Poge4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 24, 1949 Flowers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Hrppner Gazette, established March 30. 1SS3. The Heppner Times, established November 18. 1S97. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3 00 a year; single copies. 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor tnwy your bur j Coat Ladies, insure your fur coats for cover age against all perils for just $5.00 per year See us for particulars TURNER VAN MARTER AND CO Monument Stock Men Attend Meet At Long Creek Mrs. Bill Mundy gave a dinner Sunday in honor of her daughter 1.h- inn'c ninth hirthdav. Invit ed "guests were Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hmton and flaugnters. snaron and Mary Ella. Mr. and Mrs. rhaiww Vtlnn nm-t Carol Swtvk. Joyce Ann was the recipient of manv nice presents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Capon took their small daughter to John Day Saturday to consult a docfor. Rev. and Mrs. Harris were busi ness visitors in John Day Tuesday. Mr. ana .Mrs. ncnry v uiii-r took Mrs. Ethel Schafer to John Day Tuesday to consult her doc tor! She will spend a few days visiting her brother, Morton Cup- P-. . , , ... , Mr. ana Mrs. miaay oauy. ju- er. returned to their home Mon day. Mr ami Mrs Antv l.nftnn anH daughter Laura Jane and Mrs. Aita Lotion spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Simas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Durst drove to Hamilton Sunday to visit with relatives and friends. Ed Round accompanied Elzy Fmrv tn Fnv Vallpv lact Qunilau - ' J . While there Mr. Emry sold some aitie wmcn were sent to untano. Atr nnH Mrs tilfa fiilman nnrt Mrs. Charles Pope and children spent last week-end at the home ot Mr. ana Mrs. wiuara unman. Lyle Van Dusen of Top attend ed the stockmen's convention at Long Creek last week. He also tnv-iiH for the dance Saturdav ev ening. He reports a very enjoya- oie time. Jack Blackwell and son Johnnie of Long Creek were business vis itors in Monument Tuesday. The MMM club met at the home of Mrs. Ida Bleakman Thursay. Margaret Elder and Flo Gilman were co-hostesses. There were 21 present. After the business meet- Mr. hhu mis. miuuj uu- K"-'"- ...... - i . ct Marvin SaHrtier I in v the hostesses served sand urn uau; onu ....... - ---c- . - - took two truck loads of cattle to wiches and coffee. the Portland market baturaay. un wtre assisted bv Miss Marjone their return they were loaded Graves of Heppner. Games were .,-ith iwmpnt ftr the HI U'OrksllOD anH rfrpchmpntc wprp Many Dressy or Casual Frocks A cloud of fashions formats, after noons or just anytime of day or eve ning . . . Sure to be the answer to your needs in the pay holiday hours ahead. In sizes 9-15, 10-20, 14U-22H. Priced from 9.95 to 25.00 Blouses-Dressy or Tailored, size 32-46 and priced from 3.50 to 1 2.95 Winter Coats, Suits and Millinery, Wool Mittens and Gloves for ladies and children. NORAH'S 6H0P - with cement for the GI workshop whicn tne Doys nope 10 uunu m the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mower of Portland spent several days visit ing at the nome 01 Mr. ana nirs. Miles Gilman. Mr. Mower enjoy ed a few days of elk hunting. Chet Brown and brother John. Henry Cupper, Al Piper and Em orv Moore spent the last days of elk season in the mountains. Ev ery one is wishing them good lu'ck. Red Henderson of Sisters was here Wednesday to do some in voicing at the guard station. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and crtn npnrcre and Mr. and Mrs. George Capon were attending to matters of business in John Day Wednesday. Willard Gilman, Carl Cox and Lyle Van Dusen of Top were bus iness visitors in Monument on Wednesday. Michael, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek of Heppner will spend the coming week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sweek. Mrs. Jessie Emry and daughter Mary reurned from Coos Bay on Friday. Mrs. Norma Counts and Mrs. Rose Griggs and children spent Saturday visiting relatives in Heppner. Msr. Theron King entertained at dinner in honor of her son, Earl Frank's sixth birthday, Mon day. His guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard and Laura Lee Shank. Mrs. May De Ette Hinton and Mrs. Goldie Round were business visitors in John Day Manday. Mrs. Hinton attended a teachers' meet ing and Mrs. Round visited her mother, Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Airs. Lynn Forrest were spent Sunday at the Fred Ely home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews and daughters left for Roseburg Saturday to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. The play. "Kill the Old Rooster" was put on by the English IV class at the school Friday morn ing. The glee club sang three numbers. Mrs. Lewis Hahorsen was re elected master of Willows grange at the regular meeting Saturday evening. Other officers were: Ov- NEW '-EVER BENDIX WASHERS! Best washing with "Dyna -Surge" tumble action 1 Bast Damp-drying with itepped-up spinning! Bast looking with smart new cabinetal Bast economy Exclusive " Watar-Rationer" 1 Best buy New low prices ! See them here today played and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowman were in John Dav Saturdav. Mrs. Favre Sweek kept the children while they were gone. Mrs Fav Mundv and daughter Jovce of the L. S. Ranch were shopping in town and calling on friends, Saturday. Mrs. Richard Cox of Gilmore Ranch was attending to matters of business in Monument, Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lovgren mov ed to Spray Saturday where Mr. Lovgren has employment, may Richards of Spray brought his truck up and moved their house hold furnishings. ConUnued from Page Three home Saturday evening. They The social meeting 01 tne lopic club was held Saturday evening at the Verner Troedson home. Bridge and pinochle were played. Winning at bridge were Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Alfred Shirley, high; Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Harlan McCurdy, low; jack high, Mrs. Swanson. In pinochle, Mrs. Sam McMillan and Victor Riet mann were high; Mrs. Charles O'Connor and Sam McMillan, low and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, 500 pi nochle. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Noel Dob yns. Mrs. Charles O'Connor and Mrs. Troedson. A potluck dinner was served to a large crowd at the Congrega tional church Sunday noon fol lowing services. The tables were decorated in keeping wif.h Thankseiving. The Three Links club held a bazaar and served pie and coffee at the Kphpkan nan oaiuraay su attending to matters of business i ternoon. in John Day and Canyon City last Mrs Lulu Sparks of Portland nionoay. Was a recent visitor ai tne nume Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Shank who of her sister, Mrs. Fred Ely. Mr. spent last week-end in Hood Riv- and Mrs. David Ely and daughter k ... The First Time in Years An Offer Like This! for V ld Range (or more if your old range is in good saleable condition) on the purchase of a new, modern Electric Range No matter how old or run-down, your old range is worth 50 great big dollars on a new Zenith! Maybe even more and no less! Come in trade now for greater cooking enjoyment with a Zenith! Our regular low price .... CflOO Less allowance for old range JU Sr S1IM95 I Jt f rJL . . .; -j- V 33ESE. "Automatic" oven-tima and minute minder "Automatic" pre-heat control with Bake and Broil signal lights Oversize two-unit Oven with "Automatic" Flood Light Roller-Bearing Utensil Drawers for Generous Storage Space J Six-Quart "Thrifty Chef" Deep Well Cooker Appliance outlet . . . range top floodlight . . . signal light for surface units. 1 . . r?r?p ar shall - uuells tore DON WALKER OWNER Heppner, Oregon C-C'-- NEW Bendix DeLuxe Better than ever! New "Dyna Surge" washing. The slant of the baffles tha flood of the suds and jet water action doea it. 499 95 erseer, Berl Akers; lecturer, Mrs. Hershall Townsend; steward, Wntp Crawford; assistant steward Marion Palmer; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Marion Palmer; treasurer, Mrs. James Lindsay; chaplain, Mrs. Wate Crawford; .secretary. Mrs. Berl Akers; gate keeper, Walter Cor ley; Ceres, Mrs. Walter Corley; Pomona, Mrs. Lela Brown; Flora. Mrs. Wm. Scchafer; executive committee, Donald Ilel iker, Mrs. Oscar Lundell and Ed Buschke. 8- y LOP UEW Bendix GyramatK Fuxwt washer ever built. Neoda no bolting down. "Dytia-Surge" washing. Water Rationer. Soap 749 injector optional See another Bendix "first" the sensational tITflOC CONOMAT 'lV Sm these Bendix "Best Buys" Hon LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. Oil helps grow food for you... in Hawaii Beyond the Islands' coral beaches, behind their blue, cliff-sharp hills, lie some of the most efficiently mechanized farming areas in all the world. The pineapple you eat and much of the lugar you serve are grown, not in palm haded tropical valleys, but on broad fields of rich, red soil . . . contour plowed, ex pertly cultivated, carefully harvested. And in all these jobs, oil plays a major part Oil powers plows and cultivators; petro leum emulsions control weeds in fields of young cane and pineapple plants; at har vest time, huge Diesel machines rake and load 130 tons of cane an hour, and ripe pineapples are gathered on conveyor belts. Trucks and barges speed the harvest to can neries and mills. Supplying the oil Hawaii needs has been Standard of California's job ever since ker osene lamps burned in Honolulu's light house. Today, this service has spread to all the Islands . . . provides millions of gallons of petroleum products every year... helps insure better living for the Islanders and better food for you. 17 """w 0 ia ft toe-!. . V-l hi! new J luper-filttd putons, (fTO'tn ouisl thru-bldt n M" "hustied" iVRrL nulflrial timing gear id new Ctmsnan dfr- FKb'BVttn 4bv hnA inchorod at both ends to you can't catch your itatva. IS-h.ai Sb aiKtm too fives remarkable economy. Cmtad "Fiituea Car" panel. Initrumenti, Illuminated by toft non-glare "black light", are grouped in ingle Urge clutter for easy reading. g WM78 nam The one fine car in the low-price field 1KB M Uffflurr ImIim haw mnre ilrenirth with carefully planned application of tealtng t Insulation material througriout entire body. Inerm. Iretrt tBstensiM hat new torsional Stabilizer. tlew Mtt celert - your choict ol U. Smtft hardware Inside and out, designed tor more than beauty. Wfift ttdtwall tlfi ovoJIablt or txtra cwf. ' The 1 9 SO Ford li 50 ways new and finer I , . from new heavier gauge steal frame and 13 way stronger "Lifeguard" Body to new designed ceiling and seating for greater head room. New comfortable foam rubber front seat cushions, over new special non sagging springs. New richly colored up holstsry fabrics. New push button door handles, new rotary secure door latches; Eleven brand-new balced-on enamel colors that keep their freshness because they're "built fo live outdoors." "''m' fj ''a'h""hp f M I ZtmAr' 'Xt ' lxJ XA 'If hi 41 Hn m.l.llun front nd rear adds notl of bnuty. There' o in your future ...with o future built in Just touch the latch of Ford's "Deep Deck" Luggage Locker 22.9 cu. ft. of us able space awaits any load you can muster. Just sit in the 'j0 Ford's luxurious new Interior that seats six big people Ford has more hip and shoulder room than any car In Its class. For an even bigger thrill drive this '50 Ford. ..the fine car In Its field. See : : : hear : : : and feel the difference at your FORD DEALER'S ROSEWALL MOTOR CO.