Page A Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 29, 1949 Need Envelopes? Or ! Letter Heads? Phone The Gazette Times 1 Your Home Town Pa per Only 3.00 a year FEEDERS At the site of the burned elevator at Heppner e have for sale WHILE IT LASTS BLOCK SALT lc Pound BROKEN SALT BLOCKS . lie Pound REG. PULVERIZED SALT Vie Pound MINERAL BLOCKS 1c Pound WHEAT From $20 to $50 ton Wheat Screenings (chicken or hog feed) $5.00 Ton Ask for Mr. Goodwin J4ere5 Jlnli(e-deep Comfort Treat your feet to the day-long comfort Massagic's resilient air cushion and exclusive Arch Lift offer. Come in sooq and see the mighty smart Massagic styles we're showing. lvX :Siv 11. J I Ta or J. ' " Hack nil " V i lustom type. JI C ". Other Shoes by WEYEN BERG $8.95 to $12.95 The Store of Personal Service Topic Club At lone Observes Twenty First Anniversary The 21st anniversary of the Women's Topic club was held at the Masonic hall Saturday ofter noon with Mrs. Omar Retmann, Mrs. Victor Kietmann and Mrs. M. E. Cotter as hostesses. The party started with a dessert lun cheon which consisted of a beau tifully decorated birthday cake, ice cream and coffee. The Misses Ruby Ann Kietmann and Ingrid Hermann helped with the serv ing. Mrs. Omar Rietmann gave a history of the Topic club which was organized in 1928 with the following charter members: Mrs. Omar Kietmann, Mrs. Victor Riet mann, Mrs. Ruth Shane. Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mrs. Henry Gorger, Mrs. Anne Smouse, Mrs. Albert Lindstrom, Mrs. Leona Christof ferson, Mrs. Elsie Gross. The club is limited to 24 members and has two meetings a month, one for study and one for a social time. During the 21 years the club has reviewed fiction and non-fiction, subjects covered were history of Oregon and Morrow county and many others. In 1933 the club sponsored a town library. Mrs. Bert Mason, secretary of the library board and Mrs. Echo Palmateer, librarian, gave reports on the library which was first set up in what is now the kitchen of the Rebekah hall. It was then moved to the Swan son store, next to the city hall and after the fire June 15 back to the Swanson building. The libra ry has several hundred books and is progressing nicely. Mrs. Rietmann called the roll of members and former members whose names were written on scrolls on the walls. Each re sponded with a short talk. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy, president, was introduced and gave a speech. During the lifetime of the Topic club, 75 women have belonged. Forty- four women were present at the meeting, most of whom were members or past members. Those coming from a distance were Mrs. Ralph Coats, Quincy, Wash.; Mrs. Henry Gorger, Pen dleton; Mrs. Victor Peterson, The Dalles; Mrs. .Bert Mason, Oak Grove; Mrs. Frank Lundell, Mrs. Agnes Wlcox and Mrs. Clyde Denney of Portland, Mrs. Clell Rea of Stanfield and Mrs. Fred Mankin of Lexington. Bridge, Pinochle and Chinese checkers were played. Winning prizes were: Bridge, Mrs. Ralph Coats, high; Mrs. E. R. Lundell, second high and Mrs. Echo Palm ateer, low; Mrs. Clyde Denney. jack high pinochle, Mrs. Sam Mc Millan, high, Mrs. G. Hermann, second high; Mrs. Francis Ely, low; Mrs. McMillan, 300 pinochle. Mrs. Francis Ely received the nm.iuiiiH pimn JiLjji '"Willi Mmy .,WIMW..-.-'--, j mm,.irmr-w-. ' " ""- door prize and Mrs. Oscar Lun dell the prize for the best 11m-1 erirk. Mrs. Algott Lundell and' Mrs. Carl Henderson received prizes on Chinese checkers. LEGION AUXILIARY INSTALLS The following officers were in stalled at an Auxiliary meeting Tuesday evening, Sept. 20: Presi dent, Mrs. Walter Corley; first vice president, Mrs. Robert De Spain; second vice president, Mrs. Ernest MeCabe; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Thome; chaplain, Mrs. Larry Fletcher; historian, Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mrs. Victor Rietmann was installing officer and Mrs. Cleo Drake the sergeant-at-arms. Each officer was pre sented with a corsage. Reports on the conventon at Salem were given by Mrs. Echo Palmateer and Mrs. Cecil Thome. Mrs. Corley read a list of articles that were needed in the veterans hosptal in Portland, among them ditty bags which will be made at the afternoon meetings. The Le gion and auxiliary will have a dinner Thursday evening Sept. 29. After the business meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Sam Esteb, Mrs. Ed Buschke and Mrs. Larrv Fletcher. DATES TO REMEMBER: Sept. 30, football game here. Oct. 2, promotion and rally day at the Cooperative Sunday school and world communion. Oct. 4, Auxiliary meeting in afternoon, Legion meeting in evening. Oct. 6, Extension unit meeting at Con gregational church all day meeting, sack lunch at noon. Book donors to the library the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Ver ner Troedson, the state library. Monmouth library. Creston Black is spending a couple of weeks at Aloha. John Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, arrived home Monday mornng from Ja pan where he spent three years in the army. He was supply serg eant. He received his discharge. Mrs. Dale Ray and daughter, Gladys Bershers are visting at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Lester Goodrich of Husum, Wash. Ten ladies from here attended the better dress workshop prelim inary meeting in Heppner Friday. The first workshop meeting will be here October 13. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley were The Dalles visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingles and A. A. McCabe of Adams visit ed relatives here Sunday. Delbert Emert is in California with Mrs. Emert and daughter Mary. Mrs. Phil Griffin visited her son Stanley Cox at the St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton Monday He is improving after being in jured in a wTeck near Heppner September 18. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom were Portland visitors last week. Mrs. Harold Martin underwent a noperation on her throat Fri day of last week at the St. Mary's hosptal in Walla Walla. lone beat Lexington in a foot ball game here Friday, 45 to 0. Henry Peterson is having some roofing and siding done on his farm buildings. Mrs. Hazel Beers of Eagle Creek is visiting her sister, Mrs. Echo Palmateer and is also doing some papering in lone. Mrs. Verda Ritchie has been visiting at the home of her bro ther. Phil Griffin the past few weeks. Mrs. Mary Norrls of Portland visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Clark, last week. Alfred Rivers, a former resident of lone, visited here last week. The Earl McKinneys are hav ing some remodeling done at their home on Rhea creek. Mrs. Agnes Wilcox and Mrs. Clyde Denney of Portland return ed from a trip to Sand Pont, Ida. where they visited a sister of Mrs. Wilcox. They stopped in lone for the week-end. Mrs. Helen Kyle of Preston, Minn, is visiting at the Ida Cole man home. She and Mrs. Coleman and daughter Annabelle, and Mrs. Delia Corson spent Sunday at Pasco. Mrs. George Campbell of Con nell, Wash, visited her .daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Howton, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend and lamily of Hermiston and Mr. and Mrs. Hershall Townsend and family attended the wedding of Mrs. Myrtle Townsend and Will iam Campbell at the Seventh Day Adventist church in Portland September 17. Rev. Gordon of Salem officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will live in Salem. She is the mother of the Townsend boys. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer entertained at a pinochle party Saturday evening in honor of Miss Gladys Bershers of Los An geles. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow. Those winning high prize were Mrs. Francis Ely, Paul Pettyjohn and Miss Bersh ers. A surprise party was held at the John Eubanks home Saturday evening in honor of their anni versary. About 16 attended. Re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Verner Troedson attended the Kilkenny-Lawrence wedding at Pendleton Saturday. Roland Bergstrom is attending Pacific university at Forest Grove, Continued on page Six "Private Investing Like This is Essential to Development in the Northwest." W. S. BOLGEH Pmultnt, Yakima Ckambtr tf Ctmmm Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 112 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" NEW SUBSTATIONS ort being built all over the Pacific Power & Light system. They art needed to cart for tremendous population growth in Oregon and Washington. Average cost of each installation likt this is approximately $200,000. Since V-J Day, Pacific Power Si light has spent more than $25,000,000 on new construction. These are development dollars tax-paying, job-making dollars invested here in the great Northwest to help meet your electrical needs. The power requirements of a fast-growing region demand l steady flow of these development dollars into the Pacific Northwest. That is why all of us want investors to look on this region as a land of opportunity, and of fair reward. The investor whose dollars help extend and improve your low-cost electric service, while sharing your tax burden, is truly a Partner in Progress! Pacific Power & Light A progressive power syifem business managed The new FORDFEEi; at its finest Don't Wait Until Our Community Is Attacked by f l 4 in m -iTi itniiir : 27u ii the girl to call or tee when you want a telephone moved, a directory listing-have any service questions. Meet a girl who knows the answers 'rx j& 4 KxS? vU L$T J ssitxtMJW--- mmmtt Mt-. ."Mii.U. mmjattuM S 1. She's a "Service Representative" . . . Tour personal representative in your telephone business Oflice. livery one of our millions of cus tomers in the Viest is served by a particular young lady. In die files of your ow n "Service Rep" are facts about your service. With this finger-tip in formation, she can answ c-r questions promptly . . . nd help us meet your needs. 3. It has taken many, many people... scien tists, manufacturer, linemen, operators, Service Representatives, repairmen ... to build your tele phone into the valuable sen ant it is today. And they're working to make it still more valuable ... to keep your telephone a real bargain today. And it is. After all, s few pennies still buy i call 2. Her training is the kind that never really stops. For a . Service Representative must know the ins and outs of the telephone business to serve you best when you are changing your address, when you need information about a bill, when you have a complaint. You can be sure she will always use her ability and training to help you get the greatest value from your service. The PaCifl'C Telephone ) and Telegraph Company i.KjtxSsrij Your telephone is on of today's best bargains Insurt Now be certain that when DREAD DI5EP.SE strikei. the heavy expense of treatment ii covered by our Insurance. Ptfyi up to $5,000.00 Each Person Covers POLIO SPINAL MENINGITIS DIPHTHERIA SCARLET FEVER SMALLPOX LEUKEMIA ENCEPHALITIS TETANUS Payt for HoipJtoJ Simci ftoom, Board, fltlend-jBtt, Apparatus, Medical 8rric Doctor (M D. or Oeteopath) Hurting Srric Bgletrd Gradum Nurse, 3 a day at 110.00 per day each, fimbulance Serrtee 125.00 each Hoe pi til Confinement. Iron Lung Or imiiar mechanical apparatus. Blood Tranifuiloas- All utual and customary charges. Drags and Medicines Pays all Drug and Medicine Bill. Transport a Hon flutomcbiJe, Railrocd or Aircraft to Hos pital' Patient and Attendant. Special Plane when necessary. Braces and Crutches As needed. WrlttM In II. lift MIMMI tttAMJ CmIUI me Sere let Onr 12,000.000 00 flNNUfll !L FOR ONE PREMIUM JpO PERSON C 1 ft F0R R N I v FAMILY GROUP oHelee written In Sin Fronrtco nrA losMfl paid by Cravens, Dargan 6 Com pany, Insurance Managers for Nearly SO Mors Protection tt Rtaumablt Price C. A. Ruggles Pbons 7U Hppnf Ortjoo The new "feel" that's making Ford history ... the "feel" of that lower, level "Mid Ship" Ride on new "Hydra-Coil" and "Para-Flex" Springs ... the "feel" of 100 "home" V-8 power and 95 "horse" Six power . . . the "feel" of 35 easier-acting "Magic Action" Brakes ... all these are even finer with Ford's automatic. Overdrive. '" iV" !SiivS I jiVtFI r " i lift I f, "'"" mmmtm ml i h .ivm, iv'i"Al -SzZ-lWAif'K 7 1 fi3r- - i i . it y ijsin'y. to In Overdrive your engine speed drops 307r. Yet your road speed remains unchanged. Your car's doing 60 m.p.h., for example, while your engine's doing only 35. 1 et 1 ifllll w7 Ford Overdrive saves up to 15 in gas 15c of every gas dollar of highway driving! This saving, plus extra long engine life, adds up to smooth power that pays its own way. Take the wheel ... try the new Ford "Feel" ... at your Ford Dealer's Overdrive gives your Ford quieter, smoother power than you ever imagined! You feel bright and fresh even after long trips. Try Ford Overdrive at your Ford Dealer's and order your Ford now. 'Overdrive and whltcwall (tret optional at extra coil. ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. BITER FORD'S $100,000 CAR5flrSTY rrir'T FOR ENTRY BLANK