Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 20, 1949 Lexington P.-T. A, Enjoys Program Tuesday Evening ny ( wiL jones Mi'rr:l,i: and fiirnds patherpd at th Thnol house Tuesday eve ninp find rniuyod a program by h;- U'i')t;ifn Parent -Teacher as. sortalinn C'harlene Jones played twr pt-m- solos; Phyllis Nolan Mig Beautiful Dreams, accomp onled I y lier sister Beverly; Ida Hurh,,i ;,n played two accordion solos, nnd Juan Breeding a piano solo. Pr r. C, Dunham of Hopp ner, rhiirman of the Community l liest rampaifrn in Morrow coun ty, sri"ki on the aims and purpos es of the chest, stressing the as sistance provided for local groups such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the Campfire Girls. Refreshments of pie and coffee were served later in the evening. Gerald Bakr, president, was in charge of the mooting, which was wi ll attended. A business meeting was held prior to the program at which time Supt. Joe Feathers accepted the appointment as finance chair- man and representatives to the county P-TA meeting at Board man Wednesday were named. These included Mr. and Mrs. Ba ker. Mrs. Armin Wihlon. Mrs. Ro Igcr Anderson. Mrs. Truman Mes senger. Mrs. Adolf Majeske and Mrs. C. 0. Jones. The HEC of the Lexington ! grange met at the C. C. Jones .' home with about 12 members pre sent. The afternoon was spent ( making plans for the turkey din-jner-bazaar to be held November 1 12 at the grange hall. Refresh iments of jello. coffee and cookies i were served later in the day. Friends in Lexington were sor- ry to hear of the defeat suffered by Pallas Ward's Colorado uni versity football team at Eugene Saturday. Dallas was accompan- iod on his trip by Buster Gentry. jBoth boys lived their childhood l in Lexington and graduated from the local school. While in Eugene j they met Buster's sister, Mrs, Ma ' xine Jeub of Coquille and enjoyed a real get-together. They all at tended the ball game at Pull man. One sister. May, of San Francisco, was unable to attend the reunion. Keith Gentry of Pendleton was a guest at the Barnott home Tues day. Mrs, George Irvin was hostess at her home Saturday afternoon, honoring Charlene Jones's birth day with a party for 21 youngs ters. Games were played, with several songs beng sung, after which Charlene opened her gifts. Refreshments of ice cream, cake, punch, and small nut cups with miniature Hershey bars and Toot sy rolls were served from trays made up for each youngster with matching napkins, plates and cups. Out of town guests were Bonita Crum and mother, Mrs. Ralph Crum of lone. Other mo thers attending were Mrs. Ran dall Martin, Mrs. Hermann Wal lace and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross of Walla Walla and Mrs. Rodney Ross of Washtucna, Wash, were guests at the Newt O'Hara home last week. Mrs. Wilbur Steagall spent Monday in Pendleton where she " 4 o CI Actual demonstrations point up Important discussions aboard Union Facfic's agricultural development car which makes fre quent stops for fours-day (arm forums at small communities handy (or the (armer to reach and away from the congestion of the tarrer towns and cities. STAR OS REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and evening, nnlen spe ctlicMlly a4Tertled to be otherwise I Children: Est. Prloe -IT, Prd. Tex .03, Total 20c ; Orade and Sifh School Students 11 years and over: Est. Price .40. red. Tax .10, Total 50c; Adults: Est. Price .50c, Fed. Tax .10, Total SOc. Every chill ooenp-rinf a seat most have a ticket. shews start at T:30 p-m. Boxoffioe open evenin-rs Sunday shows continnons starting at 1 p-m- All other until 9 p.m, The scheduis during August tml be as iollows: Same program Sunday and Honday, Sunday shows continuous from 1 p-m. Same program Tuesday, Wednetday and Thursday. Double-bill program Friday and Saturday, Saturday show starts at 7 p-m. Sunday shows continuous from 1 p, fcaturaay shows start at 7 p. m. Ail other evening shows start at 7:30 p. m. Friday-Saturday, October 21-22 South of Death Valley Charles Starrer!, Smiley Burdctte. Gail Doris A Durango Kid western with humor and hillbilly music. PLUS Jungle Jim Johnny Weismuller, Virginia Grey, George Beeves This Jungle story is based on the news paper feature 'Jungle Jim" which ap pears in "Puck, the Comic Weekly." Sunday-Monday, October 23-24 I Was a Male War Bride Cary Grant Ann Sheridan, Marion Mar shall, Randy Stuart This is downright funny. In transposing Henri Rochard's amusing magazine article of his trials as a French '"war bride" to the screen, this rapid-fire production em erges ;s slick r.nd smooth as any comedy of re curt vintcc,.'. Also THL AcKOBATIC ILLINI, BLUE DAMT" Cartoon, NEWSREEL. Tuesday-Wodncsday, October 25-26 Alias Nick Beal Ray Milland, Audrey Totter, Thomas Mitchell, George Macready Intriguing and highly imaginative play with suspense, witty comedy and exciting action . . a fine production technically and artistically. Also MY SILENT LOVE, with Jane Pick, ens and Parker Fennelly, the Titus Moody of the Fred Allen show; SPORTS TOP PERFORMERS and FUNSHINE STATE, a screen song. u,ij.(iinnflin,M3 Subscribe Now Checks for contributions to the Community Chest can be mailed to the following : MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, Inc. Heppner, Lexington, or lone PACIFIC POWER & LIGHTCOMPANY Heppner Office FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HEPPNER BRANCH or DR. C. C. DUNHAM, County Chairman Will OWS jjllp Mh Grange at Grange Hall in lone Saturday Night Oct. 22 RIMROCK SERENADERS ADMISSION: $1.00 tax included Lunch At Midnight keep warmer this whiter: 1! ill dH't c had taken her daughter June Mrs. Marvin Wightman return back to school at St. Joseph's ed Wednesday after spending 10 Academy. days in Portland visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Purdee (nee Jean. and attending the Pacific Inter Rausch) are the parents of a son 'national where her daughter born in Pendleton. Mrs. Purdee is Peggy won further honors in her me aaugmer 01 air. ana Mrs. '4. H project. juuan nauscn. Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra jwere recent week end guests at the Will Nordeen home in Baker. Mr. and Mrs. George Peck are again at home after an extended visit of several weeks in the mid- I west states. ! Dinner guests Friday night at the C. C. Jones home were Mr. and j Mrs. Kenneth Palmer Mr. and ; Mrs. Hermann Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and sons were dinner guests Monday at the Claude White ranch at I Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Griffith and family spent the week-end in ' Spray visiting Mr. Griffith's mo ! ther who is ill. ! Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith of i Walla Walla were renewing ac- quaintances in Lexington Tues day, stopping at the Merle Car j michael, C. C. Carmichael and C. j C. Jones homes. j The Lexington school house is j having an added attraction in j stalled in the form of a fire es I cape. This is made on the front of building directly over the door. I 0 ; CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION 1 Federal Civil Service announc es an examination for appoint I ment to the position of Substitute Clerk, Post Office Service. I Persons who desire permanent ! positions at lone, Oregon, will .have an opportunity to take a civil service examination leading to probational appointment with j permanent classified civil service status. No specific experience or edu cation is required, but applicants must take a written examination, which includes a Sorting Test, General Test, and a Following In structions Test. Applicants must actually reside within the deliv ' ery of the post office for which examined, or be bona fide patrons of such office. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 50, except that these age limits may be waived for veterans and under certain conditions for war service indef I inite employees. Further information on this ex amination and the necessary ap plication forms may be obtained from the Postmaster, Post Office, lone, Oregon, or from the Director. Eleventh U. S. Civil Service Re gion, Room 302 Federal Office Building, Seattle 4, Washingtn. This examination will be held in the court room of the Morrow county courthouse, Heppner, Ore gon, October 29, 1943, at 8:30 a. m. Ruby O. Roberts, Postmaster. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kussman of Astoria have been guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kirk. The ladies spent a day or so in Walla Walla and Hermiston vis iting while the men were bagging their deer at the Kirk hunting lodge beyond Ukiah. Mrs. Ralph I. Thompson and Mrs. W. H. Cleveland were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Nellie Anderson is enjoy ing house guests this week. Her daughter, Mrs. Willis Roller and friend Mrs. Ralph Brokaw from Palo Alto, and her sister, Mrs. Thomas Gruhbs of Waldport who arrived Monday. The ladies were in Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Killiam Sowell and daughter Marcia arrived the last of the week to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell. The Sowells reside in Los Angeles. Charles Hogue of The Dalles was a hunting guest of Pirl How ell the first of the week. 0 Wednesday is named after Wo den, a deity of the Anglo-Saxons. A single oyster produces be tween 55 million and 114 million eggs in a lifetime. V New "Furnace-type" Unit Inside These Heaters WARMS WHOLE HOUSE LIKE A FURNACEI Selective 8 -Way Heating Serrlc) Gives Yon Warm Floors Heats Up Distant Rooms Two Heat Re flector Doors for Quick Warming; Radiant Heat Beautiful Stream lined Design Automatic Fuel Con trol Automatic Draft Control Radio Dial Heat Control thorn Draft Performance Saves Fuel SEE THESE HEATERS NOW ON DISPLAYI Our COLEMAN Prices are as low as 59.95 We even have a Blower Model at only 74.90 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn and daughter Suzanne spent Monday in Walla Walla. Tress McClintock returned Sun day from a business trip to' Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomp son returned Friday evening from Portland where they spent sev eral days looking after business matters. Dr. and Mrs. Ben Phillips, Ira Phillips and Mark Hifles re'urned to Portland after spending several days here hunting on Chapln creek. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston. Porridge is known in Ireland as "stir-about." QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms ol Distress ArUIng from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free BookTelltofHomeTrMtmcnt that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Ovor three million bottlra of the Willard Tkkatment have tan sold for rellr of syniptonnoMlKtnmrlsins. from Stomacli nod Duedenel Ulctrs due tn Eicess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gssilneis, Hrertburn. Sloiphntntss, etc , due In Eseess Add. S0I1I nn IS days' trlnir Ask for "Willerd't Metr.e" which fully (IxrUunn this trcaui.i'nl -tree ut Saager's Pharmacy Case Furniture Co. Sign Your Greetings In Print Having your name. imprinted on your Christmas cards saves you the time and effort of signing .them yourself, marks you as a discriminating person. Place your order early and be relieved of that last minute rush. Time is flying! Saager's Pharmacy NOTICE! WHEAT FARMERS! We hove a new spray outfit for spraying weeds. Wo have been told it sells for around S200. First $100 Takes it! Hodge Chevrolet Co. Look Ut the '49 Ford and youll see why New York's famed Fashion Academy judged it "Fashion Car of the Year." over 1949 models of all other makes. 711 Fi i 31- Che "Go" in Ford's 100 horsepower V-8, the "Mm!" in Ford's "Sofa-Wide" Seats ... the "Ah!" 0f "Finger-Tip" - Steering . . . the. "Whoa!" of "Magic Action" Brakes! . Waiting For a Sail The Modern Merchant Doesn't wait for SALES , "HE ADVERTISES the difference. Only Ford gives you so much car for so little. FORD Tru thA maw II J If 11 II M II 11 rl w " It 1 1 II lt-z II II rcw your Ford Dealer's ROSEWALL MOTOR CO.