Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 06, 1949, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 6, 1949
Inquire about our special
blanket liability policy.
Complete liability and
medical coyer age on all
operations Teh i c 1 e ,
equipment and livestock
Von Marter
Phone 152
Monument Hunters
Capture Joyriding
Escaped Convict
An escaped convict was captur
ed by Emory Moore and Iva En
right as thoy were returning from
a hunting trip Saturday. The man
had boon wandering in the hills
for some time trying to elude the
police. Everyone had been warn
ed to be on the lookout for him,
As Moore and Enright came down
the mountain road a man In
truck tried to pass them on
turn. The truck was one Moore's
men had left at Wall creek last
Friday night. The state police
wore called as soon as the hunt
ers and their prisoner arrived in
Monument. When searched, the
man was unarmed but seemed to
have plenty of money, a sleeping
bag and a change of clothes.
The first of October is here and
Automatic Washer
gets clothes really clean with
Live-Water Action!
II ;! 10I MICE
II (To $299.75
All the washing action is achieved
by rolling penetrating currents of hot,
sudsy water ... no pulling or yank
ing clothes. See a demonstration!
Dependable Radio and Refrigerator Service
At the site of the burned elevator at Heppner
we have for sale WHILE IT LASTS
From $20 to $50 ton
Wheat Screenings (chicken
or hog feed) $5.00 Ton
Ask for Mr. Goodwin
the hills are full of deer hunters.
It must be a good deer season for
many have brought home meat
the first day.
Everyone was wishing for rain
but w hen it came last Wednesday
there was too much of it in some
localities. Much damage was
done to roads and highways near
Monument. The Elzy Emry ranch
and the old Crouch ranch be
tween Monument and Kimberley
suffered extensive damage.
Rho Bleakman accompanied
Harold Cork to Portland last Tues
day. Whle in the city Bleakman
purchased a new car and drove
it home.
Mrs. Tim Lovgren and Miss
Dorris Matteson drove to Heppner
Wednesday. Coming home in the
evening they were caught in the
water spout area. The road was
so badly filled with rocks, dirt
and debris that a caterpillar was
used to tow them through.
Mrs. Anna Bayless of Heppner
spent Tuesday and Wednesday
in Monument visiting friends. She
was an overnight guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Barnard. On Wed
nesday she was a dinner guest of
Mrs. George Stirntt and Mrs.
Fred Shank. She returned to Hep
pner Wednesday evening with Bill
Cox of the Heppner Creamery.
Frank McGirr and Hazel Hinton
of Fox were saying hello to
friends in Monument Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Ab Gates left the
first of the week for California
where he has employment. They
will be near Redding.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leopard
have leased the Roy Leathers
place at Top. Leathers is employ
ed at the Powell sawmill and Mrs.
Leathers is the hot lunch cook at
Clarence Reasoner of Corvallis,
I accompanied by his son and his
father. Top Reasoner of Ellens
burg, Wash., spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Forrest.
Mr. Reasoner and son spent their
time hunting while his father
was busy renewing old acquaint
ances and looking over changes
that have taken place since he
was here. This was his first visit
in 20 years. The Postoff ice at Top
was named for Mr. Reasoner.
Members of the American Le
gion of Don L. Medlock post 164
of Spray and Monument post 148
were installed September 26 at
Monument with Bob Damon of
Mt. Vernon as installing officer.
Lynn Forrest, commander of the
Monument post and Jess Cary,
commander of the Spray post
were present, also a few auxiliary
Flatt's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
The Dalles Phone 2635
114 E. 2nd St
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere.Anytime"
Lore than 120,000 Oregon men,
women and children have prepaid O. P. S,
medical and hospital protection through
membership in your doctor-sponsored
plan . . . Why dldt you join them? There is
a choice of plans, and a choice of doctors
and hospitals. The cost is reasonable.
viVy r,OfS'
I . r& 1"" . O w -
1214 S.W. 6th, Portland 4
455 Ferry St., Salem
Medford Bldg., Medford
members who accompanied the
officers from Spray. After the bus
iness meetng the women of the
Monument auxiliary served pie.
cake and coffee.
The Girl Scouts held their reg
ular meeting at the grange hall
Wednesday. They enjoyed a regu
lar old fashioned candy pull.
Edwin Ditto of Arlington spent
the week-end visiting the Batty
brothers. They enjoyed a big deer
hunt Saturday.
Eston Stevens is staying at the
Stanley Musgrave home during
the hunting season.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek of
Heppner spent the week-end with
Mrs. Sweek's mother,, Mrs. Daisy
Simas. Mr. Sweek is building a
house for Mrs. Simas.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cox have
moved to the Gilmore ranch
where they both have employ
ment with the L. S. company.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron King and
son Earl Frank of Hamilton were
calling at the home of Mrs. King's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bar
nard. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Musgrave
and son Johnnie were attending
to matters of business in Monu
ment Thursday.
Jack Forrest and Earl Lewis
were Dayville visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stirritt of
Dayville were calling on friends
in Monument Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Shaw of
Long Creek were attending to
matters of business in and near
Monument Sunday. While in
town they called on Mr. and Mrs.
Chance Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mantis
and son Dicky were attending to
matters of business in Portland
this week. While they were away
Mrs. Ida Bleakman took care of
the work in the postoffice.
Mrs. Chance Wilson returned
from Wheeler on Tuesday.
Mrs. Minnie Gamble returned
last week from Charleston, near
Coos Bay. She spent a month
there visiting her husband. She
has rented her home to Mr. and
Mrs. Hickman and expects to re
turn to Charleston to spend the
Need Envelopes? Or
Letter Heads? Phone
The Gazette Times
We have a new spray outfit
for spraying weeds.
We have been told it sells
for around $200.
First $100 Takes
Hodge Chevrolet
Don't Wait Until Our
Community Is Attacked
Insure Now be certain that when
DREAD DISEF1SE strikes, the hear?
xpenso of treatment is covered by
our Insurance.
Pays up to
$5,000.00 Each Person
Psyt for
Hospital Srric
Room, Board, Attendants, flpparatui,
Medical Service
Doctor M D. or Oiteopath)
Hurting Bsrrlcs
Bgis tared Graduate Nursei, 3 a day at
110.00 per day eacn.
Ambulance Service
$26.00 each Hoepital Confinement.
Iron Lung
Or similar mechanical apparatus.
Blood Transfusions
fill usual and customary charges.
Drugs and Medicines
Pays all Drug and Medicine Bills,
Trans porta Hon
Automobile, Railroad or Aircraft to Hos-
plat Patient and Attendant. Special
Plan when necessary.
Brace and Cratches
As needed.
Mt.4t, lift MbMMCf tCMlAM?
Cental uj lurilii Onr I2.000.0M.M
PollelM written in Ban Froncueo tmt
loeeee paid by Cmv.ni, Dargun & Coro
ponr. Iniurance Mmngers for Nearly W
Mm Proltawn at t Rtaionablt
C. A. Ruggles
Phont 723 Heppner, Oregon
Plant Breeders Think
Smut Problem Solved
After years and vears nf trinl
and error, Pacific Northwest plant
oreeaers now hope they have an
answer to the wheat smut prob
lem, inat answer is a smut re
sistant wheat.
While the exDerimpnt statlnn
plant breeders may have their
lingers crossed, they'll not have
a lone wait to bp Slirp. In TlanH
City on September 15th and llith,
a commercial scale milling test
was run on the three experimental
varieties, mat and a baking test
are all that stand in the path of
the new wheat varietes.
Two of the three wheats have
been developed at Washi
State college. The third mmt
from the Oregon State college
urancn experment station at
All three varieties are white
inter wheats ariantpri , ti,o
Oregon and Washi nptnn drain
belt. Two of the new wheats are
common white types. The other
is a white club. All nark mn.
siderable amount of smut resis
tance, m fact, that's the reason
they were developed tn with.
stand the northwest's number one
neat disease problem smut.
The new Oreeon variotv an
Alicel-Ore cross was developed
by Foster Martin at the Pen
dleton branch experment station
is described as a common
hite tvDe wheat it hao ..,m.
chaff. And, this is important
the new wheat varirtv hss tho
smut resistance of Oro.
Comparing the new Oregon
varity to Elgin, it compares favor
ably In yield. And has slightly
taller straw. If it successfully
yoooca iiiai nnai muting and
baking hurdle, the
wheat variety will be named
unit .
tended the Oregon State-Califor-1 Peterson, Mrs. Henry Peterson,
nia game in Portland Saturday. Mrs. Leonard Carlson and Miss
A stork shower was given in Kunice Peterson.
honor of Mrs. Norman Bergstrom
at the Oscar Peterson home Sep
tember 24. Mrs. Bergstrom receiv
ed many lovely and useful gifts.
Mrs. J. R. Caples of Portland
visited at the homes of her sis
ters, Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Mrs. Clara
Those assisting were Mrs. Oscar i Kincald and Mrs. Ed Buschke,
last week.
The American Legion auxiliary
met nt the hall Tuesday after
noon. They decided to hold a food
sale-at the Legion hall October
26. beginning at 1:30 p. m. Cof
fee, pie and cake will be served.
B. C. Forsvthe. E. S. Stlllt7 anH
Francis Ely attended an athlptir
meeting at Boardman Monday
Fayne Elv. son of Mr anH Mr
Franklin Ely, was pledged to
Theta XI fraternity at Oregon
siaie college.
The lone communitv had a
good rain Tuesday. Many of the
larmers nave started seeding.
Donors to the library the past
week were Mr. and Mrs. C'harlps
Carlson, Mrs. Harry Yarnell, Juli
ana Kietmann, the Heppner li
brary and an unknown party who
left some books at Swanson's
Mrs. Ethel Stewart had new
siding put on her house on Third
Oscar Peterson and daughter
and son, Eunice and Gerald, Carl
Peterson and Bill Hubbard at-
with Montag's new
Apartment Range
in your kitchen
let Case Furniture Co.
show you how you con fiova
IMS of range in only
23'x 25'
You can't measure the job range will do by its size. For proof, see this
latest Montag model in our display now.
Look at what you could take home in the back of your car today:
Four standard size "T-K" surface units. Each one has five cook
ing speeds for instant heat. They're the easiest cleaned unit made.
Full size, automatic oven. Fiberglas insulation saves current-One-piece
porcelain enamel top won't stain; has no grooves or
corners. Saves time and work.
All these and many other features . . . you'U have to come in and see what
you get in such a compact package before you can believe it. Montag has
the ideal answer when space is your problem. Let us show you this beautiful
new Montag range today. $1(4.75.
Apartment model, with no light or oven timer, available it only . . 167.95
M o n It co g j
Mate's Aa.YxCof
I.;. n .n.. r,A n..i.. li l c.:.l ,li ... . . ...
J. Drive to any Ford Dealer dis
playing poster shown below.
2. Get a Free Car-Safety Check,
Free Safety Insignia and Free Entry
3. In 50 words or less on entry
blank finish this Statement' "All ura
and trucks should be safety checked
periodically because "
4. Mail entry before midnight,
October 31, to Ford Car-Safety Con
test Headquarters, Box 722, Chicago
, Illinois.
(Owners of any meke of cer or truck mar enter can.ee.)
(a) Use only official entry
blank obtained at any Ford
Dealership displaying the
poster shown below, Print
one entry per car or truck may
name and address clearly.
(b) Contest limited to conti
nental U. S. and Alaska,
(e) Prizes as stated on entry
blank, will be awarded on the
basis of sincerity, originality
and aptness. Judges' decisions
are final. Duplicate prizes in
case of ties. Entries must be
submitted in the name of the
registered owner or his desig
nated representative. ' Onfy
Cer fWi erfrntfre
luiteie free
he connirlprftH . All
become the property of Ford
mutur company, boniest suo
iect to Federal, State and
local regulations and to con
test rulea on entry blank,
(d) Winners' names will be
posted at all Ford Dealers' not
later than December 1. 1949.
X 1
1. .
It's your big chance to win
one off these 700 prizes!
"Tht reiifee Cer ef tie feer"
() Contest is open
residents of United
exr-pnr. omnlnvaoa nt
Motor Company, Ford Deal
ers, their advertising agencies
ur uieir luimuus.
4-door Cuifom V-8 Ford Sedans, equipped
with Radio, "Maolc Air" Heaier, Over
drive, and White Sidewall Tiros.
eeel Si1 H air longer
General Duty Model F-5, V-8 onalne,
stake body, 158-Inch wheelboie FORD
Heater. On.ion-1 a. ZZJrT .T "d "M""
ner. who spocify preference for a truck on Conre.l EnlryBla'nk!
25 woo as.
Savings Bonos
too ttoo as.
Savings Bonds
20050 USSavings Bonos
250 25 USSamgs Bonos
Drtr. in today! Get your fno Safety Check, Cot your intry Blankl
to all
HQ -s
1.4 mmmww . I
r- I m
1 mm 1 miim nrv rnrwi A