ORECOn HISTORICAL EOMETY PORTLAND, ORE. alette eppner $3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c Volume 66 Number 37 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, December 1, 1949 1st Annual Oregon Wheat League Convention Opens Many Prominent Wheat Men in Attendance. Good Speakers On Program For Friday, Saturday Sessions The first annual Oregon Wheat League convention opened In Heppner at 10 o'clock this morn ing in what promises to be one of the most interesting sessions of the wheat men since organization of the Eastern Oregon Wheat League some 22 years ago. Organizational work Is the main order of business today and the principal part of the program will start at 10 a. m. Friday when delegates and visitors gather at the school gymnasium to take up the subjects that are of such vital importance to growers and those concerned with marketing and distribution problems of the In dustry. Facilities of the county court house and the American Legion hull are being used today by the committees, of which five, with their chairmen, are listed: Pro duction and transportation, Don ald McKinnis; federal agricultur al programs and land use, Robert Taylor; taxation and legislation, Kenneth Fridley; wheat disposal and market developments, Robert Wood, and young peoples activ ities, Virgil Larson. The executive committee will meet at 4 this afternoon and brief preliminary reports of standing committees will be given at 7:30 p. m. Officers of the 1949 Oregon Wheat League are as follows: President, Paulen Kaseberg, Was. co; vice president, Henry Baker, lone; secretary-treasurer, LeRoy ('. Wright, Baker; assistant secre tary, Uoscoe Roberts. The Dalles. Executive committee members Include C, D. Conrad, Baker coun ty; Edson McCanse, Union county, North Powder; Robert Hammond, Wallowa county, Enterprise; Ron ald Rew, Umatilla county, Pen dleton: L. L. Howton, Morrow counly, lone; Jack Smith, Gilliam county, Mayvllle; Floyd Root, Sherman county, Wasco; Eldon Emerson, Wasco county, The Dal les; Henry Thornton, Jefferson county, Ashwood; L. R. Jernsteadt western district. Carlton; Ivan DeArmond, western district, Hub bard, and Elmo Angele, southern district, Lakeview. Standing committee chairmen (also members of the executive committee): Kenneth Fridley, taxation, legislation, Wasco; Vir gil Larson, youth activities, Con don; Robert Wood, wheat dispos al,, Milton; Donald McKinnis, production and marketing, Sum merville; Robert Taylor, federal (Continued on page 8) o November Rainfall Totals Two Inches, Observer Reports Rainfall for the month of No vember amounted to two inches, according to Leonard Carlson, ob server for the Gooseberry district. The heavy showers of November 23 accounted for 1.3 inches In that area, Carlson reports, and he es timated that the intermittent showers the balance of the month would account for another .65 of a ninch. , Reports from other parts of the county Indicate that the rains have been general and much good has been done, particularly to the seeded fields where sprout ing has been sluggish. According to Judge Garnet Bar, rait, the county roads suffered some damage as a result of the heavy rain Wednesday of last week. The Willow creek highway lost considerable surfacing and there was some washing out of bridge approaches, all of which calls for repairs. o Ranchers Advised To Turn in Acreage Set to Wheat Grass Ranchers of the county are re minded by the county assessor's office that acreages planted to cresled wheat and other grasses under the allotment plan are as sessed at pasturage valuations. The new tax set-up places the valuation at $3 per acre for land thus set aside, while the base rate on cultivated land is $15 per acre. Unless the assessor's office Is notified of these acreages, all land In the grain areas hereto fore entered as cultivated will continue to be treated as such. "If the farmers will come In and nolify us of the acreages set to grass It will save them consid erable sums and will relieve the office force of a lot of headaches," said Assessor W. O. Dlx. COURT OF HONOR TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY EVENING A Boy scout court of honor has boon scheduled for 7 o'clock Wed nesday evening, December 7, to which the fathers and mothers and friends have been invited. It will be held in the basement of the Methodist church. Llcht refreshments will be served following the program. Lodge Of Sorrow Convene al 1 0'Clock Sunday Heppner lodge No. 358, Benev olent and Protective Order of Elks, will convene at 2 o'clock p. m. Sunday in the annual lodge of sorrow, honoring the memoy of members who have passed on within the year. The meeting will be open to the public and ample provision has been made to take care of all who may wish to at tend. Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien will de liver the address on the program that includes the following num. bers. Funeral march while members enter, Mrs. J. O. Turner. Opening ceremonies of the lodge. Invocation. Song, "Lift Thine Eyes", Hepp ner Women's Chorus. Rollcall of departed brothers. Ceremonies of the lodge. Song, "O Dry Those Tears", Heppner Women's Chorus. Address, Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien. Auld Lang Syne, lodge and audience. Closing ceremonies and bene diction. Twelve members of No. 358 have been called to their reward since the lodge of sorrow was held In 1948. These include H. B. Coffey, Wm. R. Gross, W. H. Cleveland, Robert E. Wiley, Jos eph M. Hayes, W. C. McCarty, William S. Cochcll, Whit Maul- dln, R. A. Jackson, M. E. Harris, Arthur Hughes and George N. Peck. J. W. Hiatt Victim Of Heart Attack Thursday Evening Funeral services for John W. Hiatt who died late Friday af ternoon, November 25, at the fa mlly home in Heppner, were held Monday afternoon at the Chris tlan church with Rev. Glenn War ner, pastor, conducting the ser vice. Interment was In the Ma sonic cemetery with Phelps Fu neral Home in charge. Pall bear ers were W. Claude Cox, E. A. Bennett, Roy Quackenbush, M. L. Case, Wayne Lindner and Ray Pettyjohn. John W. Hiatt was born Sep tember 21, 1887 near Gurdane Oregon. He was a resident of Heppner for fifty years. Survivors include his wife Lima McFerrln Hiatt; two daughters, Mrs. Oscar Rippee of Condon and Mrs. Char les Hodge of Heppner; two broth ers, Delbert of Portland and Em ery of San Francisco, one sister, Delphla Beck of Astoria, three grandsons, four nieces and two nephews. Out-of-town relatives attend ing the service were Pfc and Mrs. Lowell Rippee of Fort Lewis, Wash., Claude Snow of Newport Wash., Mrs. Delphla Beck of As toria and Delbert Hiatt of Port land. o Motorists Warned Pedestrian Rights Will Be Enforced Strict adherence to pedestrian rights will be demanded from here on and car drivers not fully Informed relative to the law reg. ulatlng street crossings may find themselves gaining that Informa tion at the office of the justice of (he peace, announces Charles Go milion, Heppner police chief. The city, for its part, has ordered that offenders be haled before Justice J. O. Hager. Failure to slow down or stop al crossings occupied by pedestrians is a serious offense against a state regulation. Both local and state police will be on the look out for this type of offender. Par ticularly will this be true at school crossings where many mo torists show no regard for the signs placed on either side of the pedestrian lanes. The standard rate of speed within corporate limits of towns and cities is 25 miles per hour. A motorist coming Into town off of a highway may find it difficult to drive at that speed after going at a rate of from 50 to 75 mile per hour on the open highway But according to the officers some of them will learn to drive in conformity with the state regula tions or will pay for their indif ference. o AUCTION POSTPONED Elsewhere In the paper will be found an item relative to the P TA auction at lone on Friday, Do cember 9. Word was received from lone this morning that the auction has been postponed until some time In the spring. P XtrSJ&S" .............. V f This is the way "The White An flel". Morrow county's $7,600 am bulance, looked after colliding with a pickup on U. S. highway 30 approximately one-half mile east of Tvtrm Falls, Idaho, Wed nesday, November 23. Two men and a woman riding in the pick up were thrown clear of the ma chine and both men died as a result of the accident. The wo man was seriously injured but was given a fair chance to recov er. Oscar George and son Chris topher (Kit) of Heppner and James Lindsay of lone were bringing the ambulance to Hepp ner from the factory at Lima, O. All were shaken up but not in jured. Pictures through courtesy of The Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho. Program Of The First FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1949 10:00 A. M. Musical selection Vice President Henry Baker, presiding Address of Welcome, Mayor Conley Lanham Response, Floyd Root, Wasco President's address: Paulen Kaseberg, Wasco Report of Secretary-Treasurer: LeRoy C. Wright, Baker Presentation of Executive Committee Introduction of Wheat Commission. 12:00 Noon Recess 1:15 P. M. Recognition and Presentation of Life Members President Kaseberg presiding 1:30 P. M. "Activities of C. R. O. P." Joe King Jr., Portland, Chairman Oregon Committee 2:00 P. M. "Activities and Program on Research Project, Soil Conser vation M. M. Oveson, Supt. Pendleton Branch Exp. Station 2:30 P. M. "The Smut Situation In the Pacific Northwest" Dr. C. S. Holton, Bureau of Plant Industry, W. S. C, Pullman 3:15 P. M. "The Pure Seed Wheat Program" Robert Fletcher, Secy. Northwest Crop Improvement Assn. 3:45 P. M. "How the Chicago Board Pacific Northwest Producers" J. O. McClintock, Exec. Vice Pres. Chicago Board of Trade 4:30 P. M. Oregon Wheat Growers Roscoe Roberts, Asst. Secretary 70 P. M. Committee Meetings SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1949 9:30 A. M. Standing committee report on "Wheat Disposal and Market Development" Robert Wood, Weston, Chairman 9:45 A. M. Activities of Wheat Commission and Studies on Marketing Soft White Wheat Richard TIME FOR WREATHS It is time to think about ordering a Christmas wreath for the men In the Morrow county ward at the veterans hospital in Walla Walla. Mrs. Jack Loyd, Morrow county's representative on the Blue Mountain Council, urges a generous response to this ap peal and announces she will take them over before De cember 20. Either contact. Mrs. Loyd or leave your wreath at Mary Van's Flower Shop. Civic Club Sponsors Outdoor Decorating As Holiday Project An opportunity for home own ers of the town to participate in an outdoor holiday decorating protect is being offered by the Jay-C-Etles, auxiliary to the Jun lor chamber of commerce. The women are sponsoring the plan with the hope that the citizens will respond in an effort to revive a pre war custom and to put more spirit into the occasion. Front porch and yard decora tions are included in the plan and to encourage interest the Jay-C-Ettes are offering three prizes. $10, $5, and $2.50. Compe tent Judges will be selected to pass on the decorations and the home owners are urged to get Into the contest right away. Mrs. Cecil Lounsbury of Port land was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al Bergstrom, iiiwiMiiiiit',fiiliiii'iiii'iii'i'iii'ii''?n it "i'H " ' triirrr" r't j"itfrmwrmicrttTwmtownkv Annual Oregon Wheat League Convention, December 1, 2, 3 of Trade Can Be Made Useful to League Show Standing Committees, Exec. Comm. R. Baum, Analyst Ore. Wht. Com. Holiday Decorations Add Touch of Color To City's Streets Adding a touch of color ana gaiety to the convention scene, are the holiday greenery ana lights which the merchants com mittee of the chamber of com merce rushed to put up in time for the meeting. Most ofthc greenery was put in place Sunday and the lights were strung Wednesday. Turning on of the lights is tak en as the signal for opening the holiday shopping and merchants have stocked their counters and show windows wit htheir most at tractive merchandise In readiness for a period of eager buying by the public. Future Farmers Hold Annual Banquet The annual father-son banquet sponsored by the Future Farm ers of America was held Wed nesday evening, November 23, at the high school. Thirty-eight boys and guests were present. Honorary membership was con ferred upon John Bergstrom be cause of his Interest in and as sistance given to the F. F. A. program. Gerald Bergstrom, chapter pres ident, received the Blue Moun tain District Better Farmer award of $15.00. This is presented each year by the state Kiwanis club to each of the F. F. A. districts in the state and is then awarded, to the boy having the best project program In the district. It is bas ed upon adaptability to farm, long range program, boy's inter est and financial responsibility, 10:00 A. M. Presentation of Conservation Man of the Year By Joe Belanger, Chairman, Milton 10:15 A. M. "The Program and Policies of the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation" Lowell Steen, President, Salem 10:45 A. M. "Legislative Re-Apportionment" Rep. Giles L. French, Moro 11:15 A. M. Standing Committee Report on Taxation and Legislation Kenneth Fridley, Chairman, Wasco Report of Auditing Committee. Jim Bramer, Chm., Pendleton Report of Nominating Com., Ralph McEwen Jr., Chm. Haines Election of Officers Selection of 1950 Convention City. 12:00 Noon Recess 1:15 P. M.-Standing Committee Report on "Production and Trans tion". Don McKinnis, Chairman, Summerville 1:30 P. M. The Problem of Freight Rates and Their Effect on Wheat F. P. Aughr.ey, Manager N. W. Grain & Grain Products 2:00 P. M. Standing Committee Report on "Federal Agricultural Programs and Land Use" Robert Taylor, Chairman, Adams 2:15 P. M. "Difficulties in Marketing Our Northern Wheat" John Locke, President, Millers National Federation, Seattle 2:45 P. M. Standing Committee Report on "Young Peoples Activities" Virgil Larson, Chairman, Condon 3:00 P. M. "Activities of the Northwest Farm Council" Don McKinnis, Vice President, Summerville 3:15 P. M. "Chemicals and Weed Control" Virgil Freed, Associate in Agriculture Chemistry, O. S. C 3:45 P. M. Report of Oregon Advisory Research Council Marion Weatherford, Arlington 4:00 P. M. Report of Resolutions Committee 4:15 P. M. County Nominations tor Executive Committeemen 6:30 P. M. Annual Banquet Guest speaker: Governor State of Ore gon, Hon. Douglas McKay. Toastmastor: Charles W. Smith Farm Bureau To Meet Monday at lone The Morrow county farm bur eau has chosen Monday evening, December 5 for its regular meet ing at Willows grange hall in lone. The session will open at 8 o'clock. Marshall Swearingen, execu tive vice president of the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, will be present to discuss Farm bureau insurance. All those having any questions regarding the insur ance program are especially urg ed to be present and have them answered, states E. Markham Ba ker, president of the county bu reau. There also will be reports of the state farm bureau convention at La Grande and special musical numbers, as well as refreshments. Although this meeting follows so closely the Oregon Wheat Lea gue meeting, everyone Interested in the farm bureau program is invited to attend and help make it the outstanidng meeting of the year. boy's technical knowledge of pro ject, complete project records, ap proved practices followed, scope and quality of project, and evi dence that boy has profited from agricultural instruction. George Wicks, Lynn Rill, Ken neth Turner, Elwayne Bergstrom, Melvin Piper, Fritz Cutsforth and Allen Hughes were initiated as chapter farmers in the Heppner club. Necessary requirements for membership are enrollment In vocational agriculture for at least one year, satisfactory projects, fa miliarization with parliamentary law and ability to lead, FREE PARKING OFFERED REGISTERED VISITORS Visitors to Heppner this week registered with the Ore gon Wheat League will be accorded courtesy parking by the city authorities. The mayor and council felt that the city could do no less than make this concession to guests. Conventioneers regis tering at the OWL desk in the hotel will be given stick ers to place in their wind shields or car windows so that the police will know they are guests. Those with out such stickers will be re quired to make the usual de posit in the meters. GOVERNOR DOUGLAS McKAY Principal speaker at annual ban quet of Oregon Wheat League In Heppner Saturday evening, XvfWlllJ Two People Lose Lives In Pickup - Ambulance Crash In Southern Idaho Oscar George and son Christo pher (Kit) ot Heppner and James Lindsay of lone are home safe and sound but wondering why after an experience they had In southeastern Idaho, Wednesday, November 23. The three were enroute to Hep pner from Lima, Ohio, where they took delivery of the Cadillac am bulance, 'The White Angel," pur chased by citizens of the county for use in connection with the Morrow County Memorial hospi tal. With not even so much as a scratched fender in approximate ly 2,000 miles of driving, the am bulance was suddenly wrecked by colliding with a pickup on U. S. highway 30 a mile or so east of Twin Falls. Two men and a woman were riding in the pickup. The impact threw all of them clear of the car and resulted In the death of the men and serious injury to the woman. Oscar George was driving the ambulance at the time. The high way was wet from rain but at that point was "as straight as one could draw a line. He noticed the pickup coming at a fairly good clip and suddenly It swerv ed over the line into the path of the ambulance. George attempted to turn out of the way with no success and the machines crash ed, narrowly averting a direct Local Merchants jOutdo Themselves in 1 Christmas Stocks Local merchants have outdone themselves this year in the fine array of Christmas gifts for every member of the family. Quality and prices are comparable to those found in stores of larger neighboring towns. One store is a veritable para dise for the small friy, with toys of all descriptions on display on the main floor. Hardware store are featurning electrical appli ances and other items that have been in short supply lor the past few years. One place has a port able hair-dryer and a traveler's electric iron which should please the most fastidious lady. Watches of all makes and sets of sterling slver are avalable at one of the local shops and are of better qualty than those of re cent years. For the ladies, the stores are featuring lovely lingerie, costume jewelry, slippers, hats and bags. One shop Is showing a nice line of bathroom accessories in decor ator colors. Another has a line of costume jewelry that Is notewor thy. The gentlemen have not been overlooked this season. Items of wearing apparel, tools, desk sets, books and slippers for the quiet evening at home are being dis played. Gifts for the household Include pop-up toasters, mixers, and an inexpensive item worthy of men tion are the beverage glasses, new this year, depicting authen tic Currier and Ives prints. When considering the problem of Christmas buying, it might be well to give the local merchant a try. The saving in time, money and energy will be well worth the effort. o Legion Folks Have Evening of Cards A well attended card party was held Monday evening by the Am erican Legion and auxiliary at the Legion hall. In pinochle, Har ry O'Donnell Jr. held high score, and Mrs. Jack Bailey low. In con tract, Mrs. Dick Wells held high and Mrs. Loyal Parker low, while Bill Blake took the honors in rummy. Gifts were taken for the gift shop at the veterans hospital In Portland. Hosts for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. faney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell Jr., and Mr and Mrs. W H I. Padberg Jr. o CONVENTION COVERED BY SPECIAL NEWSMEN News coverage of the Wheat League convention is being amp ly taken care of. Here for that purpose are John Denny, agrlcul ture editor of the Oregonlan, and Roger Johnson of the United Press who are looking after the daily coverage while R. G. Fowler Jr. is looking after the interests of the Oregon State college exten sion service. Advance news stories were not much in evidence but now that the convention Is underway, there will be plenty of information re leased to the press of the state. Billy Schwarz and family of The Dalles spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwtrx. Today head-on collision. Lindsay was in the driver's seat with George and Kit was sleeping in the compart ment Just back of the drivers seat, a fact that no doubt saved him from serious injury. All three were shaken up and Kit was tak en to the hospital for a check-up. It was found that he had sustain ed no injuries. Occupants of the pickup were Tom Gordon, 55, his wife, and her father, William Edward Sinclair, 85, all of Jerome, Idaho. The old er man died enroute to the hos pital and Gordon died a few hours after reaching there. Mrs. Gordon suffered severe injuries to her head and was suffering from shock. Although reported in a critical condition Thursday morning, she was given a good chance to recover, according to a news story in the Twin Falls Times-News of that date. The ambulance has been plac ed in the hands of the insurance company and it is stated that re pairs will be rushed as fast as possible, with the expectation that it will be ready for delivery in about two weeks. The occupants of the ambu lance, after attending to such de tails as were required, proceeded on home by rail. They had ex pected to drive home that evening and were discussing it when the accident happened. Soroptimist Club Prepared to Serve 400 at W L Banquet Covers for 400 diners will be laid for the annual banquet of the Oregon Wheat League Satur day evening. That is the number the women of the Soroptimist Club of Heppner were asked to prepare for and that Is just about the capacity of the gymnasium floor where the dinner Is to be served. In addition to the excellent dinner the Soroptimists are pre paring, the committee has ar ranged a program to provide en tertainment throughout the serv ing time and in advance of the feature of the evening, the ad dress by Governor Douglas Mc Kay. That there will be plenty of hi larity throughout the meal is as sured by the fact that Charlie Smith will be emceeing. Smith, former county agent here, needs no introduction to any Wheat League gathering for his service in the college extension service has brought him in contact with all groups connected with agri culture throughout the state. Final Rites Held Sunday Afternoon For Ralph D. Jones Funeral services for Ralph D. Jones who died at his farm on Buttercreek Friday morning were held Sunday afternoon at All Saints Episcopal church with the Rev. Elvon L. Tull, vicar, reading the service. Interment was made in the Masonic ceme tery with the Phelps Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Active pallbearers were W. E. Hughes, Gerald Swaggart, Paul Hisler, Raymond French, Dallas Craber and Don Greenup. Hon orary palbearers included Judge J. G. Barratt, John Brosnan, John Kenny, Richard Wells, E. R. Scha fer, Hugh Berry and Alva Case beer. Ralph Jones was born in Hep pner November 7, 1SS7, the son of Edward and Rosa Donaldson Jones. On November 16, 1911 he was married to Ola Straight. Most of his life was spent In Mor row county wtih the exception of two years which were spent in Malheur county. He is sur vived by his wife. Ola, a half sister, Josephine Mahoney and two cousins, Venice Stiles and N. Brooks Plummer of Portland. Out-of-town relatives here for the service were Mr. and Mrs. Plummer and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Markham and son Norman, of Portland; Phirley Straight of Post Falls, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vaughan of Pen dleton. o WILL RECEIVE GIFTS Gifts for those who live at the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove may be left at the PP&L office or the Red and White store. Personal gifts are desired and they do not have to be gift wrapped. December 10 Is the deadline for collecting the gifts. BAZAAR SATURDAY P. M. Preparations have been comple ted for the All Saints Episcopal auxiliary bazaar which will be held In the parish house Satur day afternoon. Tea will be nerved from 2 until 3 o'clock.