Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 29, 1949, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 29, 1949
Final Rites For Burl
Kenneth Searcy
Held Friday A.M.
to attend to business. During her
ariscno1. Opal G. Adams will
writr news for the Condon Globe
j Times.
Mrs. John Hawk and two sons
and Mrs. Floyd Nelson and two
r J I 1 J daughters returned Friday from
rriOnVA 11 Marysville, Tenn. where they
I were railed hv the death of their
j father a month ago. Mr. Hawk
met them at Arlington Friday
, morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams
jand girls and Marshall Nelson
i spent Christmas and several days
this week in Heppner visiting
luith Mr. and Mrs. Vietnr T-nvcrrpn
ear accident at Fallon, New Pec.!and y B. Adams and son.
16. His mother. Mrs. Lillian Sear. ! ... . ,, . , ....
ry. knives. The pallbearers, all' Mr' a"d r L.C ?"V
Miion.. were Harlan Schroder. edH 0 fondo" t0 v,s
Klmo Kelly. J,m D.mboski. John TZ? , , ,1 Ft?
Hawk and Bill Edwards of Fos- " L ,0 MS,t thtouh "
all, and the eseort from Fallon.
Mr. and Mrs. Man JuncK went
to The Dalles on Monday. Mrs.
jJurick will enter the hospital on
luesday for a check up.
Mrs. Carl Coleman and son Carl
Jr. left Monday morning to spend
a week at Spokane visiting her
A large number of friends and
neighbors attended the funeral of j
Sic Burl Kenneth Searcy at Con
don at 10 a. m. Friday at the;
Catholic church. Kenneth, with
three other bovs. was killed in a I
A capacity crowd gathered at
Jeflmore hall Thursday evening
to attend the Christmas program
by the school, and Larry Carroll
and Clarence Briggs of the AFL
union and the local union. The
musical pageant, enacted by the
uifwr grades was beautiful. The
union men showed several reels
of Christmas pictures, and the lo.
cal union gave bags of candy to
all youngsters present.
Betty Metecr and Betty Davis
were assistant hostesses at an
American Legion auxiliary Christ
mas pany at the home of Mrs.
Florence Manske on the evening
of Dec. 19. Each took a gift and
Jots of fun was had by all.
Earl Williams and Opal Mor
gan were quietly married at Gol.
dendalo. Wash. Thursday, Dec.
22, with Clayton, a brother of the
groom, and Vernon Bundy ac
companying them for witnesses.
The couple returned to Kinzua
Friday afternoon to their home
they have been preparing the
past month. Earl is a foreman in
one department of the plant.
Mrs. Mark Samples left Mon
day morning for Rapid City, S. D.
Ezzie Adkins' and son Jim left
Saturday to spend Christmas in
Portland with his brother Ora.
Mark Jellick and Jimmy Hulett
accompanied them.
Frank Wilson spent Christmas
at his son's home near Mayville
and returned to Spokane with his
wife and daughter Edith, to spend
the remainder of the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hines and
son Hershall of Lebanon were
visiting several days at the home
of his brother Marvin. While here
the Hines got in some good duck
and goose hunting.
Everett Hadley of Hardman
came to Kinzua to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Harlan Adams and the Owen
Leathers Sr. homes. Everett is a
former Kinzua employe and at
present is attending a govern
ment school at Baker. He will re
turn on January 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Halverson
and son Arthur- left Friday to
PiPlw si i II
KrStt W&i'"' mmn shake of the I f
Kfl mi ifM
Jack O'Harra of Klamath Falls
and Otis Freeman of Los Angeles
were guests at the O'Harra ranch
during the vacation. They return.
ed to their work Tuesday. Free
man is a teacher in the Klamath
Falls schools.
In the printing of the high
school honor roll last week, this
correspondent regrets to announce
leaving out Shirley Hunt. She
was also on the roll.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and
family left Saturday for Clacka
mas where they will visit the Kev.
Kellogg and family. Also going
to Portland were Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger were hosts for a Christmas
party at their home, the guest
list including relatives living in
in this region, guests included U.
H. Messenger, Portland: E. T.
Messenger, Boardman; Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Willett, Eugene; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hammell, The Dalles;
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger,
Meacham; Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Zinter and son, lone, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Marquardt, Lexington.
All of them gathered at the E. T.
Messenger home in Boardman
Let Us Spray!!
Spray Rite Wheat Rig
Galvanized Dipped Booms inside and out
Hi pressure and low pressure in one pump
Heavy Tank and Frame
Power Takeoff Operation or Motor
Spray Rite Control Block unified control
for accurate application with suck-back
dripless action eliminates dripping boom
Kits, Nozzles, Pumps, Control Blocks,
Booms, Hi Pressure Hose and Fittings
Everything necessary to rebuild or build
your sprayer.
John Ransier
Phone 1111 or3Fll
Where Do We Co From Here, Lefty?
visit relatives and friends in Port
land. During Arthur's absence at
the local theater, Dorothy Long
took tickets in his place.
Bill Owens is visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. War
ren Jobe, during the holidays. He
is from The Dalles where he
makes his home with another
daughter. While here he will also
visit his son Jack and family.
Owen H. Leathers Sr. left Sat
urday morning to visit his mother,
Belle Leathers and other relatives
at Vancouver, Wash over Christ
mas. He was accompanied to
Vancouver by Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Carmichael of Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs Ralph Moore and
daughter Kay were shopping in
Kinzua and
before Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson Jr.
of Portland spent Christmas with
the Senior Petersons. David Jr.
owns and operates a barber shop
I in Portland. He was barber here
for a long time.
j Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harrison
were shopping at Condon Satur
i day.
' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Orwick
land daughter spent a part of the
j vacation at Condon and Heppner
I visiting their parents.
! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauman
land child spent the holidays at
Echo with his father Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thompson
and daughter Wanda went to Eu.
gene Saturday to spend Christ
mas at the home of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Clayton Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong
went to Spokane Saturday to visit
his daughter throught the vaca
tion. Mabel Anderson and infant
son returned to Kinzua Monday
after spending Christmas at her
brother's home near Fossil and
at the George Webb ranch home
near Mayville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. England
spent Christmas at the Maurice
Wilson home near Mayville and
at the Loyde Smith home before
returning to Kinzua Monday.
Monday to continue the reunion, t IMS by $520,000.
On the same basis of compar
ison, redemptions increased about
$185,000, but total redemptions
for the 11 months of 1949 are
running far behind the same per
iod of 1918. These redemptions
include substantial maturities,
....... ...-.tl.-.n thic tn nrvnrox-
f. lli.. j inmuuiiniiB ...... rr-
iu. vu .-.iw u. v ,.mo... imat0y $7 million in Oregon,
with the Clarence Haves family. ' . lln0,i
Charles Buchanan is home from I, r- ,SamT"l "M2
I null eifeu nfiui. wm..v..- .. . -
exceeded their total sales lor tne
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Hunt for Christmas were Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Ruhl and Norman, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Hunt, Mrs. Maggie
Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Hunt of Heppner.
Mrs. Ear! Warner left Saturday
Baker where he attends business
Sales of E Bonds in Oregon for
November total $2,229,087, with
additional sales of F and G Bonds
bringing total purchases of U. S.
Treasuary Department Savings
Bonds to $2,807,824, according to
figures just released by the Fed
eral Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
In connection with the publish.
ing of these figures, Mr. E. C.
Sammons, State Chairman, an
nounced that comparisons show
sales of E Bonds for November
were off about $140,000, compared
to sales in October. However, total
E Bond sales for this year exceed
ed the same period oi time in
entire year of 1948. At the end of
November, Hood River County had
outsold the year 1948 by $134,000.
Benton County with sales exceed
ing the 1948 total by $58,000 and
Malheur county exceeding 1948 by
$52,000 have also made except
ional showings.
County Chairman Mrs. Elaine
George announced that sales of
Savings Bonds in Morrow County
for November totaled $19,819,
compared to sales of $7,894 in
October. Morrow County has ex
ceeded total 1948 sales by $34,846.
Your Home Town Pa
per Only 3.00 a year
I free
AdmtMloa prlM afternoon and rbiaf , molee pe
elflcaUi' kdrntlMd to b othanriaal Children: Bet.
Frioe .IT, Ft, lu .03, Total Mc; Onii ul Xifh
School Btndenta 11 yean ul oreri Bit. Prtoe .40,
Fed. Tax OA, Total Mo; Adulter Eat. Price Mo, red.
Tas .10, Total Me, Brery child oocupjtaf a teat
anurt hare ticket.
Bandar ahows contissoni Iron 1 p. m. ail erenlnf ahowe etart at 7:30 p. anieae otberwlie
Boxoffice open until 9:30. Saturday, New Year's Eve. Those coming to the
show at 3 ;sfl will be out Just at midnight.
Burton Peck Home
Scene of Family
Christmas Party
Christmas eve was enlivened at
the Burton Peck home near Lex
ington by the presence of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Morey and son Alvin
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Millard
Nolan, daughters Beverly and
Phyllis and son Vernon; Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Peck and sons Ronald
Lyle, Richard, Burton and Billie,
ri. omuiuo, ,wim Edwjn Tucker her husbandi
Jeunett and Martha Jane; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Peck and daugh.
ters Patsy, Sherley and Kay; Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Peck, George
tBud) Peck, Miss Mary Ann Hunt
and Mrs. Emma Peck. Cafeteria
lunch wa sserved at 5 o'clock and
the evening was spent in games
and renewing old ties. Son James
Peck and wife of Salt Lake, Utah
could not be present,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cutsforth
are now making their home on
the Cutsforth ranch formerly oc
cupied by the Henry Rauch fam"
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Rauch are mak.
ing their home in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall
and Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall
and families and Mrs. O. G. Bree
ding spent Christmas in Kinzua.
E. J. Evans is again in Lexing.
ton after several weeks spent in
Ohio at the home of his brother,
Thomas Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lott spent
the week end in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. August Peterson
returned to their home in Yakima
one day last week after three
weeks spent at the home of Mrs.
Elsie Peterson and son Elmer.
Miss Betty Ball of Arlington
spent last Friday at the home of
her grandmother, Mrs. Elsie Pe
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Duncan of
Yakima spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. K, K.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball of lone
spent Christmas at the Peterson
home. Melvin Brady of Arlington
also was a guest.
The Ne-top pew Campfire girls
gave tneir leader, Mrs. C. C. Jones,
a party Dec. 22, honoring her
birthday. This was the day of the
annual Campfire party given the
girls by Mrs. Jones, but thev turn
ed the tables and gave her a tow
el shower. After this an exchange
oi guts was enjoyed and refresh.
ments were served.
The Lexington high and grade
scnoois gave tneir Christmas pro
gram Dee. 21 in the school audi
torium with all grades and high
taking part. Several musical
numbers were enjoyed as well as
a pantomime of Christmas In an
ordinary family. Solos were given
Dy uunny June Anderson and Bet
ty Griffen, and Phyllss Nolan.
ine program was under the di
rection of Janet Rands. After the
interesting program, treats were
handed out by the traditional
Legion Hall,
lone, Oregon
Music by AL HUIT
Flatt's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 1 12
The Dalle Phone 2635
114 E. 2nd St
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere.Anytlmt"
Sunday-Monday, Jan. 1-2
Look For The Silver Lining
jEE June Haver, Ray Bolger, Cordon McRae,
r: Charlie Ruggles, Roumary DeCamp.
; Lee and Lynn Wilde. S. Z. Salcall
The songful, danceful. Joyful story of the
tihow-world's Glory-girl. Marilyn Miller.
r Start the New Yrar right! See this heart-
S warming ensemble of beauty, music and
E5j Technicolor! You'll be Happy!
Tuead ay Wednesday, Jan. 3-4
Spencer Tracy, Deborah Kerr. Leueen Mac
Grath, James Donald, Ian Hunter
Masterful screen adaptation of the stage
Kucct'ss pivoting around an indulging
father mid his determination to let noth
ing oppose his interpretation of his son's
happiness.... serious and thoughtful
Thuraday-Fridoy-Saturday, Jan. 5-6-7
Guy Madison. Rory Calhoun, Cathy Downs,
Carole Mathews, Johnny Sands, Steve
Brodie, Iron Eyes Cody
A bang-up western with rugged scenic
backgrounds filmed In seplatone in the
wastelands of northern Arizona, plus a
youthful, enthusiastic cast.
8econd Feature
Ray Bolger, Anne Shirley, Dennis Day,
Joan Davis, Jack Haley, Leon Errol,
Frances Langiord, Gil Lamb
A dazzling aray of stars doing their most
famous comedy, music, dancing and song
Adding Machines
New and Used
.. .".iav
Call or Write
Henderson Office
16 N. 2nd Phone 372
Walla Walla, Wash.
sfjy Or f"1-
J JUrf T Your old ice box or rtfriftrator
is worth 50.00 !
( urt za. m i i
Ml H M REG PRICE 249,95
TRA0E.K 50.00S
H 1 w95
L-LJ A brand new 1949 WNITH
SeSS'Z full 9.1 cubic foo-r.f rigtr.tor X
l ' pu," features that ar. uu"y X
X 23GZS available only in higher priced X
L7 50.00 during fh' iale-UMiTtu
Door ctostf Ilk a Cadillac
with Ihli beautifully d.ignrtl
modern latch. A light touch
wing door clottd tools
llo, frooior has a capacity of
.70 CW. ft. and providoi ipoco
for up to 25 lbs. of froxirt
food i. Moat hooper held, up
to 20 tbi. moot.
Ono-ploco "pentllteH pltU
provides smooth and
streamlined finish to the doof
opening eliminates untight
ty, unsanitary screw heads.
Ten point control governs de
sired pre -let temperature of
food compartment. Conven
iently located away from children.
Not juit a 7 not just an 8 but a full 9.1 cubic foot
of cold ttorage space in Ihit brand new 1949 Zenith
deluxe Refrigerator plus 1 .4 cubic ft. of dry storage
ideal for crackers, breakfast foods, etc. to keep
them dry and dellclously crisp and ready to eat. Don't
fail to see this end all the other features at our ap
pliance headquarters,
You'll find practical features, such as the full length
freezer door of reinforced aluminum that maintains
lower temperature In the meat keeper, 16.87 sq. ft.
of shelf area, sliding vegetable crisper of add resist
ing porcelain enamel all features that make your
Zenith practical, useable and economical.
Marshall-Wells Store
Don Walker Owner - - Heppner, Ore.
Main and May
i -
I aean