Oh EGOM HISTORICAL SOCIETY P L R L I C AUDITOR IV v PORTLAND. Out . I alette tmmx $3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 6, 1949 Volume 66, Number 29 Mustangs Trample Wheeler High at Fossil Friday P: M. Heppner Lads Find Their Strength in Winning 40 to 0 Heppner high school's football warrors, the Mustangs, really got underway Friday afternoon when they met the Wheeler high school pigskin squad at Fossil. Plays clicked and the ball carriers got some real experience In crossing the goal line by defeating the Fossil lads 40to 0. The first half started good for the Mustangs when, after a ser ies of six runs, Melvin Piper threw a long pass to Jack Sumner for the first touchdown. Attempt for the conversion by Bergstrom failed. After several trips up and down the field, Heppner finally took the ball for the second touch down of the game. Try for conver sion was successful, with Gary Connor making the point. Thus the half ended after a little more scrimmage with neither side do ing much. The second half started with Heppner kicking to Fossil. The Fossil lads started with a lot of spirit but seemed to lose some of it when Heppner started to hold them. After much changing hands of the ball, Piper threw a long pass to tnd Gary Connor to en able Ruhl to go over, on the next play, for a touchdown. The con version again was made by Berg strom. Ruhl with good blocking seemed to dominate the field by running several plays for the next touchdown, also making the conversion. Again the passing hair, Piper, connected with End Connor for another tally. Fossil held to stop the conversion. The play of the game was when Ruhl kicked a long one down the field with Piper colliding with the ball carrier In a manner to make him lose the ball. Peck, right guard for Heppner, recovered on the two yard line. The next play Ruhl went over for the final tally. Bergstrom made the conversion. Heppner showed improvement in blocking and tackling over previous Rames. The reserves saw action in the last few minutes of the game. Random Thoughts... The current rains, putting an end to a long period of drouth, reminds us of a much earlier era in Heppner history when a sim ilar "spell" of weather prevailed. Someone met the late W. O. Mi nor on the street one morning and In lieu of somthing else to say remarked, "Do you think it will ever rain?" To which Minor replied, "If it doesn't it will be an awful long dry spell." To be frank about it the writer, trying not to be classed with those who claim to have special gifts for prophesying the weather, replied to a similar question by saying It would rain by next April. A town's Main street might be termed its "show window", for it is along the "main drag" that the stranger within the gates gets the first impression. The condi tion of buildings, the allure of store fronts Including their out ward appearance and the types of window displays, and the type and width of sidewalks. All these things are factors in giving a stranger the Inner picture or the real spirit of a community. During the past three years much progress has been made in Heppner In presenting this pic ture, not only to the stranger within the gates, but In revealing to our own people the spirit that causes a town to be classed as "good." The sidewalks have been filled in to full width on Main street; the streets throughout the business district are cleaned at regular Intervals, trash from the alleys Is moved out daily, and all in all, our town puts up a respec table appearance. It Is not perfect far from that hut the appear ances to date present a civic spi rit In which we may all take jus tifiable pride. The Improvements have not been confined to the business sec. tion by any means. The residen tial districts, aside from the many new homes built and under con struction, show many signs of of alterations, painting and other evidences of modernizing. The good work goes on and maybe some day there will be enough housing to care for all who want to come and live in our little city. While on the subject of Im provements, this writer learned at council meeting Monday eve ning that the sewer system pro posal rests in the hands of the bond attorney for the present. With one attorney to serve the state of Oregon and sections of Washington and Idaho, it takes some time to cover the territory, especially with so many places carrying on improvement pro. grams caling for bond Issues. If and when the city gets the opin ion of the attorney there will be action on the sewer system project, Heppner C-C Backs Union Pacific in Gateway Proposal Reasoning that there could be no special advantage to local shippers In transfer of freight from Union Pacific lines to the Denver, Rio Grande & Western the Heppner chamber of com merce Monday passed a resolu tion backing the stand of the Union Pacific System against the petition of the rival railroad now under study by the Interstate Commerce commission. In taking this stand, the local chamber of commerce is acting in harmony with most of the business men's groups throughout the territory served by the Union Pacific, es peclally in the northwest states. A report on the budworm con trol campaign prepared by Glenn Jorgenson of the Pendleton of fice of the Umatilla national for est was read at Monday's meet ing and the C-C passed a second resolution urging that a special fund be set up by congress to make it possible to start a con trol program at the earliest pos sible date. It is estimated that a sum of $1,500,000 will be needed to carry on the control work need. ed in the infested area. Jack O'Connor announced that the annual football booster breakfast will be served in the luncheon room of the Elkhorn cafe at 7:15 Friday morning. He also urged that business houses close during the games, of which there will be five at home this year. Last year's gate receipts showed a material increase over previous seasons with the places of business remaining closed, and O'Connor thinks the attendance can be still further boosted if the same policy is followed this year. S. C. Russell House At Hood River Lost In Midnight Blaze By MRS. FLOSSIE COATS Fire of undetermined origin destroyed the 16 room house on the S. C. Russell farm near Hood River Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell and son, also Ver non Russell, who live on the farm were in the house at the time it caught fire. Mrs. Russell, getting up to feed the baby, discovered the fire in the attic. The Russell's were able to save some of their furniture. Among the articles saved was a grand piano which had belonged to Dale Russell's grandmother and is about 75 years old. Friends were shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Elva Cramer in Spokane, Wash., Saturday, Oc tober 1. Death was due to a heart attack. Earl Cramer and Mr. and Mrs. Bernie McLaughlin left Mon day to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Rogers are the parents of a baby son, Guy Duane, born September 27 at the St. Anthony's hospital. This Is the third son for the Rogers'. Tlllicum club met at the home of Mrs. Eldon Shannon Wednes day evening. Heber Booth was an overnight guest of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickerson, leaving Thurs day for Spokane. Mrs. Esther Knight went as far as Pendleton with him, returning later on the stage. Miss Asta Skoubo is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. Aid Mrs. Adolf Skoubo, Miss Skoubo is nursing in the St. Vin cent's hospital in Portland. Mrs. W. R. Wyrick of Pendleton visited at the W. L. Blann home this week. Mrs. Wyrick stopped off on her way home after at tending the state WCTU convenl tion in rrinevllle. She and Mrs. Blann are sisters. Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Hawley were their son and daughter-in-law. Mx. and Mrs. Elbert Hawley and family of Mabton, Wash. Nora Ransler spent the week end in La Grande with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ransler. Boardman high school football team was defeated by the Lexing ton team Friday with a score of 27-26. Duane Brown who is a student at Lewis and Clark college, Port land, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brown. Thursday visitors at the Frank Marlow home were his mother, Mrs. Julia Marlow, and a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thurman, all of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Maeomber motored to Tendleton Saturday. County Clerk and Mrs. C. W. Barlow of Heppner visited Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats Sunday, al so Mrs. Zearl Gillespie. Boardman Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Jack Mulligan Monday evening in regular ses sion. Many members were pre sent, also six guests. Mrs. Mulli gan served dainty refreshments. Discussions of storing bulbs and caring for plants in winter were the highlights. Mrs. Earl Briggs and Mrs. Jack Mulligan motored to Pendleton Tuesday, Vegetables, Fruits Easy to Raise Says Former Heppnerite In California, raising fruits and vegetables on family garden plots is easy they grow in abundance, but it requires a considerable amount of persistence to get rid of the surplus, writes Fred Weh myer, former forest ranger and resident of Heppner now residing at Vista, Calif. "Had thought I would be up that way again this year but time has flown until autumn is with us," he writes. "I succeeded in raising quite a bit of fruit and vegetables, all of which I have been successful in giving away. No small feat where such things grow in abundance. , . Personally, my health fluctuates almost as rapidly as our weather and the policies of our state department. "Low values of things produc ed and high values of things pur chased, coupled with ever mount ing taxes, have a few folks here worried, tho the great mass of our good citizenry are little per turbed. Still not entirely sober from the New Deal binge, no doubt. "Hope to see you next year. Had so many kind and sincere friends in Morrow county and ad joining John Day valley that I doubt of being able to stay away longer." Legion Auxiliary Renews Activities Heppner unit American Legion auxiliary started Its year's activ ities under the leadership of Mrs. Otto Steinke, president, with Mrs. D. E. Hudson, first vice president Mrs. Floyd Worden, second vice president; Mrs. Kemp Dick, secre tary-treasurer; Mrs. James Healy, chaplain, and Mrs. Charles Has void, historian, as her assistants. Serving as standing committee chairmen are Mrs. W. A. Blake, Americanism; Mrs. Jack Van Winkle, child welfrae; Mrs. James Healy, community service; Mrs. Sam Turner, constitution by-laws and legislative; Mrs. Russell O'Donnell, Girls' State; Mrs. W. H. I. Padberg, membership; Mrs. Al Huit, music and Pan American; Mrs. Chris Brown, national secur ity; Mrs. Bert Scouten, poppy; Mrs. Wm. Richards, poppy poster; Mrs. Richard Wells, publicity; Mrs. James Farley, rehabilitation; Mrs. D. E. Hudson, Junior activ ities; Mrs. Richard Wells, past presidents' parley. Membership activities have started, with a get-together meet ing planned for the evening of October 7 at the Legion hall. Mrs. Richard Wells spent sev eral days in Portland where she met her sister, Mrs. E. H. Pixley, from Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Pixley will join his wife at Eugene to visit his people a few days and then they will fly to Honolulu for a two weeks vacation before re turning to their home in the east. Mrs. Fay Bucknum is leaving early Friday morning for Los An geles to have three weeks with her son Bill and family. o Kenneth Orwick visited his fa mily at Lone Rock over the week end and also his grandmother, Mrs. Guy Huddleston. Sale Of "E" Bonds Attains Permanent Basis in Oregon Sales of E Bonds to Oregon people held up well during the month of August, according to a statement just issued by Mr. E. C. Sammon, chairman of the Oregon savings bonds committee. Sales of these "small man's Bonds totalled $2,844,034, a sum slighty in excess of E Bond sales for the same month in 1948. According to Sammons, federal reserve bank figures show strangely enough that maturities and cash-ins of savings bonds by Oregon people were almost exactly the same as for the same month in 1948, am ounting to $4,069,279. The federal reserve figures in dicate, according to Sammons, that the relative position of Ore gon people In regard to sales and redemptions of savings bonds has changed dramatically within the year. At the end of the second third of 1948, Oregon people had bought approximately $2 million less bonds than they had cashed in or matured. At the end of Au gust, 1949 they had purchased roughly 2Vmillion more savings bonds than they had matured or cashed. Inasmuch as the amount of maturities in the state this year Is considerably greater than it was a year ago, it is quite clear, Sammons says, that the number of people cashing in bonds In Or. cgon prior to maturity has de creased substantially. County Savings Bonds Chair man Mrs. Oscar George has re ceived from the state savings bonds office figures Indicating that the people of Morrow coun ty purchased a total of &24,394 savings bonds during August E bonds. Maturities and cash-ins with $22,894 of this total being In within the county last month were $6,111. There was a crow, so the story goes, who was very thirsty. At last he came upon some water in a pitch er. The water was too low for his short beak, and ha was not strong enough to spill the pitcher. Alter a little thought he dropped pebbles in the pitcher to raise the water level and quenched his thirst Your newspaper knows how to use its resources to get you the important news which is sometimes well-hidden. 1949 Slogan Back To Jefferson Day By ROBERT McLEAN President Assciated Press One day's news may help to decide whether the children go on a picnic, whether a business man makes an investment. In larger spheres, the news can result In the overturn of gov ernments, change the opinion of millions. As recently as eight years ago it was the news of one day, Pearl Harbor, that steeled a whole nation for war. News, therefore, is the raw material from which you form your conclusions, on matters large and small. No act of government or of any government official may deny you, a citizen of the United States, the information you need to form your conclusions. That guarantee is written into the Consti tution. The constitutional guarantee of free speech and of a free press was inserted not for the benefit of the press but for the benefit of the people. It was written to protect the people, protect them against government's tendency to meddle with, Invade and control the streams of information to which the public is entitled. The Bill of Rights imposes on the government no duty to inform the people; It extends to the government no license to do so. It reserves to the people alone the right to determine for themselves what they shall read, what they shall hear, and what they shall think. The Newspeper Week theme is "Freedom goes where the newspaper goes." This is 1949's way of paraphrasing the immortal words of America's most profound philosopher, Thomas Jefferson: "Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter . . When the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe." Briefs of Community .. By RUTH PAYNE Representatives of the Degree of Honor motored to John Day Monday to attend the golden an. niversary celebration of Margaret E. lodge. Following a luncheon in the Fraternal hall in Canyon City, a model lodge meeting was held during which the Heppner group presented the initiatory degree for a class of eight candidates. Those participating in this were Ethelyn Pierson, president; Ida Farra, vice president; Ruth Payne, sec ond vice president; Katie Cun ningham, inner watch; Carolyn and Patricia Pierson, ushers; and Melba Quackenbush, Bea Barkla, Ruth Bergstrom and Mildred Bergstrom, escort staff. They were assisted by Minnie Card of Tabor lodge, Portland, as past president and Minta Hess of Parkrose lodge, Portland as pianist, Following the afternoon session, a banquet was held in the Anchor club in John Day. Keynote of the evening ses sion of the meeting was har mony and service in home and community. During this time ad. dresses of welcome were made by Mayor W. A. McKrola of John Day and Mayor Eugene Parrish of Canyon City. The program in cluded several musical numbers, talks by state and national offi cers and a history of the organi zation by Mrs. Murrel Phillips of John Day. At the conclusion of the evening session, a large birthday cake, decorated in gold frosting, was presented to the hostess lodge. Other lodges repre sented were Pendleton, Baker, and Parkrose, Tabor and Mount Hood lodges of Portland. State and national officers present In cluded national treasurer and state director, Mrs. Ethel Lind holm of Portland; national com mitteewoman and state organi zer, Mrs. Minnie Card of Port land; state president, Mrs. Blan che Buckley of St. Helens; state vice-president, Mrs. Irene Scott and state past president Mrs. Edith Rinehart of John Day. Six tables of pinochle and three tables of bridge were in play at the American Legion auxiliary benefit card party at the Legion hall Friday evening. In pinochle Jack Van Winkle received high and Bill Heath, consolation; and in bridge, Mrs. Harold Colin re ceived high and Conley Lanham consolation. Refreshments wore served. Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlein has re sumed her teaching in the Lex ington schools after an enforced absence of six weeks due to ill ness. Mrs. Josephine Mahoney en tertained with a dinner party at her home Sunday afternoon. The guests were Mrs. Pearl Carter, Frank W. Turner and Frank W. Baker of Stockton, Calif. Dinner was served in the garden house. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan of Monument are the parents of a 712 pound baby boy born Oct. 4 at the Corda Salins home in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas have returned from Walla Walla and The Dalles where they spent sev eral days during the past week. Mrs. Ellis Irwin departed Thursday tor her home in Port land after visiting here for scr- eral days at the home of her fa ther Irv Bennett snd her sister, THt CROW AND THE PITCHER Mrs. Elbert Cox. S. L. Key and grandson, Dar rell Key, of Milton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall. Troop No. 4 of the Girl Scouts held its first meeting of the fall season in the basement of the Christian church Monday after noon at which time election of officers was held. Judy Barger was elected president, Patsy Mc Donald, vice president; Roberta Hannan, secretary; Virginia Gon ty, treasurer and Deloris Easter, hostess. There are 14 girls in the troop. Mrs. Adelle Hannon is leader. Among those from Heppner planning to attend the Pacific International in Portland next week are Mrs. Linnie Louden and Mr. and Mrs. Cornett Green and son Jim, who will exhibit his prize winning calf. Crockett Sprouls and daughter Janet, spent Tuesday in Pendle ton attending an appliance show. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilliam and daughter Mary Jo and Mrs. Earl Gilliam motored to Hermis ton Saturday to visit Rev. and Mrs. Jackson Gilliam. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fancher and son of Portland arrived In Heppner Monday. Mr. Fancher has been appointed by Governor McKay to fill the unexpired term of District Attorney Ralph Currin, resigned. They will live in the Thomson apartments on Balti more street. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson have returned from a motor trip to Crater Lake and the Oregon Coast. During their trip they vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Estes L. Morton who have just completed a new summer home at Wecoma Beach. The Mortons' son Jack, is an instructor In the Newberg high school this year. Mrs. Izetta May and Miss Vada Fancher of the state health de partment, Salem, are spending this week in Morrow county giv ing audiometer tests to all school children. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMurdo and family of Portland are guests of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo. During the visit Dr. Mc Murdo and Ted are enjoying some hunting. James Wilson, Portland, for merly of Heppner, has sailed from New York on the Queen Mary for Ireland where he will spend some time visiting his for mer home and a sister, Mrs. Ka tie Dodson. Guests, for the hunting season, of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston are Dr. and Mrs. Ben Phillips, Ira Phillips and Mark Hale of Port land. The party Is at the Huston cabin on Chapin creek. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Irwin of Pendleton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rich ards. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnefl, Sr. departed Monday by motor for a month's sojourn in Califor nia. They expect to visit in Val lejo, San Jose, San Francisco and Virginia City, Mr. O'Donnell's birthplace. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Halseth re turned the last of the week from Montana where they have been visiting relatives. They spent some time in Spokane while gone. STORES CLOSING FOR CAME TOMORROW P. M. Business houses of Heppner have indicated that they will close their doors during foot ball game time tomorrow (Fri day) afternoon. This assurance was given by a majority of the places visited by a Junior cham ber of commerce committee and it is expected that all the plac es will fall in line. Arrangements have been completed for the kick-off breakfast which will be held at 7:15 Friday morning at the Elkhorn lunch room. Boy Scout Board Attends Council Meet in Pendleton. The Blue Mountain Council of the Boy Scouts of America met in the Kiwanis cabin at Pendleton Tuesday for the annual meeting. Scout. Executive R. D. McDermott presented the annual report of the council and announced his resignation to accept a similar position in Montana. The executive committee of the council is interviewing candidat es to find a successor to "Chief" McDermott. Four field executives in addition to the "chief make up the professional staff of the council. Chairman Ted Smith of the Morrow county district attended in his official capacity as a mem ber of the council. Other scouters who attended the "campers din ner" were Rev. E. L. Tull, Bill Richards and Henry Tetz. The local scouters reported the fine work done by the scout troop under the capable direction of Bill Davis. The scouts have made outstanding advances in merit ratings toward higher rank in the Boy Scout organization. o Clarey Shuzette, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces was born Sept. 15 to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Zubeck. Mis. Zubeck will be remembered as Miss Mildred Clary, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sanders left by car this morning at a very early hour for Spokane to get acquainted with their new granddaughter, born this morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. Harold San ders, Jr. A note from Mrs. Richard Zita, nee Dorothy Cutsforth, states that she and her husband have re turned to Columbia Mo. where Mr. Zita will complete his work at the University. They have been in New Britain, Conn. Miss Betty Adams spent the week-end at the home of her mo ther, Mrs. Floyd Adams. Accom panying Miss Adams from Vale, where she teaches home econom ics in the high school, were sev eral students, including Betty Jordan, Darlene Madison, Charles Palmer, and Wayne Yoshikani. The group came Friday night and left Sunday. They enjoyed a visit to the Adams ranch near Hard man and were shown other sec tions of the county, all of which they greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson of Seattle are visiting their son- in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jones Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rotzien and children of Portland were guests for three days at the home of his uncle, Henry Schwarz, and Mrs. Schwarz. They came Sunday and returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Nellie Anderson has been moved from the Moore Convales cent home in Weston to the Pen dleton Sanitarium, in charge of Mrs. Gladys Hayes, at 211 SE Bvers avenue. Mrs. Mary Tucker returned to her home in Stanfield today af ter visiting at the home of Mrs. Alena Anderson for a few days. She is recovering from a recent injury which necessitated hospi talization for five days. Mrs. Boyd Redding and daugh ter Shari Dee left by airliner from Portland the first of the week for their home in Los Angeles after a visit with Oregon relatives and friends. Mr. Redding accompan ied them to Heppner for a visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Al ena Anderson and returned to Los Angeles while his wife and daughter remained in Portland to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ashbaugh. San Souci Rebekah lodge will meet Friday evening, October 7. Important business is on the ag enda and a full attendance of the membership is desired. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Shamblyn are his mother, Mrs. Nellie Shamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Burcham and Mrs.. Nancy Burcham of Baxter Springs, Kan. REMODELING STORE Heppner Market is undergoing a complete renovation and rear rangement at the hands of the proprietors, Mrs. Mabel Burken bine and sons, Loyd and Merle. The new arrangement will pro vide space for more stock and for greater shopping convenience. FRONT DECORATED Among the noteworthy im provements along the "main drag" Is the freshly painted and decorated Aiken building. The nicely blended colors and the ar tistic lettering of the sign make this one of the neatest fronts on the street. Mrs. Leatha Archer is spending her vacation papering and paint ing her residence. Schools Of County Show Increase Of 47 Over Past Year Morrow county schools show an increase of 47 pupils this year over that of last year during the first report month announces Henry Tetz, superintendent. This increase is reflected entirely in the first grade which shows 48 increase over that of last year. The total enrollment for the elementary schools is 634, as fol lows: Heppner 315, Irrigon 109, lone 102, Boardman 73, Lexing ton 63, and Hardman 11. The first grades lead, with 112 enrolled and the fifth grade its nearest competitolr with 105. The fourth grade has the least enrolled, 61. Total enrollment of the high schools is 250, an increase of eight over last year. The reports show 118 enrolled at Heppner, 43 at Boardman, 38 at lone, 33 at Irrigon, and 18 at Lexington. It is interesting to note that the high school enrollment will be 342 in 1953 if pupils presently enrolled continue in Morrow coun ty schools until that time, says Supt. Henry Tetz. The high school enrollment will be 381 in 1958 under similar conditions, he points out. CORRECTION An error appears in the pric ing in the J. C Penney Co. ad. The second item in the coat advertisement should read $34.75 instead of S39.7S. Public utility assessments have increased approximately $24,000, 000 during the past year. Timber Fire Quickly Quenched By Kinzua Smoke Chasers By ELSA M. LEATHERS A fire, caused by a careless camper in Lost Valley Monday, was soon under control, but the fire crew from the factory was called to the scene. Regardless of the dry weather In this locality, many of the hun ters brought nice deer into town on the opening day. The list in cluded Arden Kipp, Ernie Wall, Kinard McDaniel, Jack Sitton, Hildred Hines, Howard Bird, Slip Wright, Mrs. Wade Hyte, Elsa M. Leathers, Morris Brown, Bill Wright, Elmer Neatherod. Thursday and Friday were en joyed by the high school students as on those days the freshmen were initiated into high school. Each one had to stay dressed up for the Heppner-Fossil football game. Heppner's football boys beat Fossil Friday, 33-0. The escaped convict from Sa lem, Leo Williams, was around Kinzua for a couple of days He, with his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, Ived here about five years ago. Many oi me people nere Knew mm. nc was picked up on Waterman flat during the week-end. Hugh Armstrong of Billings, Mont, spent several days here visiting his father, J. B., and both J. B. and Mrs. Armstrong accom panied him to Portland over the week-end. Clarence Briggs, business man ager for the Eastern Oregon A. F. of L., spent a day here the first of the week attending to business of the local union. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham took their son Roger to a doctor at Fossil Friday at noon where he was x-rayed for a badly sprained wrist. It was believed It may have a broken bone. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Rogers and baby were visiting at the home of his sisters, Mrs. Homer Davis and Mrs. Ralph Moore, Tuesday from Lone Rock. They are in eas tern Oregon for hunting. Ethel Mitchell spent several days this week at The Dalles where she was having dental work done. Forrest (Case) Adams of Hepp ner was visiting at the home of his brother here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robison of Boardman was visiting friends here Sunday. They had been vis iting Mrs. Robison s father at John Day and stopped by here to see friends. The Robisons lived here for many years before mov ing to their ranch near Board- man. Mrs. Mark Samples and child ren spent the week-end at Soap Lake visiting a sister. They ac companied Frank Hebbert over. He Is Mrs. Samples' brother. o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasvold and children returned Friday from Aberdeen, S. D. where they spent two weeks. Returning home they spent a night with Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Jackson in Cheney, Wash., who sent greetings to their many Heppner friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tamblyn returned Sunday from a vacation trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner drove to Portland over the week-end to see their grandson, Jeffrey Ogden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tur ner. J. O. Sr. returned home the first of the week but Mrs. Turner will remain in the city for two weeks. Rain, Snow Greet Hunters in Area South of Heppner Moisture Welcomed By Farmers Late I in Starting Seeding Not only have the fall rains started in this region, but they are being followed closely by snow, according to reports com ing into town today from the higher country. Tuesday nighty rain in the lowlands was changed to snow when it reached the Blue mountains, and today the snow had chased the rain as far out as the Rhea creek hills south of Heppner. The rains and snow are not only timely in the mountains, where all danger of timber fires may be said to have been elim inated, but have brought cheer to the farmers and stockmen of the region. Grain growers who have already seeded have been greatly cheered by arrival of much-needed moisture, and those who were waiting for rain are now enabled to do their seeding as the weather permits. It is doubtful if the weather will add much to the success of hunters, what with most of the first week gone and many deer already in the bag. However, with snow on the ground it may be easier to stalk the game. Tuesday night's heavy rain brought ,26 of an inch of moist ure to Heppner and vicinity, ac cording to Len Gilliam, local weather observer. Showers falling since that time may have brought the precipitation to .50 of an inch. Rainfall throughout the summer was almost nil, there being but 30 of an inch recorded over a period of four months. OREGON HONORED Oregon and Oregon's Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry were sig nally honored at the annual con vention of the American Associa tion of Motor Vehicle Administra tors at Oklahoma City last week when Mr. Newbry was elected president of the association and invited the AAMVA to hold the 1950 meeting in Portland. The in vitation was unanimously ac cepted. Comanche tribal snake dancers gave a special performance for the new president of the associa tion, presented him with a gor geous Comanche head-dress and instalied him as a member of the tribe. RENTS LEVELING A survey made this week shows rents are adjusting and building has been accelerated since rent controls were lifted in Salem sev en weeks ago. Rentals in the low er brackets have in some cases increased slightly. Rents in the higher priced apartments have been lowered. Plans for construc tion of several apartment build ings have been announced within the past month, one building with 101 units, two with 80 units and four of 20. Rents of apart ments will range from $50 to $125 a month. BLUE BOOK? SOONI Publication of the Oregon Blue Book has been delayed and the price raised from 25 cents to 50 cents a copy. However, it is now on the press and announcement has been made that it will be ready for distribution about Oc tober 15. The cover has a green back ground and feature photo graph of iiie siate capitol. ASSESSED VALUATIONS UP An increase of nearly 10 per cent in the assessed valuation of property in Oregon is shown by the report of county assessors of the state in a release Just made by Carl Chambers, chairman of the state tax commission. Assessments for taxation pur poses totaled $1,539,029,071 this year. The value of real property show ed a higher per centage of in crease than personal property. Real property totals were $:K!9.- 948,690 and persohal property $330,673,853. KILLED BUCK AND A BEAR Terrel Benge and Gene Fergu son returned today from a suc cessful hunting trip, both bag ging their bucks. On the way back after getting his deer, Fer guson met up with a bear which he proceeded to addto his list of hunting trophies. The local postofflce Is wonder ing how far the Route 2 bounds extend, for when "Buck" Padberg returned from his rounds today he had nice buck strapped to his car. Probably had to shoot the animal to keep from running over it.