Afternoon Ceremony Continued from Page 1 son, Richard Bcardsley. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murchison are motoring to Echo Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with friends. Allen Brown, auditor for the REA is spending some time in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Dinges of Portland are the parents of a ha by hoy horn in Portland last Tuesday. The little fellow weigh ed seven and one-half pounds and has been named Daniel Harry. Edward Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt, spent the week end at the home of his parents. He is working in Wo la Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woark spent v.i -el.-. p'vi ln l'l'iidleton with the senior W oarks. Mr. and Mrs. Jtodger Anderson ..i,.,:i'U l.ii'-i.iv e,oninj from .! hi nv.. in Alordeen. , . 1 !un::;.n. P.T.A its ,-m- ..... I- 'iic: i;!! J wsuav nipht at .e :-ih.. i .'uiir.onum. he pro 1.1 :. v." I of . htoe num- s in the .No-lop l-ew camp fire girls doing-square dancing, i hey ueie assisled liv several in an ..n im mi r uf no s aid girls. ; i v ,-i:..i daneed 111" rve waltz. .! 'ii'' fut were i In His and ". rrlev ,.lan. Shirk v Hunt. I'a . ,;;.! M- Millan. Hen , Eon Mcs-r-i'jer. (,ien:ia . ninth. Deanna I'.'ig' II. .:arl MiMer. Iloh and Bill Steagall and Larry Groves. Fol lowing this Shirley Hunt played a piano solo. After the usual bus iness meeting refreshments of doughnuts and coffee were serv ed in the lunch room. Fridya evening at 8 p. m. the Lexington public school present ed a fine program. The theme of the evening was "World Neigh bors". This was directed by Mrs. Rands the dramatic and music teacher of the high school. The high school chorus consisting of the following youngsters: Garnet Luc.'ianan, (.harles i'auoerg, Ray i a; iiii'iiii, David Buchanan, John Edwards, Patricia Majeske, Alene ... ai. iii. Gene Sawyer, Dorothy !, i't v. Belly Griffon, Ronald Fahl, Shirley Hunt, Denny McMillan, l.uri .ti'licr. and laic Papineau. i.jh t i -i 1 1 . i wins numbers and :n;e:ent sraoe danced danees of t.i, ' it-.,! c.i!..iiia-s. I' .1 .st ...s me ; ".-' r Awav Places !v t he r 'i. us, ,- i.ip to mv Lou. first and Kf-mi era,:es. Inaing himii En " llsh. bv upper giadcs. :eor .;i;id. ( nine.e. ..a and -t ii grjees. Stodola Ptimpa u zheehnsin ai -ai: i. ,i!i and bin. I ::e i e-,..r. Eon Mi'sseinjer and Join l,.-e i.-nc: '; i. Tin. S;h graces. Ler.v ph.-, an praio t'ui.s , I the a. .ar te; e t ins I'.iiav as iM".-..c n bv the Tia ni! h riado:.. i laa telis i Italian I Hh and i;:h. Eaa.t was a tvpual American scene oi the enw huv corral with the chorus siniMie Amercian cowbov sones I hv Buster Botis of Ordnance on his guitar. Mrs. Nannett Griffith, mother of Glenn Griffith is spending a few days ln Lexington from her home in Spray. Mrs. Freddie Nelson who has been ill is reported much im proved. Mrs. Nelson spent a few days in a hospital in Pendleton. Mrs. Kenneth Palmer was hos tess to a birthday party for her two children Carol Ann and Joe Palmer at their home Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4. The after noon was spent playing games, after which lovely refreshments I were served. Several of the moth ers also attended the party tak- i ing their youngsters. Mrs. Del- 1 berl Vinson, Mrs. Roger Ander son, Mrs, Eugene Majeske, Mrs. En wen nee Palmer. Mrs. Bill Van Winkle of Lexington and Mrs. I Jack VanWinkle of Heppner. I John Spence who has been spenuiii-r a lew oays in town leturn.ed to his work in the mount ains last week. Mis. Katinie McMillan is spend, re" a Engtliv vacation in Idaho .. , '..r blethers and sisters. Mrs. r.coti Hirlong returned aeta .a tnnuiv from a two weeks mm! in I:av. Wash, with her sis ter. Mrs. I-red Swnk. and famiyl. :,::. era: Mis. Keith Sluyter and .1 :;' :i'V narored to Beaverton . aaas av ;o spend the Thanks r: nar hnhdav with their parents. Mrs. A. A. Scouten returned Snri.lev evening lrom a fortnight -.asi; to Portland and other points. Air. Scouten remained in the city for a few davs longer. They will mi I h"iiksgivinc in The Dall- es with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Look. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Walters (Marie Healy) of Los Angeles are the parents of a son born Novem ber 17. Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and Mr. and Mrs. William Buck num are south for the event. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parker of Pasco arrived Wednesday evenng to spend the Thanksgiving holi day in Heppner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston. Miss Betty Adams who is tea ching in Vale came over Wednes day evening to spend the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Floyd Ad ams. Mrs. Adams met her at Her miston. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Perry of Pendleton were Thanksgiving day guests here at the home of her son, Jesse C. Payne and family. New books placed in circulation this week at the Heppner Public library include: juvenile ncuon, Parks: Little Long Rifle; Marlow, Girls of Rivercliff School: Mul- i ferrl !ler,:t!ene I yssiflv: C'arr. I NanShei wood's Winter Holidays; Kilv, roliy aim raeanui. juuu fiction includes, Verby, Golden i Hawk; Maclnnes, Friends; Fitz Simmons, Eright Leaf; Bromfield. Colorado; Prouty, Home Port; Kane, Bride of Fortune; DeVoto, Mountain Time; Seeley, Woman of Property; Steward. Three Roads to Valhalla; Deamiant,. Days of Ofelia; Bemelman. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep; Gav, Wine of Sa tan; Bates. The Purple Plain, and The Queen's Physician. Maas. Mr unit Mrs. Edward Glaesmer are here from Red Bluff, Calif, to spend the Thanksgiving holidays x,-iih her hrni her . i n -1 a w and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket. Vesta Cuisforth and Robert Kil- kennv were married Saturday morning at a quiet ceremony at ci Patriel.-'c ehiiTeh in the Dres- enee of their immediate families. The nuptial mass was read by the Rev. Francis McCormack. Mrs. Mrs. William Doherty and Russell O'Donnell were the couple's only attendants. Mrc Tienrtersnn Stout has re turned from a trip to her old home in Avn Mn Ava is the town that ' was maile famous earlier in the year in all of the large newspap-1 ers because of its having been I ehecen hv an eccentric million aire as the place where he would make a gut ol eonsiaeraDie mon-, nv In various tvnes of its citizens. Mrs. Stout repo'rts that her family old. Was chosen as the distribu tor of the fund and as yet does' not know from whom the money came. Mrs. Stout also visited the in tho rr7arks which She attended as a girl and which Mr. Stout neipea to conseruvi uum virgin timber growing near there, urc Arioiio ttnnnan and dau ghters made a week-end trip to Portland. Mrs. Carl McDaniel returned the first of the week from oPrtland where she spent several days on business and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doolittle left Thursday morning for Mesa, Arizona, where they will spend the winter. En route, they stopped in ortland for Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. C. H. errott and family, and continued their journey down through California. They expect to return to Heppner in March. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood of El gin were overnight guests Tues day of Mr. and Mrs. LesterDoo- little. . . . Ray McAllister, erstwhile jani tor ...e the Mawinie huildine. now residing in Lexington, was a bus iness visitor in Heppner iuesua. Burt Cork nas tanen ovei uil- uu tics as janitor of the Masonic building. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Creswick were in La Grande Saturday eve ning to attend a meeting of fu neral directors of this district. - ' See The All New REMINGTON PORTABLE A Portable Typewriter In Personal Size at SAAGER'S PHARMACY Heppner, Ore. Phone 62 Service by Henderson Office Supply 4 GET YOUR COPY OF RADIO LOG Tti handy mw Mayflower Radio log Ii at your dtaltr'i how. Gat yowr fraa copy today. AYFLOWER Builds Better Babies Wise mothers, who know the food value of fresh milk and the importance of absolute purity, choose Mayflower Milk for their youngsters. Always Grade A purity, always tops in appetizing flavor, and always carefully pasteurized Mayflower ii baby's best food value. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR Prepay Inheritance and Estate Taxes-thru life insurance -:- C. A. Ruggles -:- Equitable Life Insurance Society PUREBRED RANGE BULL SALE Weiser Livestock Comm'n. Co. Yards WEISER, IDAHO Saturday, December 3, Noon 92 Hereford Hulls 14 Hereford Females 4 Purebred Shorthorn range bulls All Bulls over 14 months old and guaranteed by consignors and association. Entries from Top Purebred Herds in Idaho and Oregon and Utah. Sale sponsored by Idaho Cattlemen's Association