-25. The B team was
also defeated in a thriller game
with a score of 29-28. If weather
permits the Yellow Jackets will
go to Lexington Tuesday evening
to play the Lexington Jack Rab
Jeff Hayes seturned from Port
land Monday after spending the
week in the city.
Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and baby
dyughtetr returned home from
the hospital Friday.
Ralph Skoubo is in Portland
where he is consulting an eye
The 4-H club council met at
the school house Friday evening
with local officers and leaders,
also several from Irrigon, Mrs.
Mabel Wilson Flint, and Nelson
Anderson, county agents present.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood
motored to Pendleton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg
sent a problem to the home
maker, for she misses the wide
variety of salad vegetable avail
able during the summer season;
however, the enterprising cook
will find variety Just as extensive
in January as in June, what with
the excellent supply of fruits, veg
etables and ever-popular dairy
products such as cheese, cottage
cheese and sour cream. These
tasty nutritious foods, in good
supply the year round, add flavor
and food value to winter salads.
Here are a few winter salad
suggestions: Molded fruit and
vegetable salads are quick and
easy to make and everyone likes
them. Coleslaw, a popular favor
ite with the menfolk, is a crisp
accompaniment for hearty winter
fare. Another winter favorite is
fresh or canned pear halves fill
ed with creamy cottage cheese.
For change, serve a relish tray
instead of a salad - carrot sticks
and celery stuffed with softend
cream, pimiento or Roquefort
cheese. Sour cream add's gour
met's touch to the simplest of
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and lone
For Pickup or
Under New Ownership
Otto Nooy
Maurice Kennedy
From where I sit .ly Joe Marsh
Give Us Back
Our Sidewa'Ics, C!im!
I wrote that over an article in the
Clarion last week, but I didn't like
doing it After all, the man it was
limed at Slim Henderson is a
good friend of mine.
Slim came into quite a windfall
last month, and bought the old
Clarke place. The deed gave him
title to oil the land right down to
the street. Then Slim started to
take up the sidewalk to make his
lawn look better.
I felt it wasn't fair to the town
and said so in my article. Next
morning Slim comes around and
wants to know what I mean get
ting folks riled agaliiat him. I felt
ornery myself, and we had quite a
set-to over the whole business.
From where I sit, that was fool
ish. Once we'd cooled off (over
lunch and a bottle of beer at Andy'i
Tavern), Slim decided the sidewalk!
should stay for the common good
and I promised next time I'd tak
a good look at the other fellow'i
point of view before writing anj
articles about him!
Copyright, 19 jO, United Slates Brewers Foundatim
vegetable salads. Blue cheese
salad dressing is a delicious top
ping for lettuce wedges. Seasoned
cottage cheese mixed with grated
carrots and shtreeded cabbage
make a hearty, yet inexpensive
salad. ,
Tomato aspic, made with can
ned tomato juice and served with
cottage cheese dressing will fresh
en tired winter appetites. For a
quick and easy tomato aspic,
soften 1 envelope of gelatin in Vt
cup cold water, then dissolve in
llk cups hot tomato juice. Season
with celery salt and desired herbs
Chill and serve with cottage
dressing. To make dressing, rub
34 cup cottage cheese through a
fine sieve, add Vi cup mayon
naise or cooked salad dressing,
season with few drops of lemon
juice and salt to taste.i Minced
onion may be added for flavor.
Here is a variation of coleslaw
! which we know your family will
2 cups cored, cubed apples
2 3 cup sweet or sour heavy
3 T. lemon juice
2 T'os. sugar
3 cups shredded cabbage
One half cup chopped nuts
One-half tsp. salt
Prepare apples, stir lemon Juice
into cream. Add sugar. Pour over
apples and chill well Prepare
cabbage and combine with ap
ples, nuts and salt Serve on indi.
vidua 1 plates or In salad bowl.
Top with sprinkling of paprika.
Spray Rite Sprayers
Parts and Hose
2,4-D Weed Killers
Cattle Sprays
Custom Application
John Ransier
lone, Oregon : Phone 33F1 1 or 1 1 11
ifUift ftftlUUU UUViftlttU tilUlli UiU
and only once-a-year
Priced... at only
l'i WA Bos Spring
& S&y $39.93
Home-makers, it's the annual Sealy "5cW-ebration" you've
been waiting 365 days to welcome! Genuine Sealy Inner
spring "Anniversary" Mattresses specially designed...
specially manufactured. ..specially priced for this sensational
Not since Grandpa bought his Sealy has there been so
much good, old-fashioned value pre-built into an innerspring
mattress seeing at such a low price!
Our supply is limited. ..so come in today and join the
parade to the One... the Only... the Traditional Sealy
Anniversary Celebration of Once-a-Year Mattress Savings!
Only these Superb Sealy
"Anniversary Mattresses" feature:
y "Brocateen" Covers... decorator-designed, richly
textured, sturdily beautiful fabrics found usually
on mattresses priced 2Scx higher!
Body balanced innerspring unit with hundreds of
specially tempered resilient coils.
V Miracle Mesh Insulation
y "Handi-Grip" Handles for easy turning
8 out-size ventilators to guarantee hygienic service
y Luxuriously-padded, pre-built borders to prevent
sagging and stretching
y Box-spring in matching deluxe "Brocateen" cover
at the same once-a-year anniversary price: 39.$S
Stooping on z Haiy h like ilazpixg va u ilovdi