Poge6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 27, 1 949 Aido e rowers, in lorlopin J characteristic's, good size and col the fruit, always tr to d v ( lop I nr. and a ranpe of ripening from Improved li'wrt and cooking j midMjmmiT to late fall. Attention! Hcusewvies who ore receiving new power-ond oil other housewives, as well. Before you buy any vacuum clean" er, you owe it to yourself to see the KIRBY and learn about the wonderful deal we can give you. The KIRBY is the only home cleaning system that has the following features 1 The flexibility and adaptability of its various units will accomplish ALL home cleaning and renovation tasks. 2 It is placed in your home with a LIFETIME guarantee and fire insurance policy. 3 The Sani-Em Tor does away with messy bag emtying. 4 It is equipped with various exclusives such as Safety Switch, Detachable Cord, Adjustable Flood light Indestructible Start-stop Switch, Toe-touch control for rug cleaner nozzle. If I don't get around to see you soon enough, immediate attention will be given to your cards or phone calls re questing free demonstrations within your own home. There is absolutely no obligation. Your KIRBY Dealer GLENN WARNER Phone 2224 Heppner, Oregon County Agent News . . FERTILIZE NEW CRASS SEEDINGS Fertilizer used on new grass jseedings of perennial grass for pasture or for seed is good-stand insurance. Fertilizer used at the planting time returns the grower Imore dividends than that used at jany other time. The first require ment for a good grass seeding is a good stand. The second is a thrifty, fast growing plant that will withstand the rough winter j weather and Ije ready for an ear jly start next spring toward mak I ing a seed crop or producing feed. : Commercial nitrogen fertilizer 'helps with both points. Young seedlings require a generous am ount of immediately available j nitrogen in the soil. During the 'cool fall weather, the supply of available nitrogen that the plant can use is low even on rich soils. Without nitrogen the young seed lings may sprout and die, result ing in the loss of a stand. If the plants have commercial nitrogen available, they will live and keep on growing until freezing weath er. Fertilized plants ordinarily will be large enough to withstand heavy freezes. Often unfertilzed seedings are completely lost with one or two mild freezes. Use at least 20 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Thirty or 40 may be better on less fertile soils. On some soils, particularly in the hills, phosphorous may be necessary in addition to nitrogen, especially if the seeding does not include a legume. The applicaton of phosphorous at seeding time should supply 60 pounds or more A available phosphorous. Fertilized seedings, because of tVr. more vigorous early growth, result in cleaner stands. They out grow the weds. Fertilizer will not take the rlace of a good seed bed and good seed. All three are necessary. MASTITIS ON UPSWING N umber of cows bothered with Children's Festive Fashions It's easy to shop for all the youngsters in Norah's Completely Stocked Shop - Everything they need for school, play, and dress-up wear. For Comfortable Sleeping Fluff Knit two-piece pajamas-sizes 7-14 3.95 Two-piece Outing pajamas-sizes 7-14 2.95 Balbriggan pajamas-sizes 4-16 2.95 Snug' n Warm Corduroy Togs Jumpers, Skirts, Jackets, Overalls, 3-piece Suits, Hat or Beret, Jacket and Overalls for infants-medium and large for children sizes 3-6. Nylon or Wool Sweaters for infants. Wool Mittens and. Wool Gloves, Dress Coats and Slacks, Snow Suits, Caps and Hoods. NORAH'S SHOP an old dairy problem, mastitis, or garget, is again on its seasonal upsw ing. Barometer to cow num bers troubled with mastitis, an udder infection, is the customary increase in letter queries written to an O.S.C. dairy specialist. Mas litis appears to become more pre valent as the pasture season tap ers off and cows are kept more closely confined. Mastitis is an abnormal condition of a cow's udder which results in stringy, flakey, watery or thickened milk. It is accompanied by an average reduction in milk flow of 20 per cent or so. Udders of infected animals may be swollen, inflam ed, and usually have a hard, meaty feeling. Often repeated questions are: Is mastitis contag ious? What causes it? Answer to the first question is an unquali fied "yes". Mastitis is a contag ious and 80 to 90 percent of the cases are caused by bacteria streptococcus agalactiae. These common bacteria usually become established in a cow's udder as a result of injury caused by improper milking or as the after math of bruising. Milk from in fected cows is not good for hu man consumption. It may, how ever, be fed to calves if care is taken to see that calves do not suckle each other and transmit the bacteria to their mammary glands. Milking machines are a frequent source of mastitis infec tion when they are allowed to run on cows longer than neces sary. Time requirement for ma chine milking will average about four minutes. Feeling that mas titis prevention is more important than cure, this five-step control program is suggested: One, pre vent udder injuries; two, test for mastitis at least four times yearly if the disease is prevalent; three, segregate infected animals and milk them last; rour. use a chlor ine solution to wash udders, an other one in which to dip teat cups, and five, practice clean, rapid milking. MANHUNTING BETTER AT OREGON STATE COLLEGE, FALL RECORDS REVEAL EUGENE, Oct. 26 To get your man, girls, go to Oregon State College. In fact, each girl at OSC is entitled to three and one-fifth men, an discounting a few who are married, that is a pretty good percentage. OSC records this fall show 5,146 men to 1,617 women, a bigger ratio of men to women than at any other major Institl tion of the state system of higher education. MORE PEOPLE are trying the ford feel every day. FOR SALE 25 bushel treated Rex M l seed wheat. Phone 16F2, Bill Barratt. 32-34c Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. HEPPNER I GAZETTE TIMES , The Heppner Cazette, established March 80, 1883. The Heppner I Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, ! 1912. j Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second ' class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single .vpica, A'y.. 0. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor STAR ED REPORTER Almlssloa price. aftarnooa and vrenlng, naiess xpo uflcll7 advartlaed to b ottorwlMI Children ! Est. Prto .17, fed. lu .03, Total 10c; Orad. ul Uifh School BtBdesu IS yaar. ul ever I Ext. PrlM Mi. rL Tax .10, Total 60c; AduJU: Bit. Pnc .50c, Fed. Tax .10, Total SOo. Evsry child oacupri&f a teat must bars a tlckat. thews start at 7)30 p-m. Boxofflo. opta eraniiif. Sunday ahawi oontlnaom. starting at 1 y.ns. All oVbm until p.m. Admission pnen afternoon and evening, nnlesi specifically advertised to be otherwise I Children! L fnce .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOT AX. 20c; Grade and Hifn School Student. U year, and oven Est. frice .40. led. Tax .14. TOTAL 60c; Adult : Est. Price .SO, TvL Tax .10, TOTAi 60c Every child occupying a aeat mast have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous from 1 p. m. Saturday shows -start at 7 p. m. All other evening shows start at p. m. Tbursday-Fridtry-Saturdcry, Oct. 27-28-29 Michael O'Halloran Scotty Beckett Allene Roberta, Isabel Jewell, Tommy Cook Gene Strut ton roller's timeless story has been niaae into solid entertainment for bold mature and young people, rich in warm human values, plot interest and suspense. The Lost Bandit William Elliot. Adrian Booth, Andy De vine, forrest Tucker, Jack Holt. Minna CombeU. Grant Withers Uirpe helpings of gunplay and rough and tumble liiihtinu, plus beautilul western color phoioKiaphy, make up tills good adventure picture. Sunday-Monday. October 30-31 Father Was a Fullbock Trod MacMurroy, Maureen O Hara, Betty Lynn, Rudy Vallee, Thelma Ritter Field strategy and home strategy are dif ferent . even the maid bet against him, and the grocer sent him goose eggs! It's merry and it's human! Tuesday-Wednesday, November 1-2 A Woman's Secret Maureen O'Hara, Melvyn Douglas, Gloria Grahame, Bill Williams, Victor Jory, Mary Phillips Vicki Baum's novel "Mortgage on Life" has been made into a highly enjoyable myster drama, smartly dressed up in crackling dialog and amazing perform ances. Also, SPORT OF MILLIONS, horse racing; PERILS OF THE JUNGLE, amazing search for the Okapi; VIDEO HOUNDS, talkln animals. SI nil fnni i r QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FreBookTellsof HomeTreatmentthat Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing Over thro million bottles of the WrLUfin Treatment have been sold for relief of symntom.iofdistrea'.ariiinn fror" Stomivh and Duodenal Ulcrt d ue to Eicctt Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upt Stomach, GMtlnets, Utitrl-hurn, Sleepl$nt, itc, due to Eicew Aetd. Hold on 16 dayn' trial! Axk for "W 1 1 lard's Mesial" which fully IxuiaUoi tliia tr:wnt Iroa at Saager's Pharmacy NOTICE! WHEAT FARMERS! We have a new spray outfit for spraying weeds. We have been told it sells for around 1200. First $100 Takes it! Hodge Chevrolet Co, Enjoy your Fur Coat Ladies, insure your fur coats for cover age against all perils for just $5.00 per year See us for particulars TURNER VAN MARTER AND CO EXAMINER COMING A drivers license examiner will be on duty In Heppner Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the city hall between the hours of 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. acocrding to an announcement received from the secretary oif state's office. o Miss Betty Adams, home eco nomics Instructor in Vale schools clashed home for an over night visit wtih her mother and sister, Mrs. Floyd Achims and Nancy. Betty was on her way to Milton to attend a F. II. A. conference on Staurday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Dorotheo Chester, chap ter mother, and Avis Hiat, Shir- Prepay Inheritance and Estate Taxes-thru life insurance -:- C. A. Ruggles -:- Equitable Life Insurance Society FOURTH ANNUAL Show and Sale by Members MIDCO PUREBRED BREEDERS ASSN. 71 - LOTS - 71 REGISTERED HEREFORDS (5 Head Polled Herefords) 34 Bulls -- 37 Females At Sherman County Fair Grounds Moro,Ore. -Thurs. Nov. 3 Cattle Shown Wednesday, November 2 For Catalog Address Miller & Teale, Sale Managers W 807 Shoshone, Spokane 9, Wash. ley Turner, Dain Frisby and Mary Kuwadini, members of Vale high school Home Kconom ics club. Mrs Mildred Tucker and her sons were among I he successful deer hunters last week. Mrs. Tucker brought down a three point deer and Elclon a four pointer. Kldon got his buck ear lier in the season. o Wine was produced in Egypt as early as 2100 B. C. 1946 MERCURY Town Sedan equipped with radio and heat er. Pay down $3il8.00. ltosewall Motor Company. iUmi or. " .. eo Xn'. ... oho etr7 jcl conVn"atdoV?'r' est -sr. - V iO oo V - I fAih II 279-75 oh P""J LOOK at all these features I e Lifetime Porcelain inside and out e Acid-RetUting Porcelain Cooking Top Triple-Duty Thermlzer ' with Accessories and Thrifto-Matic Switch e Twin-Unit Even-Heat Oven High-Speed, Smokeleit lypt Broiler Full-Width Storage Drawer Cook-Master Oven Clock Control. Automatic Time-Signal Fluorescent Cooking-Top lamp Heppner Appliance Co. Dependlible Radio and Refridgeration Service rfewouaewy , , , another home for AMERICA'S MOST USEFUL VEHICLE! $1479.75 Bare Without Extras Farley Fontiac Co May at Chase Sts. Heppner, Oregon YOUR WILLYS-OVERLAND DEALER IN Morrow County (?ome m cutd yet acqctawtect We are proud of our appointment as Willys-Overland dealer in this territory and will do our best to live up to the responsibility it places upon us. We invite you to drop in and see for yourself how well we are set up to take care of your personal transporta tion requirements. We have a complete line of Willys-Overland products on display, including the world-famous Universal "Jeep", the popular Station Wagon and the newest in 2- and 4-wheel-drive trucks. Come and see us soon. 7 Senvice Bring your car, truck or "Jeep" to us for anything from an oil change to a major overhaul. It will thrive on our service and you will like our courteous treatment and eager-to-please attitude. nUnvfrial "Jeep" The "Jeep" Station Wagon HiIIb I 2- and 4-Wheel-Drive I I j The "Jeep" Panol Delivery i tr inf tr tfitwtn f . wyt inrt , iih.uiijlh u. 1