Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 29, 1949, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 29, 1949
, -. . . , ,
, 5 -J-
i V. I
r Aj 1
of 1949.
1 Three-foot snowfall In
Teheran a d other
Iranian towns eauiei
earthen hruses to collapse, killlnf 60.
Tom do demolishes Warren. Ark.,
killing 611, injuring 175. H:gh galea,
floods, cold Wave kUis 39 In wtsuro
14 Cold wsrei cm Wert const kills citrus
crop. Blizzards roar through Rock
lea, causing 121 deaths.
If At tea at (MO Chinese missing follow
ing collision of two steamers off
Shanghai coast
g Blizzard tn western and mountam
states cause WX deaths and property
damage of 8200 million.
Twenty-eight die when Scandinavian
plane crashes oft Swedish coast.
29 Madrid-Barcelona express train
plunges down 40-foot embankment,
killing 90.
14 Crasn of Cathay Pacific plane from
Manila on northern Hong Kor.g in
land kills 23. Twenty-two die in air
crash at Cuzco, Peru.
f Vine students die in fire destroying
dormitory at Kenyon college. Gam
bier, Ohio
t Tornadoes kTl 36 In south and south
west Arkansas, Oklahoma. Texas,
Mississippi and Louisiana.
SerentT-ffnjT die to Effingham, ZD.
hospital fire.
18 Sixty-two persons art k!i:ed tn earth
quake that rocks .ntral Chile.
at Crash la South Africa of three elec-
trt trains kill 74.
Italy's entire world champion soccer
team dies In plane crash at I urin.
tt Tornadoes k:l 46 persons la Mis
souri, Indiana, Klinoia, Iowa and
Twenty-two killed in Oreek air crash
near Athers. Cr.icJt.up of plsne near
Florlanopolia, Braz?!, kills 17.
t Fifty-iour persons killed in crash of
plan San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2 Eighteen persons killed In air crash
near Feriii. Austraua.
If Thirteen American correspondents
k-Ued In air crash near Bombay, Air
crarh near Los Ance.es kills 36.
80 Sixteen persons killed when navy
Kfi.est hits Ejf'ern Air aUxiea plane
sear Ton Dix, N. J.
Between 3. 000 and 4 000 persons
k'led by Ecuador earthquake.
8 Western states forest fires tahe 13
19 Manchester, Frgland, a crash
takes Uvea of 24.
Crazed war veteran slays IS te
Carr-den. N.J.
9 A:r.in crash near St. Jrachlm. Q-ie-bec
. ki. i I 23 . Nina d:e as c a bin
cruiser Is swamped In Nantucket
ST Steamship Noron'e burns In Toronto
pier Uklng 130 Uvea.
18 One thousand die, TO. 000 left home
less tn G-ialefraia floods.
88 Forty-eight die in air crash In
Azores, Including boxer Marcel
1 Fifty-iv kMled at Washington, D.C.,
airport as P-33 hits airlirer.
17 E:ghteen ku.ed as two B-28 S collide
rear Stockton, Calif.
29 Airliner crih at Dallas kills 28.
1 Dormitory blare at University of
Oklahoma kills three.
11 Nine killed by tornadoes In Missouri
and Arkansas. Seventy-ton b of
granite fall off cliff near Vlctor
vli e. Caljf., killing four.
1 B- rhars Ann Scott
wins Lou F. . Marah
memonai trophy at
Canada's outstan-iing IM athlete.
1 Joe D:Msggio sgr.i contract
with Yanxeet for W0, 000.
9V.A. court reverses loer eourt dis
missal of Danny Cardel!a's damage
suit egelnst New York Giants.
14 CMumets Cos, town ties record lor
m)e and 18 at 1.57.8.
1 Joe Louis retires as heavyweight
chamDion. turns oromoter
13 Hamllne of St. Paul defeats Regis
of Denver for National Aaen. of In
tercollegiate Basketball champion
14 Kentucky wlr.s National Collegiate
AA basketball tournament In Seattle.
Puitian Hero wins Grand National
Steep.echase at Aintree, England.
IB Rban ienlon owl.
M Olymvi. E.d'll, Arc.ro up,
Wood Vemorl.1.
t Ton? .x-ailddicwclght champ
rtir. Irim, boxlnff
SO Coalkown, k'va Bruokf up. Uriel Gal
i.nt Foz b.ndcap.
Focky Gratia no, ex-middleweight,
reinstated by N Y, athietic commis
si on alter euspention for failure to
Teport bribery ofler.
t Ponder, Cat u met s 16-1 shot, Ste ve
Brooks ud. wins Kentucky Derby,
2 Joey Maxim defeats Gus Leanevlcb
ior u.a. nii-nuitavyweiirht out.
20 Indianapolis motor speedway Memor
ial classic won by Bill Holland tn
record average speed f ll.n.
10 Frank Frisch, New York coach, be
cornea Chicaeo Cub mmnmmmr.
11 U.S. open golf championship goes to
Dr. Cary Mld41ecoff. Caput, Ted
tK.neoa op. wins Belmont Stakes
The is plavers auepended from U.S
K-o baseball because Uiey lumped to
extcan lgue re-lnatatd by Com-
miaaioner v tianoier.
14-Jake LaMotta wins wsrld mMdla.
weight tine from Marcel Cardan
12 F.riard Charles win world heav.
weight title by defeating J era Joe
Waicott, New York and England re
fuse to recognise uua.
T4 fchroener takes men's tingles
In Wlmbleton, England, tennis
championships; Louise Broufh takei
women s singles! f rank rarkir
rAlcbard O'Huelea take men's doub
les Mrs. Margaret Dunont and Miss
reuga taae women oubias.
Xi world welterweight champion Sugar
Bay Robinson euccessruuy detenas
title from Havana'a Kid Gavilan.
llAmerican Teagu All-aUra defeat
NaMrmal Laaffue te.im. 11-7.
31 Sam Snead takea Kestem Open folf
chdinplonahip at at. rim.
10 -Euard Char lea successfully defends
heavyweight cbampionaiup oy ae
f eating Gue Lesvenich.
It Hironoshin FuruhdsAi. J a pan, sets
world swimming records of 18 IP
jnfnutes in 1.300 meter free style;
4 33 S minutes In 400 meter tree style
and t:3i.$ minutes In 800 meter tree
20 Coal town. Steve Brooks up. sets
world record of 1 14 4 In winning
one-mile WbirUway Stakes.
1 U.S. retains Davis Cup, defeating
Australia lour matches w one (ten
nis .
t Charles Coe, Oklahoma City, wins
U.S. amateur goli championship in
Bochester, N Y. Joseph De Bona.
Hollywood, wins Bendlx air trophy.
Bill Odom. speed record holder for
round-the-world tUfht, craahea Into
a house tn Berem. Ohio, during Na
tional Air Bacea tn Cleveland, kills
elf, two others. Silver Cup Trophy
In mo tor boat racing goes to B1U Can.
trell. driving Horace Dodge's My
25 Lcuiee Suga, Carroll ton, Ga., takes
V S. women s open golf title In Land
over, aid.
5- New York Yankees defeat Brooklyn
Dodgers la World Series, four games
to one.
38 Capo t beau Coal town to win BaltL
more s PlmUco Special.
11949 major league all-star AP base
ball team team announced .
IS Eddie Vaon scores fastest heavy
weight knockout on record tn Lon
don bout with George Stern tl2 sec
onds, first round i.
21 Clevtland Indians sold to a syndi
cate of Cleveland business men.
24 Ted Williams, Red Sox, named
American League a moat valuable
3 Notre Dame defeats Southern Meth
odist to end season undefeated and
lead football pack. Army, Oklahoma
and California remain undefeated.
12 Kentucky and Oklahoma bid for na
tional cage leadership.
iTi issl Israel Involved tn a
aispuiv wim buuiid
after Invading Egpt
and ahoorinf down R.F. planes.
13 U S. turns pressure on Britain to
abandon dispute with Israel so as
not to endanger Arab-Jewish peace.
14 U.S. says It plans to Join North At
lantic military alliance to ease west
Europe fear of Russia. Chinese
Communists say peace terms are
surrender of Nationalists.
21 Cmang Kai-shek enters retirement
22 Israeli-Egyptian armistice delayed
by Jewish retention ef Negeb.
28 UN, security council passes Inde
pendence plan tor Indonesia.
catdmal Mindszenty pleads "guilty
In principle" te treason charges b
Hungary's Bed regime. Gets life
24 Israel, Erypt sign armistice.
2 Bulgaria begin treason trials of
Protestant leaders
4 Andrei VlshJnaky replaces Molotov
11 Draft of Atlantic pact completed.
iranuonMa wan
20 Soviet tone currency barred from
west Berlin.
31 Russia denounces North Atlantic
2 Chinese Communists modify peace
4 Twelve nations situ North Atlantic
pact and plan for U.S. arms aid.
1 Tories upset Labor in London ejec
tion. . .
17 Ireland become Independent repub-
24 Communist capture Nanking.
30 U S., Russia negotiate so end Berlin
ence on Germany. Communists gain
4 Russians agree to lift rati blockade
VI Dfl UUlUli iwwi
on new truce. Reds capture Hang-
11 Ijraei admitted to U.N
23 Big 4 ministers conference opens m
fi ria. r r i uimn
U n, . -!.. limits
lion. L-xecD ntoi , uwu
Senate foreign relations committee
approvra fluinut iwct.
1 Chinese nationalist government pre
pares to nee w ,uansH.iM.
U.S. and Borlet outhoriUes agree on
lormuia w man
roao nruii.
ISPro-lullans win a Trieste election.
17 United States protests Britain's trade
-Western charter creating civilian
SUieO nign commiN wn
many published.
10 Chiang n.ej-ene vnjiai rmui-yii-.
..i.. D.iH itnlAn. takes
charge of Chinese nationalist re
sistance Britain, U.S., Canada agree
to September conference on Britain s
dollar shortage, united ningwra
ders 25 por cent cut In dollar ex
pone uiiwiin
13 Roman Catholie church issues world
wide excornmumcauon w wuuhw
23 Yugoslavia break relation with
ureia lutrruiw,
- . . ,, . al.lml Kla
nig cans ioi uuitaiiif """-,",
Cominf nn foes In Albania and Bul
garia, warns Russia oot to Invade
xugoeiavia. .
II internauonai ruiei n ' " , '
li atoscow avwuncn i w
via aa enemy of Russia.
IB Greece report rout of It northwest
ern reoem.
cUl pacta with Busala and discounts
danger of Russian invasion.
1 Hungarian ex-Foreign MinlsUr Rajfc
and two other alleged traitors say
, nlottad with Tito sod the
United States.
tt.Waatarn Bis Three agree not to
help Cnianf Kai-shek. .
1ft Britain devalues pound and 24 ns
flP reside at Trsaa'ao aaaeeaees Uat
aa 'ataaU espleslen" has Ukea
3ft Ruaal and lour' stullltes break off
mutual aid pacta wiui mi
unity talk tn Berlin reacb another
3 Russia recognlzas Communist gov
ernment ta vnina,
e nig a our wrii "
again en Austrts. Tusoslavta takes
11-Frlme aalnistar aijndln. Nvhru. ar
nvoo mt naii ta wattwH
I -r
n iiiimi i ''in i l I . . . I., I Wl-t 1S . f PTF"-'v .iLi "Vt -9
Top Ten Spot News
Stories of 1949
These are the 10 biggest
news stories of the past year, as
selected by a representative
group of weekly newspaper edi
tors speaking through an an
nual poll conducted by The
Publishers' Auxiliary.
1. Announcement that the
Soviet Union possesses atom
2. Sweeping victories of
Communist armies in China.
3. Trial of 11 top Commu
nists in the U.S.
4. Coal and steel strikes and
subsequent events in nation.
5. Marshal Tito's successful
defiance of Russia and Comin
form. 6. Story of Kathy Fiscus fall
ing into well and subsequent
rescue efforts.
7. Failure of congress to re
peal the Taft-Hartley labor
8. Ending of the Berlin
blockade by the Russians.
9. Bitter inter-service dispute
between the army and navy.
10. Devaluation of pound in
Great Britain.
14 Chinese Reds take Canton.
15 Wholesale arrest conducted by Com
munists continue In Czechoslovakia.
20 Yugoslavia elected to U.N. aecunty
council over Soviet protests.
28 George Bidsult becomes French
premier, ending crisis.
29 United States consul and staff
seized by Reds at Mukden.
1 Dutch, Indonesians agree on terms
for sovereign Indonesian state.
7 France and Canada team up to urge
nations' A-bomb pact.
14 Indian extremists hanged for assas
sination of Gandhi. Britain delays
date for nationalizing steel. Chinese
Nationalists shell U.S. merchant
ship. Chinese Reds ask U.N. to oust
Nationalist delegates.
18 Washington refuses to recognize con
trol body created for Danube by
20 President Chants of Panama ousted
by coup.
23 Fate oi American consul-general ar
rested by Ch-nese Reds lies with
peoples s court in Mukden. Ousted
Panama president leads demonstra
tion in Panama City, West imple
ments Paris plan to e ise controls on
West German rea-jbiic.
23 Chinese Reds re ee U.S. consul
general Angus Ward on suspended
24 P Lin a in a supreme court re-serts
President Cnan;j, but police chief
forces him out aeain. Dr. Arnulfo
An;5S becomes president.
2fl Ch:nee Peds Errf-st U.S. vVe-con-ril.
WiHUm Stokes. In Mukden.
29 Cominform bsks unseating of Yugo
slavia's Tito.
30 Ch-nese P--is take Chunking, nation
alist capital.
1 Western defense area divided int
five groups In Paris meeting.
1 Nationalist China warned by U.S.
upon ship attacks,
t U.N. declares Jeruaalem an Inter
national holy city. u.s. wiu meet
Reds terms for release of two
Americans hhju in
8 Chinese NaUonallsts abandon capital
. i"hatii anri f)m to Formosa.
16 Labor party defeated in Australia
elections. ,
11 North Korea Reds free two Yank
alter si aaya afienuun.
12 Angus Ward and staff, freed by
Chinese Heas, noara amp ior w, a.
1 Nedy chltdrm tn
rhma total 20 million.
15 million oi whom
wen mada homeleaa by war with
li Air force lubmlta to Delenae S"e-
Icy to dlacontlnue racial eegregatlon
tn r.nkf
2-Bepalrmen overhnuUnf the
Houae open ine duihuhi u
wbo found parti ol It near collapie.
a rum itar nootri .
treaa Ula Laeda aentenced to May
prlaon tarma In Loa Angelel court
on marlluana charge!. . .
S3 Crady, InqulalOve cow of 1'u,","j
OUi piungeo "i". --z
bovlni farr.. while naUon -ocked
bralnl for four day! over problem
Kw tn e.t her out.
25 General Motor! announce! wage!
under coatof-Uvlng contract wltn
union. . . .
2 Axil Sally begin! 4efenie at treaaon
trial oy aayina " " ,,
committed by "men word!
March . . .
1 Lateat get-ricnj)uicit
aweep Amertca ii Pyrar- d club,
which work! on order of chain letter
J-U.S. birth, reported by Public
Health Servlci to number 3,55B.ra
MAxli Sally aentenced from 10 to 20
yean In prlaon for treaaon.
April ,. .
ft Preildent Truman ia! he would not
hesitate to uae atom bomb under the
same drcumitanies It was used on
16 Burelil of Agricultural Economic!
predict! night drop In prlcea, In
comes, production for 1949,
2Bussla completely Jam. Voice of
America" broadcasts to the U.S.S.R.
containing accounts of negotiations
ending Berlin blockade.
3 Atlanta city council bans public
wearing oi min" . ii. - ' ' -
occasions. This is blow to Ku Klux
10 Frank Hague s 32-year rule as boss
of Jersey City ends when Hague ma
chine is swept out of office.
27 Movie Star Rita Hayworth Is msr
rled to Prince Aly Khan.
2 "Wall Street Journal" survey re
veals used car prices "melting like
snow under a hot spring sun."
American Medical association "gagi
Its chief spokesman and concedes
U S. need adequate public health
2ft Attorney General Tom Clark orders
F.B.I, investigation of terrorl.m in
Alabama where several have been
beaten or Intimidated by hooded
night riders.
1 justice department files sntl-trust
suit m u.s. district court in Chicago
aimed at breaking up du Pont em
pire. IS Charles (Lucky) Luciano, ox-New
York vice king, barred from Rom
iter being questioned about nar
cotics ring.
15 Thomas Mann receives Goethe prixe
for literature In first visit to native
Germany In 18 years.
Photometer, which accurately meas
ures constituents of single cells, Is
demonstrated at Columbia univer
sity. 4 Dispute over federal aid to religious
schools between Cardinal SpeOman
and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt ends.
19 FCC announcea a ban on radio and
television quia program.
1 General Larry Vaughan defends
himself tn "6-per center" probe and
keeps White House job. Defense
Secretary Johnson wants to abolish
senators world trip at government
American expedition to find Noah's
Ark falls.
13 U.S. district judge restrains FCC
com emorcmg proniDiuon ox give
away programs.
29 Tokyo Rose found guilty of treason.
8 Agriculture department reports
Americans spending 3 per cent less
of their Incomes for food than last
year. Vatican reports 423 million
Catholics In the world.
17 Use Koch, convicted as murderess
of Buchenwald concentration camp
in Germany, formally released from
military prison after her life sen
tence is commuieo.
17 Dr. Walter Hess. Zurich, and Dr,
Antonio Monlz, Lisbon, divide Nobel
prii for medicine for work on brain
4 Dsalers urge no hoarding oi coffee
during shortage.
16 Shah of Iran arrive for American
18 Vice-President Alben Barkley mar.
nes ears, war.eion naaiey ox
19 Eighteen of 20 who went down on
B-29 near Bermuda rescued,
29 New drug, neomycin, works wonders
in ending kidney uuecuons,
f U.S. msy have "booster" bomb to
set off more powerful bomb. Mt,
Etna eruption threaten Sicilian
a r orrorr ncp, Andrew r, oiaj iy
Ky.) enters federal prison on fraud
sentence. Census bureau say em
ployment Is up, Shirley Temple gets
aivoroe on uquor ana upsuc
t New Jersey citizen told to curtail
use of water. G.I. found hiding in
tent In Germany with frauleln and
babv. New German drug reoorted
as "promising" treatment for can
10 Vlce-PresMent Berkley satirizes self
at Gridiron ciuo oanquei.
1 sir waicoim .amv-
bell, first man to ex
ceed 3C0 mpb or
land. , .
3 Pobert Ingersoll Altken. sculptor.
a r-t. at Hainan Pfund. author'
itv on Infra-red and other rays and
IJoseph H. McNabb. Bell and Howell
U Nelson Doubleday, book and mlla
iln, publisher,
10 Isoo Abe, who Introduced basebsD to
12 Battling Levlmky. formir Bgtt
heavyweight boxing champ.
13 Francis Edwin McMurtrla, editor of
"Jane's Fighting Shlpl."
26 John Sanburn PhlUlpa. co-founder of
McClun's Magaxtne and founder of
American Magaiine. Charlei Han
son Towns, author, poet, editor
4 Arthur Atwater Kent, Inventor, phil
anthropist, famoua host.
6 Sen. Joseph MelvlUa Broughton.
Democrat, N.C., former governor of
hli Itate. . .
t Rep. Sol Bloom, chairman of houae
foreign attain committee.
11 Gen Henrl-Honon Olraud, French
hero of both world wan.
I April
15 Wallace Beery, vetaran screen .v.r.
27 Frederic C. Wallcott, Republican
senator from Connecticut, lW-34,
author of RFC blU.
3 Joseph Peter DtMagglo, father of
ballplayers Joe, Dominic and Vincent
DIMaggio. , ,
Count Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian
poet and dramatist, author of The
Blue Bird." . mt
10 Sam Breadon, ex-president of Bt.
Louis Cardinals. Neysa McMein. por
trait painter, illustrator, writer
IB Dr. James Truslow Adams, histor
ian, Pulitzer prize winner.
22 James V. ForrestaL former secre
tary of defense, by suicide.
10 Slgrid Undset, Danish-born Norweg
ian novelist. t
14 Charles B. (Uncle Charlie! Moran.
National league baseball umpire,
Russell Doubleday, retired publisher
ana autnor.
26 Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, interior sec
retary in noover caoincw
3 Georgl Dlmltrov, Communist premier
oi J3uiaan, , ,
ft Harold H Knorr, cartoonist who
drew Kntzenjammer Kids,
19 Frank Murphy, associate Justice of
me supreme cuuiu
1 Georg Moran (Searcy), survivor of
Moran and Mack, the "two black
crows." , .
1? Al Shean, survivor of Gallagher and
Shean, comedy team.
10 Margaret Mitchell, author Of ' Oon
with the Wind."
18 Dr, Samuel Green, imperial wizard
of Association of Georgia Klans
Cm rata ml. a P
3 MaJ. Gen. Walter Short, army com
mander Bl reari naruur "ru
B rticnara otrauns, ui"'-u '
10 Wiley Blount Rutledge, associate Jus
tice of supreme court. .
iO ,ml r.UWru uunimm,
Pirate pitcher, former Yankee star.
IS Frank Morgan, film star.
10 WIU Cuppy, author, critic and humor
Robert Emmet Hannegan, ox-post-maater
general and Democratic na.
tional chairman. Col. Mntt J. Winn,
wno maae raeniucKif
ft Rex Msy. leading auto racing
a rilrrtV M. Reed. aenator from
.to MOjanir im ww,.,.-u.,., .
27 William H. King, four-term Demo
cratic senator uum vwu
11 Clifford Berryman, editorial sartoon
sat iet Waahinstoa Star
ft Truman asks higher
taxes, universal mili
tary training, wage
price controls In ths state-of-the-unlon
7 Secretary of State George C Mar
shall resigns and is replaced by
14 State department policy statement
aaya u .a. win jum v
defense alliance.
8 Truman declares constitution
him power to atop walkouts affect-
ui nauonai nruiui "
IT Presidents says current price de-
ennv aim UIICIU(iujiii;ih -
notmng iu wuriy auuuv, i
34 Hoover commission makes repo" on
government reorganizimon. nui
says he will stump nation to defend
his program, suited in congress. .
3 Air fore B-S0 makes first non-stop
trip around world.
Louis Johnson replaces James For-
restal as secretary of defense.
11 U.S. senate reject ruling against
filibusters. U.M.W. announces two
week memorial walkout.
SO President signs bill extending rent
control through June 30, 1950.
14 Congress passes second year E.R.P.
authorization. House votes 116 bil
lion for arms.
II Government rests case In trial of top
U.S. Communists,
30 Navy Secretary John L. Sullivan re.
signs in protest against cancellation
of plans to complete super aircraft
4 Administration efforts to repeat
Taft-Hartley act come to iem-ui.j
halt tn congress. . -
8 Strike of 62.250 C.I.O. workers .
closes Ford Motor Co.'s River Rouge .
plant . I
13 Francis Patrick Matthews, Omaha,
succeeds John L. Sullivan as aecre- J
tary of navy.
17 Atomic energy commission under
fire as pound of uranium reported
missing. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr..
elected to congress by New York
district. , ,
23 Congressional Investigation of atom
ic energy commission begins. j
3 Alger Hiss perjury trial opens. Three
top Communists sentenced to Jail
for contempt of court.
T Gordon Gray appointed secretary of
8 John L. Lewis orders one-week mine
30 John L. Lewis orders miners to
work onlv three dnys a week.
Judith Coplon convicted as spy,
gets from 40 months to 10 years.
7 John Foster Dulles appointed to
U.S. senate.
11 Truman abandons tax Increase plans,
and calls for deficit spending. i
21 U.S. ratifies Atlantic pact. House
rejects Brannan farm plan.
28 Truman offers Attorney General
Tom Clark seat on supreme couit,
asks Senator J. Howard V.cGrath
to become attorney general.
3 State department whM p'trer murks
off nationalist Chim as lest cause.
ft Five per cenler piobers .ncue M .1
Gen. Harry VauRhuii of iniluvme
11 General Omar Bradley appointed i
first chairrran of Joint chiefs of
staff. , ,
25 House rscesses without senate s per- 1
mission Probe of corruption In B-.W
program collapses. John Maragon, :
alleged influence peddler, refuses to
talk In "livs per centers InvesU-
10 President' fact-finding board re
jects aieei wumsis uv.
iourtn-rouna pay im.
13 Federal Judge Sherman Minton nom
inated U supreme Cr,Ui v.
15 Government files anti-trust suit to
tjreaK up A r cri.nn.
19 Strike called by coal miners' John
aU L.ewia.
1500,000 CIO steelworkers struts over
nni1nn.Wf!fHrfl diSOUte.
3 Navy air force dispute bringa on con- ;
gressional probe.
11 Eleven Communist party leaaers
convicted on cnarges ui whiiiubv,
oaainst U.S. government.
19 Dr. Edward C. Nourse resigns as
head 01 the Jf resident -ouuin
Economic Advisers. General Ormir
Bradley says navy criticism of ' de
fense set-up endangers nation. First
Session 81st congress ends. Pennsyl
vania Railroad drops "Jim Crow
29 Dismissal of Admiral Louis Denfeld
as chief of naval operauuna uy w.
President raises political storm. Tru
man freezes air force at 48 ground.
31 Bethlehem steel and steel union
sign pension plan, oreamn
front of steel companies during
November 1
1 Vice Adm. Forrest P. Sherman
named chief of naval operations.
I C.I.O. ousts left-wing United Elec
trical and Farm Equipment workers.
3 Eleven convicted Communists freed
on bail to press appeals.
8 Navy Captain John Crommelln rep
rimanded for revealing navy's bit
terness at defense setup. Fair Deal
6rogram triumphs In New York as
emocratlc Lehman defeats Repub
lican Dulles In senatorial race.
9 John L. Lewis Issues back-to-work
order, postponing coal strike until
Dec, 1, ,... .
11 United Mine Workers and U.S. Steel
sign pact, breaking back of steel
strike. Undersecretary Oscar L.
Chapman succeeds Julian Krug as
secretary of the Interior.
13 Senator Thomas (D., Okla.) says
Sweden failed to show proper re
spect for him on recent visit.
17 Leftwlng demonstrators In New York
City riot at National Maritime Union
half, Alger Hiss perjury trial opens.
21 Whittaker Chambers testifies against
Alger Hiss. m
23 David E. Llllenthal, AEC head, re-
38 John L. Lewis calls off meeting with
advisers as coal strike deadline
looms. U.S. announces Impending
tests of new A-bombs at Eniwetok.
Device to "breed" atomic energy
fuel disclosed by U.S.
29 Rep. J. Parnell Thomas R., N.J.)
drops Innocent plea to charges of
payroll padding,
i Government denies F.H.A. loans up
on racially restricted properties.
Lewis orders three-day work week
after miners quit work again,
John L Lewis signs pact with some
coal companies involving wage In
creases. Former air force major,
Racey Jordan, says Reds got atomic
materials and radar equipment dur
ing war with official aid.
7 Lt. Gen. Leslie Groves denies
charges that Henry Wallace end late
Harry Hopkins prodded him to Rive
torn secrets or materials to Rus
sia. Steelworkers snd strike al
II Mlneowners talk about forcing coal
strike to bring about showdown with
John L, Lewis, Department ol de
I fens drop 118,000 employees.
Atlantic Pact-Ratified S
I- . lX L I MA - vl
Yanks Win Series
iiuuy Ul Ul IWII
Britain Devalues Pound
i t 3. tv
. &-r . a Sf!sttl 1Ja- daStwk tm'ti" . .
Channel Swim LLi
i "-"-..'.r,,-T
1l hv'jJ
Aly Khan and Wife Kj
ssfc -
7 "
5 Per Center Probe
W It1.
V tMiHirinit J I
f. 1
U 1
Coplon Trial tMhj
Main and May