Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 29, 1949 USDA Asks Bell To Head Far East Wheat Mart Study The USDA has ask E. J. Bell, Oregon stale wheat commission administrator, to be the leader in their study of the possibilities of expanding Far Eastern markets for Pacfie Northwest wheat, Jens Terjeson, commission chairman, said Monday. Terjeson said that the USDA has asked Bell to study dietary needs and food supply in Japan India and the Philippines while a USDA chemist probes the milling and baking end. The wheat commission has been working toward a Far East study for a year and-a half and proposed the project to the USDA along with the Oregon Wheat CHARMING... USEFUL VwJ6g?aI,,E ,ni1 cake W It f IM VI . I ,.'!! I ? ' -'".v.,h..,h.,i 'f ff l ' ' "Jl'I'ThoMcMduliell li ,.. i . , ... a i-rviccable gift of courts ... but one to be ,(irW Hp'-1'1 used villi glowing pride, I .i ii.f i,1 1 i, i. lu-.i.ujid l.fraue ii'i part I '' "7 of bet home. Couic in, lelert r,..;.iHri.b I , one of lhe.e bandome, n.cful ":;Fr."D 1 , : ClMnTiLkT ; ;t ! v Gcirham pattern ... and gu fter PIE and CAKE ; 0 Iruy lluilling gi'lf Slf no" ' V f 8 V ; X,f Nnic available in many ISC. FED. TAX It ji. ' j,f' Gotham Sterling pallernsl yf4 Pi W Growers' League. Washington slate's department of agriculture will send Archie Camp, La Crosse wheat furmer and president of the North Pacific Grain Growers, Inc. Bell and Camp will meet with northwest millers and grain ex porters at Portland Monday to get suggestions and arrange for contacts with overseas represent atives of Amercian firms. If arrangments can be made, Bell and Camp will go to Washington state department, millers and ex porters. The commission has an economist in Washington gather ing information and statistics in market outlets in the Orient to help the study. "By sending these men over seas," said Terjeson, "they wil give us accurate, first . hand in lormation on the best way to es tablish a permanent market for the suplus of wheat in the Unted States. Our own region produces 100 million bushles of wheat an nually of which 65 million bush els must be sold outside the Paci fic northwest. We hope they will give us definite suggestions on just what growers, millers and exporters can do to maintain the largest possible outlets over the next 10 to 25 years. 'The project may take several years and if a preliminary shows ihat wheat would be beneficial the United States may send 'food missionaries' to the Far Eastern people to show them how to pre pare wheat products to suit their tasles and methods of cooking. Far Eastern people are getting wheat now. They need wheat because their population -is in creasing under insufficient sup plies of rice. We hope the project will answer these questions What kinds of wheat and flour are the best for the people' What's the most acceptable form of gettng it to them? What else can we do to gel the Far East ern people to buy our wheat and flower over a period of years? a large group ol candidates from this area are expected to make up the total of 125 initiates Into into the mysteries of the eastern rites. The ceremonial will open vith a business meeting at 11 o'clock in the Sacajawea hotel for the i election of candidates. A Shrine parade, with floats and entries from participating communities will start at 2:30 and the candi- Local Shriners Plan To Attend Conclave At La Grande Oct. 1 Shriners of Heppner, under the leadership of Rajah Garnet Barratt of Heppner, are making preparation for a trek to La Gran, de Saturday, October 1, to attend the 1919 Eastern Oregon cere monial of Al Kader Temple of Portland. The ceremonial, under the dir ection of Potentate Earl Riley of Portland, is exeeted to he one of the largest held in Eastern Ore gon. Hundreds of Shiners from all sections of the state will be in attendance to witness the initia tion of an estimated 125 candi dates. More than 200 memhers of Al Kader uniformed bodies will ar rive in La Grande the day of the ceremonial from Portland on a special train which will also bring equipment for the colorful and spectacular event. Rajah Barratt said today that American 1 Custom,., I ' ' .!.,,. T'l i if t I , .. J ,1.1 VP Tr-" Wfff ! Page 3 Boardman Couple Return From Trip to Canada, Midwest By MRS. CLAUD COATS Recent guests at the W. L Blann home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carpenter returned home Saturday evening mittee of Mrs. Leo Potts and Mrs. after a three weeks vacation vis- (Jack Mulligan were happy to re iting relatives in many places. port winning the second prize on They went to Banff, Alberta, Can., 1 the Garden club booth at the motoring on to Grand Forks, S. D., North Morrow county fair. Warren, Minn., and to Florence. ; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rippee mo Kan., where they visited Mr. Car-'tored to Condon Sunday where penter's brothers, Ray and Mr. ( they were the guests of their son end Mr. and Mrs. Lew Carpenter. ; and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar The Lew Carpenters are the par- ( Rippee. ents of Delbert Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs re- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root and Mrs. turned home Sunday after a week Eva Warner motored to Athena vacation on the coast and othpr ton, spen the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Staubaugh and sons of Rugby, N. D., were overnight guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brown. Mrs. Stau baugh is a niece of Mr. Brown. The Boardman Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Leo Root I Monday afternoon, with Mrs. Zearl Gillespie and Mrs. Ralph Earwood entertaining. Article on I spring flowering bulbs was given oy Mrs. Root. The special com . . Buying Hardware and Farm Needs at your Hardware Store hai been the American way tince befor yoar grandfather's day for good rea tons: Yod deal with individuals who have been your neighbors for years . . . who have grown up in your community ...who know your needs In selecting merchandise for you . , . who give the right balance between quality and price la the tools, equipment, supplies and household items that have real work to do for yoa . . . The hardware retailer who serves you today is in many cases the grandson of the hardware man your grandfaiher knew and trusted It's good business to buy at the hardware store. It's practical and It assures satisfaction. TWi ft tht Sign of 9 none) Service dtiproyW In tforai of thouiarxf of Acftptndent hardware rtloJIerf IfcroMQfiov) the noHon. tl Ii o lymboi f frJoftdfy lerWce in keeping your eedi twppRvd. Of AT 7 HI ITOII OfS'lAriNO IHII IMI1FM Heppner Hardware and Electric Co. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING and PAPER HANGING Guaranteed Work 14 Years Experience E. Crumpacker Fhone 28C2 : Hermiston Sunday where they were dinner guests of Root's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macom ber and son Lee of Arlington mo tored to Prosser Sunday and were guests of the boys' father and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ma comber. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lilly and family of Rieth spent the week end with friends, also attending the grange harvest festival Sat urday, Mr. Lilly being the auc tioneer for the evening. Ralph Smith who is attending St. Joseph's Academy in Pendle- points of interest Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blann were Mr. and Mrs. Claud Clarke of Her miston, also Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marvel and son David of Bickle ton, Wash. Marvel is Mrs. Blann's son. IF YOU are planning on buying a new car or truck Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. FOR SALE City Property ore are on Several houses in Heppner. These good homes-one almost new and priced to sell. One of the best homes in Lexing ton; newly decorated, 5 lots irri gated, fruit and chicken house. Also smaller house with two wells property, with a few acres of land, barn, chicken house and garage. Inquire HARRY DUVALL Broker HARRY DINGES Salesman dates will be marched to the La Grande high school gym, where the ceremonial will start at 3 'clock. At 6:30 o'clock the groups will disband for dinner at the Mason ic Temple and Orella's Gardens, meeting again for the continua tion of the ceremonial at 8 p. m. NOTICE! WHEAT FARMERS! We have a new spray outfit for spraying weeds. We have been told it sells for around S200. First $100 Takes it! Hodge Chevrolet Co. Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. Pand N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. e Go Anywhere Easier dish washing... jou II find the secret In petroleum It may seem like a long trip to your dish pan, but a good share of the "soapless soaps" you use started deep in the earth in an oil well. These new cleaners, called detergents, actually make water "wetter"... attract dirt and grease almost like a magnet. They make dishes sparkle, work well with nil fabrics in hard or soft water, clean cars, and they have many other home and industrial uses. The practical means of making deter gents from oil came out of Standard of California research ... by risking substan tial sums for experimentation and develop. ment. The results: new products to make your work easier, new manufacturing and selling jobs, a company better able to serve you and all the West. If SrA"DARD 0,1 COMPANyl l 0F CAlFORNA I Painting : Kalsomining 205 N. W. ToSpain Avenue !.. i Paper Hanging : Spray Painting Phone 219 Telephone Us Collect MYERS PAINT SHOP Pendleton, Oregon :. From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh fes'c A Big Boost For Smitty! Stopped Into Smith's IVpart mpnt Store the other noon mid saw the Ftrnnffost thing. "Sis" Davis ns eoming up the stairs from the basement with a bundle of ash. "Is Smitty taldnjr in washing those days?" I asl;od. "Not quite," she says. "He's just r"t in a new automatic washing machine, so the girls who work hove can pet their laundry done while they're eating luneh. Means more time to relax at night and on weekends." I thought whnt a swell boss Smitty must be. Human relations between the boss and employees have certainly taken a big step forward during my lifetime. From where I sit, people seem to he doing a belter job of seeing cur neighbor's viewpoint these days. Though his ideas and tastes may not ho ours, we can under stand his preference for n certain breakfast cereal, a favorite movie star, or for a temperate glass of beer or ale. That's the way it should be in n free country. a lout, Peace 0 Mind . . . When you bring your prescrip tions to us you are assured that high test drugs alone are used to fill vour doctor's orders. Speed, skill and accuracy transform his prescription into the medications required for a quick recovery, in our prescription department. Rely on your doctor's diagnosis and prescription . . . Rely upon us to fill that prescription accurately. Saager's Pharmacy ATTENTION HUNTERS! Open At 3 a. m. Beginning Saturday, October 1, for your conven ience we will open at 3:00 a. m. and continue to do so during the hunting season. -: Easters Grill :-: i lave your kitchen plans don't to wait for a budget . . . s Let Case Furniture Co show you wty this new tt'oniag range is such o wonderful buy at only 169.95 You're rt in wanting to cook the electric way. It's so clean ... so fast. Now your plans don't have to give in to a budget any longer. Montag's new full-size economy range is the finest value we have been able to offer in a long, long while. HAVE BEAUTY ON YOUR BUDGET. See the smart styling. Look at the smooth, one piece porcelain enamel top . . , it's stainproof. No dirt-catching corners or crevices. Your Montag stays beautiful . . . saves you time and work. "T-K" UNITS COOK FAST ... ARE EASIEST TO CLEAN. These new cooking elements are proof enough you sacrifice no quality. You see them only on the best ranges. Five speeds on each unit. Swing mounted . . . with stainless steel drip pans. EVERYTHING BIG BUT THE PRICE. Big oven . . . no-tilt racks . . . Fiberglas insulation. B'g storage space. Big value ... we know you'll agree. Come in right away and finj out how easily you can have the modern, electric cooking you want. . . . $19?. 7J CASE FURNITURE COMPANY MttfeNut Montag Wca&