Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 13, 1949 lone Folks Attend Briggs-Lundell Rites in Portland Miss IViroen Man Bripps. (iau Chlcr of Mrs. Arthur M. Knpps of Tori land, becamp the brute of James Wallarv Lundrll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Algolt Lundell Sat urday morning, October S, at the Church of the Madeleine in Port, land, Rev. George Campbell of ficiating. The bride's attendants were from Portland and Seattle. The bride wore white satin with satin and rhinestone headdress which held in place her illusion veil. She carried a bouquet of bouvardia. roses and orchids. ; Raymond Lundell. brother of the i groom, was best man and the ushers were friends of the groom. A reception was held at the Bripgs home afterwards. After a short honeymoon to Ocean Lake the newlyweds will be at home In Portland. Attending the wedding from here were Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell and daughter Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lundell, Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell and daughter Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and son Kenneth, Norton Lundell, Lyle Allyn and Donald Burke, who were enroute to their home in Oakland. Calif. The lone home extension unit held the first meeting of the year Thursday of last week at the Ma sonic hall. "Finishes for better dresses" was conducted in tiie morning by Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. Omar Rietmann. In the af ternoon the business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Noel Dobyns, president of the unit. Yearbooks were filled out and work was out lined for the year. Better dress workshops will be held at the Masonic hall October 13 20, 26 and November 3. Mrs. Dobyns asked members of the unit to bring toys to the unit meetings to entertain the children. The next extension meeting will be No vember 4 at the Congregational church. Subject, "New home fur nishing material." A demonstra tion of gift wrapping will be giv en the first 10 minutes of the meeting. Members are asked to bring wrapping ribbon, etc., also the gifts if they wish. Mrs. Omar Rietmann explained the A.C.W.W. Mrs. L. A. McCabe announced the 4-H club achievement party to be held at the Lexington grange hall in November. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and family were visitors in The Dalles one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom re turned home Thursday of last week from a week s visit to Mas Portland Saturday. Mrs. Rietmann sachusetts where they visited his left Monday to be with her brothers. Faul and Hilding Lind- mother strom of Linn and his sister, Mrs. Frank Erickson of Orange. It has Ix-en W years since he saw these relatives. While there Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom celebrated their golden wedding and received many lovely gifts. They made the trip both ways by plane and ex rerienccd a bad storm while coming home over the Rockies. They think that flying is the only way to travel. Donald Burke, noted pianist from Oakland, Calif., played for ;':e girls glee club at the Legion hall Wednesday afternoon of last week. He also entertained other !o.vl parties during his visit here. Those having their houses re papered during the past few in clude Mrs. Edith Nichoson, Harry Yarnell, Mrs. Lana Padberg and Darrel Padberg. The Eastern Star Social club met at the Masonic hall Wednes day, October 5. The Valby missionary society met at the Henry Peterson home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cason and Mrs. Nina Knighten of Condon were guests at the Ida Grabill home Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley went to Pendleton Sunday where they met his brother, Joseph Shir ley of Jerome, Ida. and Harry Shirley and daughter of Newcas tie-on Tvne, England. Rev. Shir ley has not seen the brother from England for 35 years. OUR DEMOCRACY- -byMat Cherry, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, broke her arm Wednesday of last week when she fell down stairs. She was taken to Pendleton to have the arm set. Joe Halvorsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, ran a nail through his hand one day last week. He was taken to a physi cian for treatment. According to the Oregonian. Donald Balcom of Eugene died October 2 from a hunting acci dent near Bly. He was born De cember 6, 1916 at lone. He is sur vived by his wife, a son, Douglas Lee, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balcomb of Springfield, a brother Robert and sister June, both of Springfield, and grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. How ard of Newberg. The ladies of the Altar society of the Catholic church met Wed nesday of last week and elected the following officers: President, Mrs. Garland Swanson; vice pres ident, Mrs. Richard Lundell; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Richard McElligott. The ladies will hold a food sale November 1, at Swan son's store. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hag quist of Santa Cruz, Calif, visited her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett, last week. I A birthday party was held af ter the regular meeting of the Rebekah lodge Thursday evening Quite a number of deer have of last week. Those having birth- been brought into lone during the days the past three months were past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Cunningham of Post j Delia Corson. Mrs. David Riet Falls, Ida. is visiting her sister, ; mann, Mrs. Elmo McMillan, and Mrs. Elmer Griffith at Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne White of Portland visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. White, last week. Initiation of the freshmen was held at the high school Friday evening of last week. The high school football team beat L'mapine 44 to 14 at Milton Freewater Thursday of last week. Norman Swanson returned to his home in Portland last week after visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson and going on a huntng trip to Lostine. Visitors last week at the Cleo Drake home were Mr. and Mrs. Brvon Carson and son Glenn of Garibaldi, Robert Carson of Sa lem and Floyd Fowler of Port land. Those from here attending the Pacific International in Portland over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker and sons Ronald and Duane, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom and family, Mrs. Ida Coleman and daughters Sue and Annabelle, and Ingrid Her mann. Mrs. Omar Rietmann received word that her mother. Mrs. Inez Freeland, sustained minor injur ies when she was struck by an automobile near her home in Francis Ely. Cake, ice cream and coffee were served by Mrs. Fran cis Ely, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. Hershall Townsend and Mrs. Adon Ham lett. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, Geo. Ely, Rollo Crawford, Billy and Bobby Rietmann, Joel Engelman and Harold Snider attended the University of Oregon-Washington State football game at Pullman, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker and family returned from Tule Lake, Calif, last week where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heimbigner and family spent the week-end in Odessa, Wash. DATES TO REMEMBER: October 14. study meeting of Topic club 15th Willows grange 8 p. m. 16th Girls League annual din ner at school gym, 12:30 to 2. 18th American Legion-Auxiliary 8 p. m. 19th Ameca club 20th Better dress workshop at Masonic hall 9 a. m. Sack lunch at noon. 21st HEC of Willows grange at home of Mrs. Marian Palmer. FRUITS OF THEIR OWN LABOR. I mm If we can prevent tk government jrotn ujasKng the labor of five pretense of c&rinq III 1 ' J uiiil be h&ppu. 1 1 THOMAS JCrSKSON. people uncle for ikem , tl ley i THl WISDOM OF THAT PHILOSOPHY, TO WHICH WI IN AWeRIOs. HAVE ADHEREO.IS EVIDENT IN THE HI5T0RV OP THE WORLD . OVSH. THE LAST ISO YEARS. THE EXPERIENCE IN THOSE COUNTRIES WHERE THE GOVERNMENT HAS ENDEAVORED TO DO FOR THE PEOPLE WHAT THEV COULD BETTER DO FOR THEMSELVES, 13 IN SHARP CONTRAST WITH THI EXPERIENCE IN AMERICA AND THE OTHER DEMOCRACIES. tan r M4 With full freedom of choice and acceptance of individual responsibility, we in america have keen able to attain the highest standard of livins and family security in the world, far higher than any country has been able to establish for its people Through state provision. Boardman Youth Bags First Buck on Trip to Mountains Oscar Veelle, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Veelle was the lucky one in their hunting party to get a deer. This was the first experience for the young lad and what a thrill! Mrs. Jess Allen was called to Harden Mont, where her brother Roy Kelly had passed away. Ac companying Mrs. Allen were her husband and Arthur Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Baker. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stalcup were Mrs. Dan McGuire and son Bobby of Couer d'Alene, Ida. Mrs. McGuire is a niece of Mrs. Stalcup. All the local shcool teachers motored to Hardman Thursday evening where they attended the county teachers' meeting. The Home Extension unit met at the grange hall Tuesday af ternoon with 11 ladies present. Mrs. William Garner gave a de monstration on different finishes for seams and hems of woolen dresses. Mr. and Mrs Russell Miller and Mrs. Arthur Allen spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert HarWQod motored to Salem where they spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spagle. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hoffman and family spent Sunday in Con don with relatives. Don't forget the Grange Boos ter Night will be Friday evening, 8 p. m. Oct. 14 Program, eats and good time. Every one is invited. of the Association of Motionwhere of (he motion picture asoclation and all of them will enjoy uic recreational facilities ol me iam ous resort. They will return on the 19th. " Mr. and Mrs. W. O. George and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dougherty left this morning for Sun Valley to spend several days. The Georges will attend the annual convention Farmers Inquire about our special blanket liability policy. Complete liability and medical coverage on all operations veh i c 1 e , equipment and livestock included. Turner, Van Marter and Company Phone 152 Heppner Oregon From where I sit ... y Joe Marsh nam- Was over at Doc Sherman's drug store listening to the World Series , on the radio. Curly Lawson wan ders in and says: "How about a chocolate malted, Doc?" "Sorry, Curly," says Doc, "can't make you a malted for a while yet" "What's the idea?" Curly asks. "Well," says Doc, "most of the folks want to hear the game and the mixer makes too much noise." Curly thinks a moment and says, "Okay with me. Doc I'll take a chocolate soda!" This shows how tolerant folks con be. Doc showed his respect for But Curly "Knows What The Score Is!" how the majority felt; Curly was big enough not to insist on his malted even though he doesn't hap pen to be fond of baseball. From where I sit, willingness to respect the other people's feelings is important in a Democracy. If we're tolerant of a person's like for baseball or a glass of temper ate beer, we've come a long way on the right road ... the road to a better America, that is! STAR cza REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and evening, unless ipa olfloally advertised to be otherwise i Children i Est. Prloa .17, Fed. lu .03, Total 90o; Orada and High School Students U yean and overt Est. Prloa .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c; Adultil Est. Pries .Me, Fed. The tcheduis daring August will bs as follows: eontinuous from 1 p.m. Sams prog-ram Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, Saturday show starts at 7 p.m. Tax .10, Total 600. Every oh Lid occupying a seat must have a ticket. shews start at 7i30 p-m. Bozofflos open evenings Sunday shows oonUnuons starting at 1 p.m- All other until 9 p.m. Same program Sunday and Monday, Sunday shows Wednesday and Thursday. Double-bill program Sunday shows continuous from 1 p. m. Saturday shows start at 7 p. m. All other evening shows start at 7:30 p. m. Thursday-Friday-Soturday, Oct 13-14-15 Susanna Pass Roy Rogers, Dale Evans. Estelita Rodri gues, Douglas Fowley Public Cowboy No. 1 is back again with rousing outdoor adventure and western tunes, photographed in color. Tarzan's Magic Fountain Lex Barker, Brenda Joyce, Albert Dekker, Evelyn Ankers. Cheeta Edgar Rice Burroughs' fabled superman encounter more fascinating adventures . . the comedy touch is taken care of by the animal actors. Popeye Cartoon Sunday-Monday, October 16-17 It's a Great Feeling Jack Carson. Doris Day, Dennis Morgan. Bill Goodwin. Irving Bacon This yarn is a continuous caravan of fun ny gags, and to make the funfest unusu ally acceptable, there are countless other assets: flashy Technicolor, catchy tunej, Doris Day!, and insert bits by virtually every star on the Warner lot. Topnotch entertainment. Also MOOSKIIEART, CITY OF CHIL DREN CARTOON - NEWSREEL THIS IS AMERICA. Tuea.-Wed.-Thurs., October 1819-20 Yellow Sky Gregory Peck, Anne Baxter, Richard Wid maik In the field of big-scale outdoor action entertainment, this entry leads in drama, action and thrills! Friday-Saturday. October 21-22 South of Death Valley Charles Starrett, Smiley Burdettc, Gail Davis A Durnngo Kid western with humor and hillbilly music. PLUS Jungle Jim Johnny Weismuller, Virginia Grey, George Reeves This Jungle story is based on the news paper feature "Jungle Jim" which ap pears in "Puck, tlie romie vwi-Kiy. 1SCS! llfcloslfci ale Entasis FREE WHILE THEY LAST ON OPENING DAYOFSALE WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE NEW OWNER SCREWDRIVER The first 100 men attending the sale will be presented with an amber handle, clip style vest pocket screw driver. While they last. PYREXWARE The first 50 women attending the sale will be presented with either a Pyrex ilameware skillet or open sauce pan. While they last. INSIDE REG. 1.89 1 27 REG. 75c 47 1.19 PERCOLATOR 77c l-enp oaptcity. Attract. par wbiU umaJwix over solid metal bue; smartly oontiMttnf red trim. Another "hop early' value. FRICTION TAPE 8c t-oa. roll teifk grade tape, very ad hesive and hlf-h-voltage reeuti&f. Ce-1 topiuui wrapped. Get a supply, aave! DOOR LOCK SET With plated knobs and escutcheons on both sides; smart dull brass outside, shiny nickel-plated inside. One-piece 2-in. knobs. If you are planning to build or are remodeling, buy this good looking door hardware early; they'll go fast HARDWOOD FOLDING RULE Made by a famous manufacturer of flexible hard wood, wth bright steel mountings and concealed Joints. Durable white enamel finish shows markings clearly. 6 ft It'i a bargain . . . snap it upl ESQ a it Leave the breakfast dishes in the sink, put a "back later" sign on the shop door, and let junior miss school if you must . . just don't let anything stop you from being at this sale on Friday, the 14th. Look over hose bargains! .. .when have you seen such good merchandise at such low prices? Hardware Paint Housewares Plumbing Sporting Goods REG. 2.39 GALVANIZED NO. 3 TUB 1 69 2.35 Alarm Clock 67 A clock whose 40-hr. guarantee move meat will keep yon on Bright, cheery face with lovely convex crystal. Finished la Ivory. 49c LUNCH KIT 37c A dandy school lunch kit with metal Inset tray that can be used (or a pLate. Smart fabric pattern on metal 65c DOOR BUTTS 47c pr. Fine, sturdy butts designed for resi dential work. Heavily plated wrought steel well finished. Hon-rising loose pin. 59c GALV. PAIL Variety of Irons marked down for imme diate sale Steam-o-Matic Proctor, Coleman-Gas REG. 1.95 1 27 Do you wish on every washday that yea had tubs? Thli is your chance to pick them up at a rock bottom pricei Strong galvanized steel, sturdily rein forced. 18'ii-gal. capacity. While they last. PUNCH AND CHISEL SET Includes 2 chisels with j and -Vin. edge; 2 solid punches with ' and 316-in. points and one Ix-ln. center punch in sliding metal container. While they last Hade with large non-wedge ears, strong bottom, heavy top edge. Shop early for these ; they'll sell fast at this price. 1.98 STEEL TAPE l'7 A streamUned beauty. Baa self-Indicating measurement feature; take apart chrome-plated case for oleanlng Permanently etched markings. REG. 1.00 PRUNING SHEARS 67c Famous True Temper brand; reliable for quality and eliiciency. Hardened cutting blade. A big sale value. Shop early. CLIP CLOTHES PINS IOcDo1 Smooth wood pins with rust- resistant wire spring. Buy them now at less than a penny apiece while they last. BOX END WRENCH SET "METALMASTER" 5 wrenches with embossed Reg. 269 Portable EICCtnC SaW panels giving strength where . m-mmm Reg. Price, 115.00 needed. Drop forged from spe- I Save $40.00 ... and make what f "L "tee1, , 716 tmd Vou paid for the saw by time "7 " OO 1316 . Shop early. gaved on thB )obi Save yoiu en, M ergy; let this dependable power M saw do the hard work I . POPULAR HAND DRILL HEAVY DUTY HAND DRILL Double steel pinion type with Reg. 2.29 Another big buy for users of B-0 69s machine cut teeth. Bright steel . quality tools. Genuine Millers- " parts. Red solid wood handle. I Iff Falls drill; Includes 8 drill points f C A sturdy tool from a famous it in handle. Grab one at this price - jLsLw maker. Better hurry in for onel while they lastl QUANTITIES LIMITED AT THESE PRICES . SHOP EARLY I SHOP EVERY DEPARTMENT FOR OTHER SAVINGS! Don Walker Owner MARSMALL-WSLEiS stores Heppner many good . - VALUES NOT Oregon advertised!