t Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 1, 1949 Page 5 Land Leveling Pays Dividends .... - . ' ' ' " ft" ' &.- net wiicagffi?-.aiH Much land leveling hat ben dona In Morrow county In recent yean and one of the largest under taking! ii at Cecil where the Crura Brother! hare been working on part oi the 315 acre oi irrigated bottom land on the Krebt Brother ranch. One o( the oldest irrigated tracts in this region, the Ktebs land has been producing (rom one to four tons of allall aper acre under what Is termed faulty Irri gation conditions. With propoer leveling they claim it will produce as high as seven tons per acre. In the picture, Marion and John Krebs may be seen to the right of the big leveler taking care of the engineering. The Crum Brothers have completed numerous leveling projects since moving to the county, adding materially to the productive capacity of the creek ranches. Picture by Heppner Photo Studio Lundell Family Has Reunion Dinner on Thanksgiving Day By ECHO PALMATEER The Lundell family reunion was held at the grange hall Thanks giving day with a potluck din ner. Out-of-town relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crutcher and son of Boring, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson and family of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lundell of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan and daughter Beverly of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Park of Corvallis. The day was spent in visiting, dancing, and playing games. Of ficers elected for the coming year were: President, Oscar Lun dell; vice president, Ernest Lun dell; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. O. E. Llndstrom; sergeant-at-arms, Algott Lundell, and historian, Mrs. Mary Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews and daughters arrived home from Roseburg Saturday. Kenneth Lundell Is spending a few days In Oakland, Calif. This vicinity had a good rain last week which has started the Prepay Inheritance and Estate Taxes-thru life insurance -:- C. A. Ruggles -:- Equitable Life Insurance Society wheat to come up. Mr. and Mrs. James McLarty and daughter Virginia ot Port land spent Thanksgiving with the Ernest and Don HeiiKer lamines Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Timm and daughter Mary Kay and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timm of Pendleton were lone visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Howton and family were Portland visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nottage of Portland spen tThanksglving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo han Troedson. Clara Ann and Alecia Jean Swales spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. Harold Martin at Hermiston. Miss Alice Nichoson spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Edith Nichoson. Guests at the Victor Rietmann home Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson and family of The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann and family Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann and family, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kietmann, utto ana waiter Kiet mann. They enjoyed a display of fireworks in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner and family were Portland visitors last week. Officers elected at a recent Re bekah meeting were: Noble grand Miss Mary Brackett; vice grand, Mrs. Ernest McCabe; secretary, Mrs. Ernest Lundell; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Swanson. A large crowd attended the tur key dinner, carnival, bazaar and dance Saturday night. Mrs. Lester Hoak and son of Bremerton and Mr. and Mrs. Da- High Grade Boxed Stationery Name Printed Free Send the folks a Personal Letter printed on our Seasonal DesignedColorful Lithographed Stationery with Envelopes Have your name printed on your Christmas Cards It adds that personal touch Of course we do Commercial and Catalog Printing . . . Order Early . . . Heppner Gazette Times Phone 882 Heppner, Oregon vld Ely and daughter of Pendle. ton spent Thanksgiving with the women's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely at Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yarnell and daughters of Vancouver were Thanksgiving guests of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell. Teachers and famines spena- lng Thanksgiving away were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely wno weniio Salem; Miss Mary Brackett to Ru- lus, and E. S. stuitz to rortiana. Mrs. Ida Grabili received word that her brother, C. S. Hale of Ya kima, died November 21. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon, Mrs. Ada Cannon and Mrs. Echo Pal mateer arrived home Sunday eve ning from Portland where they spent Thanksgiving with rela tives. Those from here attending the Valby Lutheran church Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carlson and daughter Leslie; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani Jr., whose son Jerry Arthur was christened. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely, George Ely, Mrs. Sadie Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and family were guests at the Elvin Ely home In Board man Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Ida Coleman and daugh ters spent Thanksgiving with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crawford Jr. and an. other daughter, Joan, in Portland. O. E. Llndstrom Is building a garage and putting a new porch on his residence. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Haugen of Corvallis spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Fannie Griffith, at Morgan. College students home from Oregon State were Fayne Ely, Tommy Doherty, Bruce Smith, Lewis Carlson and Alfred Shirley; from University of Oregon, Shir lee Smouse, Helmuth Hermann, and Reginald Shirley; Pacific Un iversity, Roland Bergstrom and Robert Jepsen; EOCE, Gaylord Salter, Lillian Hubbard, John and Matt Doherty; Whitman, Ross Doherty. Guests at the Carl Bergstrom home for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bergstrom and daughter of Echo, Roland Berg strom of Forest Grove and John Durack of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor and daughter spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Edna Yar nell in Eugene. The Clifford Carlsons spent Thanksgiving with her parents In Cottage Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Charles White of Forest Grove were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White over Thanksgiving. Mrs, White sang with the a capella choir in the First Congregational church in Portland Sunday eve ning. A Product of Standard of California How would you like heating oil that burns without waste . . . that gives more heat per gallon? Then you'll like Standard Heating Oils! There are no cleaner, more econom ical heating oils on the market today 1 Get Standard Stove Oil for circulating heaters . . . Standard Furnace Oil for furnace-type burn ersand get rid of bothersome smoke and soot for good I DISTRIBUTORS L. E. DICK HEPPNER GORDON WHITE IONI (Continued from page 4) tlan Endeavor. 6 p. m. Monthly church fellowship basket dinner. 7 p. m. Monthly business meeting of the church. Thursday 7 p. m. Choir prac tice. 8 p. m. Midweek service in the church sanctuary. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal Holy communion, 8 a. m. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Holy communion and sermon, 11 o'clock. Week day services: Holy com munion Wednesday at 10; Friday at 7:30. Choir practices: Girls choir, Wednesday at 4 p. m.; adult choir, Thursday evening at 8. Boy Scouts, Wednesday eve ning, 7:30 to 9. Archery classes on Saturday Boy Scouts at 9, Girl Scouts at 10, Cub Scouts at 11. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Pastor Morning worship and sermon 11 a. m. with special music by the choir, Paul McCoy, director. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m., Oliver Creswick, superintend ent. A class for every age, Youth Fellowship class and adult Bible class. Wednesday: Mid-week prayer service at 7:30 p. m. Thursday: Choir practice at 7:30 p. m. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service meets first Wednes day of each month. Suzanna Wes ley circl eof WSCS meets third Wednesday of each month. GGhi&qd to keep warm this way with The apple, close kin of the pear, is believed to be the most THANK HEAVEN Can . f I HEARD EVERY WORD THE PREACHER SAID! "Andoh.whi! a blessing it ii! Imissnothiog at church or the moTies. I never ask people to re peat. "A new Hfe beean for me when a marvellous free book told me all about correcting bearing loss." You too, should learn the hill farta. Come in for free demonstration today. Distributed by James N. Taft & Associates, 712 S. W. 9th Avenue, Portland, Oregon MONO-PAC FmM Om-UiIi HMriaf ali SEE IT TRY IT HEPPNER HOTEL WEDNESDAY, December 7th. 10:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Ask for Mr. Lemke Evening Appointments Batteries for all aids I Hate to Have My Picture Taken And we don't blame you, son. ..not if you've gone to studios where hours of posing result only in rigid unnatural photos. For easy pos ing and easy-to-look-at portraits, our studio is your best possible bet. And, of course, it's the ideal solu tion to your Christmas, shopping problem ! HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO widely cultivated and best known fruit of the temperate climates. HEARS AGAIN FOR ONLY $1.50 A Hartford City, Indian man hi, "I have been troubled with my bearing for thirty rear. But, OURINE changed all that and I bear again." Yea, you too can hear again H yon are bard at bearing because of hardened, exeete ear wax (rerumen which can also cause buMing. r.ng;rg re?-; rn:'?. OUKINE, an AMAZING, SCIENTIFIC discovery it NOW ready tor your me. The OURINE home method will quickly and eaiely remove your hardened, excess ear wax in junt a few minutes m your own home. Get OURINE today. No Risk. Your money back if you do not hear better at onre, VSe recommend and guarantee OURINE. Humphrey! Drug Company The word devil means "little god." GIVE HIM A STETSON GIFT CERTIFICATE ...FROM 10 Wilson's Men's Wear nil" l. n ' j' UI AMIm VOM wua 1:1 Somsomre ;lTl,,. s i JUifl finishes 4" J,,'Lsdies' Tram Case. 517.50 V-J rCO ADMIRAltlUf NATURAL RAWHIDE KRMUDA GREEN ftEIGEOAY PINK COPPER CORDOVAN BROWN (ADDLE TAN CASE FURNITURE CO. !'KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD" When Winter Comes What Do You Do ? The Thrifty Squirrel Prepares for Winter veftl Mrron.0 iVn e S3me ''"" " the r00f they 11 the' also la' in thclr win,(r fue- rancher har- 1m people do thew things PreParatlons t0 ake we of his family and stock through the long winter months. All NOW WHAT DO YOU DO? The Pioneer Service Company is offering a suggestion. Don't overlook your credit rating with vour local merchant, doctor and Hospital. When you are making your other preparations for winter be sure that vou don't overlook vour credit as it is vour greatest asset when winter comes. Don't let your self be oversold on installment buying. ' ' When you receive one of our Pioneer Service County Credit Board Statements, bearing our Registered Trademarks, try to pay or pay part or eatUfactorily arrange to pay at once on your Past Due Accounts, so that you can get credit that you may be forced to ask for. Pioneer Service Information Is valuable. REMEMBERI When you lose your credit you lose something you may never regain. REMEMBERI The wise ones prepaie for winter, so why not do as other thrilty folks do? NO COMMISSIONS ALLOWED ON COLLECTIONS. ALL MONEY IS PAID DIRECT TO CREDITOR Morrow County Credit Board of Pioneer Service System THE LARGEST BUSINESSMEN'S ORGANIZATION IN THE NORTHWEST Pioneer Service ov Inc. (Established Since 1926) IDAHO OREGON UTAH NEVADA DIVISION Division Office, I. O. O. F. Building. Box 471, Eugene, Oregon THE BEST AND CHEAPEST COLLECTION SERVICE IN AMERICA WATCH FOR THE GREEN AND BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS FOR SALE! "PAY UP AND KEEP YOUH CREDIT GOOD"