Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 10, 1949, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 10 1949
Extension Unit At
lone Concludes
Dress Shop Project
The lone extension unit met at
2 p. m. Friday at the C'onprega
tlonal church. Miss Ma he Wilson
howed movies and a chart on
cancer and demonstrated new
materials and their treatment, by
howlng samples of materials and
telling their uses in the home. A
gift wrapping demonstration was
given by Mrs. E. M. Baker. A bus
iness meeting, conducted by Mrs.
Noel Dobyns, chairman, was held.
Miss Wilson repotled on 4 H club
work and stated that the leaders
In this community were Mrs. L.
A. McCabe, Mrs. Verner Troedson,
Mrs. Garland Svvanson, Mrs. E.
M. Baker, Ruby Ann Rietmann
and Lola Ann McCabe. Mrs. Omar
Rietmann reported on the better
dress shop which ended Thurs
day, Nov. 3. About 8 dresses were
completed, with more to be fril-isl-.eu.
Those completing the dros
ses under the leaders are eligible
lo make a coat or suit next year.
Mrs. notur.s thanked the leaders.
Mrs. Pa id Rietmann. Mrs. L. A.
MeCahc. Mrs W. R. Wentworth,
Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Sam
McMillan and Mrs. E. M Baker.
Refreshments were serveif by Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pettyjohn and
son Jimmy are staying at the Earl
Mci'ahe home while Mr. Pettyjohn
is working on telephone lines
Nov. 11 Legion program at
Memorial athletic field at 11 a.
Nov. 12 Study meeting of To
pic club. Mrs. (.'has. Carlson home.
Nov. 13 Missionary meeting at
Leonard Carlson home, 2 p. m.
Nov. 15 Legion-Auxiliary meet
ing at S p. m.
Nov. 16 Ameca club.
Nov. 17 Rehekah meeting.
Nov. IS HEC Willows grange
at hall. Legion-Auxiliary card
party at Legion hall, 8 p. m.
Nov. 17 3 Links club fancy
work, pie and coffee, etc. 2 p. m.
Willows grange at S p. m.
The 4-11 club has a very at
tractive window display at the
Suanson store in keeping with
Achievement wotk. Several from
here attended the Achievement
party at Lexington Friday eve
ning of last week.
Irrigon defeated lone here in a
football game Friday, 13 to 3S.
E. S. Stultz. high school instruc
tor, spent the week end at his
home in Portland.
Mrs. IXira Pierrot of Portland
left for her home last week after
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank
iin Ely.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry O Donnell
Jr. of Heppner were week-end
guests at the Ted Palmateer
Mrs. Mary A. Bailey and Mrs.
Margaret Worsen of Portland
spent a few days last week with
their daughter and niece, Mrs.
Alan G. Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse
and children spent the week-end
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely
6tffao Ga n One
WILLYS n)fatffrw
Come in! See how much more
you get in this Station Wagon
ALl-STEEl BODY gives roomy comfort for six
dults, with er risibility all around.
SEATS REMOVABLE to provide truck-size
load space. Even with all seats in, the Willys
Station Wagon has 10 to 29 MORE us
able luggage space than competitive sedans.
SMOOTH-RIDING, with Planadyne front
w heel suspension and low-pressure tires.
AMAZING GAS MILEAGE from "i" or "6"
Engine and standard-equipment overdrive
Farley Motor Company
v -
w L 4
l it'"
; I. v ; .- i
if, X r. m nii. 1
your vote con reocn torn 85 countries oi easily as a nearby town. The low rates may surprise you.
"Calling Tokyo--4250"
How overseas service puts the world by your telephone
spent the week end in Corvallis
visiting their son Fayne who is a
student at O. S. C.
Mrs. Anne Smouse and daugh
ter of Heppner and Mrs. Orb Mar
tin and sons of Moro were lone
visitors Sunday.
Nineteen Rebekahs from here
attended the convention at Lex
ington Saturday. Bunch Grass
lodge put on the initiatory work.
A mission was held at the St.
William's Catholic church Sun
day, Monday and Tuesday eve
nings. Father Flannagan con
ducted the meetings.
Kenneth Lundell is working at
the Heppner Electric company.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and sons
were Portland and Gearhart vis
itors last week.
Mrs. Garland Swanson returned
from Salem last week where she
visited a sister from Canada.
The Masons had a deerburger
feed at the regular meeting Nov.
Ted Peterson of The Dalles was
a week end visitor here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hale and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hale of Yakima
were week-end visitors at the Ida
Grabill home. Clay Hale is a bro
ther of Mrs. Grabill.
The Eastern Star Social club
met at the Masonic hall Nov. 4
with Mrs. Sam Eteb as hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warmuth and
daughters have moved into the
Frank Nichols house.
Those attending grange at
Rhea Creek Friday evening from
here were Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen,
Mrs. Hershall Townsend, Mrs. Os
car Lundell, Mrs. Sam Esteb, Mrs.
Lana Padberg and Mrs. Ernest
lone people attending the Oregon-Washington
football game in
Portland Saturday included Mr.
and Mrs. John Eubanks and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Lundell. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Pad
berg, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bristow, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Carlson, Gene
Rietmann. Bill and Bob Rietmann,
Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Heliker.
Several ladies from here at
tended a luncheon at the Anne
Smouse home in Heppner Tues
day of last week in honor of Mrs.
Frank Tews of Seattle.
The P-TA auction has been
postponed until Dec. 9. The regu
lar P-TA meeting will be Nov. 30.
The Prescott ball game and the
Rebekah dinner for Armistice day
have been canceled.
Mrs. Cleta Henderson and dau
ghter Beverly of Baker visited
with their uncle and aunt, Mr.
Waiting For a Sail
The Modern Merchant
Doesn't wait for SALES t
Flatt's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
The Dallea Phone 2635
114 E. 2nd St
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere.Anytime"
Symptoms of Distress Arising frorr
Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing
OvAr thrw million hot t. Ion of the WirxARf
Treatment havo hi;-n sotl for rrlif n
Rymptomsofdmtri -sarr-iinc; from Stomae
atiri Duodenal Ulcer fiup to Excess Acid
Poor Digestion, Sour or Upiet Stomaef-Castine-.t,
Hf-thurn, Slff?olMsnesf ttc
fiiifj to Etcti Acid. - i'i nn 1.1 flnvs' tn.il
A-k for "Willard'fr Matiam" which fully
IXL-iAins t his tn at hjth - free -at
'. .ft ... 1 IV dW'fafr 1
1 Im fllnn kii i I n a a and L n i n (T in tniirtl
with friends, overseas telephone service has
become n everyday tool. In its twenty-two
yetrt, the calling rate has jumped from about
2,300 calls year to 600,000. Today, your
voice can be scot over short-wave radio to
ninety-four per cent of the world's telephones
...over circuits as long as 8,000 miles.
3. In 1 917, the lowest overseas rate from the
West was $84.00. Now the maximum to most
countries il 12.00 (plus tax) for three
minutes. Many calls cost less. Making it possi
ble to call almost anyone, at low cost, is another
wy we've made your telephone more valuable.
and Mrs. 11. O. Ely one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews
and twin daughters are in The
Dalles where the twins are hav
ing a cfleck-up.
Mr. and Mrs. Klvin Ely and
daughters of Boardman were
Sunday guests of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II. O. Ely.
t'reston Black is spending a
few days In Aloha.
Miss Dolores Drake dislocated
her shoulder Sunday. She was
taken to a physician for treat
Mrs. Ethel Stewart is vsiting in
Portland and Gearhart.
The lone Public library has
purchased some new chairs and
an electric heater.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeilinski
and sons of Gervais were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom
Mrs. Margaret Reed of Portland
was a week-end guest of Mrs.
Delia Corson.
Mrs. Fred Buchanan and son
John left Monday for Toppenish
where they will visit at the home
of her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montague.
Bob Crowell, Bill Rowell and
Clifford Aldrlch returned from
the Wallowa country where they
were successful in getting their
Windmills first became com
mon in Germany and the Netherlands.
to keep engines cool
this way
A Product of
Standard of California
Engines run cooler with
Engine Lubricating Oil
because they're lubri
cated completely. Com
pounded to prevent
ring-sticking and corro
eion, RPM DELO Oil
stays on cylinder walls
at all times . . . prevents
rust . . . cuts repairs as
much as 50!
2. Skilled technicians iu the circuit control
room keep constant watch on their equip
ment to make sure your voice can hurdle the
earth and still sound about as clear as a cross
town call. And overseas service is easy to use.
Vour Long Distance operator will give you the
rates, the best time to call . . . and set up an
appointment call for you if you wish.
L, A From where I sit ... Zy Joe Marsh
Your telephone is one of
today's best bargains
The PaClfiC Telephone (p and Telegraph Company
If Smiley Roberts is a friend of
yours, like he is mine, and If you
want to keep his friendship, like I
do, don't ever let him hear you say
that good clam chowder can be
made without cream.
In New England, where Smiley
comes from, friendships have been
broken over tomatoes versus cream
in clam cbowdnr. Experts say that
Bouth of Boston the tomato reiKis
supreme, but north of Boston it's
cream or else!
From where I sit, whether ft
should have cream or tomatoes 1b
simply a matter of taste. This is
Chowder Can Be
plain to anyone who doesn't come
from clam chowder country.
What a great world this would
be if we could all see that most
prejudices are matters of taste
only. Some like hot coffee. Some
like it Iced. Some people like a tem
perate glass of beer. Others prefer
ice-cold lemonade. My grand
mother usod to say, "Prejudice
that sees only what It pleases,
cannot see very plain."
Nominators Chosen TIIE American way
fo Name County
Ag Committeemen
The county office of the Pro
duction and Marketing adminis
tration announced this week that
Nominating committees had been
chosen for seven of the county's
nine agricultural communities for
the purpose of selecting a slate
of candidates for the coming far-mer-committeemen
In the other two communities,
Boardman and Irrigon, the elec
tions will be held at public meet
ings. Dates and places for these
meetings are as follows: at the
Boardman grange hall at 10 a.
m. November 15, for Boardman
farmers, and at the Irrigon school
house at 2 p. m. November 15, for
Irrigon farmers.
The present PMA committee,
which made the appointments,
explains that the nominating
committees have been asked to
choose two representative farmers
as nominees for each position. To
be elected in each community are
a chairman, vice chairman, third
member and two alternates to the
community PMA committee, and
a delegate and alternate to the
county convention. Delegates to
the county convention will name
the county PMA committee for
Names of nominees have been
printed on ballots which are be
ing distributed to all eligible vo
ters in each community. Voters
will return these ballots by mail
to the county office in Heppner.
"We hope by this method to
make possidle a near-100-percent
participation In the committee
men elections," said R. S. Thomp
son, present county PMA commit
tee chairman. "Since PMA com
mitteemen are responsible for
me local administrllon oi na
tional farm programs that affect
practically every farm in Morrow
county, we believe that every far
mer who is participating in one
of the programs should have a
voice In choosing the committee
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llendoil Right
Copyright, 1949, L'niltd Statu Brtvitn Foundation
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. PandN.P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Don't let your equipment freeze up.
We have an ample supply. Fill up now.
We Repair Any Make
of Car, Truck or Tractor
We have in stock
Now is the time to have your
equipment repaired
PADBERG- Tractor and
Truck Repair
Phone 421 1
Good cooks will tell you that good milk,
cream, butter, cheese and other dairy prod
ucts are very important in good cooking.
Mayflower is the special favorite of so many
housewives because of its Grade A purity,
its uniform fresh flavor and its hich stand,
ard of food value.
at Your Store or
at Your Door
Standard Milk ant.
Homogenized Milk
Creemten 10;
5 Milk
Buttermilk Butler
Cheddar Cheese
Cottage Cheese
Whipping Cream