Poge 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 3, 1949 Hallowe'en Dance At Monument Draws S.; Wide Patronage Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. Audrey Stoneman, who has j ning of last week. The association . home of her parents,, Mr. and family of Fox vis-1 announced she will wed John I now has t9 members. A postcard ; Mrs. fred Ely at Morgan. Mr. and Mis. Homer Williams and daughtPis Joyce and Linda Sue of K ho spent the week-end with Mrs. Williams' parents. Mr. and Mrs C. N. Wilson. They were aeeompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Haymond Atteliury of Heppner. They all enjoyed the Hallowe'en dnnee snsored by the high m hool. Mr. Cookson of New Zealand is visiting fiends in Monument this w eek. Mrs. Ret a King and sen Earl Frank visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bar nard, Friday. Mrs. Ellen Stubblefield and son Norris were visiting relatives and attending to matters of business in John Day, Friday. I Dr. W. H. Broder of Portland! visited his cousins. Mrs. Ella Durst and Mrs. Ivy Barnard last week. While here the doctor en joyed some bird hunting. Jim Brown, agent for Barnum Tool company, was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Flem ing Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Bobbins are the proud parents of a baby girl born October 22. Mrs. Rohbins will be remembered by her many friends friends here as Betty Cork. The maternal great grandmother is Mrs. Anna Lesley. Mrs. Mary Lee Lesley took her infant son to John Day Tuesday for medical aid. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Record of riding Lease d at the home of Mrs. Loasoy's Randall th r i:ov bowman mesnay mere were ord is with the pouee force. Oii.in link of Kcnnewick, .ml Allot Fleming of Alaska are hunting in this vicinity. M.S. Fleming and children are visit- ing relatives during their stay. ! Mrs. Daisy Simas went to John lVi with her daughter, Mrs. Jean rvvoro. Sunday to consult her doctor. Mrs. Simas is suffering jvr.h the flu. , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Throop of jD.iyville visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd iHinton, Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swick of Spray are the parents of a baby ! boy born at the Blue Mountain hospital last week. The proud pa Mernal grandparents are Mr. and lMrs. Howard Swick. j Mr. and Mrs. Bill Settle were business visitors In Portland this week. Mrs. La Verda Cox helped in the store while they were gone. They returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilman and Mrs. Carl Cox drove to Burnst Wednesday to get a span of mules which Gilman had pur chased. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Devore of Roseburg spent several days visting Mrs. Devore's mother, Mrs. Daisy Simas, her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simas and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Enright. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams of Hermiston were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vin ! cent. They enjoyed the Hallow i e'en dance Saturday. Mrs. Betty Simas and Mrs. Ma I ry Lee Lesley were hostesses to 1 a" lovelv bridal shower, honoring and first of November. 12 guests present. Mrs. Stoneman received many beautiful and useful gifts. She has the best wishes of her many friends in Monument. After play ing a guessing game, the hostes ses served reiresnments oi jeiio, cookies, cocoa and tea. Stanley Boyor drove to The Dal les last week to meet his mother, Mrs. Nora Boyer. He was accom panied bv Miss Darlene Moore and Jack Sweek. Jack went on to Portland by bus and from there will go to Klamath Falls where he will enter Oregon Tech at Or tex. He will enter the school un der the GI bill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowman and daughters visited at the home of Mr. Bowman's sister, Mrs. Mary Leasey, in Fox last Saturday. Tim Lovgren and Haskell Hob by drove to Heppner Saturday where Lovgren consulted his doc tor concerning an infected ear. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek and son of Heppner spent the week end in Monument, Larrv Holmes has been on tne sick list for the past week. It was necessarv for his mother, Mrs Helen Holmes, to take him to John Day Tuesday so he might be near medical aid. Larry was suffering from a throat infection. o Otto Lindstroms Observe 50 Years Of Wedded Life I tVl.ll l.f M "! ' J f M 1 1 Til I f J I I to.-et- f, 279.75 SSE V:l Cash Pr-c m J I . I LOOK at all these features I High-Speed, Smokeless Type Broiler Full-Width Storage Drawer Cook-Matter Oven Clock Control. Automatic Time-Signol Fluorescent Cooking-Top Lamp Lifetime Porcelain inside and out e Acid-Resisting Porcelain Cooking Top Triple-Duty Thermiier with Accessories and Thrlfto-Matic Switch e Twin-Unit Even-Heat Oven Mr. and Mrs. Otto E. Lindstrom celebrated their golden wedding I anniversary with open house at their home Saturday afternoon. Ninety-five friends and relatives called on them, mey were mar rli-ri at the Lutheran church in Gooseberry. Their attendants, Mis. Mary Swanson, Ernest Lun dell and Alfred Troedson were present Saturday. Mrs. Oscar Lun dell served the three-tiered white wedding cake trimmed in gold with the number "50" on the top. Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Mary Swanson poured from a table de corated with yellow "mums" and gold candles. Mrs. Adon Hamlett had rharse of the guest book. j Others assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Warren .Crutcher ana Mrs. Frank Helena, daughters of the Lindstroms and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom, Mrs. Franklin Lind strom and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, daughters-in-law. A turkey din ner was servied that evening to the immediate family at the Franklin Lindstrom home, after ii-VoVh thev enioved movies at the Garland Swanson home. They received many lovely gifts and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom were both born in Sweden and came to Oregon while young. They lived at Morgan until their home was destroyed by fire in June, after which they moved to lone. Their five children were all present at the golden wedding, Albert, Franklin and Roy, all of this vicinity, Mrs. Warren Crutch erd of Boring and Mrs. Frank Hel ena of Seattle. . The regular meeting of the lone P-TA was held Wednesday eve- "" Farmers Inquire about our special blanket liability policy. Complete liability and medical coverage on all operations Teh 1 c 1 e I , equipment and livestock included. duplicator has been purchased. It was suggested that a subscrip tion to the National P-TA maga zine be given to the public libra ry. Mrs. Noel Dobyns reported on the Morrow county council at Boardman. An auction will be held at the school house Decem ber 2. Miss Mary Braekett report ed that $102 was taken in at the Girls League dinner. The program consisted of a trombone solo by Jimmy Savage, accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Brenner; talk by Kev. Alfred Shirley on cnaracter building, and reading, "The Chil dren's Hour," Longfellow, by Miss Braekett. Lunch was served by Mrs. Berl Akers, Mrs. Milton Mor gan. .Mrs. Lawrence jones aim Mrs. Raymond Benton. The lunch room was decorated in keeping with Hallowe'en. Mrs. Carl Linn, 7th and 8th grade teacher, gave a Halloween party for her pupus iriaay eve ning at the school house. A play "Captain Kidd's Kid," wes given. the cast including Larry Riet mann, reader; Arthur Lndstrom, Tommy White, Janet Howton, Malcolm McKinney, Kay Crowell, Delbert Bailey and Herbert Peter son. Duane Baker, class president, introduced the class officers, Jan et Howton, vice president; Lawr ence Jones, secretary; Herbert Peterson, tresaurer; Delbert Bai ley, sergeant-at-arms, and Doro thy Dobyns, reporter. The room mother, Mrs. Frank lin Lindstrom, and room father, Garland Swanson, were introduc ed. The evening was spent in dancing square dances, with Bob Crowell calling. E. S. Stultz told some ghost stories. Venisonberg- ers. furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns, were served. for her home In Eagle Creek after in the game Mrs. Robert DeSpain and son Bobby Lee spent the week-end wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen at Gresham. Pomona grange was held here Saturday, with a business meet ing in the morning and a dinner at noon. In the afternoon the fol lowing program was given, with Mrs. Norman Nelson, Pomona lec turer, in charge: Group singing; reading by Miss Carol Hamilton of Boardman; a talk by Rev. T. Sammy Lee of Pendleton. Rev. Lee is a Korean and has been in this country for 11 years. He told of the custonms, government, and other features of Korea. He was accompanied by his wife and two small sons. Mrs. Algott Lundell was a pa tient in the St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. She came home Monday. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades were entertained at Hallowe'en parties Monday afternoon and the 5th and 6th Friday afternoon at the school house. Gay lord Salter, student at EO CE visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Salter recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Seehafer were called to Corvallis on ac count of the death of his father, Ernest Seehafer, October 28. spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer were Walla Walla visitors Thurs day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy and daughter Jean Marie spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ida Coleman. Maurice Williams and Miss Earlene Morgan of Portland were week-end visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Eubanks, Alvln McCabe, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCabe, received a broken arm and Leland McKin ney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc Kinney a broken nose while play, ing on the school grounds last week. The Three Links club met at t he home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer Friday afternoon of last week. The club planned a dinner to be served at their hall on Armistice day at noon. Refreshments were Mrs. Rod McClane and children left Monday for their home In Aloha. They were visitors at the I'reston Black home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crutcher I served by Mrs. Delia Corson, Mrs. and son Kenneth of Boring and Mrs. Frank Helena of Seattle were visitors at the Otto Lindstrom home. The Crutchers left for their home Sunday and were accom panied by Mrs. Roy Lindstrom. Mrs. Helena remained for a long er visit. A social meeting was held at the Eastern Star meeting Tuesday evening of last week. Games were played and refreshments were served by Mrs. John Proudfoot, Mrs. Kenneth Smouse and Mrs. Walter Corley. The hall was dec orated In Hallowe'en motif. Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett have moved Into their new home which they purchased from Gar land Swanson. lone High lost a football game !to Weston Fridav of last week. Gene Doherty, Jmmy Pettyjohn Ida Coleman and Mrs. Palmateer. 0 $M HOUNDS 1 Alter Customers ur Want Ails Mrs. Hazel Beers left Monday and Robert Peterson were injured DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. 4, 2 p. m., lone extension unit at Congregational church. Bring paper and ribbon for gift wrapping demonstration. Lesson, new materials and their treat ment. Nov. 4 1-H club achieve ment Dartv at Lexington. Nov. 5 Rebekah convention at Lexing ton. Nov. 8 Garden Club at home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Nov. 9 Maranatha meeting. Nov. 11 Ar mistice day dinner at Rebekah hall; football game with Prescott in afternoon and Legion dance in evening. Nov. 12 Study meeting of Topic club. A district meeting of the Ma sons was held at the Masonic hall Thursday evening with around 60 present from the Heppner, Con don, Fossil, Arlington and lone lodges. State officers present were Worshipful Grand Master Shalor Eldridge and Grand Secretary Harry Proudfoot of Portland and Past Worshipful Grand Master Lloyd McRae of Helix. Luncheon was served after the meeting and the lone high girls glee club sang. Mrs. E. M. Baker entertained her Sunday school class at a Hal lowe'en party at her home Sat urday evening. Mrs. Lester Hoak of Bremerton, Wash, was a recent visitor at the Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service Turner, Van Marrer and Company Phone 152 Heppner Oregon NEW BEST-EVER BENDIX WASHERS! Best washing with "Dyna-Surge" tumble action! Best Damp-drying with stepped-np spfnnhigt Best looking with smart new cabinets! Best economy Exclusive "Water-Rationer"! Best buy New low prices! See them here today Anoth er SALE at Heppner Sales Yard Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 1:30 p. m. Regular Run Of Livestock HEPPNER SALES YARD HAROLD ERWIN, Operator JOHN VARNER, Auctioneer : HARRY DINGES, Clerk NEW Bendix Deluxe Better than ever! New "Dyna Surge" washing. The slant of the baflTcg the flood of the suds and jet water mftOC action does it. IV 7 NEW Bendix Gy ram a tic Finest washer ever built. Need no bolting down. "Dyne-Surge" washing. Water- n.n0( Kationer. Soap l74'f injector optional See another Bendix "first" the enaational 1 nac tCONOMAT- IV Set these BidixRBst Buys" Hen LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. Eveready- Prestone Don't let your equipment freeze up. We have an ample supply. Fill up now. We Repair Any Make of Car, Truck or Tractor We have in stock TURKEY Dinner BAZAAR CARDS - BINGO , Lexington Grange Home Ec Club LEXINGTON GRANGE HALL Saturday Nov. 12 DUTCH AUCTION Complete Thanksgiving Dinner Dinner served 6:00-7:30 Adults $1.25 Children 50c D) - . . -tfwUjh-tfa cup.. Hi - SW tifch. 1 WHEN CRO-MAGNON MAN INVENTED THE TUNT s,priR.Hisroor SUP- Piy INCREASED ?K& ND THE POPU- UL LATION P.OSE rSi RAPIVLY. 1 IL1 I EM Products Now is the time to have your equipment repaired PADBERG- Tractor and Truck Repair Lexington Phone 421 1 Oregon as? vxvw i-. 14-' CENTUPV ENGLISH MEN BELIEVED THAT RAP.-E CINNAMON CAME ONLV FROM THE NEST OF THE PHOENIX-, A WHOLLY MYTH ICAL BRD! jm. t3KErAravai COLON- ' ML COOK BOOKS. COOK BOOKS, II STRESS COOKING AND SEASONING WITH BEER.. MARIE VE MEVICI (lS73-!642h ITA LIA N WIFE OF SNOW SHERBET TO PARIS, BUT GUESTS AVOIDED IT, FEARING VIC UIL. I rTJIS ISn . r (T. J. ,V rt?sr 3 r (OlSOHfD? mmmn 1 iJ JJ J1 Ji j It will pay you to check Ford before you buy any truck! We're making Hie biggest trade-In allowances In Ford Truck history! Cash in on your old truck at the high-dollar. Put a cost-saving Ford Truck to work for you NOW. We can make Immediate delivery on all but a few models. Choose from over 150 Ford Bonus Built Truck models ranging from half-ton Pickups to 145-horsepower BIG JOBS. Get new truck pep and power, new-truck cost-cutting efficiency by Duttina a Ford Bonus Built Truck on your job now. See us todayl FORD M PICKUP G.V.W. 4,700 Ibt V-8 or Six fi itti- - r r ton M cot G.V.W. 16,000 lb1 V-e or Six FOtO M IIS JOt G.T.W. 39,000 Ibt. G.V.W. 21,500 Ibi Mi-lvp. V-B lr-" 1 ""n, fOIID f-7 118 101 Ljt -J tSlWiis Qfe?) g.v.w. iviooo Vol EMIT STXQNGF TO IAS T 10 JVC FA ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. V.