Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 29, 1949, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Main and May
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 29, 1949
Page 3
Monument Casaba
Tossers Convinced
Spray Team Strong
Spray's high shcool basketball
team came to Monument last
Monday to play the local high
school team. They proved, by a
score of 32 to 15, that they were
too much for the Monument team
so Monument's town team decid.
ed to give them a try and ended
up with the same score the high
school had. Monument has decid
ed Spray has a very strong team.
Herbert Martin of Long Creek
came to Monument last Monday.
He stated that It took six hours
to make the trip. They had to fol
low the snow plow through.
Principal McLaughlin has an
nounced that school will reopen
January 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Slmas ac
companied by Mrs. Daisy Slmas
and her granddaughter, Deanna
Williams, drove to John Day last
Monday. Deanna went for a med
ical checkup.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Settle left
Tuesday for Pendleton where they
attended to business matters and
some last minute shopping for
Mrs. Glenn Farrens has been
sick at her home this week.
Dane Broadfoot, Clayton Griggs
and Harold West were Heppner
visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek, ac
companied by their son Jack, re
returned Tuesday from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmes
returned from an extended visit
in Sacramento and other Callfor.
nla points Tuesday.
The Girl Scouts under the lead
ership of Mrs. Boyd Hinton were
singing Christmas carols In the
streets last Wednesday evening.
On Thursday night the schools
and the Sunday school presented
their Christmas program In the
gymnasium. The operetta by the
primary, the play and band by
the Intermediates, and the Christ
mas play by the upper room were
all enjoyed by a large crowd. But
the best part for the youngsters
was old Santa Claus with his gifts
of candy and nuts.
George Stubblefield has been
laid up this week with a lame
back. At this writing he Is some
what improved.
Delmar Settle and Charles Gil.
man drove to Pendleton Thurs
day and returned Saturday.
Bill Lesley, Joe Elder and
Frank Elder drove to Pendleton
to spend the holidays with rela
George Stirritt and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Johns spent Thursday
in John Day attending to matters
of business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harland Shank
spent Christmas in Hood River
with Mrs. Shank's parents.
X3 EH oo.
Hurry! Hurry!
1-4 off
on Suits, Coats, Wool Dresses, Skirts,
and Children's Snow Suits
Norah's Shop
i 1
11 .ISf i
V-lf i I . tkVVViJi NOBODY wiu. Wr
iVgwtStA tf. I uinniMiAi I nnnnnritttiTv f ESSdaJse
iViWmm '1 til i GrrirM
liEff L ' -Li Lnf fi
wm i cz -ri-v r?- n cn i i ii
iitii ,. Mill
Equal Disopporlunity
Families Reunited
For Yule Holiday
At Boardman
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams
and daughters, Joyce and Linda,
spent the Christmas holidays with
Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. N. Wilson.
Mr and Mrs Clayton Griggs and
children drove to Walla Walla to
spend Christmas with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lofton of
Ironside, Mr. and Mrs. Tarns of
Weiser, Ida., and Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Lofton of Ironside spent
Lhrtstma swith their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Simas.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns wprp
guests of Mr. Johns' Parents in
Prairie City on Christmas day.
Word has been received from
Roy Cork, who recently under
went surgery in Portland, that he
is now out of the hosnltnl hut
will have to remain near his doc.
tor for some time.
Chet Round cam efrom Mitchell
to spend the holidays with his
mother, Mrs. Josie Round, and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Devore of
Rosebure spent Christmas with
Mrs. Devore's mother, Mrs. Daisy
Mmas. They report the roads as
being slick from the packed snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cilmiin
of Top had as their guests for
Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs.
Miles Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Settle, John Walters, Delmar Set.
tie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Popt
and children, and Charles Gil
Mrs. Fay Gay of Eugene spent
the holidays with her son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Flem
ing. She also visited her sister
and brotherln-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Dell Neal.
Dinner guests at the home of
Mrs. Daisy Simas for Christmas
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Enright,
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Enright and
children, and Mrs. and Mrs. Ivan
Enright, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin De
vore and Mr. and Mrs. Junior
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferguson
of Pendleton spent Christmas
with his mother, Mrs. Mamie
Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin left
Friday for Portland and Seattle
to spend Christmas with their
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hinton and
daughters spent their vacation In
Dayville with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farrens
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owens
and children were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Darrel Farrens of Kim
berley on Christmas day.
Hatfield Bros.
Opening of Grocery Store
Oil AtRuggs Gas
AmasnEagj Waives
Church's Grape Juice
Rea. 47c Quart
Sunsweet Prune Juice QAo
Regular 34c Quart wUt
Wilson's Tamales 9T
Regular 30c 1 pound "'v
Dinty Moore Beef Stew A. At
Regular 49c v
C & H Pure Cane Sugar
Regular $1.05 10 pounds
Friskies Dog Food Q Qff
Reg.3for41c-l Lb.can for OuC
Mrs. Vet Conyers left for San
Anselmo, Calif, with her son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Con
yers where they will spend Christ.
mas with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole re
turned home after a week in Port
land with Mrs. Cole's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pew, who cel.
ebrated their 66th wedding anni
versary December 19.
Miss Margaret Gillis, county
health nurse, was visiting the
school Thursday, Just before the
Christmas vacation.
Gene Allen, who Is in the U. S.
navy, is home on leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur At
len. Gene Is stationed in San Di
ego and will return about Jan. 1.
Miss Mary Mcintosh, high
school teacher, left for Billings,
Mont, where she will spend the
vacation with friends.
College students home for the
holidays are Mildred Miller, Eve
lyn and Bill Miller, and Melvin
Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Stalcup were
her sister, Mrs. Maude Burns, and
Peter Moens of Pendleton.
Christmas guests at the N. A.
Maeomber home were their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Petteys and family
of Pendleton.
At the Charles Dillon home
were their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Reno Wren, Se
attle, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dil
lon and family of Beaverton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Getz and son
Charles Goodwin, Portland, was
a guest of his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Eva Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mallery and
sons Gerry and Jimmle of Seattle
were guests of Mrs. Mallery's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats.
Mr and Mrs Leo Root motored
to Athena Sunday and were over
night guests of their son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root
Elmer Messenger motored to
Lexington where he was a guest
of his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Allen and
daughter spent the week-end with
Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wickman at Boise, Ida.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hawley
motored to Mabton Sunday af
ternoon and spent the night with
their son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood
motored to Salem Saturday where
they were guests of her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pack
ard. Robert Bradley went as far
as Portland with the Harwoods
on his way home to Packwood,
Christmas guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes
were their son Jeff, Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Hayes of Arl
ington, and their daughters Betty
and Mrs. Frank Beall and daugh
ter of Portland. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Letrace of
A delicious garnish for veg-
otahle mud ia little balls of
smoked cheese rolled in crumbled
bacon and dropped into the hot
soup Just before serving, veg
etables and cheese make taaty
soup combination. The cheese
flavor enhance! the vegetables
and adds good substantial protein
too. Cream af vegetable soup
with cheese ia a creamy, flavor
ful soup, hearty enough to serve
as a main dish. The addition of
cheese lifts this soup out of the
ordinary" class.
Croons of Vegetable Soap with
(Serves 6)
2Tbsp. butter
cup minced onion
3 Tbsp. flour
2Tsp. salt
H tap. pepper
4 cups milk
Vi cup cooked chopped carrots
1 cup diced, cooked potatoes
H cup cooked peaa
2 Tbsp. minced parsley
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Dash of cayenne
y4 cup grated Cheddar cheese
Melt butter in top of double
boiler, add onion and cook over
low heat, until tender. Add flour
and seasonings and blend. Grad.
ually while stirring; cook over
low heat until smooth and thick
ened, stirring constantly. Add
vegetables, parsley, Worcester
shire sauce and cayenne. Heat
and sprinkle top with grated
cheese. Serve immediately.
rVieea and nnlnn make a verv
tasty combinatlon-and our recipe
for Cream of Onion and Cheese
Soup will make a hit with the
youngsters on blustery winter
days. Serve it with toasted rolls,
vegetable relishes, spiced apple
sauce, cookies and milk.
Cream of Onion and ChMM Soup
(Serves 6)
3 Tbsp. butter
2 cups sliced onions
3 Tbsp. flour
4 cups milk
Salt and pepper
1 cup Chedder cheese, grated
Melt butter in saucepan. Add
Ih. nnlnna a n H eTUf nVPf loW hp&t
stirring occasionally until yellow.
4HH fUinr anil hlend well. Add
milk and cook, stirring constantly
until thickend. season 10 tasie
uHth salt anri rwnnfr add the
cheese and stir until cheese is
melted. Serve with crisp crackers
or toast fingers.
I 11
Mobilheat ,
Your tank b always filled always
ready for winter's wont storms.
Spthllf refine, clean end pur, burnt and
lemi'iM Instantly, free flowing
MOtllHIAT 200 -rr Peweift Oil f iters'
GENERAL FUEL OllS-fr Htl$, AportmtnH,
- l f-.i.. -a.l-l
Paul Pottyjohn
General Petroleum lone, Oregon
Hi-Ways To Health
Cheese in Soups Adds Flavor
There is no end to the versa
tility of cheese--that wonderful
dairy food which is being feat
ured this month to remind con
sumers that soups, salads, appe
tizers, main dishes and deserts
are all enhanced in both flavor
and food value through the ad
dition of cheese.
Perhaps you are wondering
about cheese in soups; If so, Just
remember one of the most de
licious soups, favored by gour
mets, is simple onion soup
served with crisp bread croutons
and Parmesan cheese. Onion
soup is very easily made and for
the gourmet's touch, substitute
grated sharp Cheddar cheese, for
the dry Italian cheese. Just
sprinkle the grated cheese on
toast rounds, place in the in
dividual soup bowls, and slip un
der the broiler for a minute.
These cheese toast rounds make
delicious garnishes for other
soups, too.
Don't Thow It Away !
If you want it to work bring it in to your
ice all makes of Ranges, Oil Burners, Wash
ing Machines, Home Electrical Appliances
and Bicycles.
24-hour service on Oil Burners.
After 6 p. m. phone 2724.
Marshall-Wells Store
We extend our sincere wishes for a
continuance of our friendly relations
and a
Prosperous and Happy New Year
Blaine E. Ison Insurance Agency
C. A. RuggleS, Agent
Phono 723 Heppner
Friskies Dog Food-cube and -i AC
meal. Reg. 1.49. 10-Lb. bag -AO
New Crop Standby Orange Juice 07 af
47-ox. can O I V
Vegetable Soup
Campbell's Soups
Vogetable-Beef, Chicken Noodle, Chicken
Cteam of Chicken, Beef Noodle
2 ,,27c
Canned Milk-Pet, Spec.ft 07p
Mornina. Carnation for V
Morning, Carnation
Crisco and Snowdrift
3 pou
dS 89c
Happy New Year
We are eager to extend to you the
Seasons Greetings
Our wish for you for the New Year
is Health - Peace of Mind - and a
generous portion of this world's
Heppner Appliance