Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 8, 1949 Northern Grant's Biggest Land Dea Made Past Week Mr. and Mrs. Zephyl Harrison recently sold their ranch and mock to Mr. Schafer of Condon. Sid Beach also sold to the same firm. This is one of the largest land deals to be made in North ern Grant county. The Women's II EC club met at the grange hall November 30 and made out their program for the year. The chairman, Lydia Capon, had a lovely surprise birthday cake and presents for those whose birthdays were in November. Charles Roach narrowly escap ed a serious accident last week when his tractor ovei turned in a ditch. The ditch was narrow so he was able to crawl from be neath the tractor. He was rushed to a doctor in John Day where it was found he was only badly bruised. On November 2S the Long Creek bovs and girls came to Mo nument for a practice game with Monument's basketball and vol leyball teams. They went home the ictnrs in both games. Mrs. Ray Ford received word last week that her husband, who is ill in a Portland hospital, was worse. She left at once for the city. The children stayed with Mrs Henry Cupper. Mrs. Fay Mundv of the L. S. ranch was taken to the hospital in Prairie City last Tuesday. It was found she was suffering from pneumonia. Her friends in Monu. mont wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold" Cork and children spent the Thanksgiving holidays inSeattle. They visited friends and relatives. Lee Fleming had the misfor tune to fall in the mill pond while at work last Wednesday. Satur day he went to consult a doctor in John Day and found he had some badly strained ligaments in his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farrens drove to Heppner Tuesday. They were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burton and son spent the Thanksgiving holi days in Idaho with Mrs. Burton's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capon were business visitors in John Dav on ! Saturday. M. E. Moreland, a forester of Sweet Home, spent last week at the guard station in Monument 4151 GIVE A RECORD CERTIFICATE FOR CHRISTMAS The gift that keeps on giving ! Get them at Gonty's for any number of records you wish to give. You buy your certificate from us and present to your favorite phonograph fan. Gonty's Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page recently purchased the Charles Patteson residence. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown have remodeled and modernized their home in Monument, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page were attending to matters of business in John Day the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Simas and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lesley have moved from the Dempsey Boyer house to the new one that has just been completed for Daisy Simas. Rex Sweek and his son Ned did the carpenter work. Estella Boyer, county school su perintendent, was visiting Monu ment schools Friday. She was ac companied to Monument by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carter, of Long Creek. The Carters were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Brown left Sunday for a few days stay in Portland where they will attend to matters of business. While there they will drive to Salem to visit Mr. Brown's parents. Some of the Monument grang ers to attend Pomona at Prarie i City Saturday were Dempsey Boy j er, master, Edith Batty, secretary, Rev. Sidney E. Harris, chaplain, Mrs. Harris, Lewis Battv. Mr. and Mrs. Dane Broadfoot and Anna Lesley. Word has been received of the death of another pioneer of north, ern Grant county. Douglas Flynn, in Long Creek, Thursday, Dec. 1, at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roach. As a young man, Mr. Flynn spent several years in Monument. He made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Prior S. Wilson. Funeral ser vices were held in Long Creek Saturday. Long Creek grade school boys and girls came to Monument Fri day night to play basketball and volleyball with the Monument grade school. The Long Creek boys won over the Monument Ti gers but the Monument Tigerettes won over the Long Creek girls by a good margin. The music by the grade school band, under the I supervison of Mrs. Farrow, was greatly appreciated. After the games a basket social was enjoy ed. The Monument high school boys and girls drove to Long Creek to play scheduled games oi basketball and volleyball Friday. The Monument town team also played the L C town team. The girls team was victorious but both the high school boys and the town team were beaten by the Long Creek teams. Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman took Mrs. Zephyl Harrison to the Blue Mountain General hospital in Prairie City, Friday. She will undergo surgery the first of the week. Hi-Ways To Health By ADA R. MAYNE Holiday Cheese Month December is Holiday Cheese Month! Oregon s cheese indust ry, which ranks first on the Pac ific Coast and eighth in the na ; tion in the production of Cheddar Cheese, is asking consumers to "Send Cheese Serve Cheese' during December. Holiday Cheese Month is being observed all over the nation to pay tribute to the flavor, food value and variety of cheese, Cheese is certainly one of the most versatile foods on our pan try shelves. There is a cheese dish for every course, and a cheese for every taste.too. During the holiday season most families en tertain more than usual; friends drop in, parties are planned; and families get together for the holidays. Most of these holiday gatherings are informal and call for informal refreshments, easily prepared, yet appetizing and attractive. Cheese is ideal for this type of entertaining. A buffet cheese tray with several varieties of cheese and crackers, a bowl of fresh fruit and hot coffee make a perfect evening snack refreshment. Cheese balls, dainty cheese sand wiches, cheese dips and ap- Prepay Inheritance and Estate Taxes-thru life insurance -:- C. A. Ruggles -:- Equitable Life Insurance Society $1 The First Time in Years An Offer Like This! 0 for Your ld baling (or more if your old range is in good saleable condition) on the purchase of a new, modern c .- Electric Range No matter how old or run-down, your old range is worth 50 great big dollars on a new Zenith! Maybe even moreand no less! Come in trade now for greater cooking enjoyment with a Zenith! Our regular low price . . . . less allowance for old range t Cutf $24995 00 50 V "Automatic" oven-time and minute minder V "Automatic" pre-heat control with Bake and Broil signal lights Oversize two-unit Oven with "Automatic" Flood Light V Roller-Bearing Utensil Drawers for Generous Storage Space J Six-Quart "Thrifty Chef" Deep Well Cooker Appliance outlet . . . range top floodlight . . . signal light for surface units. Bfflairshall - Wells Don Walker, Owner - mm 'tore Heppner, Oregon petizers are delicious to serve with the holiday punch bowl. Whatever the occasion you will rate high as a hostess if you in clude these cheese appetizers in your holiday refreshments. CHEESE CANAPES 1 loaf sandwich bread 4 lb. sharp chedder cheese, grated fine Vi cup butter Remove crusts from bread. Cut into H4-inch cubes. Cream grat ed cheese and butter. When well blended spread thickly on bread cubes. Place on greased baking sheet. Bake in hot oven (425 F.) 8 to 10 mintues or until a light golden brown. Serve hot. Quick Cream Cheese Spread 2 boullion cubes 2 Tbsp. water 2 Tbsp. chopped chives 2 3-oz. packages cream cheese Soften cubes in water and mix into the cream cheese. Add chives. Mix until well blended. Chill slightly. Serve with crisp crack ers or potato chips. Pigs in Blankets 1 can cocktail sausages Vi' lb. sharp chedder cheese 3 or 4 pickles (dill or sweet) Vi lb. bacon sliced Split each sausage from end to end. Insert thin slices of pickle and cheese. Wrap with half strips of beacon. Fasten with wooden pick and broil until bacon is crisp Serve hot. Cottage Cheese Dunk Mash 2 or 3 Tbsp. Roquefort cheese, blend with 1 cup cottage cheese and ' cup whipped cream. Add dash of cayenne or Tabasco sauce and 1 to 2 Tbsp. lemon juice Serve in bowl with crisp veg etables or potato chips. PARKING AT CAPITOL Parking in front of the capitol will be reserved for visitors under an arrangement made by Secre tary of State Earl T. Newbry and put into effect this week. A state policeman will be on duty to en force the rule that state employes and others not making short calls at the capitol cannot park in allotted space shown by signs. Parties during the holiday sea son mean more driving after dark. Motorists are urged by the Junior Chamber of Commerce to give frequent checkup to vehicle light. lng systems. Darkness doubles assured clear distance ahead, traffic troubles. Take it easy on I ave a h y hoilday , . . a safe your accelerator ... be sure that i at night you can stop within the one- 3 m CHRISTMAS TREES fi ' w k m. Of 11. For sale at residence, 406 North Gale street. Telephone 1453 LEE HOWELL is is Sift John Day Antlerless Deer Season DEC.I5,toDEC.I8,l949l'Nci) UtUb,,l949liNcij I sfCanyon SMILES Three checking stations will be operated by the Oregon State Game Commission during the special anterless deer season in the John Day Area. These check ing stations will be located at Dayville, Mt. Vernon, and at the junstion of the Bear Creek Road with U. S. Highway 28. These stations will open noon, December 14, and will close at noon, December 19, It will be necessary for all hunters to check in at one of these stations. At this time a check-in permit will be issued to the hunter, and it will be necessary for the hunter to have this permit in his pos session along with his hunting license and special tag while hun ting. Before leaving the area, all hunters must check out at one of the stations, whether successful in bagging a deer or not. Personnel at the checking sta tion will endeavor to aid hunt ers in locating places to hunt, are urged to respect private prop erty and to use the greatest cau tion not to disturb domestic live stock. This special season is an emer gency measure designed to crop surplus deer on a problem winter range. The area where the hunt will be held winters a large deer herd, and during the past summer severe drought conditions and heavy infestation of grasshoppers i decreased the carrying capacity i i of the range. By harvesting some I deer, it will limit the possibility! of starvation losses this winter. Da Pont L I Vf STIJCK-SF'RAY - DIP Formulated with DDT and Benzine Hexachloride. Controls LICE - FLIES - TICKS - MANGE MITE Two Way Kill Eggs - Nits - Adults Chemically mixed Proper dosage and Formulation in one package. MARLATE 50 For Dairy Cattle and Fruit Trees 24D Weed Killers Spray Rite Sprayers Custom Application JOHN RANSIER Phone 33F11 or 1111 lone, Oregon 1110-1. i V-l hit new super-fitted pistons, punt three-blade fan, new "hushed" material timing gear and nw camshaft de sign for extra quietness. anchored at both ends o you can't catch your sleeve. K-h.i Si vglM too gives remarkabl economy. Cempact "Fiihiei Car" sinel. butrumenti, Illuminated by soft non-glare "black light", are grouped in a single large cluster tor easy reading. The one fine car in the low-price Held 1M0 FaraT "Ufamarr adiH have more sfrnrlh with carefully planned application of staling and Insulation material throughout entire body. 7 'M (3h hwm fruit mniiiM tin mw tomonal Mblllw. your ehok of 11. Imirt hwriwiri Insldi and out, designad tor mort than beauty. i Th 1 9SO Ford Ii 50 ways new and finer i.. from new heavier gauge iteel frame and ' 13 way stronger "Lifeguard" Body to new designed ceiling and seating for greater head room. New comfortable foam rubber front teat cushions, over new special non sagging springs. New richly colored up. holstery fabrics. New push button door handles, new rotary secure door lalchesi Eleven brand-new baked-on enamel colors that keep their freshness; because they're "built to live outdoors.'; 1 etWK jSiv e ttisz r-j jyp j New li'illiM front nd rear iddi note of beauty. iWio In your future ...with o future built in Just touch the latch of Ford's "Deep Deck" Luggage Locker 22.9 cu. ft. of us able space awaits any load you can muster. Just sit in the 'SO ford's luxurious new Interior that seats six big people Ford has more hip and shoulder room than any car In Its class. For an even bigger thrill drive thli'50 Ford.., the fine car In Its field. See i : : hear: : : and feel the difference at your FORD DEALER'S ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. i i