Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 8, 1949 Club inflows Sharon Beoket will join the club I Anderson. Other members of the jat the next meeting. Mrs. Loyd is club are Helen Graham. Jean Ma j t he leader. The girls elected the'rie Graham and Janet Wightmn. following officers: Eleanor Rice. This club will have its first cloth, pro.-iiient; Donhy French, vice j ing lesson Saturday, December 10. president: Sandra Lanham, see- New Men In Old Business .... A child care club was organized November 29 at Mrs Jack Loyd's. There were nine girls who attend ed, Including Sandra Lanham, Judy Thompson, Dorthy French, Reita Graves, Eleanor Rice, Nan cy Ball, Clariece Hastings. Kay Valentine and Nancv Ruth Green. rotary and Nancy Ball, reporter. The girls will meet December 9 when they will name their club. They will learn how to care for a child and the responsibility of caring for children of ail ages. A new- clothing I club was or ganized Monday evening with Mrs. N.'C. Anderson as the leader. Singing Sewers 4-H Club News The second meeting of the Sew. ing 1-A club, u.n;er the leader ship of Mrs. E. M. Baker and Jun ior Leader lngrid Hermann, was held in the lunch room of the lone school on November 21. A name for the club was chosen at i- """""j r,"'6 " mis time, l no program tor t lie dav was the 4 II club uledee. ex- in .-;. uii-nLw-is cinicu me wi-jiiiiined bv Miss Hermann, and lowing officers: President, Peggy demonstrations by Mrs. Baker on Wightman; vice present, Jo-1 the correct use of scissors and Anne Wilson: secretary, Carole thimble and the proper way to IatPENNEYS 22 52? It St. y a 5f 23 13 L I? . if 3 U & 3 If If If If If & 1 If -S If & if if if A WORLD OF : Thrifty MuTti Filament Rayon Crepe Slips S2-98 Lavish Lace trims Sizes 32 to 42 mm All Nylon Knit Gowns Pure Nylon Knit, with nylon O ft A lace trim . . .White, Pink, Blue uDvU Melon and Maize . . . Small Medium, Large Rayon Jersey Knit Gowns 81-98 Sizes 32 to 40 Lace trimmed . . "White and Maize Blue, Pink, t1 ,5V 5 1' FOUR PIECE DRESSER SETS 4.98 Lovely! Nylon bristle brush, bevelled band mirror, powder jar. and comb beautifully pack aged in a rayon lined box. Large assortment GIVE HER A BLOUSE! 2.98 Tailored or fussy style with short sleeves I They come in rayon crepe or a rayon-and-nylon blend. White and pastels. 32-38. BOXED TOWEL HOLIDAY SETS On every woman's "wish ing" list I Handsome terry towels with bold black stripe border. Bath towel, two hand towels, two wash cloths. "Decorator" colors. Rayon Flecked Broadcloth Shirts NEW HIGH IN SMARTNESS SAME LOW C-6-O PRICE 2 98 Here's a grift shirt for men who like lots of style This Towncralt Sanforized cotton broadcloth is flecked with lustrous rayon dots that make it a sure-fire fashion favor ite. Ocean pearl buttons . . Nu-Craft collar . . white or colors. Sizes 14-17 LINED CAPE SKIN GLOVES 1.98 Men's warm, cotton lined gloves like these take the bite out of win ter winds. Generously sized fingers, strong seams and smart capo skin leather in brown, black, cork I f -V f 'j,.ti'v . ..v v, Maurice Kennedy, left and Ot to Nooy, two Pendleton young men, have purchased the Fen-dleton-Heppner Freight Line, of which they took possession De cember 1. Both are ex-service men and since returning to civil, ian status, Nooy has been asso ciated with his father in operat- mg the Consolidatea Dairy in Pendleton, while Kennedy has been with the railroad company. They have been familiarizing themselves with their territory and hope to establish daily ser vice between Pendleton and towns of the branch line. The present service is three times a week. i , -a - - n 2.79 I a Mi a M "V g'v . v y - St V ' Fz&J 'X 15 k. thread a needle. The first meeting was held No. vember 7 in the lone school. At this meeting the club was organ ized and officers were elected as follows: President, Grace McCabe; vice president, Bonnie Crum; sec retary, Mardene Baker; news re porter, Anne Belle Coleman. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Baker. A Christmas program has been planned for this meeting. The Six Busy Cooks breakfast club met at lone school house on November 16 to discuss grooming and cleanliness. Ruby Ann Riet mann and Lola Ann McCabe, lea ders of the group, demonstrated proper method of washing the hands and general care of the hands. Louise Botts and Sandra Dav idson were chosen as song lead ers. The next club meeting will be the first cooking lesson. Recently announced is the 1950 National 4-H Farm and Home Electric Awards program. This is one of the first national contests to be announced for the new club year. Its objectives are to develop an interest in electrical methods and equipment and to develop profitable utilization of electri city on the farm. With many farms in Morrow county now getting electricity, this contest should become one of great popularity. The contest sponsored by the Westinghouse Educational Foun dation offers county, state and national awards. All club mem bers 14 years or older are eligi ble. For further information con tact the county agent's office. Meeting at the Earl McKinney farm on Rhea creek Sunday, the lone Livestock club completed or. ganization for the year as well as regular business of the club. Officers of the club are Richard Ekstrom, president; Duane Baker, vice president; Malcolm McKin ney, secretary. Leader of the club is Earl McKinney with the as sistance of a junior leader, Ron ald Baker. Other members of the club are lngrid Hermann, Mar dene Baker, Leland McKinney, Herbert Ekstrom, Loy Keene, Ja net and John Howton. The county agent showed the film, "Lost Harvest" on smut con trol. Plans were made for a Christmas party to be held at the Baker home on Friday evening, December 23. The program of work for the year was discussed and the committee appointed to draw up the program. Ronald Ba. ker gave some pointers on sheep identification and history of the breeds. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. McKinney. A new club organized the past week is a home beautification and garden project led by Mrs. Leo V. Root of Boardman. Offi cers of the club are, president, Marilyn Barham; vice president, Fred Knight; secretary, Richard Barham. Other members are Gra cia Veelle and Larry Thorpe. o GIFT WRAPPING GIVEN AT LENA Thursday afternoon 19 women attended the Lena unit meeting to hear Miss Wilson discuss gift wrapping. She stressed original ity and using materials on hand. She also suggested wrapping large boxes to look like children's blocks using scraps of wrappings. One common difficulty Is using too much paper. Following this discussion, unit members parti cipated in a contest of "tearable art". Each woman tore out (be hind her back) the Christmas present she wanted and then all guessed. Miss Wilson led three other games before the meeting closed. Two guests from Gilliam and Sherman counties attended, Timely bulletins available at the IJDA's office are "Turkey on the Table the Year Round" and "Directions for Making Home made Toys." Call or write for these bulletins. I Miss Mabel Wilson Is attend ing a training meeting in Cor vallls before the annual confer ence of extension workers In Ore. gon to be held December 1215. i NIFTY KNITTERS LATEST 4-H CLUB ACTIVITY At a meeting -held Thursday, December 1, the members of the new knitting club chose the name "Nifty Knitters." We were taught to cast on stitches and to do the knitting stitch. We are to practice In our spare time. Helen Graham joined the club, this making 11 girls altogether. At the close of the meeting, re freshments were served. Reporter, Janice Beamer. r-0 Continued from page one entertained with a stork shower Tuesday evening at the Keeling residence on Jones stret for Mrs. Paul McCoy and Mrs. Carl Mc Daniel Invitations were extended to 38 guests. Refreshments were served. Miss Viola Macomber who is leaving the last of the week to make her home in Arlington, was the honor guest at a farewell party at the telephone office Tues day evening. Present were Misses Leatha Smith, Patricia Pierson, Mrs. Grace Buschke, Mrs. Ger trude Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hart, Mrs. Pearl Steers, Mrs. Doris Wilson and Mrs. Lena Gen try. MissMacomber will work hi the Arlington teleohone offipp o Boardman Boy Is Winner in Bank's Pig Litter Contest Blue Mountain and Eastern Ore gon districts showed the way to the rest of the state in the Oregon Banker's association sponsored I pig litter contest for 19-18-49, which ended October 31. A total of 178 entries, a record number. were entered in this year's con test from 35 chapters. Tim Robinson of Boardman had the winning sow litter with his 13 Chester While pigs tipping the scales at 281.3 pounds at 35 days of age. John Toombs, Nyssa Fu ture Farmer, raised 12 Chester Whites to a 35-day weight of 259.9 pounds to lead the gilt di vision. LATE SHOPPERS! New Assortment of Boxed Stationery just in Save time and worry Give a Personalized Gift Christmas Cards Imprinted Business, Bookkeeping Forms Commercial Stationery Heppner Gazette Times Phone 882 SS! 53 S3 5 STAR ED REPORTER AdmUiion pricai afternoon ud mnlnf, nnlen ip clflcUy adnrtlied to bo otherwise I Children l Bit. Prtco .17, Ped. Tu .03, Total too; Orade and Hii School Btndenta II yean and oreri Bet. Prloe .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total Me; Adultei Bat. Mm .Mo, red. Tax .10, Total (So. Every aalld oesDylBf a aeat moat hava a ticket. Sunday ahowi oontlnnoai from 1 p. m. All ereninf ahowa start at Ti30 p. bl, uleaa otherwise advertised Thurs.-Fri.-Sat, December 8-9-10 Abbott and Costello Meet The Killer Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Boris Karloff, Lenore Aubert, Alan Mowbray One of the most riotous mysteries In his' tory...a mad spree of guns, gals and ghoulish glee! PLUS Indian Agent Tim Holt, Noah Beery Jr., Hlchard Martin, Nan Leslie A cinch to merit the plaudits of western fans as well as theatergoers who are not ordinarily interested in tales of the rug ged outdoors. Sunday-Monday, December 11-12 S? Come To The Stables 3 Loretta Young, Celeste Holm, Hugh Mar low, Elsa Lancaster, Thomas Gomel, Dorothy Patrick, Regis Toomey Here is Clare Booth Luce's clever story to put a wink In your smile, a twinkle in your tears and a song In your heart! Come to the Stable is human, humorous and en tertaining, with serious overtones. (This is the picture that features the song-hit, 'Through a Long and Sleepless Night"). Tues.-Wed-.Thurs., December 13-14-15 The Wizard Of Oz Judy Garland, Frank Morgan. Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, BilUe Burke, Margaret Hamilton, Charley Crapewin, and The Munchklns The mighty miracle Technicolor musical show of all time L. Frank Baum's magic adventure to thrill your heart once more! ATTENTION PARENTS i Because this wonder show for the entire family Is balnf shown on school nlg-hts, there will be eontlnnous shows starting at 4:30 p. m. on Tuesday, Deo. 13 only. This will enable the little fellows to see the prog-ram without belaf out too late -shows on this one night will begin at 4:30, :30 and Si30 and etlll glee the 'big guys" time to get to the lone. Heppner basset ball game. From The Camera Counter Revere 8mm and 16mm Cam eras and Projectors The Polaroid Land Camera (from snap to finished print in 60 seconds) Argus 35mm and Argoflex Eastman Kodak Ansco Cameras Games - Games - Games Monopoly - Sorry - Finance - Pit Bingo - Chess - Checkers - Flinch Lone Ranger - Pollyanna Wide, Wide World - Children' Hour Books - Books - Books The Egyptian - The Peaceable Kingdom - Peace of Soul - The Greatest Story Ever Told fill HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. ft tv' i SS5- i ft ft ft S3 ft s