Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 29, 1949 Kinzua Pine Mills Company Switches To Standard lime By KLSA M. I-EATHKIIS 1 has purchased the supply of ' goods at Camp 5 store and will I Imp charge of it hereafter. It has ! hi-en announced that he has hired !a man to run the store and he will put up his own building si Kin. M. R. i Slip Wright flew to I Lexington Saturday morning and went to Heppner to consult a Kinzua Pine M.lls companv '"'t Jhe ' e as so dense turned the clocks hark at noon 1 ho !,a,d ,0 f".lkny ,he highway to Sunday to standard time, having 'and from hls dtmation. run on davlight sav ing time thru ! A large number from Kinzua the summer months the same as I attended the Gilliam county fair Portland. and horse show at Condon Sat The high school t.laved its firs: i iri-'- came of football Fridav at Moro. Mrs. Harlan Adams and Mrs. The score was 190 iti favor of, Mark Samples were hostesses. Moro. Next pame will be with i with Mrs. Carl Mansky as co- Heppner at Fossil. i hostess, for a brdal shower at the A large number of people turn- - " " ' J '"V"; 1 ll'i 1U1 1 1 !, itJIO. AJVU nlll 1. ilWUl 40 ladies were present. She re ceived a large varety of gifts. Re freshments were served. od out for the shoot Sunday. In spite of the hard wind that was ! blowing. Ray Woods has been going to j Camp 5 the past week painting the new school house that has been built by Walt Elevins and j Mr. Barzee. Pat Owens. Carl Coleman Jr., I Kinard MeDaniel visited his daughter Ramona at Walla Walla Monday. He has been relief man, carrying the time clock for Henry Cramer one week while Cramer was on vacation in Spokane, and Jimmy Walker. Kenny Draheim Lhis week is relieving Fred Smith and Arthur Thomas went to Hep pner Monday evening to attend a meeting of the DeMolay, of which they are members. Word was received by Mrs. Bill Wright and Bob Asher that their father had been taken by plane from John Day to Bend for mod cal attention by a specalist. Harry Van Horn of Lexington who is taking his weeks vaca tion. Both Mrs. Clarence Anderson and baby and Mrs. Leo Anderson retuined to their homes this week from The Dalles. Mrs. Clar ence Anderson is staying at the home of her brother, Ralph Thompson, for the present. Automatic marvel brings "Warm Floors ' to you this new easy way! rm n n rJ liL 7A j .J 1 I Atl-ovr-th-heutt C--J I r -a r.un i 'w i i i m i f It's outomotk. i--Sy j- ' Mr MMW t V 7 rsTUM ,s !: 1 Worm-floor comfort. ; v S "tv Lj Heot doesn't "pock" at fci!? -". W S ceiling. It gets down - , 4 XII Sin In the floor, i II Easy to Install I II in now homes I V-! .1 II or old. I Mrs. Wm. Phillips went to El f lensburg. Wash. Friday to join' her husband who has employ- I mem there. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and daughter were shopping in Hepp ner Fridav and Mr. Davis had a wisdom tooth removed. Kenneth Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert of Camp 5. left Tuesday for Fort Ord, Calif. He enlisted in the army. Mrs. Lewis Rood spent the week at Hermiston visiting Mrs. Gus Williams. Mr. Rood's mother. Mrs. Harve Boyer and daughter Marjorie Terry left Saturday for Portland where they will visit at Beaverton and have medical at tention before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harrison motored to Prineville Saturday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller re turned to Kinzua from Oklahoma where they have spent the past year. They are former Kinzua resdents. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Merritt and son of Heppner were visiting here Sunday. Ezra Adkins spent the week end at John Day. R. J. Moran and Carl Carlson accompanied him over. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham and children Roger and Barbara went to Pendleton Saturday where they consulted an eye specialist for both children. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jobe Tuesday night The Browns are n this locality from Portland. He is a salesman for mechanic s tools and was at one time em ployed here. Mrs. Brown is a niece of Mrs. Jobe She and Mrs. Jobe were entertained wun a birthday dinner party at the Ar chie Gubser home in Condon Sat urday evening. Mrs. Homer Davis and Mrs. Ben Rogers were guests at the Ralph Moore home here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Adams spent Sunday at Spray visiting friends. Kenneth Orvvick of Condon be gan work here Monday and soon will move his family here as soon as a house is available. Marv Peterson returned to work Tuesday after several days lay-off due to a bad foot. Charles Banketship was noti fied bv ohone that his wife has a babv girl at Salem where she has been staying with her sister. This is their first child. She was tinei Gandy of Fossil. 0 Burnt low-coil j twtl oil. No -j ashes, dust, -. 1 tutl-dirtl AS LOW AS 124.50 Yi, now yoe can replete yoor old fashioned heating fystem with thU modern, automatic, compact way ol giving your family the comfort of warm floon and an all-over com fortable house. Come in today to tee our complete line. fi FURNITURE COMPANY mm 1 Automatic Oil Floor Furnace ;CAR-$AFTy m 4 e'w5 1 r DRIVE IN TODAY FOR YOUR SAFETY CHECK-UP AND ENTRY BLANK Rosewall Motor Co. 1 OUR DEMOCRACY- 'Y.' f i -X 111 MMtHHA vW -JLaJLfS rw jrvisis-irA The PioNeca-PusHiNiJ Even towakjo new frontishs WANTEP 'plenty op elbow room" for. himself ANP HIS FAMILY 3MCC TO GAOW V. , . , i- Lf education 'fu! ' zrf:-: home j- carIe Today, we still want '"elbow room" for. ouh families TO SHOW IN, BUT WE VISUALIZE IT IN TERMS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF OPPORTUNITIES, THAT TOGETHER. AOD UP TO THE OPPORTUNITY TO ACHIEVE , THROUGH OUR OWN EFFORTS AND THRIFT, GOALS OF SECURITY AND SUCCESS FOR OURSELVES AND OUR CHILDREN. WANTED Carpenter work, all kinds. Phone 2(iS2. Lewis Wet zel, Heppner. 28-29p NOTICE TO CREDITORS Isotice is hereby given that Ihe undersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, the administrator of Ihe estate of MARY JANE DOllEKTY, deceased, aad all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned ad ministrator with proper vouchers at Ihe law office of Jos. J. Nys, Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 29th day of September, 1949. BERNARD J. DOHERTY, 28-32 Administrator. (Some n Eaet7s ance Saturday Might Oct I Heppner American Legion Hall Music By Monday Night Jamborees First Dance Of The Fall Season LUNCH WILL BE SERVED IONE NEWS Maurice Williams and Dave Lakey, students at Portland uni versity, Spent Monday at the John Eubanks home. Several from here attended ser vices at Valby Lutheran church Sunday conducted by Rev. Rod erick Johnson of St. Helens. The Legon boys finished put ting the siding on their hall Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coats of Quincy, Wash, spent the week end with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley. Mrs. Marion Palmer and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn entertained the Ameca club at the Palmer home Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Gordon White showed moving pictures and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom won the door prize. was a business visitor in Heppne the first of the week. Son of the late Dr. C. C. Chick, Charles spent his boyhood days in lone and Heppner. FOR SALE-Camp bedding, warm Majestic ktchen range In good condition, with 30-gallon tank if desired. Blanche Brown. 28tfc (Continued from page 4) Harlan Crawford is going to Wil lamette university at balem and Dr, and j,trs. A. D. McMurdo John Doherty is going to EOCE.and Dr and Mrs Ricnard O'Shea at La Grande. - attended a meeting of the East The city is to nave new street ; ern Oregon Medical society at lights installed. The new lights the Pendleton Lountry ciuo lues- are 6,000, 4,000 and 2,500 lumens, day. The ladies auxiliary met at placed according to where most the Pendleton hotel. light is needed, iney extena Air. ana ivirs. w. 1,. norsiey ui eight feet from the poles. a few days in Portland Mrs. Jerry Bolman of Los An geles is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HeliKer. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom are flying to Boston, Mass. Wednes day to visit relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. Santa Cruz, Calif, have been vis- Mrs. Harry Yarnell is spending ; iling her brother, D. H. Jones and family. They will visit other rel atives in Hermiston and Kenne wick before returning home. Mrs. Grace Field returned home Friday from a vacation spent with members of her family at Port Angeles and Seattle, Wash. Charles C. Chick of Portland Fa rmers Inquire about our special blanket liability policy. Complete liability and medical coverage on all operations veh i c 1 e s , equipment and livestock included. Turner, Von Marter and Company STAR 0E REPORTER AdmUiion prices afternoon and evening, unleii ape olflcajly kdveruied to be otherwiiei Children 1 Eit Prloe .17, Fed. lu .03, Total 200; Orade and High School Stndenti lfl yean and overt st Prlee .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total 50c; Adolti: EiL Price .500, Fed. The schedule during August wUl be ae toUowii Same program Sunday and Monday, Sunday aUowe continuous from 1 p.m. Same program Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Donble-blU program Friday and Saturday. Saturday show starts at 7 p.m. Phone 152 Heppner Oregon Sunday shows continuous from 1 p. m. Saturday shows start at 7 p. m. All other evening shows start at 7:30 p. m. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Sept. 29-30, Oct 1 (3 days) Badmen of Tombstone Barry Sullivan. Marjorie Reynolds, Brod erick Crawford, Guinn Williams, For tunio Bonanova The worst outlaws of the untamed west make their last desperate stand in the toughest town of them all! Plus ' Music Man Jimmy Dorsey, June Preisser...a light comedy with songs. And Ferdinand The Bull Walt Disney's unforgettable cartoon of Ferdinand who just liked to sit and smell the flowers. Sunday-Monday, October 2-3 Top 0' the Morning Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald, Ann Blyth, Hume Cronyn Sure and many a delighted movie goer will be a-wearin' of a grin when they've seen this gayest of Irish goings-on . . the music is mapic . . the comedy is riotous! Also FOOTBALL HEADLINERS CAR TOON - NEWSRKEL. Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 4-5-6 Streets of Laredo William Bendix, William Holden. Mac donald Carey, Mona Freeman It's the lusty chronicle of the days when Texas stood at the crossroads between law and disaster . .filmed in blazing Techni color . . title song Is the well-known cow boy ballad, "Streets of Laredo." Also POl'EVE CARTOON - SPEAKING ANIMALS and MUSICAL SHORT. Friday-Saturday, October 7-8 Younger Brothers Wayne Morris, Janis Paige, Bruce Bennett, Geraldine Brooks, Robert Hutton, Alan Hale This super-galloper is a biographical sketch of one of America's most notorious early-day bandit gangs . . photographed in Technicolor. Disaster Richard Denning, Trudy Marshall, Dam ian OTlynn, Will Wright This is the story of a frame up . . It Is fast-moving and will keep an audience interested and amused . . not intended for critical acclaim, it measures up to good entertainment. '1 it MEAT PACKERS HELP STATE GROW. D. E. Ncbergall opened a meat business in Albany in 1911. First-day income was $12.35. His 12x12 slaughter house today has grown into a four-floor packing plant, the D. E. Ncbergall Meat Co., with business in excess of $3,000,000 annually. The firm, including its Eugene branch, markets its own brand of hams, bacon, lard, sausages, fresh meats, poultry feed in Western Oregon between Salem and Roseburg. Shown, from left, are Ncbergall; his daughter, Helen Zolskey, and sons, Olin and Raymond, all company officials. "The complete financial services of the Albanv Branch of First National BUSINESS GREW FROM PANSY SEEDS. "People thought we were crazy in 1927 for trying to grow pansy seeds at Grants Pass," recalls C. V. Harrold (right). However, the Rogue River Valley looked just right to both Harrold, a mid-West plant grower since 1902, and his son, M. E. Harrold (left). Since then Harrold's Pansy Gardens have earned world wide recognition, not only for pansics, but for tuber ous begonias and for many new varieties of each. The firm's printcry lists fiOOO wholesale customers and 30,000 individuals. The Harrolds credit early cooperation of First National of Grants Pass with helping them build this Oregon business. THE PINKERTONS - WHEAT RANCHERS There's no difficulty getting a harvesting crew together on the 1240-acre Pinkerton wheat ranch near Moro. Father Harry B. Pinkerton (center) operates the combine. His son, Dean, (right), is tractor driver, and son, Allan, truck driver. The ranch has been in the family since 1886. From its rolling hills, rising to 2000 feet, may be seen Mt. Jefferson, Mr. Hood, Mt. Rainier and other snow-tipped Cascade range peaks. It is a summer fallow operation. Modern farming methods keep it highly productive. Up-to-date in banking, too, the Pinkertons use services of First National Sherman County Branch. 1'? V &.-IL. f " I a A bccn mo 1 h-li,ful ,0 ii rrTi 11 s (1 , " Nebereall said. In every part of our state you'll find busy people-people of vision and energy people working hard as they better themselves. And as each undertaking expandi it creates greater opportunities for all of ui in Oregon. Endeavors of the thousands who are Building Oregon Together are many and varied, such as those pictured here. On our part, those of us In the First National Group make constructive banking services widely available to help Oregon grow family by family, farm by farm and business by business. HEPPNER BRANCH LET'S BUU0 TOGETHER U NATBOS4AL OF PORTLAND Mimbtr Ftdril D p 1 1 Imuranc Corporation Tu .10. ToUl 60o. Evtry child oocapytuf a Mt most hhw ticket. shows ftart t 7:30 p.m. Boxofflco opon ovoulnfi Sanday ihowi oonttnaoui itartlnf at 1 p. m. All otlior anttl 0 p.m.