Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 27, 1949, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 27, 1 949
Volume 66, Number 32
Mustang Fighting
Power Turns Back
Arlington Threat
Honkers Started
Fast But 'Stangs
Finished Strongest
What appeared to be a possible
Arlington victory in the first
quarter was turned into a rout
for the invaders Friday afternoon
when the Heppner Mustangs got
their second wind and began to
show some of the fighting spirit
that has pulled thorn out of bad
holes before. The visitors showed
surprising strength and skill in
executing plays and had the lo
cal lads guessing for awhile, but
when they hit thei stride It was
a different story.
It didn't help the Mustang out
look to have the visitors receive
the initial klckoff and march
right down the field for a touch
down In less than two minutes.
Somewhat dismayed, but un
daunted, the Mustangs returned
the compliment a few minutes
later when It came their turn to
receive the klckoff. A little later
Arlington recovered a Heppner
fumble on Heppner's 25-yard line
and soon ran the ball over for the
second TD. Failure to convert left
the score 13-7 in the Honkers'
favor. Wth 30 seconds to go in
the quarter, Bergstrom ran 30
yards to pay dirt. Connor made,
the extra point on an end run.
Score, Heppner 14, Arlington 13.
Both teams exhibited determin
ation to win in the second half,
playing a scoreless third quarter,
but in the fourth canto it was
Heppner all the way. Ruhl smash
es off tackle made long gains for
Heppner. Kuhl and Green each
scored in this period, making one
conversion and failing on the
Heppner outpointed the visit
ors on other features of the game.
On first downs the count was 17
5 and on yardage 367-114.
The Mustangs are meeting
Grant Union high here this Fri
day afternoon. Two weeks ago
GU played a 12-12 tie with Echo,
the only team to defeat the Mus
tangs so far this season. That the
grandstand should be packed is
the expressed desire of the school
officials and students.
lone High Defeats
Athena 25 20 in
League Football
lone high defeated McEwen
high at Athena Friday 25-20 in
a Umatilla-Morrow league foot
ball game for a total of five wins
and one defeat this season.
Athena threatened to score a
number of times the first quarter
but lone held. The score at the
end of the first quarter was 0 0.
The Athenians scored their first
touchdown after two mlnuts of
play in the second quarter. They
converted, making the score 7 0.
lone came back immediately on
the klckoff, with Eubanks run
ning the ball 80 yards for a touch
down. Conversion failed, score,
Athena 7, lone 6. lone scored
again midway of the second
quarter from the 4-yard with Pet
tyjohn going over with the ball.
Conversion failed. Score, lone 12,
Athena 7. Near the end of the
second quarter Athena came hack
on end runs culminated with a
15-yard pass over the goal line
for their second touchdown. Con
version failed and score at half
time, Athena 13, lone 12.
lone scored twice in the third
quarter. Joel Barnett sweeping
around end and going 50 yards
for a touchdown. Pass from Pet
tyjohn to Peterson complete for
conversion. Score, lone 19, Athe
na 13. lone scored again shortly
afterwards, capitalizing on an
Athena fumble, and a pass from
Pettyjohn to Peterson for the
touchdown. Conversion failed and
score at the end of the third
quarter, lone 25, Athena 13.
Athena scored again midway of
the fourth quarter, recovering an
lone fumble. Conversion was good
and score was 25-20. Athena
threatened to score again the
last minute of play, with the ball
on Ione's 4-yard line and first
down. Four plays netted them ab
solutely nothing and lone took
over just as the game ended. Fi
nal score, lone 25, Athena 20.
League standings: Weston five
won and none lost; lone five and
one; Pilot Rock four and one; Ir
rigon throe and two; Lexington
two and three; Athena two and
four; Ukiah one and four; Board
man one and five and Umapine
none and five.
lone meets Weston high at lone
Friday In a crucial game which
will decide the championship
Noon Time Games
Intrigue Students
Harold Whllbeck, physical ed
ucation Instructor tit the high
school, has organized five teams
for Intramural play. Each of the
four classes has a team and the
faculty comprises the fifth team.
The schedule Is set up for noon
time play and at the conclusion
of the series a trophy will be
awarded, with the winner's name
thereon. Volleyball is the sport
they are now enjoying.
Pheasant Invades
Braden Building
In Nocturnal Flight
A midnight prowler invaded
the Braden Tractor & Equipment
company store in Heppner Friday
night, breaking a window to
make the entrance. It might be
said that the word prowler is un
fair for the invasion seems to
have been more of an accident
than otherwise.
A hen pheasant finding herself
within the boundary lines of the
city and perhaps somewhat con
fused by the bright lights along
the main stem was attracted by
the peace and quiet of the inter
ior of the Braden store and dis
regarding the glass front flew
right in. All was peace and quiet
within until the office force be
gan to arrive the next morning
and then the bird decided it was
time to get out which she did
by flying right out of the aper
ture she made on her entrance
the night before.
Mrs. Pat Campbell
Buried at Condon
Funeral services were held In
St. John's Catholic church In Con
don Friday morning for Mrs. Pat
rick Campbell of Lonerock, who
passed away at The Dalles Oct.
17, after a lingering illness. Con
cluding services were at the Con
don Catholic cemetery.
Kathryn O'Brien was born June
10, 1891 at County Leitren, Ire
land. She came to Providence R.
I., when 18 years of age. She was
married in New York City to Pat
rick Campbell April 24, 1918 and
they came to Lonerock to live on
May 5 and had resided there con
tinuously since.
surviving besides her husband,
Pat Campbell, are eight children,
Patricia Ann, John Anthony,
James O'Brien, Peter Owen, Tho
mas Michael, Martha Mary, Mac
kely, and Catherine, all of Lone
Rock; two sisters, Mrs. Rose Mit
chell of San Francisco and Mrs.
Mary Ann McCaffey of Ireland,
and one brother, Pat O'Brien, of
Father Delahunty, pastor of St.
John's Catholic church, assisted
by Father McCormack of Hepp
ner, officiated at the services.
Albee's Mortuary had charge of
arrangements. A large number of
relatives and friends, especially
from Heppner, were in attendance
at the services In Condon.
Active pallbearers were Scott
Neel Cecil Spaulding, John Habe
sohn, James O. Burns, O. V. Reser
and John Murlha. Honorary pall
bearers were Gerald Burns, M. II.
Eaton, Emmet Smith, John Mona
han, Emmett Davis and Gene
Pomona Date Moved
Up a Week Earlier
Pomona meets Saturday, Octo
ber 29 at Willows grange hall in
lone. As usual this wul le an l'.i
day meeting. The date was mov
ed up from the first Saturday in
November due to conflicting ac
tivities. An interesting and rather un
usual program is being planned
by the lecturer. Each grange will
contribute one number. Willows
grange will supply a tap dance
numner and Boardman s Carol
Harol Hamilton will recite "When
I Have Time." (At press time the
other grange numbers had not
been announced.
Guest speaker will be T. Sam
my Lee of Tut ui I la Mission at
Pendleton. Rev. Lee is a native of
Korea and will speak on condi
tions in that land. He received his
early education in his native land
and his Doctor ot Divinity degree
in this country. He was mission
ary with the Indians near Spo
kane and during the war was in
terpreter in the U. S. office of
war information. His talk will be
a fitting close to the United Na
tions week.
A mission will be given in f.t.
Patrick's church commencing Oc
tober 30 and ending November 6.
Father Francis Flannngnn of the
Redemptlonist Order will conduct
it The ordpr of services will com
mence Sunday with mass and
opening sermon at 9 a. m. There
will be mass every morning at
7:30 and a regular evening ser
vice at 7: 30 p. m. every evening
during the week. This will consist
of Instructions, sermon, and Bene
diction of the Blessed Sacrament.
A similar mission will be given
in St. William's church, lone.
commencinK November 7.
Father Flannagan is an experi
enced missioner belonging to an
order whose specially is the con
ducting of mission. He will be
available li anyone seeking conn-
sel of guidance. Non-Catholics
are coiaially invited to attend the
Clive Huston arose long before
(he crack of dawn Tuesday and
hied himself to the mountains in
quest of an elk. As he was back
home in time for nn parly lunch
with a beautiful speciman he
did not have to hunt too long for
his reward. Ofcourse he can't
have another one but he can ac
company the boys who went with
him to lend them encouragement
In flndinf their elks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson re
lurned last week fro mMoffetts
Hot Springs, North Bonneville
The yspent ten days there and
found conditions very much the
same as here, very dry and dusty.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balslger of
White Salmon Wash, were over
night guests last Thursday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Kinzua Young Folk
Meet Buck in Road;
Car Suffers Most
When a car of young people
were returning from a football
game at John Day Frday evening
a spike buck deer was killed
when it collided with the car
about two miles from Kinzua.
The front of the car was so badly
damaged the car could not be
moved farther that night. Joanne
Adams, Mary Ellen Kincad, Le
trice Collins and Homer Shell,
occupants of the car, had td catch
a ride home. The state police were
notified. The young people had
attended a game between Fossil
and Grant Union high in which
the latter was victorious.
The Bible school Completed a
two weeks course of study here
Sunday and presented a short
program. They will conduct I
similar shcoul at Camp 5.
Warren Jobe was painfully in
jured on the head when lie was
loading lumber Wednesday mor
ning. He was taken to Fossil
where the doctor took several
stitches to close the wound.
George Close returned to his
home Friday after attending to
business in Portland for a week.
Floyd Thomas Jr. and Mrs. Paul
Muzzy went to Portland the first
of the week on business.
Bill Hess returned to Portland
Sunday after spending the week
end here. He suffered a fractured
hand some time ago and has been
a patient at the Good Samaritan
hospital where it was also neces
sary to have skin grafted on his
The Kinzua Pine Mills and
plant were visited by the Com
munity club which consists of
14 business men of Fossil, Tues
day. Demonstrations of machines
and explanation of materials
made the call interesting.
Mrs. J. H. Schott and Mrs. Ray
Draheim were hostesses Wednes
day evening at the hall in Fossil
for the Eastern Star ladies. A
large birthday cake, made for the
ladies who had birthdays during
the month, sandwiches and cof
fee were served to some 30 mem
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carlson left
Wednesday for Vancouver, Wash,
when Mrs. Carlson received word
her father, Richard McQueen, is
seriously ill at the Barnes hospi
tal where he has been a patient
for many years.
Floyd Thomas Sr., president of
the district council of AFL went
to Bend to -hold a meeting over
the week-end. Phil Doerr, Ray
Taylor and Al Rudd, president of
the local union, were delegates
and also attended the meeting.
Mrs. Doerr and Mrs. Thomas ac
companied their husbands.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Myers enter
tained at their ranch home Thurs
days evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Schott,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kennedy and
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Matthews
were the invited guests.
Marvin Glasscock visited at the
Owen Leathers home during the
week from Vancouver. He and
Owen will hunt elk.
James Crocket and Mrs. A. Field
and sons Frank and Orville were
visiting here this week from Sil
verton. They are guests at the
Quincy Tripp home.
Mabel Anderson took her In
fant son to The Dalles for his six
weeks check-up Saturday, going
down with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hanna
wore visiting in town Saturday
from Camp 5.
Billy Leilzell was visiting his
father Frank here for several
days from Portland where he is
attending a radio broadcasting
school. He returnd to the city with
Bill Hess.
Kinard McDaniel motored to
Walla Walla over the week-end
and brought his daughter Ra-
mona to Heppner.
A large number of people at
Tnued the district meeting of the
Fr tern Star in Condon Friday
ainht. Mrs. Lud Smith was a can
didate, with Mrs. George Close as
courtesy candidate. Attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Clay Phillips.
Mr. a, ul Mrs. M. R. Wright, Jes--ivln
Cuok, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mills. Mrs Sterling Wham, Mr.
and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Schott, Mr. and Mrs.
James Walker, Mrs. O. D. Baker,
and Mrs Joe Worlin.
Ed and Niel Wham and Mrs.
Harlan Schroeder spent several
days in Baker where they attend,
ed a family gathering honoring
the Whnms' aged mother, Fanny
Wham, who celebrated her 83d
birthday. '
Mrs. Homer Davis was visiting
a dentist In Condon Wednesday.
Ray Taylor visited his aged
father and a brother, George R.,
of Redmond this week when at
tending the AFL meting in Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Rober Holioman
and children spent the week-end
at Walla Walla where his mother
is ill.
Charles Johnson, Jerry Rood,
Nelson Murphy and Owen H. Lea
thers Sr. went elk hunting. Rood
and Johnson were back early the
opening day with fine specimens.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud England
went to The Dalles where they at
tended to business, returning
Thursday afternoon.
The Rt. Rev. Lane W. Barton,
bishop of the diocese of Eastern
Oregon, will conduct the 11
o'clock hour of worship at All
Saints Episcopal church Sunday
morning. He will confirm a class
of communicants at this time.
A potluck lunch of sandwiches,
salads, pie and coffee will be ser
ved in the parish house for mem
bers and friends following the
Heppner Cleaners
To Start Building
New Plant at Once
Collins Purchases
Equipment Used in
Present Location
Construction of a modern clean
ing plant will start early next
week, according to W. C. Collins,
operator of the Heppner Cleaners
tne past two and one-hair years.
The building will be located next
to the Standard Stations plant
just north of the present cleaning
establishment on property pur
chased by William and Daisy
Collins irom A. A. scouten.
Plans call for a one-story struc
ture, 24 feet wide by 72 feet long,
to be built of Light Rock, one of
the newer interlocking types of
building material. Excavation
has been made to permit the lay
ing of wood flooring in the main
work room and office, while the
cleaning department will have
concrete flooring and will be fire
proofed as completely as possi
ble. Mr. and Mrs. Collins have pur
chased the equipment of the Hep
pner. Cleaners from Mrs. Adelle
Hannan, they having been oper
ating under a lease since taking
over early in 1947. New equip
ment will be added when the
new building is ready for occu
pancy sometime in the early
spring. They have leased the pre
sent building until April 1, 1950.
Coming here from Cottage
Grove where they were engaged
in the laundry and cleaning bus
iness for many years, the Collins
es have built up the local busin
ness to a point where further ex
pansion demanded more space
and they decided to put up their
own building. With more space,
added equipment and better
working arrangement they will
be prepared to give even better
service than in the past.
Boardman Teacher
Home Undergoing
Repairs This Week
The Boardman school cottage is
having a new addition built on,
one more bedroom, a utility room
and a new bath room, the otd iue
being taken ff. Arnold Jensen of
Hermiston is doing the work.
Guests last week at the Chas.
Nickerson home were Mr. and
Mrs. John Wilson of Jackson. Mrs.
Wilson will be remembered as
Ethel Nethercott, a niece of Mrs.
Nickerson. Other guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Frickey of Pen
dleton. Friends received word of the
Illness of George B. Linn of Bart
lett, Alaska, who is in the Sew
ard sanitorlum. Mr. Linn is a
former superintendent of the lo
cal schools.
Boardman and Irrigon P-TA
were hosts at dinner Wednesday
at the grange hall to the county
P-TA council. County Judge Bar
ratt was guest speaker. Local of
ficers are, president, Mrs. W. E.
Garner; vice president, Mrs. Hen
ry Zivney, and secretary-treasur
er, Mrs. Willard Baker.
Recent guests at the Frank
Marlow home were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Marlow and family of Irri
gon. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lindsay
and Freddie Long of Kinzua were
week-end guests at the home of
Mrs. Lindsay s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Fortner.
Mrs. Jim Dickman left for her
home near Los Angeles where
she will be with Mr. Dickman for
a couple of weeks. Mrs. Andrew
Vannoy is helping Mrs. Eva War
ner while Mrs. DlcKman is away.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whitmire of
Grants Pass arrived last week at
the home of Mrs. Whitmire's mo
ther, Mrs. Olive Atteberry, return
ing home Thursday taking Mrs.
Atteberry to spend the winter In
Grants Pass.
The HEC has started a series of
pinochle parties at the grange
hall for the winter, the first being
Saturday night. Winners were,
high, Mrs. Frank Kunze, Nathan
Thorpe; low, Mrs. Nathan Thorpe.
Mrs. Arthur Allen won the door
prize. Mrs. Erwin Flock and Hugh
Brown traveling prize. Watch the
local paper for dates oi tne next
Week-end guest at the W. L.
Blann home was John Vivian,
Assembly of Brthren, Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber
motored to The Dalles Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins of
McMinnville were overnight
overnight guests at the home of
Mr and Mrs. Robert Harwood Fri-
day. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were
recently married and were on a
wedding trip. Mrs. Harwood is his
Several members of the Tilli-
cum club motored to La Grande
where they attended the 22nd an
nual convention of Oregon Fede
ration of Women's clubs. State
President Mrs. Ruth Chandlee of
Hillsboro opened the meeting.
The district adopted the slogan
Accomplishment Through serv
ice" since clubs are working to
ward improvement of community
needs. Mrs. Maude S. Rlcker, re
gional director foi "Save the Chil
dren Federation," gave a close up
of that organization. The spring
meeting will be held in Pendle
ton March 16, 1950. Members go
ing from Boardman were Mes
dames Roy Partlow, Jack Gwinn,
Ray Gronquist, Ronald Black and
Dewey West Jr. Mrs. West is pres.
dent of the local unit
Home Economics Extension
Oregon State College
Pictured above is Mrs. Myrtle
Carter, home furnishings special
ist at Oregon State college. Mrs.
Carter will discuss "New Home
Furnishing Materials and Their
Treatment" next Tuesday after
noon, at 1:30 at the Methodist
church. All Heppner ladies are in.
vited to attend this special meet
ing. Provisions will be made for
care of children at this meeting.
Primary Teacher
Added to Relieve
Crowded Situation
Since the primary division of
Heppner grade school has been
bursting at the seams this fall,
due to the unusually large enroll
ment, a new teacher has been
added. Mrs. Jack Estberg has
been employed to handle another
room of little folks.
The former music room has
been converted into a primary
room and the lunch room serves
a dual purpose as it is used as
the new music room. All adjust
ments have been made and all
are busy as bees up on the hill.
Bill Hallowe'en
Party Saturday P. M.
The American Legion and aux
iliary are holding a Hallowe'en
party in Legion hall Saturday ev
ening at 8. Legionnaires and their
wives or sweethearts and Auxil
iares and their escorts are invited.
Past presidents of the unit are
planning a benefit card party to
be held in the hall Tuesday eve
ning at 8. The regular meeting for
November 1 is called for 7:30.
Attending the district confer
ence in Athena Saturday were
Mrs. Otto Steinke, Mrs. Wm. Pad.
berg, Mrs. Carl Vincent and Mrs,
Richard Wells.
Three girls were initiated into
the Rainbow Assembly at a spe
cial meeting Sunday afternoon
in the Masonic temple. Leeta Linn
of lone, Nancy Adams and Gene
vieve Cox are the new members.
About 50 members and guests
were present to enjoy the after
noon with the girls. Guests were
introduced and refreshments were
served. Lorene Mitchell is the
worthy adviser of the group.
Friday afternoon, November 4,
is the date for the meeting of the
Union Missionary Society. The
parlors of the Church of Christ
will be the meeting place. Rev.
Fiscus, visiting evangelist, will be
the guest speaker.
Mrs. Earle Gilliam, Mrs. Anna
Bayless, Mrs. W. O. Dix, Mrs.
Claude Graham and Mrs W. C.
Rosewall were hostesses at a bri
dal shower Wednesday evening
honoring Miss Shirley Wilkinson.
The party was held at the Mason
ic burning and approximately bu
guests were in attendance.
A snort program consisting oi
songs by Mrs. Ture Peterson, two
piano numbers by Mrs. C. C. Car-
mihcael was followed by the op
ening of gifts and visiting. As
sisting with the opening of gifts
were Mrs. La Verne Van Marter,
Mrs. R. D. Allstott Jr. and Mrs.
Donald DuBois.
Refreshments were served, With
Mrs. Rugg of Pendleton and Mrs.
Frank Wilkinson pouring.
Miss Wilkinson is the bride-
elect of George Rugg of Pendle
ton and their wedding will be an
event of November 12.
Henry Tetz, rural school district
superintendent, attended a Joint
conference of superintendents of
Oregon and Washington at Seat
tie Wednesday and Thursday of
this week. Tetz was Invited to be
a member of a panel discussion
group and left for a preliminary
leaders conference Tuesday, mis
is the first joint conference of the
county superintendents of the two
states for a discussion of mutual
problems. The theme of the con
ference was "The Expanding Role
of the County School Superin
tendent." Mrs. Lucy Rodgers is absent
from her duties at the school
house this week. She has been a
victim of the flu bug and has
been quite 11. She Is Improving
under the capable ministrations
of Mrs. P. A. Mollahan.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerge Aldlrich of
Cass county, Minn, have come to
Heppner to make their home with
Mr, Aldrlch's brother, W. H. Al-
drich. The newcomers have two
sons living in this part of the
country, Ralph Aldrich of lone
and Ed Aldrlcn oi ordnance.
Mustangs To Meet
Moro Nov: 4 In
Homecoming Game
Students Planning
Special Program
Of Entertainment
Heppner high school is looking
forward to the game with Moro
scheduled for November 4 on the
Rodeo field. This will be the home
coming game and all alumni are
being especially urged to be on
hand to assist in tucking the
Moro scalp into the Mustanger
The Pep club is sponsoring the
home coming and has worked out
an interesting interlude between
halves. A queen and four princ
esses will be elected and the riv
alry is growing keener each day.
The candidates are as follows,
with the sponsor for each girl:
June Van Winkle, Pep club; Jan
ice Prock, H club; Colleen Con
nor, FFA; Eleanor Rice, FHA, and
Kathryn Campbell, Letterettes.
At half-time all former football
players among the HHS alumni
will be invited to introduce them
selves, give their years and posi
tions played.
The high school folk feel they
will have a program that win
warrant a packed grandstand of
home town enthusiasts, as well
as visiting old grads.
Robert Jepsen, son of Mr. and
Mrs Walter Jepsen, lone, will
play the part of Bernardo in
Shakesepeare's "Hamlet", Pacific
university's centennial play which
will be presented November 16,
17 and 18.
Jepsen, a graduate of lone high
school, is a freshman drama
Briefs of Community . .
The Degree of Honor observed
its 55th anniversary and annual
home coming at a banquet Tues
day evening in the Legion hall.
Mrs. George Gertson, financial
secretary of the lodge and past
state president was mistress of
ceremonies. During the dinner
a program was presented: solo,
'The Lord's prayer" by Mrs. J.
Palmer Sorlien, piano solos,
"Valse in D Flat" and "Warsaw
Concerto" by Miss Marylou Fer
guson; "Folk Songs from Other
Countries" medley, Miss Mabel
Wilson; old time medley, Roy
Quackenbush and Harold Becket;
addresses of welcome by Mayor
Conley Lanham and Mrs, Ted
Pierson; response by Mrs. B.
Buckley, state president; intro
duction of Mrs. Margaret Reed,
charter member by Mrs. Gert
son who also gave the early his
tory of the organization and in
troduced the national treasurer
and state directer, Mrs. Ethel
Lindholm, Portland; and national
committeewoman and state org
anizer, Mrs. Minnie Davis Card,
Portland. A 50-year membership
pin was presented to Mrs. Reed,
only living charter member, and
a 25-vear pin to Mrs. Roy Neill
with Mrs. Cord doing the honors.
The theme was friendship and
fraternalism. The tables were de
corated with English ivy and
candles. Following dinner a
lodee session was held after
which birthday cake and coffee
were served. Mrs. Reed cut the
first piece of cake and Mrs. Burl
Coxen of The Dalles continued
wtih the serving. Pouring were
Mrs. Card and Mrs. Lindholm.
Out-of town guests included Mrs.
Lindholm, Mrs. card, oi fori
land. Mrs. Blanche Buckley of
St. Helen's; Mrs. Coxen, and Mes
dames Klye Long, Julia Stanton,
Rita Rose, Esther Gillette, MaDei
Leake, Thelma Davidson, Lillian
Dockweller and Ella Ross of Pen
dleton. To stimulate interest in lodge
activities. Willow Lodge No. 66 I.
O. O. F. and Sans Souci Rebekah
Lodge No. 33 are arranging a se
ries of parties for members. The
first one will be held early in
November. Plans for the affairs
were discussed at the meeting
of the Rebekahs Friday evening
following the installation of Mrs.
Jarvis Chaffee as Noble Grand,
Mrs. Ben Anderson, chaplain and
Mrs. Blanche Brown left support
to the noble grand. Mrs. John
Bergstrom and Lee Howell were
instating officers.
Two new troops of girl scouts
are to be organized in accordance
with plans made at a meeting of
troop leaders held the last of the
week at the home of Mrs. Claude
Graham. Mrs. Glen Anderson has
been chosen leader of one ot tne
new groups with Mrs. Keith Sluy
ter assistant, and Mrs. James
Thomson leader ot tne secona
group with Mrs. Haroia tvans
as her assistant. Plans for spec
ial observance of national girl
scout week were discussed. Lead
ers present were Mrs. Harold
Becket, Mrs. Harry Van Horn,
Mrs. Stephen Thompson, Mrs.
Adelle Hannon, Mrs. J. W. Farra
and Mrs. M. R. Wightman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom
entertaned at dinner Sunday eve
ning at their home on Aiken
street honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Anderson who are leaving in the
near future to spend the winter
in Portland. Present were Mr. and
Charles Becket, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Becket. Mr. and Mrs.
Clive Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
E. Parker, Gerald and Marilyn
Mr and Mrs. Jeff Pearce of
Bend were week end guests of
her mother, Mrs. Ada Cason and
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Scritsmler.
Speaker Presents
Authentic Picture
Of Europe Today
Walter Fiscus, visiting minister
at the Heppner Church oi Christ
and an ambassaaor exiraorain
ary of faith and good will to the
bewildered peoples oi tne woria,
was euest speaker at the lunch
eon of the Soroptimist Club of
Heppner Thursday noon. Mr. Fls
cus has spent much time in Eu
rope and in England and present
ed an authentic picture of condi
tions In those countries at the
present time, offering his ideas
for world betterment His was a
serious, thought-provoking talk
which all citizens of Heppner will
do well to hear. Among other
things Mr. Fiscus mentioned 350,
000 children, unknown except for
a number.
This was a busy day for the
club. Packages were brought for
the Christmas box tne ciuo win
send to its sister club, the Sorop
timist Club of Tamworth, Eng
land, in the interest of Interna
tionai understanding, good will.
Also the club plans to send a box
of clothing to Austria immediate
ly and members brought contribu
tions for that today.
Miss Leta Humphreys was
chairman of the day's program
and added a touch of Hallowe'en
to the table with appropriate nap
kins and orange tapers in brass
sticks. Rev. Glenn Warner ac
companied Rev. Fiscus to lunch.
The club is giving a card party
in the Legion hall tonight and
sponsoring its annual Hallowe'en
hayrlde for the upper grades and
high school Monday night
Mrs. Fay Bucknum returned to
day from a three weeks visit in
Los Angeles with her children,
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bucknum and
little Rickie. She reports flying as
extremely difficult and the plane
was the first to land in Portland
in three days. At times they
reached 16,500 feet and she found
the atmosphere most rarified up
there in those ethereal heights.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gower, nee
Manine Allyn, of Portland were
week-end visitors in Heppner.
While here they enjoyed some
pheasant hunting and were house
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben An
derson. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beardsley
and son Richard have returned
to their home in Portland after
spending a fortnight here hunt
ing. They stayed at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Katie Slocum
on Jones street. Mrs. Slocum, who
has been in Sacramento since
last spring, expects to remain
soutn lor most of the winter.
John Bergstrom and son Gerald
motored to Palouse Wash. Mon
day after a load of certified
wheat which Gerald will use in
seeding his FFA project
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wright re
turned Monday from Portland
where they spent the week-end
looking after business matters.
Mts. wiuis Roller and Mrs.
Ralph Brokaw of Palo Alto and
Mrs. Thomas Grubbs of Wald
port, departed for their homes
Monday after visiting here a
week with Mrs. Nell Anderson.
Rev. and Mrs. Jackson Gilliam
of ' Hermiston spent Monday in
Heppner with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Gilliam.
Rev. Eric O. Robathan of the
Church of the Redeemer of Pen
dleton was visiting friends in
Heppner Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson
and daughter Eunice of lone were
shopping in Heppner Monday.
Miss Peterson expects to leave
soon for Phoenix, Ariz, where she
will attend the University.
Week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Green were their chil
dren, Mrs. Wallace Green of
Gresham, Mrs. Omar McCaleb of
Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Green and family of Pendleton.
Mrs. Wallace Green remained in
Heppner to assist with the care
of her father who is seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings
had as their guests aver the
week end Mr. and Mrs. John
Hastings of Milton. The men are
elk hunting.
Mrs. Lester Robison and Mrs.
Kenneth Batty of Hardman were
shopping in Heppner the first of
the week.
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo who has
been visiting relatives in Port
land for the past two weeks, re
turned to Heppner Saturday. She
was accompanied by her son
Scott who came up for pheasant
hunting. He returned to the city
the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Cherry of
Portland arrived in Heppner the
last ot the week to participate in
bird hunting. At one time Mr.
Cherry was employed at the lo
cal depot.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson
Mrs. W. H. Cleveland and Mrs. A.
D. McMurdo motored to Pendle
ton Sunday.
Mrs. Oscar Rlppee is here from
Condon to visit her parents, Mr.
ana Mrs. John Hiatt while Mr.
Rippee is hunting elk.
Considerable damage was done
to the Roy Campbell ranch house
Monday when a defective gas
range blew up. Most of the win
dows were broken, an odd thing
being that the kitchen windows
were sucked inward and all oth
ers blown outward. Luckily all
members of the family were out
side and suffered no injury.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aalberg re
turned to Heppner Wednesday
after spending a few days vaca
tioning in Portland. During their
absence, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Aal
berg of Portland looked after
the bakery.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. George (Fay
Young) and his sister. Miss Lu-
cllle George, of Portland spent
Mr and Mrs clWe Huston- Tney
came up f0r Drd hunting.
Council Wrestles
With Problem of
Sewage Disposal
Proper Use of
Present Facilities
Basis for Study
Monday evening's session of
the city council was occupied to
some extent with a discussion of
the garbage disposal problem.
Difficulties arising over the road
way into the dump ground have
presented a problem which has
held up delivery of garbage by
the hauling contractor and this In
turn has brought criticism of the
service from some of the cash
customers. ,
Mayor Conley Lanham asked
the streets and public property
committee to investigate the pos
sibility of securing a new site, a
matter that was attended to the
following day without satisfac
tory results. The committee was
also delegated to see what could
be done about the matter oi im
proving entrance to the present
site and report back to the next
meeting ot tne council..
Another task of the council was
making a survey of the creek
channels running through the
town with a view to having them
cleaned out This was investigated
Tuesday in company with a con
tractor from walla walla and it
was decided to have the work
done immediately. This will in
clude removing the heavy growth
of willows along the courses of
both Willow and Hinton creeks.
as well as removing debris and
occasional rock and dirt bars that
have a tendency to cause over
flow in times of high water. It is
a move prompted by motives of
both safety and sanitation.
La Verne Van Marter, city trea.
surer, was present and requested
the council to provide assistance
in his office in counting and wrap
ping the intake from the parking
meters. It was decided by motion
that an employe of the bank be
paid lor doing this work, wnicn
necessitates several hours of
count and wrapping each time
the meter boxes are emptied.
Governor Douglas McKay will
take to the air next week for the
first of a series of a regular Sun
day night discussions on topics
pertinent to state government
ihe broadcasts will originate at
station KEX at 9:45 p. m. Tom
Lawson McCall, the governor's
private secretary, a newspaper
man of active service who was
news editor and commentator on
KGW and KEX when these sta
tions were together, will do the
announcing during the broad.
All expense of the series will be
met by KEX. It is their intention
to keep the progiam as a regular
feature during the term of Gover
nor McKay.
The governor has received many
letters concerning the "hot pine
apple" case. So many show a pre
ponderance of misunderstanding
of the basic facts that the first
broadcast will be devoted to this
subject, with emphasis on what
the state can do to alleviate this
and similar situations that might
All state frestry wardens avail
able will be in the field this year
in an effort to curtail the unlaw.
ful cutting of Christmas trees
which usually begins about the
middle of November, said Acting
State Forester George Spaur this
The conservation act requires
that a permit be secured from the
state forestry department to do
this cutting even if a person has
the permission of the owner of the
trees or if a person owns the land
on which the trees are growing.
The act requires that a source
of seed for a new natural crop be
lett, that enough seedlings be left
or a minimum of 300 trees per
acre be left, otherwise an owner
must reforest the land himself or
the forestry department will do
the job and send the bill to the
Increased construction costs ran
the original estimates for state
buildings up 15 to a total of $6,
000,000, which was approved by
the state board of control this
week, $3,000,000 to the University
of Oregon for a science building
and a teaching hospital; $2,000,
000 to Oregon State college for an
animal science, dairy manufac
turing and food industries build
ing; $280,000 to the Oregon Col
lege of Education for a library
and museum, and $3G0,(XX) to
Southern Oregon College for a
llbrarv and classroom bulding.
There are twice as many aiitos
in Oregon as there were in 19-15,
according to a report by the sec
retary of state made this week.
Also a 53 percent increase In traf
fic accidents when compared
with the 1915 record.
Saturday, October 29. will mark
the 50th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. V ni. H. railherg or
Mr. and Mrs. Roy DeShazer of
Wamic were week end guests at
the E. R. Settles home. They also
spent some time at the Sam Tur
ner home,