Poge6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 24, 1949 Annual Holiday Sale Wed. Nov. 30 - - To Sat. Dec. 10 SUNB EAM Ironmaster 12.95 Hot in 30 seconds ..Thumb-tip heat control Heats faster and never overheats due to Sun beam exclusive Double-Action heat control. Always delivers the correct heat for the fabric. MULTIPLE LIGHTING SET Reg. 1.75 With tree branch clips 110-120 volt lamps Hurry in for your supply ... at this price for a multiple set the supply won't last long. A well-made set with seven assorted color lamps. While they last 44 GIFT - PACKED 2 -PIECE TOOL SET 2.39 combination value including chrome-nickel plated 6-in. adjustable wrench and highly pol ished 6-in. combination plier.. Better tools for better work. 1.88 FAMOUS SUNBEAM Mixmaster -The gift "mom" would like most to get! 39. 50 Christmas comes but once a year . . make it a memorable one for Mom with the beautiful, helpful Mix master ... the efficient mixer for which the demand is never-ending. Shop early for one. Buy on our lay awav Plan. HE WANTS AN "ALL-STAR" FOOTBALL 2.75 VALUE 2.49 It's tough Rhino-Hide covei hase the appearance oi cow has the appearance of cow weight Leather lacing. We will be open until 8 p. m. Beginning November 30 until Christmas EASY ROLLING Roller SKATES 275 Specially priced for this sale. The perfect year-round gift for those active - minded youngsters. Sturdily built ELECTRIC CLOCK SAVING! A trim, smart, kitchen clock with self-starting movement .... Molded plastic case in choice of colors. Sweep second hand. Current interruption in dicator. A fine, "constant-reminder" giltl 3.95 Plus Tax Formerly 4.95 MARSH ALL-WELLS STORE Don Walker, Owner Heppner, Oregon NEWARVIN CAR HEATER Faster Heat More efficient 19.95 Arvins new Duo-Flo with low current-consuming motor that operates two 8-blade fans; one on each side, giving greatest possible heat dis tribution. Designed with multi-speed, push-pull switch, defroster outlets and universal engine fittings. BOARDMAN ITEMS Continued from page one of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ball (Chloe Barlow) and Mrs. Crys tal Barlow. Home Extension local unit met at the home of Mrs. Clyde Tan nehill Monday afternoon. Topic was new home furnishing ma terials. Miss Margaret Giliis of Heppner gave a talk on the dreaded cancer. Miss Mabel Wil son, home extension agent also talked and presented films on the disease. The next meeting will be January 16 at the home of Mrs. Dewey West. WINTER STORAGE TIME HAS ARRIVED Snow has come. Summer clothes will be packed away. Care in packing will pay dividends next year when warm weather returns. Stains and soil, easy to remove now, may be "set" if left to ase on clothing. Thus, it pays to put clothes away clean. Store clothes where they are protected from dust, rust, moist ure, mice, insect pests and also from unnecessary wrinkling or crushing. Remove any pine or me tal ornaments which may leave marks. For clothes that hang up over the winter, sturdy wooden or plastic hangers are recommended rather than metal hangers which may leave rust marks Clothes worth keepng are worth keeping in good condition. ed the governor to accept a Ford. ONE DOWN ON CMC Hallowe'en pranks invaded the governor's office this year and Governor Douglas McKay, who is one of the state's leading Chevro let dealers, is hunting a bushy set of whiskers to hook over his ears as a disguise while driving a Ford, now the executive's official car. The governor's embarrassing situation involves the Hallowe'en perfidy of a trusted friend and po. litical cohort, William L. Phillips, Sr., manager of Salem's Ford ag ency, who was McKay's campaign finance manager. Recently the state department called for bids for a new car for the executve department. The deal included the trade in of a worn out Chevrolet. Phillips sub mitted th elow bid, $498, paid the difference for his fun, which fore- The real name of the almost legendary Johnny Appleseed, who tramped through the frontier country of Ohio and Indiana in the early 19th century, starting apple orchards w herever he went, was John Chapman. IRRIGON SCHOOL NEWS The junior class received their rings Monday, November 7. They are very pretty. The freshmen have a new member in their class. He is Don ald Leighton, from Redmond. The grade school basketball boys have new blue and white suits. Several students accompanied the annual advertising man to Pendleton to collect advertise ments for the 1950 edition. The senior class sponsored a turkey shoot November 11 and 12. Fred Adams and Ernest Fillev j were among the winners. The Imgon school had its an nual carnival Friday evening. A good Thanksgiving program was prepared by the teachers and it was well received by a large crowd. The proceeds were over $400, made from the concessions. The basketball teams are be ginning practice. Practice for the Christmas pro grams has started. School was dismissed Wednes da evening for Thanksgiving and will resume Monday, the 2Sth. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for all the kindness and expressions of sym pathy in our recent sorrow. The George Peck family and relatives. LAST DAY Saturday, Nov. 26 is the closing date on that hat special. Wilson's Men's Wear. WANTED Girl for housework. Phone 30F6 lone or write Emma Anderson, lone, Ore. 36-3Sc FOR RENT 2-room 410 Elder St. o- apartment, 36p There are 40000 kinds of fish known to science. METHODIST CHURCH Morning worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday: Mid-week prayer service at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, choir practice at 7:30 p. m. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month. Suzanna Wesley Circle meets third Wed nesday of each month. EXAMINER DUE TUESDAY A Drivers License Examiner will be on duty in Heppner be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. Tuesday Nov. 29 at the city building, according to an announcement received from the Secretary of State's office. I Persons wishing drivers licen ses or permits to drive are asked to get in touch with the examin er well ahead of the scheduled closing hour in order to assure completion of their applications I with a minimum of delay. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thank ing our friends for their sympa thy in our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sperry, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Woods, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Clel Rea, Stanfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sanders and baby are here for Thanks giving from their home in Spo kane. The are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sanders at Hotel Heppner. CHURCHES STAR nn REPORTER Atlmleeife. price aternooa a&d renins, nnleee spe etfkaallj adeertleed to be othenrlael Children: Hit. riioe .IT, Fed. lu .03, Total tOc; Grade and High School Student! 12 yean and ototi Et. Prlee .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total 50c; Adolti: Eat. Price .Uc, Fed. Tax .10, Total 600. Ever child occupying a eeat mut hare a ticket. Eifective Huvember 6 and continuing through the winter months, the Saturday show will atart at T i30 Instead of 7 p. m. Sunday shows will continue to it art at 1 p. m. with the boxof f ice remaining open nntil t p. m. On Ar-miitice Bay, Friday, Norember 11 and on Thanksgr-ring Da, Thoriday, November 34, the enow will atart at T p. m. Thun.-rri.-SaU November 24-25-26 The Big Cat Lon McCallister, Peggy Ann Gainer, Pres ton Foster, Forrest Tucker, Skip Ho meier, Sara Haden Filmed in outstanding Technicolur against ruggedly beautiful natural L'tah back grounds which adds importantly to this interesting outdoor action drama. Hold Thot Baby Another of the side-splitting adventures of Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall and the Bowery Boys. THE Till' USD AY SHOW, THANKSGIVING DAY. STARTS AT 7 P. M. Friday and Saturday shows start at 7:30 Sunday Monday, November 27-28 My Friend Irma Mart WlUoa, John Lund. Diana Lynn, Don DeFore, songand-comedy team Dean Martin & Jerr Lewis Pure, unadulterated, unashamed and very funny slapstick the laughs are loud and long! Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., Nov. 29-30, Dec. I Knock On Any Door Humphrey Bogart, George Macready, Al lene Roberts, Susan Perry A powerful and moving story based on Wiilard Motley's novel it is penetrating, it is appealing and it is pretty hard-hitting Also, iiOYAL DUCK SHOOT and WEST WARD HO HO. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH Episcopal First Sunday in Advent. Holy communion 8 a.m. Church school 9:45. Holy communion and sermon at 11. i On Advent Sunday the men ! and boys of the church make a corporate communion by way of starting the church year in a fit- i ting manner. During the 11 o'clock service a i kindergarten is carried on in the 1 parish house to enable the mo I thers of young children to attend church. Week day services: Holy com munion, Wednesday at 10, Friday at 7:30. j Choir practices: Girls', Wed- ne.iudy di auuiia, inuisuay at 8. Archery practice on Saturday: Boy Scouts, 9; Girl Scouts, 10; Cub Scouts, 11. Boy Scouts meet at 7:30 to 9 on Wednesday eve HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:43 a. m. Bible school. 11 a. m. Morning worship and communion service. Sermon topic "Elders, Overseers of the Church." Nursery service is provided dur ing this hour for the convenience of the parents of small children. 7:30 p. m. Evening service of inspirational singing and preach ing. Sermon theme, "The Man Af ter and Against God's Own Heart. Tuesday, 4 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor. Thursday, 7 p. m. Choir prac tice; 8, mid week service. LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister "Science says there can be a fu ture life; philosophy says there may be a future life; Mortality says there ought to be a future life; Christ says there is a future life." Church shcool 10 a. m. Worship and preaching 11 a. m. Singing and preaching 7:30 p. m. sift sYss iSWrii Tr , - l a li saTi a a'e ,i aWsMe1aj ' ": " - -" i , n- -- ....... , . mmmm Here's Money Saving News ! Starting December 1, 1949 We are bringing you "Extra Savings" on all your pur chases by giving the Nationally Famous S & H Green Stamps Come in today for your Free copy of the Green Stamp Catalog listing Hundreds of Lovely Gifts At No Cost to You GILLIAM & BISBEE