r Page 3 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, January 12, 1950 Commission Holds Unclaimed Checks The State Industrial Accident Commission, after a year-end cheek up in Salem, reports that it is holding 238 checks amount-1 ing to $6,110.67 which have been returned as "unclaimed". The amounts range from $1.28 up to $421.17 for the individual checks, according to Chairman Paul E. Gurske. ! Because these checks are awards made to persons injured or partially disabled as the result of industrial accidents, the Com mission wants to get the pay-1 ments In the hands of the award- ees. I After seven years, If the money remains unclaimed, It will revert to the general accident fund. Then it may still be reclaimed, but only orr proof of the original claim and other complicated pro cedures. Anyone knowing the where, abouts of persons who gave mail ing addresses in this area should communicate with the persons named, or should send new ad dresses to the State Industrial ac. cident Commission, Salem. Following is a Morrow county awardee: John R. Keller, 413 Jones St., Heppner, $15.38. o Since gold rush days of the early 1850's Oregon has produced gold valued at more han 100 million dollars. Enjoy your Fur Coat Ladies, insure your fur coats for cover age against all perils for just $5.00 per year See us for particulars I URNER VAN MARTER ANDCLI Winter Sports In Oregon Embrace Top Class C Events ! On March 4 and 5, the Blue Mountiun ski club of eastern Oregon Is offering PNSA champ ionship Jr. classic corrfWned events at Tollgate. The Sshnee iVo(,'f'li club on March 12 is pre-, senting PNSA championship j doss C jumping events on Mt. Hood. On March ID, classes A, B, and senior jumping events are scheduled at Tollgate by the Blue :Muiiiil;ii:i ski club. ' Hoocloo Lovvl is the site March 26 for cross -country classes A, B, and C and junior men and for j class C and junior women, as I sponsored by the Obsidians of Eugene. The Trodse ski club is sponsoring a giant slalom for class C and junior men and wo men class A and B by the Port annual golden pole giant slalon i is sen for April 16 for men and wo. ! men classe A and B by the Port- land junior chamber of commerce. Oregon's final ski event comes as a closing number of the Port land rose festival in early June. The Golden Rose downhill race is tentatively set for June 11, on Mt. Hood above Timberline, by the' Cascade ski club. Class A men women and junior men are to take part. In attendance, will be the pueen of Ttosaria, a mythical kingdom in exstance during the festival. She will be accompanied by her royal court. (reported today. Taxes of $2,301, 128.60 were p-ild on 38,410,750 gallons. .Sales in the first 11 months of 1949 total 439,629,819 gallons, re sulting in gross slate taxes of $24,105,174.47. Approximately 14 percent of taxes paid is returned In refunds to non-highway users, the division said. NOVEMBER GASOLINE SALES SLIGHTLY HIGHER I November .sulci of gasoline in Oregon were slightly higher than :a year ago, the fuels tax division of the secretary of stale's ollice National Park Areas In Oregon Kept Open Throughout Winter National paik areas in Oregon are open to travel throughout the winter, the Oregon state high way commission travel informa tion department said this week. The east and north entrances connecting highways from U. S. 97 to Crater Lake national park are now closed by snow. The south entrance from Klamath Falls on U. S. 97 and from Med ford and Grants Pass on U. S. 99 will remain open through the winter, providing access to the lake rim. However, no accommo dations are available within the park. The 20-mile approach road from the Redwoods highway at Caves Junction will be open to Oregon Caves national monument where guided tours during the winter are conducted. trici Altorncy Sheppard's Citalions, Dis trict Attorney Bancroft -Whitney Co., iJistiki Attorney Pacific Telephone & Tele giaph Co., Current Kxp. C. W. Barlow, Co. Clerk, Current expense Helen O'Donnell, Circuit Court George Davidson, Circuit Court K. M. Akers, Circuit Court Russell O Donnell, Circuit Court 30.00 12.00 15.00 78.16 3.00 5.00 3.16 13.00 3.16 Frank Marlow, Circuit Court 13.00 12.41 $147.25 197.15 121.95 198.00 209.40 184.10 24.75 ! I 49.50 COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR DECEMBER, 1949 The minutes of the November, 1949 term were read and approv- i ed. The Court ordered the changing ot the acknowledgment on the claim vouchers to that of certifi cation, only. The Court ordered the following Bangs' Disease claim paid: John E. Craber $120.00. The Court ordered the bid of the Kilham Stationery and Printing Co. for $126.25 be accepted for the tax rolls for the fiscal year of 1950-51, as it was the lowest and best bid offered. The Court ordered the salary of the Justice of the Peace of the Sixth District be increased from $125.00 to $150.00 per month ef fective as of January 1st, 1950. WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND: Sadie Parrish, deputy h ranees Mitchell, deputy Leila J. McLachlan, office clerk Olive B. Hughes, deputy Margaret Gil lis, nurse A. J. Chaffee, janitor Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. Susie W. Miller, court reporter William Garner, Justice of trie Peace 74.25 J. O. Hager, Justice of the Peace 121.55 Garnet Barratt, Gen. As sistance $900; Old Age 51.340: Dependent Children S120; Blind $10.75 2,706.75 Ralph I. Thompson, County Court 103.38 Russell K. Miller, County Court Mary Van's Flower Shop, County Court Mid-Columbia Typewriter Co., Assessor Pacific Stationery and Printing Co., Assessor $1.79; Clerk $16.74; Tax Collection $3.08 Kilham Stationery and Printing C, Clerk $9.67; Tax Collection $4.04 Gertrude Applegate, Tax Collections C. J. D. Baumnn, Sheriff Packer Scott Co., Court House Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Court House The Heppner Laundry, Court House Pacific Power & Light Co., Court House Central Meat Market, jail Dr. L. D. Tibbies, jail L. W. Briggs. Treasurer Bradley D. Fancher, Dis Frank I ole, Circuit Court Isaac W. Murphy, Circuit Court 13.00 Kenneth Klinger, Circuit Court 4.44 Margaret Gillis, Co. Nurse mileage 85.20 j Rose Doherty, Bang's Dis. i ease Control 24.00 Heppner Gazette Times, Assessor$65 .20; Treas. $18.25; DistrictAttorney, S23.95; Clerk $39.10;Of ficial Publication $20. 70 167.20 State Industrial Accident Comm., Sheriff $3.80 Sheriff Sal. 30c; Deputy 30c; Court House 90c 5.60 First National Bank of Portland, Withholding on salaries 202.20 i N. C. Anderson, Co. Agent, Court House 10.90 City of Heppner, Water Dept. C. C. C. water rent emerg ency 33.00 E. O. Ferguson, Circuit Court 10.32 Beulah Barkla, Circuit Court 10.32 Marion Hayden, Circuit I Court 10.32 Albert Connor, Circuit Court 10.32 John Farris, Circuit Court 15.76 Harold Evans. Circuit Court 12.88 John C. Ransier, Circuit I Court 17.68 Howard Keithley, Court House 48.00 ' WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND Oregon State Highway Independent Garage 3.96 Westland Equipment Co. 51.00 Jack Allen Supply Co. 46.75 Paul G. Pettyjohn 170.01 Rohrman Motor Co. 67.50 Arthur A. Allei 4.73 Heppner Hardware & Elite- nc Co. 3.96 Eecket Equipment Service 2.25 Oregon Motor Service 11.83 Lexington Oil Co-Oper- ative, Inc. 4.42 City of Heppner, Water Dept. 2.05 D. H. Jones & Son 2.00 Sunset Motor Co. 165.67 W. R. Wentworth 9.74 The George Lawrence Co. 7.98 Rosewall Motor Co. 24.89 Heppner Motors 68.96 Howard Cooper Corp. 2,788.50 First National Bank of Portland 260.60 Austin Wilson 28.95 Pacific Power and Light Co. 10.58 Heppner Lumber Co. 66.88 Bradoh Tractor & Equip. I ment Co. 50.70 Hodge Chevrolet Co. 53.16 Columbia Equipment Co. 229 62 Lexington Implement Co. 15.270.00 Western Auto Supply 1.27 The Texas Co. 47.25 The Texas Co. 27.00 Boardman Supply Co. 25.98 Lexington Implement Co. 121.40 State Industrial Accident Commission 120.53 Interior Motor Freight 1.64 The Texas Co. 83.39 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND: C. J. D. Bauman 9.00 Industrial Air Products Co. 26.72 Scritsmier Lumber Co 343.00 Oregon Lumber Co. 1,487.31 Bill Barratt 300.00 F. C. Tolleson 5.11 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND: Walter Gilman 10.50 Ralph Scott 9.43 Dean Gilman 9.45 Dick Borman 5 40 Howard Keithley 37858 Dick Borman ?n0 Ralph Scott Jr. 33.00 WArtRAfUS ISSUED ON THK HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT FUNDI Interior Motor Freight 1664 Superior Coach Sales 6,818.78 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL FUND: Malarkey and Moore 21.953.80 Malarkey and Moore 15..716.79 Aihert i onnor 16.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND: Thomas Huston, Coyote Bounty 6.00 Wm. F. Barratt, Dog Fund 78.00 William Labhart, Coyote Bounty 6.00 C. C. McCormick, Coyote Bounty 6.00 Nellie Townsend, Coyote Bounty 12.00 M. B. Gerking, Coyote Bounty 6.00 Holda Justus, Coyote Bounty 6.00 Myron Kill, Coyote Bounty 6.00 , vs-r" " '"" ' "'"V' """" 'T"7 '""'" 160.62 10.00 13.20 21.79 13.71 20.63 139.95 19.01 6.18 1.35 27.63 7.45 3.00 1S.50 Salesmen- To sell nationally known Weed Control Products direct to Farmers, Counties, Weed Control Agencies, dis tributors, etc. Good commis. sions paid on each order. All products registered in your State with Department of Chemistry and so ap proved, Car necessary. Write Sales Manager, P. O. Eox 4213, Los Angeles 24, Cali fornia, for full details. Commission l ewis Ball Roger Allen Vv . Cunningham William C. Heath Dean Gilman Ralph Scott Jack Slocum Henry G. Peck Carl Cropp Ed Kelly H. Sherer Walter Gilman Dick Borman Floyd Borman Fred Booker Austin Wilson Wilbur Jackson Darold Hams George A. Stalcup C. E. Stalcup Hodge Chevrolet Co. Braden Tractor Co. Heppner Motors Co. Union Oil Co. Pacific Machinery & Tool Co. 81.14 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 2.85 Oregon Lumber Co. 506.68 48.M 262.78 267.05 290.81 246.60 206.94 136.21 248.41 310.11 251.02 239.10 335.75 247.33 223.34 250.77 232.99 222.18 231,19 266.18 142.85 21.35 1 38.96! 3.058.31 383.26 708.15 tvy The New 4-VVheel-Drive Willys Station Wagon Takes You Through When No Other Car Can! Don't be isolated by heavy snow and ice glazed roads. Get the car that gets you through when nothing else can the new 4-Wheel-Drive Willys Station Wagon. When you shift to 4-wheel drive, you get traction that takes you up slippery grades, cuts down tendency to skid, makes driving safer. The 4 -Wheel -Drive Willys Station Wagon is a car you'll drive the year 'round. It rides six adults in roomy comfort and handles easily in 2 or -wheel drive. Rear seats are cjuickly re movable to provide 98 cubic feet of space for hauling. If you live where roads are often blocked or have duties that must not be delayed, the 4 -Wheel -Drive Willys Station Wagon is your best assurance of getting through. Let us demonstrate this remarkable new model for you now. "REGULAR BLOOD IpPEI HOUNDS 507 After Customers Our Want Ads 1 I t V. f A3 4'Wheef-Drive mUN Station tifeqoa Also made with 2 -wheel drive, 4 or 6 cylinders, overdrive at no extra cost Willys - Overland Motors SEE YOUR WILLYS - OVERLAND DEALER Farley Motor Company Phone 682 Heppner, Ore. 'Let's Build Oregon Together" y ' -r 1 YOU AND YOUR FAMILY may have O.P.S. pre paid medical and hospital protection at moderate cost. There are three doctor-sponsored plans for employed and self-employed residents of Oregon and a wide selection of physicians, surgeons and hospitals. Please use the coupon for information. Oregon Physicians' CIMiaAl 1214S.W. 6th, Portland 4 uuruiLif 455 perry st-saiem Medford Bldg., Medford SPONSORED AND APPROVED BY OREGON STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY FII2S7 NATIONAL B&HK OF PORTLAND DECEMBER 31, 1949 Member Federal Depot ii Inturance Corporation RESOURCES Caih in vault and in Federal Reserve Bank $ 65,368,396.71 Due from Banks 35,1 f 2,297.77 Tolol Cash $100,550,694.48 United States Government Obligations, Direct and Fully Guaranteed 210 441,731.25 Stale, County and Municipal Bonds and Warrants 40,162,346.01 Other Bonds and Securities 2,303 965 84 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 600 00 00 toans and Discounts 151.077,377.52 Accrued Interest Receivable 1,794,861.89 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and Safe Deposit Vaults 5,406,961.12 Other Real Estate owned None Customers' Liability on Accounts of Letters of Credit 4,155,291.23 Other Resources 283,432.19 TOTAL (ftjOURCES $516,826,661.53 LIABILITIES Capital $ 4,500.000 00 Surplus 15,500,000 00 Undivided Profits 1 3,042.322.69 Tolal Capital Funds " $ 33,042,322.69 RESERVE FOR POSSIBLE LOAN LOSSES 598,492.61 deposits ?r"---:. imEI'ltl I Savings and Time. 1 43,21 8,446.1 2 ) Liability for Letters of Credit and as Acceptor Endorser or Maker of Acceptances and Foreign Bills 4,155,291.23 Interest Received in Advance 1,516,328.68 Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Etc 971,695.47 Other Liabilities , 104 225 07 TOTAL LIABILITIES J51 6 826,661 .53 In addition to its 45 branches throughout Oregon 17 other Oregon Banking Offices are members of the First National Bank Group DEfOSITS The First Notional Bank of Portland ond 45 Branches $476,438,305.78 17 other Oregon Banking Offices in the First Notional Group 99.926,938.75 $576,365,244.53 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS The Fiisl National Bank of Portland and 45 Branches $1 51 ,077,377.52 17 o'her Oregon Banking Offices in the First National Group 24,292,636.77 $175,370,014.29 TOTAL RESOURCES The First National Bank of Portland ond 45 Branches $516,826,661.53 17 other Oregon Banking Offices in the First Notional Group 106 888 748 68 TOTAL RESOURCES of the 62 BANKING OFFICES In the FIRST NATIONAL GROUP $623.71 5,410.21 THESE ARE THE 62 BANKING OFFICES IN THE FIRST NATIONAL CROUP PORTLAND BRANCHES PORTLAND MAIN BRANCH S.W. 5th, 6th and Stork SIXTH AND MORRISON BRANCH UPTOWN BRANCH S.W. 1 4th Ave. ot Alder EAST PORTLAND BRANCH S.E. Morrison at 6th Ave. HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD BRANCH Hoxthorne Blvd. at S.E. 39th LIVESTOCK-KENTCN BRANCH N. Denver Ave. at Interstate MONTAVILLA BRANCH S.E. Stark St. ot 80th HOLLYWOOD-ROSE CITY BRANCH N.E. Sandy Blvd. at 42nd SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH S.t. &2nd Ave. at Foster Road UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH BRANCHES OUT OF PORTLAND ALBANY BRANCH ASHLAND BRANCH ASTORIA BRANCH BEND BRANCH CENTRAL POINT BRANCH CONDON BRANCH COOS BAY BRANCH COOUIUE BRANCH ENTERPRISE BRANCH FOSSIL BRANCH GRANTS PASS BRANCH GRESHAM BRANCH HEPPNER BRANCH HILLSBORO BRANCH HOOD RIVER BRANCH KLAMATH FALLS Klamath Falls Branch South Sixth Street Branch IA GRANDE BRANCH LAKEVIEW BRANCH MEDFORD BRANCH MERRILL BRANCH MOLALLA BRANCH NEWBERG BRANCH NORTH BEND BRANCH NYS5A BRANCH OAKRIDGE BRANCH OREGON CITY BRANCH PENDLETON BRANCH SALEM BRANCH SHERMAN COUNTY BRANCH STAYTON BRANCH THE DALLES BRANCH TILLAMOOK BRANCH UNION BRANCH WOODBURN BRANCH OTHER BANKING OFFICES IN THE FIRST NATIONAL GROUP Carlton State and Savings Bonk Benton County State Bank (Conrallls) Philomath Branch (Philomath) The First National Bank of Cottage Grove The First Notional Bank of Eugene West Eugene Branch The First National Bank of Forest Grove The First National Bonk of Lebanon Monroe State Bank State Bank of Malheur County (Ontarlol Moreland-Sellwood Bank (Portland) The First National Bank of Prineville Scio State Bonk Clatsop County Bonk (Seaside! Coolldge and McCloine ISilvertonl Bank of Sweet Home Yamhill State Bank