Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 22, 1949 Page 3 Lexington P. T. A. Holds Meeting and Christmas Party m,Tnh.MLeXlnR,."n PTA hld "S monthly meetint! and Christmas party last Wednesday night in 'he school auditorium. A nice program consisting of a dance and song by the Blue Birds, lead er Mrs Roger Anderson; a hedley ot Christmas sones. Beitv u... m- ulann iiin i ii x, V ao Kiveii a uuiurem color Ul Deann f S,,V U"il N'Kh ' creI)e and told to tear out sophomores; Floyd Breeding, Ray i'apineau, John Edwards, Juniora, and Marvin Way and Charlie Padberg, seniors. Later on In the program the manager of the girls volleyball team, Garnet Buchan an, gave a talk on the team and asked assistance in obtaining suits for the girls. The P-TA went on record for buying two. After a business meeting, refreshments were served In the lunch room. The primary grade received the room count. The I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges held their regular meeting and Joint party Thursday night at the lodge hall. Each member was given a different color ui Ueanna memrnii oj T ' --v vy-i aim iuiu iu iear oui r lo Tan, ' n d, PJano and Put ona hat in lne five mln Ini.nrt i, 5- l,,J?,n Bree. utes allotted. Prizes were won by Ml, l'I tanlrell. After Mrs. Marie Martin and Cecil d his team u, ,L f Vr V, m" Jones- aifls Wl're exchanged by tUtUlaJXi111 leUer passing the Blft around a circle iW, v r mm C ing ,hem Were t0 music P'a-ved by Mrs. Truman IX'nny McMillan, manager; Max Messenger T.atn ,i this Mr. Feathers, coach cc i-nny McMillan, manager; Max Breeding and Earl Miller, fresh men; Ronald Fahl, Gene Sawyer, Messenger. Later lovely refresh ments were served in the kitchen. Red and green Jello, Christmas cookies and coffee, and chicken sandwiches were served by the refreshment committee, Thelma Anderson, Freda Majeske, and Mildred Davidson. Bud Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Marshall is home for the Christmas vacation from his school in the valley. The young adult class held the regular meeting and a party at the Joe Feathers borne Monday. After a lovely evening, and an exchange of gifts, recording of their voices and Christmas songs were iaKen Dy Mr. Hands. The Lexington grange had the rosier nigni program and Christ mas party in a Joint meeting Sat urday night. An Interesting pro gram was enjoyed piano solo, anw flake , Charlene Jones; reading, Night Before Christmas, Russell Dolven; reading, Kenneth Nelson; piano solo, Janice Mar tin, and square dances by the Ne-Top-Pew girls, accompanied by school chums. A medley of songs were sung by the different CHE BOAR CHEESis in a Special Christmns Pask Here's a gift of good taste Mayflower's fully aged cheese in a colorful Christmas wrapping and packed in a decorated ship ping carton ready to mail anywhere. Your friends will enjoy receiving this Oregon-made product so typical of the great Pacific Northwest. IF NOT AVAILABLE AT YOUR GROCER'S ORDER BY MAIL WITH THIS CONVENIENT COUPON fc ' - VE 2138 STAR ge REPORTER 1 youngsters. Refreshments of cake, cookies, coffee and sandwiches were served In the lunch room. The youngsters played bingo In the basement. Later all those who wished stayed and played pino chle. The Christmas program at the church was well attended Sunday night. The beginners and primary classess under the leadership of Mrs. Truman Messenger, Mrs. Cantrell and Mrs. Don Campbell had several selections and all sang "Christmas Day Is Here", Away in a Manger, and Gospel Bells. Junior class had a candle light ceremony recitation, and pi ano trio, Birdie Cantrell, Joan Breeding and Marilyn Munkers, Mrs. Vernon Munkers teacher. The intermediate class gave a tableau portraying Christ's birth, and a trio, Beverly Nolan, Patricia McMilla anl Bety Messenger, sang "Beautiful Night." The young adult class, teacher Mr. Messen ger, gave a tableau portraying Christ's birth, using slides. The reading was by Mrs. Gerald Baker with the c ass singing appropn ate songs in chorus. The slides were made by Mrs. Rand. Two numbers, "Holy Night" and "In a Lowly Manger ' were sung by the church choir. A special offering of $40 was taken in and sent to the Northwest Christian home for the aged at Beaverton. Opening, offering and closing prayers were by Mr. Cantrell The Lexington high school has announced its honor roll for the last six weeks. These are the stu dents with 2's or over Marvin Way, senior; Patty Majeske, Jun ior and arl Miller, freshman. Lexington Jackrabbits met trw Fossil team on the local floor Tuesday night. The score was 32 30 in favor of Fossil. It was an interesting game requiring an ex tra minute of play-off to breaK the 30-30 tie. The Lexington school has two new gym mats and a first aid cabinet as of this week. J. S. Feathers and the local school have a letter from Cliff Robinson, director of secondary education and representing Rex Putnam, stating that after three years of effort the Lexington high school has met all the standards and is now a registered standard high school of the state of Ore gon. gon. Also the Lexington school bus has passed its test and Is standard in very way. Mr. and Mrs. James Bloods worth were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Wal lace were Portland and Hubbard visitors over the week-end. They also attended the Ice Cycles In Portland. RHEA CREEK GRANGE NEWS The December meeting of Rhea Creek grange HEC was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Becket on Thursday, with Mesdames Barton Clark, Walter Wright, Bill Privett, Carl Bergstrom, Ray Drake Ray Wright, Al Lovgren, Clifford Hermanns, Charles Becket, FranK E. Parker, Harold Wright, Douglas Drake, Elmer Palmer, Clive Hus ton, Orain Wright, Clyde Wright, and Alta Stevens attending. A delicious dinner was served fol lowed by the regular business meeting. Presents were exchang ed, and the rest of the afternoon was spent wrapping gifts pur chased by the HEC for the sol diers at the veterans hospital. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Palmer, January 19. Remember the Christmas party to be held at the hall December 23. Gift exchange and program. The officers of Rhea Creek grange want to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope to see you at the meetings in the coming year. Admlnlon prloai afternoon and aranlnf , nnlMt sp olitoally adrtlied to b othinrlMi Children I Sat. Frio .17, rtd. Tax .03, Total Moj Orad and High School Student! U ym and orsrt Bit. PrlM .40, FL Tax .10, Total 50o ; Adultal Et. Prloa .600, rod. Tax .10, Total GOo. tw; child ooonpylng a teat nut hava a ticket. Sunday ahowa contlunoni from 1 p. m. advsrtlaed AU waning ahowi itart at 7:30 p. m., nnlaai otharwlaa Sunday-Monday. December 2S-26 Yessir, That's My Baby Donald O'Connor, Charles Coburn, Gloria DcHaven, Joshua Shelley Technicolor comedy with music, dancing and gridiron rivalry the 1949 version of the 3 Ks . . . rradin', rit in' and rompers! PLUS How Much Do You Owe? An entertaining educational short created to tell the story that must be told to all America, starring James Stewart. Dog Of The Wild Another In the excellent "Pai" series. Tuesday-Wednesday, December 27-28 Mighty Joe Young Terry Moore, Ben Johnson, Robert Arm strong, Frank McHugh, Douglas Fowley An amazing adventure into the unusual . . . a pimvheel of adventure, fantasy, ac tion and humor. You can look at It for laughs or for thrills ... It has plenty of both! Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., December 29-30-31 Calomity Jane and Sam Bass Yvonne DeCarlo, Howard Duff, Willard Parker, Lloyd Bridges, Marc Lawrence Famous western characters Calamity Jane and Sam Bass are given entertaining treatment in a lively outdoors film, splen didly photographed in Technicolor. PLUS Saluu'os Amigos Reissue of one of Walt Disney's famous feature cartoons In Technicolor. Boardman Couple Celebrate 42nd Anniversary Date By MRS. FLOSSIE COATS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown cele brated their 42nd wedding anni versary at their home, with seve. ral friends Joining them in pot luck dinner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Former, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wyss, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulligan and fam ily, Mrs. Stanley Tripp of Corval lis, and the Brown's daughter, Mrs. Katherine Dunn and son Reo of Richland. Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs several days this week was Mrs. Stanley Tripp, de. partment president of V.F.W., Corvallis. Mrs. Tripp installed the new officers of the auxiliary at Umatilla which was recently in stituted by Mrs. Mary Altman of Portland, department chief of staff. Mrs. Altman was also a guest at the Briggs home. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carpenter are Mrs. Carpenter's mother, Mrs. Rosena Lachance, and her sister, Miss Eva Lachance of Tacoma, who will remain with her until after Christmas. County Health Nurse Miss Mar garet Gillis of Heppner was visit ing the school Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole left Saturday for Portland to attend the 66th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pew, and will remain until Christmas, also visiting other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Conyers and family, recently of Spokane, left Friday for Pasadena, Calif, where they will make their home. The Conyers have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vet Conyers. Many students are absent from school due to bad colds. The Boardman Community church program will be Friday evening, 8 p. m., at the church. The Lowell Shattuck family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith mo tored to Pendleton Sunday after noon where they attended the Christmas program at the St. Ma- ry s church. Martin Shattuck and Ralph Smith are students at the Academy. Mr. and Mrs. John Partlow and family, Mrs. Adeline Baker and son Harold motored to La Grande Sunday. Mrs. Paul Smith of Union ar rived Saturday to spend the holi days with her sonin-law and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe. Other members of the family will come later in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Macomber, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely motored to Pendleton Friday evening where they attended a farewell potluck dinner given for State Highway Koadmaster Parsons. The men are employees of the state highway department. Mr .and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys and family of Pendleton were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber, the event being the eighth birthday of Pat Petteys. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber, Dale, Lee and Viola Macomber of Arlington were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root. Charles Stoltnow spent the week-end here from Pilot Rock. He and Mrs. Stoltnow will leave Monday for San Srancisco to spend Christmas with his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stolt now. Mr. and Mrs. Vet Conyers left Wednesday with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Con yers, of Spokane, for San Ansel mo, Calif, to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Brown and Miss Betty Conyers, daugh ter of Vernon Conyers. Mr. and Mrs. George Gustin who recently sold their farm have located at South Beach, near IWaldport. They returned Monday auer more oi tneir household effects. o CHURCHES at 11 o'clock coming of the Saviour " will be Week dayservices-HoIy com-lthe subject for next Sunday. Why " , ""'.rj- j... J m imt mako the church your out- munion on wtrunouay w i METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Christmas day Sunday: Morn ing worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Special music by the choir, Paul McCoy, director. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. Oliver Creswick, superin tendent. We have a class for ev ery age. Youth Fellowship and Bible class this same hour. Thursday, choir practice at 7:30 p. m. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed. nesday of each month; Suzanna Wesley Circle of the WSCS meets third Wednesday of each month. Christmas program: The Sun day school Christmas program will be at 7:30 p. m. Friday, De cember 23. All are welcome. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Shelby E. Graves What does Christmas mean to God? To the Son? To the world? To you? John 3:16. 9:45 a. m. Bible schoo . Mrs. Raymond Pettyjohn, superintend ent. 11 a. m. Worship service. 7 p. m. Youth for Christ. 7:30 p m We are having a pro gram in honor of the birth of Christ. Tuesday, 7 to 8 p. m. Bible club. Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer meeting. Friday, 7:30 p. m. Bible study in lone. In honor of the birth of Christ. won't you come to church? ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Christmas services Christmas Eve (Saturday) midnight serv ice choral eucharist, 11:30 p. m. Christmas day No church school session. Holy communion Choir Dractices Girls choir, Wednesday at 4. adult choir at 8 p. m. Thursday. Boy Scouts from 7:30 to 9 Wed nesday evening. No archery practice this week HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner, Minister 9:45 a. m.. Bible school, C. W. Barlow, surjerintendent I 11 a. m., moming worship and communion service. Sermon theme 'The True Meaning of Christ mas." nursery conducted for con. venience of parents. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship ser vice. Sermon theme, "The Friend of the Bridegroom." Tuesday, 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. Thursday, 7 p. m., choir prac tice. 8 p. m. Midweek service. LEXINGTON CHURCH Tour Community Church Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister "What is Christmas? And the attitude of the world toward the A Merry n Christmas (standing attraction on Christmas Day and take in an services ui the day in a spirit of real wor ship. And now I wish for you all a very pleasant and rich day of blessings as we all honor the Christ who lived and died for us, whose birth we are about to cele brate. Church school 10 a. m. Worship and preaching 11 a. m. Singing and preaching 7:30 p. m. . o CHURCH PROGRA MCHANCED The Christmas program given by the Bible school of the Church of Christ which was originally announced for Sunday evening, December 25, has been changed to Friday evening, December 23 at 7:30 p. m. in the church sanctuary; TO SELL 'EM, TELL 'EM- With An Ad p - - We are glad of this chance to greet you and hope Old Saint Nick has a bagful of happiness for you this year. Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service s? Saager's Pharmacy has AN AH I ST New Cold1 Remedy PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and Ion MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery Under New Ownership Otto Nooy Maurice Kennedy SPECIAL! ANNUAL FREE CHRISTMAS MATINEE 2 p. m. Saturday, December 24 Sponsored Jointly by STAR THEATER andTY, fcased on the immortal horse story, B P. O. E, No 358 J1'118 ,wo cartoons. Everybody is welcome to come to this free show as long as there The feature picture will be BLACK BEAU- Is room for the children. Be on time! Boxofflce open until 9:30, Saturday, New Year's Eve. Those coming to the show at 9:30 will be out Just at midnight. 3 A MKRRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL! We wish every one of our patrons and ( W friends the very best during this Season of Good Cheer and it Is our sincere hope i j that the NEW YEAR brings all of you peace, happiness and prosperity! f O THE GEORGES , m Elaine, Oscar, Kit, David Farmers Inquire about our special blanket liability policy. Complete liability and medical coTerage on all operations Teh 1 c 1 , equipment and livestock Included. Turner, Van Marter and Company Typewriters Adding Machines New and Used Guaranteed Office Machine Repairing Call or Write Henderson Office Supply 18 N. 2nd Phone 372 Walla Walla, Wash. S5; Ml s s ''f if 'jjlj i L 1 Phone 152 Heppner Oregon A Merry Merry Christmas to you all There is no better time to tell you how grateful we are for your patronage and friendship through the years we have been in business . . . Your kindness has meant our success. LA V!: i A rr iii 1 j km FARLEY PONTIAC COMPANY Willys Dealer 8 8