Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 13, 1949 COURT PROCEEDINGS FOB SEPTEMBER. 1949 The mlnutrs for the August trm were read and approved. The Court ordered the follow ing BanN' Disease claims paid: Luke Blbhy $176.00; W. Howard Cleveland " $16 00; Charles O Forthman $16 00. The Court ordered the transfer of SS0.00 from the Emergency lOlive B. Hushes, deputy 198.00 Appropriation to the County (Margaret Gillis. nurse 209.40 Nurse mileage and expense ap-j.-V J. Chaffee, janitor 1S4.09 propriation. IPr. A. D. McMurdo, Thys. 24.75 WARRANTS ISSUED ON . Susie W. Miller, Ct. Rep. 49.50 THE GENERAL FUND j William Garner, justice of peace " 4.25 J. O. Hager. justice of peace 121.55 Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Co. current expense 76.20 State Dept. of Agriculture, Sadie rarrish, deputy $117.25 Frances Mitchell, deputy 197.14 office Leila J. McLachlan clerk 121.95 i life irfilla v J &S 5 "W. nil .ll1 GET YOUR COPY Of RADIO LOG Th bondy in Moyflo-f lodio log is ot yowr dealer' how. Get your free copy today. Mayflower Builds Better Babies Wise mothers, who know the food value of fresh milk and the importance of absolute purity, choose Mayflower Milk for their youngsters. Always Grade A purity, always tops in appetizing flavor, and always carefully pasteurized Mayflower ii baby's best food value. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR 6 "A growing area needs this kind of development." I A jCZ L2LJ IDWARO L. PALDANIUI Prmuitnt, Alloria Chambtr f Commtrtt . J. r. MMdmBJr -mm. 1,000 POLE TOP POWER PLAN'iS ort beiig installed thii year on oil pnrii of the PP&l tyiiem. Known technically at npocilon, theit devce ore really Utile pawer plants, for they increo.e the supply of usable electricity on lb wires. Added together, the 1,000 new capacitors equal o cood sized power generator, Pcific Power &V Light Company has ipent $25,000,000 on new construction since V-J day. Thew re taxpaying, job-making dollars Jetelopintnl dollars invested here in the great Northwest to help meet your clcurkal needs. The power requirements of a fast-growing region demand a steady flow of these development dollars into the Pacific Northwest, That is why all of us want investors to look on this region as land of opportunity, and of fair reward. The investor whose dollars help extend and improve your electric service, while haring your tax burden, it truly a Partner in Progress! Pacific Power & Light A progrtttivt powtr lysem bts'neu monagtd district sealer 2.47 Margaret Gillis. nurse 93.12 Central Meat Market, jail 1.60 Heppner Market, jail 293 C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff 52.10 R. A. Pringle, court house 20.00 Bureau of Labor, court house 5.00 Frances Mitchell, tax col lections 24 90 Henderson Office Supply, . Clerk 14.00 Pacific Power 4 Light Co. court house 31.29 Lulu M. Hager, county reg istrar 3.50 Ralph I. Thompson, county Court 51.23 Russell K. Miller, county court 101.49 C. YV. Barlow, current ex- pense 3.00 The Haloid Company, county clerk 115.59 Pacific Stationery & Print ing Co. tax collections 10.18 C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff 20.00 Heppner Laundry, court house .65 Heppner Red and White Store, jail 12.31 Heppner Gazette Times: As sessor $13.15; Co. court S7.60; official publication $57.85 78.60 Ralph E. Currin, district attorney 30.00 Association of Oregon Coun ties, Fed. Tax Comm. 125.00 George N. Peck, insurance 74.00 First National Bank of Portland, withholding tax 199.33 Archie D. McMurdo, coroner 14.28 State Industrial Accident Commission: sheriff $3.81; sheriff salary 31c; deputy salary 31c; janitor salary 31c; court house 91c 5.65 Garnet Barratt. Judge, Gen eral Asst. $900; Old Age Asst. $1,340; Dependent Children $420; Blind $46.75 $2,706.75 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND: Wilbur Jackson 198.82 Ralph Scott Jr. 276.84 Lewis Ball 213.66 Darold Hams 296.99 Fred Booker 269.71 Dean Gilman 253.11 Floyd Borman 223.72 William C. Heath -269.71 Jack Slocum 264.71 Roger Allen 245.25 Carl Cropp 288.41 Ed Kelly 239.08 H. Sherer 335.73 Grover Peck 53.27 George A. Stalcup 180.76 W. Cunningham 296.51 Austin Wilson 246.94 Walter Gilman 209.92 Dick Borman 226 55 Boardman Supply Co. 9.49 Sam Forman 29.50 Oregon Lumber Co. 599.79 English and Co. 215.79 J. P. O'Meara 14.50 iPenland Bros. Transfer Pacific Tower & Light Co. 4 Union Oil Co. 722 Loggers and Contractors Machinery Co. 233. Western Auto Supply 1 Contractors Equipment Cp. 150 The Texas Co. 47 Shell 01 Co. 18. Braden Tractor & Equip. Co. 71 Heppner Hardware & Elec. trie Co. 3. Guy Riddle 2. Industrial Air Products Co. 6 Owens Hardware 5 Wentworth & Irwin 66 Paul G. Pettyjohn 12? Contractors' Equip. Corp. 19 Rogers Machinery Co. 45. City of Heppner, Water Dept. 4 Gilliam & Bisbee 94 Rosewall Motor Co. 44 Rohrman Motor Co. 1 Roots & Schetky, Inc. 20. D. H. Jones & Son 4 Heppner Motors Co. $1,470. Heppner Lumber Co. 18 Anderson's Builders Supply 20 Jack Allen Supply Co. 81 Sunset Motor Co. 33. Columbia Equipment Co. 97 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 3. First National Bank of Portland 319.70 State Industrial Accident Commission 113.58 C. W. Barlow, clerk 1.35 Lewis Ball 80.06 Kenneth J. Smouse 82.50 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND Roland Bergstrom, coyote bounty 6.00 James Doherty, 2 bobcats 6.00 James Daly, coyote bounty 6.00 .HOSPITAL FUND: Malarkey and Moore $3,691.94 HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND: Roger Allen Jack Slocum Grover Peck 43.16 23.98 14.98 W. Cunningham 23.98 Austin Wilson 4.99 Waller Gilman 47.96 Dick Borman 43.16 City of Pendleton 53.95 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. (water line to hospital) 17.80 State Industrial Accident Comm. (water ditch) 5.74 Consolidated Supply Co. (water system) 120.00 Consolidated Supply Co. (Water system) $2,322.48 Need Envelopes? Or Letter Heads? Phone The Gazette Times The OIL Heater You've Waited hr! to get rid of soot a this way with A Product of , Standard of California Why let a"keroseney" odor fill your kitchen? Why get soot on your stove, walls and cur tains? Get Pearl Oil the clean-burning fuel that's carefully refined to burn with a steady flame ... at an even tem perature without smoke, soot or waste. For all your kerosene appli ances, get clean-burning Pearl Oil ! !Tsf7iiuT0RS" L E. DICK HEPPNER GORDON WHITE IONE Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorlon Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Co! AUTOMATIC It heats your home like a furnace brings you the kind of "warm-floors" home com fort you've wanted. And it's automatic, you do no work I Just set the regulator for the heat you want no fire-tending. Clean, too no dusty fuel, no ashes, to dirty up your house. Come In see it today, WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF COLEMAN OIL HEATERS Get the oil heater that has all these money saving, fuel-saving, long-life features: 1. Famous Coleman Furnace-Type Heating Unit 2. Low Flame Fuel-Saver 8. Fuel-saving Low -draft Burner 4. Exclusive Coleman Draft Meter 6. Radiant-heat Reflector Doora (super-circa-lator only see above) 6. Heat circulation plus heat radiation at same time 7. Beautiful styling long-life, brown, duo-tone enamel tinisn. We have the right size, the right type of heater for your home I Come in today. FAMOUS COLEMAN OIL HEATERS PRICED AS E?A ftP LOW AS 9 9a 9 9 Case Furniture Company f JZmT ::lS:0:-:rf:if 'K 'ii ' 1 Sr. ''vi'KW "' i v ; !.....' 1234567890 Do Yoi Ieoi.? ford Six Buiinen Coupe This delivered price Includes U.S. Taxes, Dual Windshield Wipers and Tail Lights, Oil Bath Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Gas, Oil and Service Policy. White sidewall fires, V-8 engine and overdrive optional at extra cost. Price may vary slightly in different localities v 1 and state taxes (if any) are extra. Drive a Ford aK,d FEEL the difference j11 ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE "FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR"