Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 15, 1949 Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. PandN. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. F! owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP IONE NEWS . . . Mrs. Stewart roeeived word from !ur daughter. Mrs. Franklin Lincistrom. that they were in Bos ton. Mass. and were on their way to Washington, D. C. and would soon be headed for home. A. 0. Swanson purchased Ingrid Hermann's 4-H club calf at the Morrow county fair Friday. Rev. Paul la ies of fort land, superintendent of the Oregon Conference of Congregational churches, and another minister who is of the mission board trim New York called on Rev. Alfred Shirley Monday. lhose from here attending the i P-TA school of instruction in Heppner Monday were Mrs. Omar Faelmann, Mrs. Francis t-ly and Mrs. Victor Rietmann. A movie will be shown Wed nesday evening, September 21 either on the athletic field or la the school gvmnasium. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks and children from Arlington were visitors at the Ernest McCabe Walter Corley is home from the veterans hospital in Portland. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING and TAPER HANGING Guaranteed Work 14 Years Experience E. Crumpacker Phone 2SS2 : Hermiston home Senday. Mrs. Gordon White and child-1 ren, Mrs. Pete Cannon and Miss Earlene Morgan went to Portland Monday for a few davs. j Mr. and Mrs. T. N. White and Mrs. Imogene Mooney visited at Prosser over the week-end. I E. S. Stultz of Portland arrived in Ioie Sunday evening. He is history and mathematics instruc tor in the high school, lie spent most of the summer at Salem1 where he is a manager of the state fair grounds. Miss Pauline Rankin of Tracy, Iowa arrived here Friday of last week. She is the first grade teacher and will live at the Oscar Lumteit nome. Teachers institute will be held September 19-20 at La Grande. Harry Yarnell will start build ing his house on Second street soon. Carl Cropp and family have moved to their new home in the lower part of town. Among those attending the state fair from here were Mrs. Mary Swanson and grandchildren ! Denny and Jean Anne Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Fitzpatrick, James Barnett, Hilmuth Hermann. Ar thur Warren. i Hilmuth Hermann is leaving ; :"r t.i;i"no K. attend the univer sity and Fayne Ely will attend Oregon State college, i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason are visiting here from Oak Grove. They are very much pleased with their new home. John Madden and Mrs. Alta Sharp of Condon were guests of her sister, Mrs. Ethel Stevvait, over the week-end. w ,, M MOM r OS " IM riL to, LI M'T'T 1 If ' r.VI J l'l I I I I I M fl n Ml LM 1 ;; i A A St EJAYFL0WER (gSnedldoir (Slhieese Here is cheese at its best. The same natural Mayflower Cheddar Cheese formerly sold in the wheel now cut, trimmed and wrap ped for your convenience. Rich, fully aged flavor perfect for sandwiches, snacks, sal ads or cooking. Sold in half-, one-, two- and five-pound wraps. don't forget Mayflower Cottage Cheese in Country or Croam styltt Pint and Half Pint AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Ely spent Labor Day in Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lun dell returned home Tuesday of last week from Canada wheie they visited at Victoria, Vancou ver and other places. The lone city council met Tues day evening of last week. It was decided to patch up the holes in the streets, clean up the debris from the fire and to shut off the water where anyone is two or more months in arrears. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell and daughter Sharon were recent visitors in Portland and the coast. Mrs. Florence Swenson of Port land spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Delia Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Len Oilman and children of El Cajon. Calif, are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan MeCurdy Sr. She is the granddaughter of Mrti. Ella Dav idson. He is with the border pa trol. Sue, daughter of Mrs. Ida Cole man, received cuts on her legs when she got tangled up in some barbed wire while horseback rid ing Friday. She was taken to a physician for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer returned home Tuesday of last week from a trip through Oregon and California. They v. eat as a.r south as Tijuana. Mevico; stop ped at San Diego. Los Angeles, anil Alhamina. where they visited her brother-in-law ;.m! s.ster, Mr. and Mr:;. James Welte.s. The;, visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Straet in Oakland, and his aunt and uncle. Mr. h ml Mrs. Hugh Oithe-.is in Berkeley. Mrs. Oil hens was con valescing from a broken leg sus tained by a fall from a ladder. They stopped at Crater Lake on .v:r v.a i:ome. Mrs. Ida Coleman and daugh fr Joan left for Portland Sunday morning. Joan will enter Grant high school there. Milton Morgan and Noel Dob yns flew to Idaho Sunday to do some fishing. Farmers Inquire about our special blanket liability policy. Complete liability and medical coverage on all operations veh 1 c 1 e s , equipment and livestock included. Turner, Van Marrer and Company Phone 152 Heppner Oregon Flatr's Transrcr and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 2G3S 114 E. 2nd St. Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anvwhere.Anvtime" FEEDERS At the site of the burned elevator at Heppner we have for sale WHILE IT LASTS CLOCK SALT lc Pound BROKEN SALT BLOCKS Vic Pound REG. PULVERIZED SALT Vic Pound MINERAL BLOCKS 1c Pound WHEAT From $20 to $50 ton Wheat Screenings (chicken or hog feed) '$5.00 Ton Ask for Mr. Goodwin in addition to Coleman Heaters We Have DUO THERM HEATERS EASY HEAT HEATERS and other oil-burning heaters Remember-Your old wood burning heater is worth up to $40.00 trade in on some models. Case Furniture Co.