Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 08, 1949, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 8, 1949
KPM Supts. Attend
Industrial Safety
Meet in Portland
M. R. Wright, superintendent of
the mill and green chain, and
Maurice Brown, superintendent of
the planer and factory, were rep
resentatives for the KPM Co. at
the industrial salety conference
in Portland Wednesday-Thursday
of last week. Both Mrs. Wright
and Mrs. Brown accompanied
their husbands. Mrs. H. Newby,
Mrs. Brown's mother, also went
and visited her daughter, Mrs. Ed
Bush in Portland.
The American Legion is spon
soring a shoot on Sunday, Dec.
11. Lunch will be served by the
auxiliary ladies.
Mrs. Joe Woolin began work at
the Kinzua Mercantile, in the dry
goods department, until the holi
day rush is over.
The local show management
made a change in their show
cards. Beginning Saturday they
will run a matinee at 3:30 p. m.
and the same show again at the
regular hour. 7:30. On Sunday a
new show, the same procedure as
on Saturday, llerea.ur there will
be no show during the week.
John Hawk ,who was admitted
to the TB hospital at The Dalles
on Tuesday of last week, was dir.
charged and returned home Sat
urday. He has been ill the past
several months and has been at
the veterans hospital in Portland,
but was released.
James Hanna, Marvin Jones
to see
An Ideal Gift
Phone 62
Henderson Office
Walla Walla, Wash.
and Sam Parker began work here
Monday from Camp 5 where the
logging operations are slowing
down due to weather conditions.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wall mo
tored to Umatilla for the week
end to visit with her sister, Mrs.
F. J. Maroney.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robison
and daughter Doris went to Port,
land Thursday p-i'p"
Mrs. Rohison attended a teacher
' ' , , i' .e. tilers,
one from Mitchell and one from
Condon, accompanied them. They
returned Saturday. Carl Manske
taught in Mrs. Robison's place on
The stale forester and f'imily
stationed here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Wren and boys, have returned
from a vacation that took them
to Fresno, Calif, to visit his par-
A Contest to find a Dime for tht new low.
priced car in the low-price Geld that will bi
added to the KaiserFrater line. First prise,
110,000.00 cash. Orer 1000 other oh prize
Every priie matched, dollarfor-dollar, by
faih donation to the Damon Runyon Memo
rial Cancer Fund, in nonor of each individual
prise winner
Hav your Kainer-Fraier dealer or salesman
enter an approximate appraisal of your pres
ent car on your Official Entry Blank and you
automatically double any priie money you
might win, and double any donation to the
Cancer Fund in your honorl
Your Kaiser Fraier dealer has your Official
Entry Blank. Contains all rules. Costs nothing
lo enter. Send in as many entries as you please.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wren,
and other relatives in California.
, While in southern Oregon they
visited Crater Lake and in the
Rogue River valley and at Grants
Pass they visiteu Mr. and Mrs.
Schumaker, Mrs. Wren's sister,
j Mrs. John Hawk and two sons,
land Mrs. Floyd Nelson and two
i laughters left Arlington Wednes
day night by bus for Tennessee
where they were called by the
death of their father. Fioyu Nc-i-son
took them to Arlington.
Edwin Derrick of Fossil began
work here again this wee.k He
left here about a year ago to
study- fit a bible school in Port
land. Since his return to Wheeler
county he has been assisting with
Sunday school work and the
church services at the community
hall here.
The Leo Andersons and family
and Mrs. Annie Anderson moved
to Ellensburg, Wash, during the
week. Anderson had been prev
iously employed on the section
of highway between Camp 5 and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott left
Friday for Portland where he con
sulted his doctor about pine poi
soning on his hands. They re
turned home Sunday.
Sheridan Ledford returned to
Kinzua from North Carolina
where he visited his parents the
past month.
Samuel Matteson took his wife
and small daughter to The Dalles
Saturday where they left by Unit
ed Air Lines for San Diego. She
will visit briefly at the home of
her parents before entering a hos
pital for a major operation.
Harve Boyer returned home
Saturday after spending a week
in Baker where his mother is ser.
iously ill in the hospital.
Continued on next page
makes an ideal
Gift for the whole
Wilson's Men's
Furniture, tamplet, plumbing or treetf
SporUgear, luggage, lumber or $kit!
Haul 'era away, for work or play,
i'our Traveler hold 'em neat at you please!
World's most useful car!
Only Kaiser Traveler givi you
thii out sited, tteelthod cargo
hold ilmott 10-fret long, with
full 33-inch clearance over fold
down tailgate.
Only Kaiser Travelsr hat a cargo
hatch that swings open clear to
the roof, with 4rt" minimum width
and 38.6 square feet of steel
shod cargo deck space.
Count 'em... 6 persona sit in roomy comfort in theTVtveler as t luxury
sedan; in just 10 seconds it converts into a spacious cargo carrier 1
123Mi-inch wheelbase. Thunderhead Engine has gas-saving 7.3-to-l
high compression ratio. Note! Dust and noise sealed out with
improved insulation. Soul Famous Tru-line steering made better,
safer, stronger. A'otc Improved shock absorbers give an even
smoother ride on rough roads. AW.' Silent, "velvet-action" clutch,
Kowl Re-designed ducts provide better year 'round ventilation.
Come in today for a demonstration of the world's most useful car;
the 2-cars-in-one Kaiser Traveler for 1950!