Poge4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 17, 1949 COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR OCTOBER. 1949 ! The nilnutm ol the Sritrmber, 1 l'HU Inm wcr- r ;ifl ami approv ed Th" f'rnjrt orderort tl.r transfer, of $.'.2n 10 from the Motor Li-i roniw Fund to the doniTal Road Fund. The ( ourl gr;mt-d The Rhea Crwk fwanpc Hall a dance 11 cenw for the year 1919. Thr following' Banps' Pisoasp claims were allowed: Thill Ilig rind, $K00; ( ornelius JS. Mc Lughlin, $2400. WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL TUND Sadie Tarnish, Deputy Sal. $174.25 Frances Mitchell, Deputy Sal &197.15 lila J. McLaehlan, office clerk salary 121.95 Olive B. Huphcs, Dep. Sal. 19S 00 Margaret Cillis. nurse Sal. 209.40 A. 1. Chaffee, janitor 1S4.10 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Thys. 24.75 Susie W. Miller, Ct reporter 49.50 William Garner, Justice of of Teace .... . 74.25 1. O. Hager, Justice of Peace ... 121.55 Pacific Telephone and Tele graph Co. current ex. 74.58 Turner, Van Maner & Co. Bond 25.00 J. O. Turner, circuit court 15.00 Margaret Gillis. nurse ex. 9261 Oregon State Library, li brary appropriation 191.69 1.. W. li:ipe. treasurer 2.00 Bradley Kaiuiier. Dist. Attv. 30.00 ;nrtH-t Hairatt. Co. Ct. " 55.55 Knham Mationery and Print inp Co.. Assessor SI. 10; Tax Collection SS.52 9 62 W. O. Dix, Assessir 57.70 EuNhonj; and Co., Clerk 13.25 Lmpire Stationers. Clerk 3S.1S l aiher-Scott. I t. House 4.72 neppner Laundry, Lt. Use. .75 The Fr Fyter Co., Ct. Use. 51.75 Pacific Power and Light Co. Court House 3S.S0 Pacilic Stationery and Print ing Co.. Tax Collection 1.22 Bushonp and Co.. Tax Col. 12.65 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 116.36 Boardman Telephone Co., Justice Court 17.S5 Luke Bibhy, Bangs Disease Control" 176.00 H. Howard Cleveland, Bangs Disease Control ... 16.00 Charles Forthman, Bangs Disease Control 16.00 Heppner Gazette Times, Tax Collection . 20.35 Inland Empire Waterways Assn., Publicity and Adv. 250.00 State Industrial Accident Comm.. Sher. S3.S0; Sher. Sal. .30; deputy Sal. .30 janitor Sal. .30; court house .90 5.60 I J. O. Peterson, courthouse 5.00 j Ralph I. Thompson, county 1 court . 54.65 Russell K. Miller, county I court " 95.44 I First National Bank of Port ' land, withholding tax 201.05 'Robert F. Witherell, account- ant's audit 650.00 State Tax Commission, withholding tax S6.1S Heppner Photo Studio, i Sheriff 12.00 .Ore. State Agr. College, I County Agent S1795.00. Home Dom. Agent I $1,000.00 2,795.00 j Umatilla County, Insane ; Expense 10.00 Secretary of State, Account- I ants-Audit 25.00 ' WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND 125.66 257.SS 276.85 296.75 220.14 27.25 lit Lewis Ball Jack Slocum Floyd Borman Wilbur Jackson Ralph Scott, Roger Allen Henry Peck Austin Wilson Carl Cropp Ed Kellv H. Sherer Darold Hams Fred Booker Dean Gilman 'William Heath 274.48J 279.52 268.53 1SS.76 207.41 256.37 275.93 53.41 267.05 239.10 335.75 24S.16 238.45 221.87 238.47 "Construction like this "benefits everybody." C.U HCHN President, Tht DJlii Chimin if Commtrti Sumiti it atnf s -i-aJt feA-iiii.-i lt...i.rtil 113.30 792.78 16.62 52.19 1.25 32.13 25.38 3.44 2.50 86.32 84.52 3.25 2.00 41.56 5.04 .28 5.08 6.71 1.64 56.01 4.00 George A. Stalcup Walter Gilman Dick Borman W. Cunningham Sunset Motor Co. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Contractor Equipment Corporation I nion Oil (.o. Columbia Equipment Co. Rosewall Motor Co. N. D. Bailey Braden Tractor and Equip ment Co Feenaugnty Machinery Co. Omar Rietmann W. R. Went worth Paul G. Pettyjohn Heppner Motor Co. Arthur A. Allen Guy Riddle Boardman Supply Co. Owens Hardware Penland Bros. Transfer Standard Oil Co. Industrial Air Products Industrial Air Products The Texas Co. City of Heppner Water Dept The Fyr-Fvter Co. 169.25 Pacific Light and Power Co. S.97 State Industrial Accident Commission 108.S5 D. H. Jones and Son 3.50 Western Auto Supply Co. 59.4-1 Anderson Builders Supply 25.39 Jack Allen Supply Co. 50.85 Heppner Lumber Co. 20.15 Lexington Implement Co. 161.71 First National Bank of Port land : 296.90 State Tax Commission 147.51 Oregon Lumber Company 719.27 Interior Motor Freight 16.91 WARRANTS ISSUED ON HOS PITAL MAINTENANCE FUND Earl T. Newbry, Secretary of State 2.00 Darold Hams 20.98 Fred Booker 13.48 Dean Gilman 13.18 William Heath 13.48 Henry Grover Peck 3.00 State Industrial Accident Commission 2.34 Consolidated Supply Co. 134.67 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND Paul Hisler, coyote bounty 3.00 Frank McDaniel, coyote bounty 12.00 J. E. Letrace, dog fund 15.00 Whitmer Wright, coyote Home Ec Women At Monument Give Dinner For 4-H-ers By MRS. MILLIE WILSON The 11IX ladies of the Monu ment grange served a bountiful banquet in the grange hall Thurs day evening in honor of the 411 club members. Clarence Shone burger and Dempsey Boyer were the speakers of the evening. Betty Cam. one of the most outstanding 4-H club members of Grant coun ty, and her mother, Mrs. Cant of Davville, were the guests of hon or. "Mrs. Ouida Cork and the 4-H boys and girls entertained with soiigs. Several of the boys and girls told of their 4-H club work this year and gave their ratings at the county fair and at the PI. Mrs. Millie Wilson acted as the I announcer of the program. All in I all it was a pleasant evening for everyone. Mrs. Ethel Schafer has been on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Zephyl Harrison of Top had as dinner guests last Tuesday, their friends from Con don, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schafer. Mrs. Mabel Roach and daugh ter Joan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jaeger of Condon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaeger cel ebrated their silver wedding an nivarsary on that day. Mrs. Mary Lee Lesley and Mrs. Eunice Round were John Day vis itors Thursday. They were ac companied home by Mrs. Lois Bleakman who had just returned from her trip to Salt Lake City. where she visited relatives. Jack Cavender, the G. I. in bounty 6.00 J. H. Brannon, coyote bounty 6.00 Arthur A. Stone, coyote Bty 6.00 Sig F. Eller, coyote bounty 6.00 W. L. Cox, coyote bounty 6.00 i Edward Baker, coyote Bty. 3.00 Douglas Drake, coyote Bty. 6.00 Walter W. Wright, coyote Bty 6.00 Hugh B. Smith, coyote Bty 12.W structor in Monument, accompan ied by Mrs. Millie Wilson, was attending to matters of business in the county school superintend ent s office. They also called on the auditor about school affairs. Only a very small percentage of the voters in the North Fork precinct visited the polls last Tuesday. Those who voted were against the county hospital plan. Mr. and Mis. Rex Svveek return. ed home from Portland Thursday. Mrs. bweek underwent surgery while in Portland. Her friends are happy to know she is home so soon and able to be up and .i round. Tim Lovgren drove to Pendle ton Wednesday to meet his wife. George burnt t, accompanied by Millie Wilson, took the ballot boxes to Canyon City Wednes day of last week. While there they joined the line in the sher iff's office to pay their taxes be fore November 15. Mr. and Mrs. George Stubble- field and Murd Stubblefield were attending to matters of business in John Day Thursday. Mrs. fatub blefield consulted her dentist while there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns and daughters drove to Ilermiston Saturday, They spent the week end with relatives and friends. Tom Shank accompanied them and will remain in Hermiston for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Iladley of Kinzua were week-end guests of Mrs. Hadley's sister, Mis. Margar et Elder. They also visited her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page. Dane Broadfoot, Lindel Broad foot, Clayton Griggs and Law rence Cults from the Big 4 Lum ber Co., decided to take advant age of the long week-end and get in a few more days of hunting. Their wives decided to spend the vacation in Heppner. The dance sponsored by the American Legion and auxiliary Saturday night was well attend ed and everyone reports an en joyable evening. The orchestra was from Heppner. Mrs. Richard Cox of the Gilmore ranch was shopping in Monu ment Friday. Mrs. Clayton Griggs entertain ed the Ladies Sewing club Thurs day. Those present were Cloy Spurgin, Merle Owens, Lucy Broadfoot, Virgie Broadfoot, Pau line Cutts, and Norma Counts. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Boyer returned Wednesday from a week's stay in Portland where they visited relatives and attend to matters of business. Mrs. Jessie Entry and daughter Marv, and her mother, Minnie Gamble, left Friday evening for Coos Bay to visit Henry Gamble. Mrs. Gamble will remain with her husband this winter. Johnnie Stubblefield took a load of hogs to the sales ring at IMt. Vernon Saturday. He was ac companied by his father, Otis Business matters took Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Shank to Hood River over the week-end. They also vis ited friends while there. Mrs. El len Stubblefield was in charge of the store while they were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leathers drove to John Day Saturday to get a load of feed for their stock. John Owens surprised his fam ily when he came home on leave last week. He will stay until the 9th when he will have to report for dtitv. Will We lie Thankful or just full? The Christian Thanksgiving transforms Thanksgiv ing Day from a mere self-congratulatory feasting time to a time ol humblo gratitude to Cod. Instead of the fool's thought "SouL take thine ease; eat drink, be merry," it whispers, "What shall I render unto God?" and "How can I share my blessing?" It is coming to ask, "How can I help to remove the world's burden of poverty and wretchedness?" Attend the church of your choice this Thanksgiving Sunday Attend the Union Service at the Methodist Church Thanksgiving Day, 10:00 a. m. Church of Christ Corner Center and Gale Glenn Warner, Minister LVV ft a if vl r y rv XMyx-& r.r-rE-. rhmsi DIT'S HERE IMiAY aki 5 MAYS MOt CUCUIT-StEAKERS coitinj obont i20,000 ach or bing initalled thii yor on th PP&L lyitim, m olo tronbta areoi and ifnprov .ffte'wncy of ttw Northweil Pow.r Pool. PPil U a plonw partner whkh tie togethw th 300 public and priyato powr plants of tho Pacific Northwtit. Tti.y In tht aro "fuiei' Powtr Pool Pacific Power & Light Company has spent $25,000,000 on new construction since V-J day. These are taxpaying, job-making dollars development dollars invested here in the great Northwest to help meet your electrical needs. The power requirements of a fast-growing region demand t steady flow of these development dollars into the Pacific Northwest. That is why all of us want Investors to look on this region as a land of opportunity, and of fair reward. The investor whose dollars help extend and improve your electric service, while sharing your tax burden, ii truly t Partner in Progress! Pacific Power & Light A progreisye powtr sysfem busnets managed i u efl'KH' KI mm THE GHLHSSlfE EEW C M.P. FOE&E) You, too, will enjoy a good night's sleep... awake re freshed ... as you go by train. You'll like the friendly service... the con venient schedules ... the way Union Pacific gets you there comfort ably and on time. Still those Autumn Doyl el Sun Volley For your next trip East, choose one of these Union Pacific trains. Daily departure... Pullman and coach accommo dations . . . low fares. STREAMLINER -city or Portland Fast schedule . . . earliest arrival in Chicago . . .Stewardess service. "PORTLAND ROSE Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis and connections for Texas, Southwest and East. MDAHOAN" Den ver, Kansas City, St. Louis. Through cars connecting with "City of St. Louis" streamliner. For Comphtt Trtvel Information Consult Local Agent UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD tf tic StxetUHliHtii, NEW SOUND CONDITIONING New"wunil conditioning" in floor, doors and body panels insulate Ford's "Lifeguard" Body against road noises. More extensive body Insulation and sealing m 41 areas give actional Interior quietness and protection. There's . W in your future -.with a futun built in it ' 1 !tf;1 NEW "HUSHED" RIDE II .1 I 0 ITS QUIET WHISPERS QUALITY h'j the quiet of new luper-fltted pistonj, new "hushed" timing gear, new fan' designed for better cooling ot slower quieter ipeedi. And what power! There's a full 100 horiepower wrapped up In rhlj V-8 design thot makes you master of any road. It delivers more power than any other car onywhere near rora Inw rtrir nnA cIU for let than most conventional j? "sixes." And Ford offers a Six, too an ad-- S vanced Six with 95 horsepower. NEW Ford's fsmouj"Mid Ship" Ride Is now so quiet you can talk in whis pers while travelling at highway speeds. So smooth (with its great team of "Hydra-Coil" and "Pari Fle" Springs) that it virtually erases every bump. NEW QUALITY FEATURES NEW DRIVING COMFORT New quality Is easy to find In this S0-way-new Ford. You find it in the new push-button door handles, in ths new rotary door latch that needs only a feather touch to open, yet closes so securely. You lind It in new sparkling upholstery colors. Not only does (lie 1950 Ford offer you more hip and shoulder room than any other car in its held -it offers you the long lived driving comfort of 8 new foam rubber front seat cushion over new non-sag seat springs. Arrive related after hours of riding. But tee If for yourself. Drive it so you can feel and hear the difference. And price It and see how much lets it costs than any other really fine car; SEE THE ONE FINE CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD at your FORD DEALERS eM(s! fa? ftlke ladlaes ROSEWALL MOTOR CO.