Poge 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 15, 1949 Tt ' " 9 I 6 Good things come in small packag es . . and if you want to delight the MIXERS General Electric - - 34.95 Sunbeam - - 39.50 Hamilton-Beach - 39.25 "lady in your life" try one of these small appliances! IRONS General Electric Steam - 17.95 General Electric Automatic 11.95 Sunbeam .... 12.50 Proctor .... 9.95 ft ft S3 ? 981 Sf 5X If COFFEE MAKERS General Electric Automtaic - 12.95 Universal Coffeematic - 24.95 Sunbeam Coffeemaster - 32.50 CLOCKS General Electric Kitchen & Living Room $5.95 and up t? ALS0 ff WAFFLE IRONS, SANDWICH GRILLS, CORN POPPERS P E Heppner Hardware 6 Electric Co. 8 k ft IS ! S fig In for ALL atREXALL Christmas Parade of Beauty Gifts Caia Nome and White Mink HUDNUT: DuBarry, Yankee Clover, Violet Sec YARDLEY: Old English Lavender, April Violet Lotus SHULTON: Old Spice, Friendship Garden, Desert Flower OLD SOUTH: Woodland Spice, Cotton Blossom, Plantation Garden HERB FARM: Night Scented Stock, White Phlox, Green Moss, London Mist MAX FACTOR: Tussy, Evening in Paris Strictly Masculine After Shave Lotion, Cologne, Shaving Soap In Stag, Tardier, Seaforth, Old Spice, Town, Saddle Club FOUNTAIN PENS: Parker 51' and '21'j Sheaffer, Eversharp SWEET TREATS for Christmas Assorted Chocolates in 1 -pound, 2-pound and 5-pound Whitman, Gales, Brown & Haley, "Ducklings" ft I ft ft 13 ft I tar. ft .5 ft IS ft ft ft Humphreys Drug Co. 1 Winter Weather Hits Kinzua With Force Past Weekend By ELS A M. LEATHERS Winter weather hit Kinzua this week, with light snow on Friday evening. Around four below zero Saturday evening. More snow Sunday night and Monday morn ing, and chinooking Monday af ternoon. However, the bad roads were responsible for many cars in ditches, with minor damages. Larry Cook Sr. was not so fortu nate as some. His car was badiy wrecked Saturday night near Dy er park, between Fossil and Con don. He was able to return to Camp 5 Sunday afternoon. John Howk's and Zolan Tripp s vehic les were reported wrecked on the way to The Dalles Saturday. Rev. Bert T. Albritton from the Assembly of God church in Fossil conducted services here Wednes day night in Jeffmore hall, with a large crowd in attendance. The song service and special numbers by local people were also enjoyed. Phil Doerr was painfully burn. ed Monday evening at the ma chine shops by hot water. He re ceived first aid at the hospital. Clarence Briggs of Bend, busi ness agent for the Central Oregon district, attended the union AFL meeting Thursday evening. He showed a movie after the meet ing. The high school students were returned to their homes Monday before noon, after it was learned I the water facilities at the court house, where they attend school MS I I I 5a & 22 ft ft H m iijff! Furniture is the answer to your Christmas shop- t t jSj ? ? ping problem, for fine furniture pleases every- I J P j H -.IbJ one even people who "have everything''. ' w jj I? It Make this a furniture Christmas for the famil- &: B. 5? 53 LI L ft ? Rnnlracoc ies on your gift list and for your own family, HaSSOCKS ft M 1 too and you'll make this a Christmas to be Hassocks add a t0"cuh of 8 ft 22 ' comfort and homishness S J g g In beautiful, highly polish- remembered! tor old and young. ft PL " ed hardwood finishes. Your fj J jj choice of many styles, sizes. Sls f 6i kil Coffee I I II iF Table II gj R rpQX One more coffee table never jg Jf M PI J FSCdM5s f "... uurs is a Record " ? I g Cabinets ffS ft I & m Gladden the home-maker's heart with new I IM-L 85 ft Conveniently store albums fcgfr jfc&Sfcj 0 5 and individual records. dishes for her holiday table She'll like lU'y'X ft ft ? p' Styled to blend with modern them ffjJ & S and traditional decors. jfjffi 1 I l 1 if 1 1 Easy Cha,rs r; I ' chair of rare comfort that CHbs MoreShopping Days Until Christmas! J g g Dont forget the wee ones. Hff II ft BS f Jf M high chair for the most im- r? Jjf portant member of the jf C 3 household. c5 Furniture Co. High Chaii ft in Fossil, were frozen up. Bill Mattler of La Grande was visiting in Kinzua Monday. He left Kinzua's employ to be a state game warden and is located at La Grande. Mr .and Mrs. Carl Coleman went to Portland the last of the week. He will go to Palm Springs, Calif, and San Diego to spend the winter. Mrs. Coleman will stay here until in January when she will join her husband. Carl Jr. attended school here. Malcolm Keys, Wheeler county sheriff, was attending to official business here Friday afternoon. Mrs. R. M. Wright, chairman or the Christmas Seal sale, mailed the stamps out this week. All are urged to return money for the stamps at once. A large number of Kinzua peo ple went to Condon on the 6th to watch the basketball games be tween Condon, Fossil, Arlington and Heppner. Ralph Moore and daughter Kay were in town from Camp 5 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Doerr and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Halverson spent the week-end at Bend where they were shopping. A. B. Wham moved his family here over the wek-end from Day. ville. They are occupying the house vacated by the Bill Greens. Mr. and Mrs. Claud England left Monday to spend several days in Portland where they plan to shop and attend to business. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hines and Ginger were in Condon Saturday where both Mrs. Hines and Gin ger visited the dentist. They also did some shopping. Forest Graham and children, Roger and Barbara, returned Sun. day from The Dalles after spend ing the week-end with Mrs. Gra ham who had undergone a major operation at The Dalles hospital on Thursday. At the time of this writing she was getting along fine. Jimmie Adkins and Mark Jell- ick went Friday to The Dalles where they visited Jimmie's aunt, Sadie Austin. They returned Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green and daughter left Saturday for their home in Mack's Creek, Mo. They have a small farm and will not return to Kinzua. They lived here four years. Bill will be known as the pitcher for the baseball team here the past three seasons. Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Stander and children returned from Portland Friday where they spent several days shopping and where Mrs. O'Stander had dental work done, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Kelly are the parents of a son born Decem ber 2 at a Walla Walla hospital He was named Clinton Elmo and tipped the scales at 8 pounds 1 ounce. Mrs. Kelly has spent the last several weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Robbs, and with Mr. and Mrs. W H. Kelly Jr. of Milton. They are also the paternal and maternal grandparents. Mr. Kelly brought his wife and son home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robinson and Doris left Thursday evening for Medford where his mother, Mrs. Gretchen Anfinson, is serl ously ill. She is at the home of her daughter Eva. Mrs. Anfinson is well known in Morrow county, as she lived there many years, in Burton Valley, and was Mrs. Miles Mulligan. Cecil Martin who was injured at the mill several weeks ago, when his foot was badly cut, re turned to his home this week end. He has to use crutches yet. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wright spent several days in Pendleton this week where Mr. Wright was receiving medical attention. They motored on to La Grande to at tend a business meeting for K. P. M. Co. returning home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs O. D. Baker left Friday for the south to spend their vacation. They plan to put in most of their time In Mexico. Call SAAGER'S PHARMACY to see the ALL NEW REMINGTON PORTABLE An Ideal Gift for CHRISTMAS Phone 62 Henderson Office Supply Walla Walla, Wash. A Pendleton VIRGIN WOOL SHIRT makes an ideal gift for the outdoor man. 8.95 to 11.95 Wilson's Men's Wear New Hospital Plan Sweeps Eastern Ore. Entire Family Protect ed for Sickness, Acci dents and Childbirth Pays Surgery, Hospital Room, Miscellaneous Hospital Expenses 8 Dreaded Diseases Supplement Policy Pays up to $5,000 for Each Member No Waiting Period Free Information An entirely new low cost Hos pital Plan sweeps this com munity find out all about it absolutely free and decide for yourself that you want cash In case you have to go to a hospi tal on account of sickness, ac cident, or childbirth. Hospital Room and Board Paid This new liberal hospital plan pays: (1) Cash for room and meals in hospital for any mem ber of you rfamlly; (2) Cash to pay for various hospital extra room fee, medicines, X-rays, charges, such as operating anesthetic, ambulance service etc.! (3) Cash to help pay th surgeon fees. Costs Only a Few Cents a Day And all the members of your immediate family (ages up to 80) are protected under a sin gle contract, on which you pay only one small premium each month. Only a few cents for the average family. Old Established Company This plan is backed by the Re serve Life Insurance Company which has already paid thous ands and thousands of dollars in claims and is rated "A" plus in Dunne's Insurance Report Remember, you are paid cash for hospital expenses whether the disability occurs at home or at work. And you are not limited to any certain hospital or any certain doctor. Includes Childbirth Many Extra Benefits This liberal plan provides many other benefits, too. But anyone interested can secure full and complete Information free by mailing the coupon be low. There Is on obligation and no cost to you. Send this cou pon now. Reserve Hospital Plan MAIL FREE COUPON General Delivery Heppner, Oregon New Hospital Plan HOSPITALIZATION DIVISION ( ) Family Hospital Dan ( ) Individual Hospllnl IMan Name Street City .... State .. 3