Poge4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 22, 1949 Yuletide Programs Feature Activities At lone Past Week By MRS. ECHO FALMATKFR The Maranaiha. hi'M an dsy nwUnE at the I', M S.Aor homo W1rw'.y Ut hyk. with a jxv'uv- i:7i".t : r-.ra In th f.-wv- N-.vrs ." ,T- ' "' ; vnprf r.-.x1 'o A.'.s'.:1... In t ".-"-. t 4.w "'sit ing i -v ' "S Mrs. VrrHM- T,-,,-'.''". v:v$ lont M.. Kr! M.k. - :- : vt tarytivASurfr. M.-s f- M K-ikit The club piannssl to purchase silverware and dishes for the church. The next meetinc will be at the home of Mrs. Waiter Cor ley, January 11. After the meet ing a Christmas party was held In the play room in the basement whuh was decorated with a tree and other Christmas motifs. An exehanpe of gifts was held and candv and popcorn balls were sen. ed. Mrs. m. Seehafer re ci ivi d the door prize. Mrs. F.rnest Heliker, represent ative of the lone coniniunity for the veterans hospital at Walla Walla reports the M lowing do nations from here: Rebekahs. $10: j trea Kastern Star Social club. t: Am run Locum Auxiliary C. Sua-.son So: K. W. Brisiow. "i.i-chi- .lt d w.ites: cash dona ;., i' Mr. "and Mrs Garland Vr. and Mrs. Adon i i-- c't Vr. and Mrs. Clifford Mr. an c.Mrs. Jack Karris. '",,1 Vr. and Mrs. liordon White. 7 , tending wrapped packages we.-e Mr. and Mrs. F.rnest Heliker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns, Mr. and and Linda Halvorson. Mrs. Town send pave a reading about the first Christmas and how the hvmn Si lent Nifiht was written. The high school glee club girls sang several carols. Rev. Alfred Shirlev gae a talk on Christmas. Herl Akers showed a movie on 'The Night Before Christmas." Then Santa Clans came with for the kuuues. me ro under of the evening was spent $3.30; 'in playing games ana cams. Hershal Tovvnsend s parents, oi Portland, are visiting at his home. Peter Timm of Pendleton re- icon! Iv underwent a major oper ! ation" in Walla Walla. The Timms 1 vvc lone has begun to take on a Christmassy atmosphere, with snow on the ground and outside and inside trees decorated. DATES TO REMKMBLR: Dec. 23. masquerade ball at Legion hall; Dec. 28. town meeting at Legion hall. Everyone invitea to Mrs. Harry arnell, Mr. and .Mrs. aueIut. poc. 25, there will only De Lee Beekner, Mr. aim -Mrs. c. ri. one h0,,r service at the Cooperat- Coll SAAGER'S PHARMACY to see the ALL NEW REMINGTON PORTABLE An Ideal Gift for CHRISTMAS Phone 62 Henderson Office Supply Walla Walla, Wash. Baker, and Echo Falmateer The Heppner Gazette Times gave a box of stationery. Mrs. Heliker complimented the people of lone for their generosity in mis giving. A program entitled "Christmas Pictures was presented at tne Cooperative church Sunday eve ning. It consisted ot prelude, sev eral Christmas instrumental hymns by Mrs. Frederick Martin on the solo vox; nymn, narK, the Herald Angels Sing." by all; invocation by Rev. Alfred brurley; opening chorus by the juniors of the Sunday school; recitation, "Three Great Kings"; tableau, 'Three Wise Men"; recitation, ive church. 10 to 11 o'clock a. m Mrs. August Peterson and chil dren of Yakima are guests at the Lewis Ball home. Mrs. Robert De Shazer of Lake- view died Dec. 1-1. Mrs. De Shazer j is a niece of Mrs. H. O. Ely of Morgan. She is survived by her husband and three children. Billy Lundell of Milvvaukie was a visitor here last weeK. Mrs. Oscar Peterson and dau ghter Eunice returned last week from Kansas where they visited relatives. The lone Garden club met at the Congregational church Tues ! dav afternoon, Dec 13. Mrs. Edith Shenherds of Bethlehem": tab- Niehoson eave a report on the leau. -Shepherds and Angels"; - calla lily. She stated that in this song. "While Shepherds Watch-1 part of the country It was an in ed"'; tableau. "Nine Stars"; song, door plant. Mrs. Gordon White beginners; 'gave a report on the garden in 'Twinkle. Twinkle chorus. "Silent Night", high school glee club led by Alan Ro bertson; song. "Here We Come to I Bethlehem". Beginners; tableau. ! "The Manger." The W lse Men ! present their gifts. The Christmas I offering was taken at this time. SSong. "Away in a Manger," Be I ginners. Solo. 'The Mother's iSong." Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn; cho rus. "Adeste Fidelis," high school. I "Joy to the World" by all, follovv- ed by the benediction. Mrs. E. M. ! Baker was the pianist. After the regular grange meet ing Saturday evening, a program was given, with Mrs. Hershall ! Tovvnsend, lecturer, in charge. I The program consisted of a wel come bv Sandra tubanks; recita tion, Arleta MeCabe; Christmas i play, recitations by Buzzy and : Cherry Corley, Mancel Tovvnsend, $IMTHIS CHRISTMAS WruW Chr.ctnM u a Saon of Grt lor to all .... fo) W u brv4 tn iction oi ppopni and ksuaJ ffirtt a taai tntM With ihn m mind otiw lr p;ta kmuioi ... G.t Boc.i ol Hppir t Umiiy an4 tnnds and ycu'U ffira el anwrtaia- mm. ductiot and Uin. Suraiy ttua ta Daodadiy DiHartnt .... tKati loo, what mm appivcianw ui couid M chotan. ATjlb. 1 d otsi nan ena ot $i 00, f 2 50 ar.J SS 00 G youn today. mm STAR THEATER i i ii ! c i Rv V, H M iff" 1 ' The Story of ff The Nativity WlJ formation center in Portland and told of the many displays. Mis. W. R. Wentworth also attended the exhibits there. The snapdra gon was chosen for the flower ot the club. The yearbooks will be Dut out soon. Mrs. Harry arnell and Mrs. Gordon White served re freshments after the meeting. Mrs. Echo Palmateer won the door Drize. A demonstration in making wreaths was given by Mrs. Went. worth. The HEC of Wilows grange met at the hall Friday afternoon and the following officers were in stalled by Mrs. Ernest Heliker, as sisted by Mrs. James Lindsav . Chairman, Mrs. Hershall Town send; secretary, Mrs. Berl Akers; treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen; Mrs. Marion Palmer, vice chair man, was absent. For the pro gram, in charge of Mrs. O. L. Lundell, a game was played. Mrs. Ernest Heliker gave a reading and Mrs. Donald Heliker, Pomo na HEC chairman, gave a talk. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Berl Akers and Mrs. Donald Hel iker. A Christmas party engaged the attention of the Rebekahs after their meeting Thursday evening of last week, the wail vvas decor ated in the Christmas theme and with a large tree. Court whist was played. Winners of prizes were Mrs. C. V. Svvanson, high and Mrs. Cleo Drake, low. Refresh ments were served and an ex change of gifts was held. The hostesses were Mrs. Paul Petty john. Mrs. Francis Ely, Mrs. Charles O'Connor, Mrs. Wallace Matthews and Mrs. Adon Ham lett. Recent Portland visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom, Mr.! and Mrs. Dav id Baker and Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wentworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer and children. Mrs Fred Ely is a patient at The Dalles hospital Fayne Fry, student at Oregon Slate college, is home for the holidays. Wallace Coleman is employed in Portland. Harry Yarnell and son Alton left Monday for Portland to get some supplies for their new house on Second street. Ernest Heliker and Ed Buschke went to Herniiston Monday and will do a little goose hunting. Ralph Aldrich wrecked his car Tuesday of last week near Hepp ner, due to ice and fog. He in jured his leg and now has it in a jcast. I Mrs. Garland Svvanson was j called to Salem last week due lo the illness of her mother, Mrs. Re ;gina Miller. I Mrs. Omar Rietmann left for Portland Sunday evening to be with her mother, Mrs. Inez tree land, who was injured in a fall recently. Mrs. Ellen Rieth is ill with pneumonia at her home but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. E. R Lundell spent Monday in Pendleton Sunday school Christmas par ties were held Saturday after noon. The nursery and beginners party vvas held in the basement of the Cooperative church with about 50 children present and about 25 mothers who assisted with the party. A tree and treats were the main features. Berl Ak ers showed a Christmas movie. The primary class was entertain ed at the Congregational church by Mrs. Omar llietmann and Mrs. Ralph Crum. The room was de corated wit It a fireplace. Games were played, gifts exchanged and treats given Mr. and Mrs. George Mead of Heppner were visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Phil (jrittin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen ger and daughter of Meacham are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Zinter. COURT PHOCCEDINCS FOR NOVEMBER, 1949 The minutes of the October, 19-19 term were read and ap proved. The Court ordered the transfer of $tit)73.97 of the Motor License Fund to the General Koad Fund. The Court ordered the following Bangs' Disease claim paid: Rose Doherty, $24.00. WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND: Sadie Parrish, deputy $ 147.25 j V'' A CHARLES A. LOCKWOOD State Game Director Oregon State Game Commission Frances Mitchell, deputy 197.14 Leila J. McLachlan, office clerk 121.95 Olive B. Hughes, deputy 19S.0O Margaret liillis, nurse 2ti!l.4U A. J. Chaffee, janitor 181.09 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. 24.75 Susie W. Miller, court re porter 49.50 William Garner, Justice of the peace 74.25 J: O. Hager, justice of the peace 121.55 Ralph I. Thompson, county court 76.07 Russell K. Miller, county court 88.19 Kilham Stationery & Printing Co., Tax Collection $6.10; Sheriff $7.70 1.1 SO C. J. D. Bauman. sheriff 78.76 C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff 5.38 West Coast Printing & Bind ing Co., Assessor 95.20 Kilham Stationery & Print ing Co., Assessor 13.25 to send season's greetings this way The Heppner Laundry, court house Case Furniture Co., court house Gilliam & Bisbee, court house Pacific Power & Light Co., court house Thomson Bros., jail Central Market, jail Heppner Laundry, jail Central Market and Groc. jail Court Street Market, jail Pacitic Tel. and Tel. Co. current expense Bradley D. Fancher, District Attorney Margaret Gillis, nurse mile age Oregon Dist. Attorney Assn. District Attorney Heppner Gazette Times, otticial publication .76 1.25 7.56 31.58 7.09 3.S2 1.28 9.73 65.94 75.11 30.00 59.71 10.00 46.S0 4.89 1 William C. Heath 242.47 Darold Hams 276H5 Flovd Borman 268.53 Austin Wilson 134.47 Wilbur Jackson 243.65 George A. Stalcup 193.20 Lewis Ball 285.15 Roger Allen 235.00 W. Cunningham 308.62 Jack Slocum 278.02 Carl Cropp 255.02 Ed Kelly 239.09 H. Sherer 355.74 Paul G. Pettyjohn Marshall Wells Stores Sunset Motor Co. Wentworth and Irwin Contractor Equipment Cpn. 12.35 Citv of Heppner. water Dept. 1.95 D. H. Jones and Son 31.83 Western Auto Store 1.48 Heppner Hardware & Elec tric Co. 9.72 Unrein Motor Service 7.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND: Lexington Oil Co-op 21.80 Industrial Air Products Co. 8.69 Union Oil Co. 828.2.1 The Texas Co. 358.58 Columbia Equipment Co. 1.37 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 5.97 Heppner Lumber Co. 35.20 Jack Allen Supply Co. 12.54 Jones Scott Co. 8.25 Woodbury and Co. 17.81 Independent Garage 4.55 Newport Construction Co. and Russell Olson 2,170.80 S. C. Russell 14.10 Howard Cooper Corp. 30.85 Gilliam and Bisbee 60.27 Pacific Power and Light Co. 8.69 State Industrial Accident Commission 139.17 English and Co. 337.80 First National Bank of Portland 304.70 Interior Motor Freight 9.00 Heppner Garage 9.32 Braden Tractor & Equip. ment Co. 233.47 Scritsmler Lumber Co. 301.96 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND R. J. Stevens, coyote bounty 6.00 Herman Green, dog fund 50.00 Ralph Kincald, coyote bounty 6.00 E. R. Schaffer. coyote bounty 6.00 118.18 Jack Sumner, coyote bounty 6.00 10.03 1 Winona McCabe. coyote boun- 85.10 ty 6.00 Wayne Wilson, coyote bounty 6.00 Jeff Walker, coyote bounty 6.00 Victor Lovgren, coyote bounty b.uu William II. Nichols, coyote bounty 6.00 HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND: Dean Gilman 26.98 Ralph Scott Jr. 136.41 Walter Gilman 29.98 Dick Borman 14.84 Carl Cropp 1-35 State Industrial Accident Commission 4.33 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 35.70 8.00 1 1 Mr I " PIT 3 Phill Higgins, Bangs' Disease control Cornelius N. McLaughlin, Bangs' Disease control 24.00 Lulu M. Hager, Official Re. gistrar 5.00 State Industrial Accident Comm., Sheriff $3.81; Sher- " iff deputy salary 31c: Janitor salary 31c; court house 90c First National Bank of Port., withholding tax C. W. Barlow, county clerk Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. court house Heppner Lumber Co., in surance James Driscoll, postmaster, Assessor Helen O'Donnell, circuit court 20.00 C. W. Barlow, clerk expense 43.35 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND it-. 4f.'.. ' i : 7 'A y ... P. W. SCHNEIDER Assistant State Game Director Oregon State Game Commission 1 -TJK 5.64 201.05 5.87 24.70 66.40 45.00 MERCHANTS WISE .Advertise! Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorlon Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Walter Gilman Dick Borman Grover Peck Fred Booker Dean Gilman Ralph Scott, Jr. 238.57 237.11 285.62 251.95 216.65 144.42 GIVE YOUR CHILD A CHRISTMAS PRESENT That Will Grow With Him An Equitable Life Insurance Policy taken out in his name now can mean a college education for him. INVESTIGATE C A. Ruggles, Agent Ph one 723 H eppner DISTRIBUTORS . E. DICK HEPPNER GORDON WHITE IONE 25 will be told on a special broadcast of "NORTHWEST NEIGHBORS" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 For this Christmas season, your "Northwest Neighbors' radio program will return for a special broadcast. Tht occasion is the fifteenth annual presentation of "The Story of the Nativity". This program, long an institution in Pacific Northwest radio, is being returned this year as our way of wishing you a very Merry Christmas. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY C'lStCU to "THE STORY OF THE NATIVITY" 9.30 P.M., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 KOIN... Portland KODL.Jhe Dalles KUJ... Walla Walla KWRC... Pendleton KYAK... Yakima 22 Tt fir So JJSi 11 s si 7 d k v fa it m.vyj j i Limine 2? 4 5f KBND...Bend K AST.. .Astoria 3 S! it Every member of our Store extends to you and yours sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas. May Santa Claus be bountiful and your Christmas tree heavy with good fortune! k k k Case Furniture Co. Te call m oes it all 39,4 ,one m ilXV IN reIifbJedeliverv ereSt-1 fkj 8PrWCethat yo'ura?matiC refi11 Mobilheat is . . . hoMer-Mobllhcat turns and atomizes freely for quick, sure heat in any type of burner. Not a by-product - specially refined for oil burner use. cleoner-Mobilheat Is free from Impurities, burns clean. conveniont-Mobilheat supplies steady, even warmth all winter long. Flows freely. Don't delay-call today I PAUL General PETTYJOHN Petroleum Distributor lone, Oregon