!!'5T0:,ic.'. 3P,Y 1 L R L I C AVD! -0" J .... " " alette eppet $3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 26, 1950 Volume 66, Number 43 Curfew And Sewer Problems Ocfcupy Council Session Members Sanction Overflow Line'For Hospital Disposal Heppner's official body, the city council, had numeous items of business to discuss in the semi-monthly meeting Monday evening. The unusual volume was due to the fact that the reg ular session was passed up be cause of illness of two council members and also to the visit of Judge J. G. Baratt who had a problem in connection with the hospital to present. The judge first outlined the difficulties confronting the court in obtaining proper sewage drain age from the hospital building. He explained that the plans had been changed three times and that in desperation he went to Portland to talk things out with the state board of health. He was able to convince the board that the plan to drain the overflow from the septic tanks into the hillside on the western slope would prove impractical and of fered an alternative to run a drainage line into Hlnton creek from the north side of the build ing. After considering that angle it was agreed that the line to Hinton creek would be serving the hospital only and since the board agreed that drainage into a creek would be permitted on a temporary basis ,the Judge hit on the idea of running the line to Willow ceek in a manner to serve numerous residences along North Court street. His proposi tion to the council was to gain that body's approval on a basis of making the line permanent and so constructed as to be at tached to a trunk line of the city sewer system, If and when it is built. He expressed regret that the city had not been able to go ahead with the proposed sewer system, stating that if it were now under construction the court would be in a position to make a substantial donation In lieu of having to construct a sewage disposal system for the hospital. The council approved Judge Barrratt's proposal which is that property owners Joining In use of the line will help the county in defraying the expense incurcd by its construction. Another matter in which the Judge was Interested was the subject of Juvenile delinquency. While pointing to the fact that delinquency in the city as well as the county is at a low level he felt that the curfew law should be enforced and that the police officers should be backed up in their efforts to carry out the terms of the ordinance. Some discussion was devoted to the pa rental responsibility phase which some cities of the state have had In force for some time and it was suggested that it would be a good thing to pass a similar or dinance here. Water users have been noti fied that there will be no meter readings in January and that ad Justments will be made after the Febuary readings. 4-H NEWS Newest 4-H club in Morrow county is a tractor maintenance club organized this week at lone. Officers of the club have not been elected but will be chosen from members, Ronald and Duane Ba ker, Herbert and Dick Ekstrom, Malcolm and Leland McKinney and Loy Keane. Art Stefan! Jr. is the local lead er of the club. He attended a tractor maintenance clinic spon sored by General Petroleum com puny at Portland Jan. 16 and 17, This is a second training meet ing for leaders held this fall, the first being held at Corvallis Oct 30, Nov 1 and 2. Art should have the medal for the bravest 4-H leader of the week since he was one of five who braved the storm to Portland which kept away many leaders in western Oregon. This tractor maintenance club will study safety, operators man ual, air cleaner service, cooling system service, spark plugs, wlr lug, battery service, carburetlon and lubrication. Joe Prlvett, Heppner ,has re cently purchased a Poland China gilt from the 4-H club herd own ed by Mike Stalcup, Boardman. This is Joe's first year as an ag ricultural club member, although he has carried several projects. He is enthused over his new pro ject which will give him a start in the swine business. o Mrs. L. B. Ledbetter, in town Saturday from the ranch in Blackhorse, reported the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ledbetter January 5 in Portland, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Ledbetter of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Berg of Ames, Iowa. 1 1 NONPARTISAN APPOINTMENT Republican governors have ha bit of recognizing the judicial merits of Earl C. Latourette, dem ocrat of Oregon City. Last week Governor Douglas McKay elevated Latourette from the circuit court bench to the state supreme court. Another re. publican governor, A W. Norblad, appointed Latourette circuit Judge of the Clackamas judicial district. Justice Latourette took the po sition made vacant by the resig nation of Justice E. M. Page who resigned to regain his health. Governor McKay appointed Ralph Holman of Oregon City to suc ceed Latourette. Judge Holman's appointment was the seventh provision made within a year by Governor Mo Kay in filling supreme and cir cuit court vacancies. ANOTHER MILK BATTLE Last week Milk Administrator Ohlsen denied Safeway stores' re-J quest to sell milk in Salem that had been produced in the Salem area and processed in their Port land plant. The request was op posed by two Salem milk dis tributors. Safeway will appeal the deci sion of the Milk Administrator whom they accuse of "fostering monopoly." The fight is expected to go far. This case evidently is only shadow boxing for a real fight in the supreme court, pos sibly in the legislature or even an appeal to the voters next No vember to amend the statute. MUST BE DOLL AT PEN Three state penitentiary con victs died last week end from drinking wood alcohol. All were employed as cooks. They are Ed ward Reese, 24; Samuel E. Ma- lone, 43; and Daniel Rivenhark, 40. Warden George Alexander said Reese, who was cooking at the prison hospital, admitted tak. ing the alcohol from the hos pital laboratory. MERIT SYSTEM Twenty per cent of tne state's 10.275 employees will receive salarly increases this month av eraging $10. 'The pay Increases were made to above average workers only and is not a blan ket raise," explained James E. Clinton, acting director of the state civil service commission. Clinton also announced plans for state civil service examina tions for hospital workers, affect ing about 600 state employees. AND HE SHOUDL KNOW A veteran Salem automobile dealer, Doug McKay by name, is sued a word of fatherly advice on Monday to motorists who may have a hard time starting their cars during the cold weather. The dealer who, Incidentally Is governor of Oregon, said that most of the cold weather trouble called to his attention involved dead batteries. He said that bat teries have little chance to charge during short trips from home to work and suggested that drivers depress their clutches when they step on the starter and thus re lieve batteries of the pull caused by working against heavy trans mission grease. "Better than that if at all pos sible," dealer McKay added, leave the car at home until driv ing conditions are safer." ANIMAL CENSUS It's not Insomnia that made the state tax commission count sheep. The law says they have to make an animal census. They found there are more sheep In Oregon than any other kind of animals, 956,495 of them. Cattle are second with 718, 012 .then come pigs, 58,020, horses and mules 52,940. Douglas county has the most sheep, 80,864. Malheur Is the big. gest livestock county with 80,912 head of cattle and 38,342 sheep. GOVERNOR USES GUARD It could have been the gover nors good intentions that brought the welcomed thaw. Wednesday Governor Douglas McKay directed that national Guard personnel and equipment be made available in cities which are experiencing difficulty in handling the heavy snowfall. The Air Guard's four planes with five full-time pilots have been alert ed to fly on mercy flights. "All Guard units in Oregon, with a total complement of 2500 men, have Q I type trucks and hand tools suitable for handling snow," the governor explained. "In addition, bulldozers and oth or engineer's equipment Is situ ated in Portland, Hood River and Tillamook." The governor said his order also covered the 53 Guard armor ies In the state which might be used to harbor persons stranded by tangencies of weather. Then came the thaw, Shamrocks Raise Season Average in Past Week's Play Hang Up Scoring Record in Game With Lex Townies Those Shamrocks, Heppner's red hot independent basketball team, did it again this past week as they claimed two more vic tims in their drive for league championship honors. The green and white clad Shamrocks ran wild at Lexington a week ago as they won by the awesome score of 102 to 18. In winning, the Shamrocks set a new league record for the most points scored in a single game, and Harold Whltbeck, Heppner guard, established an individual scoring record as he rang up 42 counters. Monday night the Shamrocks dumped the visiting lone Legion team 70 to 35. After a hard fought, low-scoring first quarter which ended with Heppner lead ing 11 to 7, the Shamrocks found the range to run away with the game. The season's record for the Heppnerites thus far is 11 wins and only 2 losses ,one loss being at the hands of Irrigon in the opening game of the season and the other administered by the Kansas City Stars. In the 14 games played the Shamrocks have averaged 61 points per game while holding their op ponents to an average of 35 Monday, January 30, the Hep pner Shamrocks will play host to the visiting Pendleton Motor In, all Indian team. This game will be the first test of strength between the locals and a repre sentative of the Pendleton lea gue. The Motor In team has won 6 games and lost 3 in league play while the Shamrocks have a league record in this area of 8 wins and 1 loss. This game Monday night is be. ing played by both teams for the benefit of the March of Dimes. Two games are scheduled with the "B" preliminary to start at 7:30. Mustangs Bow To Hermiston Twice, Defeat Irrigonians It may have been the weather, but after two defeats by the same team within five days the Hepp ner Mustangs ae about convinc ed that the Hermiston Bulldogs are too much for them this year. Friday night the Bulldogs came to Heppner and tamed the Mustangs to the tune of 55-43 The local boys couldn't find the hoop with enough regularity while the visitors found It not too difficult to register. Melvin Piper held the scoring honors for his team, ac counting for 14 points. Tuesday evening the Mustangs traveled to Hermiston to try to return the compliment but found that 12-point margin could not He broken, the Bulldogs taking the long end of a 51-39 score. The Heppner lads could neither hit the basket or stop the Bull dogs, although at one point in the game Hermiston was only three points in the lead. This was for a brief period and Her miston got hot again and pulled away to a safe lead. Orwick was high scorer for Heppner ,with 14 points. Saturday evening the Mustangs drove to Irrigon and came away with a 44-25 victory. Neither team did much in the first quarter, which ended with Irrigon out in front, 5-2. The Mustangs over came this lead and ran ahead to lead 16-11 by the end of the half. In the third quarter ,the lead was ten points, 2919, and the Hepp ner boys added 15 points in the final canto while Irrigon was gar nering six. Ruhl did the honors for the Mustangs, scoring 20 points. o Where The Soil Goes Soil conservation is a subject close to the heart of the average forester, and to Ranger Glenn Parsons It is almost an obsession. He puts over a lesson on the sub ject wherever occasion presents itself and so it was that when Willow creek was swollen with the murky water of the run-off the past week end, the ranger look a quart jar and dipped it full of the mud-freighted fluid He took the jar to his office where the.- sediment was permitted to settle to the bottom. Almost an inch of good lopsoll was captured in one quart of water. "I dread to think of what will be the con dltion here In a few years hence unless effective conservation me thods are universally adopted," Parsons said, Steps For Establishing Union High School Outlined by County For the benefit of all who may has prepared a copy of the steps for establishing a union high school based on the school law. 1. Petitions to your district boundary board are first obtained from all of the school districts involved, including the high school districts. These petitions are not filed, however, until 2. Each high school holds an election to vote on whether or not It wishes to be included in the high school district. 3. If the vote is affirmative in the high school districts, the pe titions are filed with the district boundilry board. If the vote is negative in any high school district, it is necessary to start all over again with new petitions, leavlr.? vote. 4. Assuming that the vote is affirmative in all the high school districts and the petitions filed, the district boundary board sets a date for a hearing on the formation of a union high school district. If no remonstrances are filed, signed by 10 legal voters from a par ticular district, the boundary board proceeds to declare the union high school legally organized. If more districts, the boundary board then calls lor an election in an of the districts except the high school districts which have previous, ly voted. A majority of the districts outside the high school districts must vote for the proposition and also a majority of the votes cast in said districts must be for a union high school in order for it to be formed. Impressive Degree of Employed in Annual Mrs. Ida Farra was Installed as president of the Degree of Hon or at impressive ceremonies Tues day evening in the Legion hall. Other officers installed included Adelle Hannan ,vice president; Ruth McCoy .second vice pesi- dent; Clara B. Gertson .financial secretary; Ruth Payne, treasurer; Ethelyn Pierson ,past president; Hazel Hart, usher; Patricia Pier-1 son, assistant usher; Katie Cun ningham, inside guardian; Nancy Sluyter, outside guadian; Mabel Flint, musician; Dorothy Apple- gate, left assist.; Bernya Sham- blyn, Theta Stratton, Virginia Barger and Eileen Saling .degree staff. Installing officers were pas! state president Clara Gertson and past presidents Gladys Con nor and Mary McMurtry. Follow ing the installation, refeshments were served by the hostesses, Ethelyn Pierson, Ruth Bergstrom, Virgnia Barger and Patricia Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobbs mo tored to Pendleton Tuesday and from there Mrs. Dobbs took the train for Portland where she will remain with her uncle and aunt, Dr and Mrs Ben Phillips for a month or six weeks. Wednesday evening before her departure, Mrs Dobos was the honoree at a stork shower at the Furlong resi. dence on Jones street for which Mrs. Adelle Hannan and Mrs. J. Payne were hostesses. Present were Mesdames Clive Huston, F. Parker, Walter Becket, Edwin Wilson, Fay Bucknum, LaVerne Van Marter, Ted Hart, Durward Tash, Bonnie Vincent, and Bonnie and Roberta Hannan and Shirlee Gaines. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson left Monday for Portland where they will stay for several weeks. They were accompanied that far by Mrs. Don Jones who was enroule to her home in Medford after a. M.An'n ,.Iei tnin (IfttV. ha. Ho,,. week's visit here with her dau ghter, Mrs. Robert Wright and fa mily. Oyer the weekend Mrs Jones was a nouse guesi ui ner sisiri, Mrs. John Bergstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters re- iu.mru oui.uajr evc...? i.um Dalles where they visited rela iney tives over the weekend after an unsuccessful attempt to go into Portland. They were able to go as far as Hood River but were turned back there because of road conditions in the gorge. Mrs. Nellie Anderson left Fri day for Portland to attend buy ers maket. She expected to return to Heppner Thursday. Mrs. Grace Nickerson entertain ed her bridge club at dinner Sat urday evening at her home on Green street. Present were Mes dames C. W. McNamer, E. E. Gilliam and J. J. Nys. Mrs. Lillian Cook of Oregon Oregon Shorthorn Breeder Schedule fourth Annual Sale Announcement was made this week of the forthcoming fourth annual show and sale of the Oregon Shorthorn Breeders' asso ciation March 1 and 2 at Prine vllle. Consignors from all over the Pacific northwest will be showing their produce in the beef type. All bulls entered in the sale will be graded first, with those grading A or better going on for placings. Females in the show will be judged by two prominent Shorthorn breeders selected by the sales committee. Joe Johnson, Oregon State col lege, and Herman Oliver .John Day have been asked to do the grading. Auctioneer will be Nor man G. Warsinske, Billings Mon tana. The sales committee includ es Millard R Eakln, Powell Butte; J. F. Short, Redmond, and R. R. Raymond, Helix. o TAX EXPERT COMING A state income tax agent will be at the courthouse In Heppner from 8 a. m. to 12 noon, March 9 according to Information received from the state tax commission. Superintendent Tetz be interested, Supt. Henry Tetz oJ. the district with the negative remonstrances are filed by one or Honor Ceremony Installation Rites City, Ms. Etta Dollarhide of Se attle, and Mrs. Flora Moyer of Hermiston are here to be with their father. George Mead, who is seriously ill at the home of an other daughter, Mrs. Sie Walker. Mrs. Susie Hughes was taken to St. Anthony's hospital Tuesday as a result of injuries received in a fall at her home. She suf- feed a broken nip Done. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes were here from Arlington Monday afternoon to visit her mother, Mrs. Grace Nickerson. In telling of the explosion that completely wrecked the Oregon Tail cafe thee Sunday, Mrs. Hayes said that all windows up and down Main street were shattered as well as those in the schoolhouse on the hill, and the cars parked in front of the building were bad. ly damaged. A daughter, Linda Sue, weigh ing 6 pounds 12 ounces, was born January 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy at St. Anthony s hospital in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDaniel are the paents of a daughter born Saturday. January 21, at St. An thony's hospital in Pedleton. She has been named Georgina Beryl and is the McDaniels' second Cild. A party was held Monday af ternoon at the kindergarten complimenting Christopher (Kit) George on the occasion of his sixth birthday. Refreshments of birthday cake and ice cream were served. That evening, Kit was honor guest at a birthday dinner at his home. Present were Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Groshens, Mr. and Ms. W. O. George and David Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells left for Portland the last of the week. Mr. Wells expected to enter the veterans hospital for an opera tion. Mr QnH Trc Tntin RorffBlrnm d ,ra,d and' Maril motored " to Hemiston Sunday to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and R D Alls(ott Jr nu...F,ua .'"-';" nOT ot ' . m . ,. slreet- present were Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Dix, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish, Mrs. C. W. McNamer and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers. Mrs. Walter Barger entertained with a party Tuesday afternoon for her daughter Patty on her fifth birthday. Pesent woje Shan non Mahoney, Camela Dunham, Mary Shannon, Rogena Rae Wag goner, Nina McCoy, Vicki Scan Ion, Marlene Hildebrand, Jeanne and Patti Collins, Vicki and Con nie Barger. Balloon favors were given to each child. Prizes for games were won by Shannon Ma honey and Mary Shannon. Re freshments of birthday cake and ice cream were served. PORTLAND OFFICE FOR CARE BEING CLOSED Oregon donors to overseas re lief through CARE are advised to mail their orders direct to CARE, 20 Broad Street, New York N. Y., as the Portland CARE office is being closed this week. During its slightly more than two years the CARE station in Portland has received nearly $170,000 In donations for food and textile parcels, much of this from Oregon communities outside of Portland. Declining receipts over the country for the overseas program have made economies necessary in CARE operations, it was stat ed. However, CARE is definitely staying in business. Many critical areas still exist in western Europe and Asia, such as Greece. CARE has delivered more than 9,000,000 parcels since the war, most of them containing food. At present, some emphasis is being shifted to the new book program to build up universities and trade schools in devastated lands. Mrs. J. O. Rasmus, proprietor of Norah's Shop, left from Ten dleton Sunday by plane for Portland to attend buyers' week "21'ers Receive Enlightenment on Political Duties Weather Prevents Several "Inductees" From Attending A combination of bad weather and numerous other engagements was responsible for a ligth at tendance at the "Club 21" dinner at the Legion hall Wednesday evening. Even a number of peo ple who had purchased tickets did not show up. Of the 55 in vited guests, the 21'ers", only four appeared. At that, some 50 plates were served by the Jay-C-ettes, who distinguished them selves as cooks and waitresses. When Walter Dennis, Voung Democrat speaker, got to his feet he said apologies for the turnout were not in order. From his ex perience in going out to attend political meetings he felt that the group in front of him was a good showing. Due to forces over which no one had control, the Republican spea ker, Representative Sell of The Dalles, did not make it to Hepp ner. His place was taken by Judge J. G. Barratt, who did a credit able job of pinch hitting on the spur of the moment, although he didn't class himself as a "young" Republican. Partisan politics was lacking with both speakers, although they did not agree on some of the problems now confronting the state and nation. Dennis, who is president of the Young Democrats club of Multnomah county and national committeeman for Ore gon young Democrats, said he chose the democratic party be cause he felt the democrats can do a better job of running govern mental affairs. He said this in face of the fact that only two of his listeners admitted they were democrats. He urged the new cit izens to study both parties care fully, their accomplishments and principles, before deciding which one to choose. Judge Barratt told of some of the things the young men should be interested in and invited them to attend sessions of the county court to learn some of the pro cesses of democracy at work. He introduced one subject which brought a sharp disagreement from Mr. Dennis the question of reapportionment of senators. The judge strongly favors the French plan while Dennis is a fervent ad vocate of the Neuberger plan. The French plan calls for one senator from each county ,with reappor tionment of representatives on a population basis. The Neuberger plan would reapportion the sen ators on the population basis which would give western Oregon 25 and the 18 counties of eastern Oregon five. Mayor Conley Lanham was the first speaker and pursued the line of thought presented by the other speakers. He, too, issued an invitation to the new citizens to gain first hand knowledge of de mocraey at work by attending sessions of the city council. The four 21'ers responding to the invitation were Donald Ben nett, Lyle Huston, Glen McMur trey and Eldon Tucker. Jack O'Connor was called upon to present the citizenship award to N C. Anderson, chosen the county's first citizen for 1949 and a candidate for state honors in last week's canvass by the Junior chamber of commerce. This is a story within itself and will be given more attention next week CHARLES M. COX TAKES BRIDE AT PENDLETON Charles M. Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cox of Heppner and Miss Lois Sturdevant .daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles Sturde vant of Pendleton were married Saturday. January 21 at the Bap tist church in Pendlckm. After a short trip to Idaho and a few days in Heppner they will be at home in Pendleton. Mr; Cox. a veteran of World War II ,is in charge of the Vet erans Administration office at Pendleton. COLD WEATHER CHANGES SOROPTIMIST CLUB PLANS Due to the extemely cold wea titer, the members of the Sorop timist Club of Heppner had lunch in the main dining room at the Elkhorn today. The guest speak er could not be present because of of road conditions so the time was devoted to reading the re cent letters the various members had received from the women of the Soroptimist Club of Tarn worth, England. Undoubtedly some sort of record was made for the letters were passed around the table and except for an oc casional comment or question, very little talking was indulged in. It was an unusual procedure and the letters from the English women were highly Interesting. Mrs. Conley Lanham returned Tuesday from Rochester, Minn., after being away for a few weeks. She went to consult a physician at the Mayo Bros, clinic. Snow To Depth Of 31 Inches in Mts. Before Thaw Cam Snow had reached a depth of 31 inches on Big Rock flat In the Blue Mountains south of Hepp- 'ner before the thaw started the middle of last week, states Glenn Parsons, ranger, for the Heppner district. Parsons was out in that vicinity on another mission and didn't take time to make a survey of snow conditions in general. He thought the depth might have diminshed to about 20 inches be fore the thaw was checked by this week's storm. Marvin Bennett, Umatilla coun ty watermaster, will come to Hep pner next week and accompany Whitmer Wright, local forester, into the mountains to measure snow in several districts. Barratt Discusses County's Problems At Lunch Meeting Selection of a county hospital board has een completed, it was announced Monday at the week ly luncheon meeting of the Hepp ner chamber of commerce. Judge J. G. Barratt made the announce, ment in the course of a talk on county affairs. Attending the meeting with Judge Barratt were Commissioners Ralph Thompson and Russell Miller, the court be ing in special session to transact business in connection with the hospital and other county affairs. The five-man board, selection of which has been in progress for a number of weeks, includes John Krebs, Cecil, one year; Harry Du- vall, Heppner, two years; J. J. O'Connor, Heppner, three years; Mrs. Fred Smith, Boardman, four years, and P. W. Mahoney, Hepp ner, five years. Judge Barratt reported that the hospital building is nearly com pleted and that with the install ation of some equipment and completion of the sewage dispos al unit it will be ready to turn over by the contracting firm. The duty of the hospital board will be to watch over the opera tion of the establishment, to choose the staff and to tansact such other business as may ap pear from time to time. Lexington Teams Defeat Spray On Basketball Court By MRS. DELPHA JONES Saturday the Lexington grade and high school teams went to Spray where their grade and B teams won and the A team won. The girls volley ball team lost 51 to 20. Rebekahs Saturday the Oddfellows of the Lexington lodge held installation of elective officers who were Ro ger Anderson, noble grand ;E. E. McFadden vice grand; W. E. Mc Millan secretary and Elmer Hunt as treasurer. Thursday eve ning at the regular meeting the appointive officers will be seated. Mr. and Mrs. Armin Wihlon were hosts to a pinochle and ca nasta party at their home Satur day night. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Baker, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and Mr .and Mrs Jack Miller of Heppner. Winning high in pinochle was Mrs. Jones and in canasta Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Ronald Ansted of Echo is spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Ad olf Majeske. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Martin had as their guests Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lott, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ander son and Al Winkleman. Mr. and Mrs. Orris Padberg visited their daughter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vinson at Kimberley over the week end. Mrs. Earl Warner, who under went a major operation in the hospital in Pendleton is reported to be getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. Warner and Mrs. Lou Bradley visited her there Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breeding had the misfortune to wreck their car on the way to the dance at Mon ument Saturday. Practice is coming along fine on the play Mumbo Jumbo to be given Feb. 8. triday Umatilla basket ball teams motored to Lexington and defeated the local boys 29-28. The grade school won with a 27-19 score, The Lexington high school is practicing on a play to be given the last of February. The play is Desperate Ambrose, a western farce taking place In 1880. The leads are being taken by Ronald tain, tharlle Padberg, Dorothy Lourey and Eileen Shannon. The negro comedy role Is taken byNo particulars have been recelv Earl Miller, with John Edwards ed about his condition. Winter Returns To Region Following Melting of Snow Zero Temperatures Again Prevail As Light Snow Falls Just when the populace was beginning to entertain visions of spring, the weather man changed his mind and blew back over a large part of the country leaving more snow and zero tempera tures in his wake. The natives hereabout enjoyed a breather of about four days, during which time most of the ground was black and temperatures from 35 to over 50 prevailed. People driving up Willow creek some 15 miles Wednesday of last week reported that a Chinook was in progress up there. By Friday the warm wind put in its appear ance in the vicinity of Heppner and had gotten down to business by Saturday. The approximate 11 inches of snow disappeared for the most part, although the streets in Heppner were never fully cleared before the second storm broke Tuesday and deposit ed two or three more inches of snow over the land. Snow has been falling since early morning today with no apparent let-up in sight. That the earlier snow was a good thing for the region is seen in the report of Leonard Carlson, weather observer for the Goose berry district. His records show that snow to the amount of 18 inches has fallen since January 1 not including the covering and that falling since Tuesday. The 18 inches of snow represents 1.68 inches of moisture. Added to that is more moisture resulting from several showers of rain, and al together the precipitation may amount to two inches or better for the month. While the creeks showed some swelling as a result of the thaw, most of the moisture soaked in as there was little frost in the ground. Farm Bureau Sets N.eeting For Feb. 6 At Lexington Grange Continued bad weather has led the Morrow County Farm Bu reau to change its meeting sche duled for February 6 from the Rhea Creek grange hall to the Lexington Grange hall, announ ces Markham Baker, president. This will be the regular meet ing of the bureau and it is ex pected that a goodly number of members and friends will be on hand to participate in the dis cussion of some important ques tions confronting the farmers at this time. In addition to the regular bus iness and the discussions ,a film will be shown. The meeting will open at 8 p. m. GEARHART-FREEMAN Miss Mary Gearhart and Car roll V. Freeman, both young people of Heppner ,vere mar ried Friday .January 13, at Lew- iston, Idaho. The bride ,a grad uate of Heppner high school, has been employed at Saager's Phar macy since the close of school last spring and will continue there for the present. The groom is employed in ranch work near Heppner. MRS AUDREY GENTRY Audrey Caroline Gentry, 67, died this morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood in Elgin where she has been cared for in recent months. She had been ill for several years. Funeral arrangements had not been made up to a late hour today. o Born, January 13, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmo M. Hinkley o' Irrigon, a son. He has been nr fl ed Kenneth Alva. supporting. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klinger were hosts to a canasta party at their home Friday night. A buf fet lunch was served to the fol lowing guests ,Mr. and Mrs. Ran. dy Lott. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Campbell., Mr. and Mrs. David Crozier, Mr. and Mrs. John Led better, and Clarence Buchanan of Lexington and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hunt of Heppner. The door prize was won by David Crozier and low score by Dean Hunt. Mrs. Ina Nichols suffered a painful injury Tuesday when she fell and broke her arm. Word was received hen- that Loren Mikesell suffered a stroke at his home in Toppenish, Sun day. He was removed to a Yak ima hospital where he Is in ser ious condition. Merritt Gray and Laurel Ruhl took his mother. Mrs. W. E. Mikesell, to Yakima Tues day. Buddy Peck, four year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry (',. Peck, is seriously 111 with a ruptured appendix. It Is reported that the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dinges is again hospitalized In Portland.